HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-09-25, Page 83 SEASON Topcoats for men . Just the right weight for fall. — Zip in the pure wool tartan; lining to wear all winter. -- Zip it oyt again. in the spring - - - Made of pure wool English Gabardines and covert rothes in smart fall shades of blue -grey, grey and dark fawn Tailored for regular or tall men in sizes 35 to 46 4.50 and 55.00 Ready - to - Wear Suits In New Fall Tones New fine weaves in piok and picks and shark skins, -- New feature pin stripes and always popular gabardines. Choose your new fall suit from this big showing— All styles= -for shorts, regulars and tails 49.50 to 595O Sanforized roa cloth Shirts FUSED COLLAR STYLE White, Blue, beige and grey, fine count, well made Sanforized broadcloth shirts at a price you'll admit is a great big bargain — Sizes 141/2 to 17 only 2.95 art x ros HENSALL Mrs.. Catharine Devlin of London visited during the past week with Mrs. Annie Hudson. Miss Eleanor Cook, nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, spent Monday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rose of Tor- onto were recent visitors with the •- former's aunts, Misses Mary and Agnes :McEwen. Mrs. Wesley Coleman returned NOTICE The Fire Alarm System is out of order until further notice. In case of fire, phone Tele- phone Office TOWN OF SEAFORTH SKAFORT X N +WS CARD O' THANKS 'W( wish to 1ak0.Otto opportunity of thank- Mt, all those who helped at the reselit. fire. Special thanks tothose whohelped iii getting the stools out, also the ilinc'eliiold lire Bri- gade. ELGIN T11031PSON AND SONS. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. E. Jones, Goderich St. E. wishes to'.. express appreciation to all her kind neigh,. bots and friends for the help and Sympathy reee•ived after her dear brother, Hurry. Gat' brook, se .tenthly answered the call "Como .unto me dad rest." Thanks. overtone.. CARD OF THANKS Mos. James Rivers and, fondly desire to thank all those who helped in ,any way dur- ing orIng their recent bereavement, for flowers and cards sent. S eolal thanks to Dr, Brady and nurses of Soatt Memorial Hospital, R. S. Bos, and Rev. Glenn Campbell F'OS • 200 Sussex �a' NewRHALEamp. Pullets, laying. Apply to BOB tiPSHALL, phone 051x14. Sea- ters; central FOR SALE Fess oil heater, medium size, used only' about one month, with new guarantee. Reason- able price: MRS, TOM. HAOKWEL,L, phone 840r2 Seaforth central FOR SALE 200 Red Rock pullets sax months old, ;sed laying• ANDREW E, 05021101, phone 66702 Seaforth FOR SALT 100 New Hampshire pullets, laying,'" 02L months old. Apply to MRS, D. MILLSON, 8330 Seaforth • FOR SALE 12 Leicester ewes and. Leicester YAM. .7071N PEOKITT, Clinton 2171.21 FOR SALE 1 Scotch Shorthorn bull, 16 mbntlls of age, dark roan. 3 registered Leicester ram lambs and 1 yearling. WM, 11. PEPPER, Seaforth 11R#8. Phone Clinton 6151,21 OR Dry mixed wood; alsoSA00LE pullets 7 .months old, laying, Sussex, x Naw Hamp. Apply to LEWIS COYNE, Phone 041•10 Dublin, TO RENT Room for rent—in modern 'home. If noes. wary will give breakfast and dinner at night Apply Seaforth News LOST A strand of white !!carrl bends, either on street a1, at fair grounds, on Friday. Finder• please notify MRS. GEORGE CONNELL, !Shone 44M Seaforth FOR SALE 2'o purebred Shorthorn bulls (dark red) 1 Year old. Apply to EDMUND H. GODICIN,. R12#2, Walton. phone 040r31 Seaforth ATTENTION FARMERS Oldfence wire taken essay. ED McGRATH. Phone Dublin 46r23 collect FOR SALE 011 space heater, Fess make; used very little, reasonably priced for gu'ck sale. Also, flue cards of maple and elm wood.. JAMES ELLIOTT, V, Seaforth home after spending the past two weeks with Mrs. John 'Coleman in London. Mrs. Edna Corbett spent the weekend with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schroeder Mr. and Mrs`, Wm. Cook of Lon- don were recent visitors with Mrs. Inez McEwen. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNaughton, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton attend. ed the wedding of the latter's son Glenn McNaughton and Betty Irene Mandley in Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Win. Otterbein, 55, passed away in Clinton Public Hospital on Monday following a two -weeks ill- ness. She was a native of London, England, and came to Canada after World War II. Prior to her mar- riage she was Miss Esther Johnston. Surviving besides Iver husband is one son, George. Resting at the Bonthron funeral home where ser- vices 'will be held on Wednesday at 2 p.m., conducted by the Rev. C. L, Langford and interment made in Hensall Union Cemetery. BAYFIELD PAVILION • FINAL DANCE OF THE SEASON FRIDAY, SEPT. 26TH Frank Traher and His Orchestra featuring "floppy" Hopkins on vocals Adm, 75c 10.00-1.00 MI] A GOOD TIIS ASSURED ALL NOTICE On hand for immediate delivery New Holland and Papec Forage Harvesters Slightly used John Deere Forage Harvester Slightly used 114assey-Harris Forage Harvester Cockshutt and New Holland Sales and Service w A or oncGav WALTON THU PAY, 6ep0. 25, 1952 B O 1,,r• tuirral MAKE NO MISTAKE iT PAYS TO SHOP IN EGMVI.ONDVILLE FRESH PICNIC HAMS PER POUND 39c Priced To Clear Men`s. Winter Weight Shirts Men's Heavy Overalls All Wool. Socks ' Rubber -Soots Grab Shoes EARLY TELEPHONE ORDERS APPREOIATED GLAIR HANEY FOR' FREE DELIVERY PHONE 72 HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE. Eight more brick !rouse, ecrner of Adams HOUSE in village of Walton, five-roo and James street, all conveniences, Posses- house, rollbrick siding, sun perch, sum slop Nov, 1st. S. W. THOMPSON. Phone kitchen, in good repair. Hydro. Immedia 888x'31 Seaforttr Possession, Apply to Cliff Brown, phone m minim to FOR SALE 18 Tam -York pigs, '1 weeks old, Weaned; priced to sell, Phone 647x3. Roger' Andrews FOR SALE Two geese and a gander, good reli- able geese; also two trees of Spy ap' pies, Mrs. Violet McGill, No, 8 high- way, west of Seaforth Brussels 19r1.2 FOi BALE New five room cot ge with upstairs, built of seasoned lumber: not completed inside. Can be moved to any location,. Apply to DARREL PARIFER, Skaffa,, Ont.. FOR SALE 14 11..p eleetrie motor, eavy duty, new. 1 small cook stove in good shape. Cheap for quick sale. JACK PETHICK, N. Main St. Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOCK, and House. holt! Effects. AttLotLot 09,, Con. l3, Hallett I'D" 1 milewest of ffarlock school, or 0 miles southeast of Blyth, • on Thursday, Oet. 9, at 12 o'clock sharp. HORSES--1matched team of blade metres 0 and 7 years old, 2800 tbs. 1 Peroheron geld. Ing 0 years old; 1 driving mare. 1 yearling filly. HEREFORD CATTLE -16 cows with calves and retired 0 2 -year-old heifers bred; 9 bull calves ranging from 5 to 11 months old. 0 heifer calves. 3-year.old registered Herd sire. A11 cattle aro from registered stock. Poultry -25 hens IMPLEMENTS — Formal' A McCormick Deering tractor in good condition; 2 furrow McCormick Deering plow on rubber; 0 It. McCormick Deering trader disc; 7 -ft. Massey Harris binder, only cut 70 acres (like new) ; Massey Harris mower; McCormick Deering side rake; Massey Harris hay loader; 13 disc grain drill; 1 steel roller; Massey Harris m0pu1•0 spreader, 2 years old ; d Beeson Dia- mond harrows; cultivator, horse disc; walking plow; muffler; turnip drill; farm n'0g011 and box; rubber tired wagon. 16 -ft. hay' ruck; set farm sleighs with fiat rack; tutting box, fanning mil, cream separator, cotter, buggy, 0 iron :kettles; bench vise; extension ladder; 5 11,11. electric motor -with grainy grinder, grain railer, pump jack and motor, 19411 Willys sedan ear. Forks. shovels, chains, tools and other articles. Set back band harness; set double driving harness, horse collars, sot single harness. Household Effects—Newcombe upright piano and bench, living room furniture, dining roam suite, chrome kitchen set, bedroom furn- iture, Finlay kitchen range; Beattie electric washer, dishes. kitchen utensils and numerous other artielos. Terms cash Prop.. Estate late Reece Ferris. HAROLD JACICSON, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney. Clerk. E. S. Knechtel, Executor Solicitor, A. W. Sitters, Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. At Lot 25, Concession 14. Twp. of McKillop, on Highway one mile south of Walton, on 1Vednesday. Oct. 8th, at 1,00 P.M, CATTLE -2 Durham cows freshened 1 month; 1 Durham heifer freshened 1 month. 1 Durham x Holstein cow due in March t 1 Holstein cow due in March; 1 Ayrshire x Hereford mw due in Feb.; 1 Holstein x der- ey cow clue in Feb.; 1 Hereford heifer rising Singer sewing machine, linoleum; Limoges two ; , yearling• steers and 'heifers; 3 spring china, miscellaneous dishes, etc. Crow bar. calves; 3 calves one month old; 1 Hereford shovels, lawn chairs. Numerous other articles. bull rising two (eligible for registration). ems cash MACHINERY•' --1950 Ford Tractor with hy' HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer &tunic plow (like new). 1 114'o -t & Wood r,' h P. Chesney. Clerk mower; 1 M -H hay loader; 1 M -H eleven hoe seed drill; 1 M -H manure spreader; 1 M -H Auction Sale side roke; 4 section dlamoncl harrows; 1 in- thlow halaC disc; 1 set of light sleighs; 4n7 OF IHOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, In the normo Massey Harris areata separator with power of Seaforth on Saturday, Sept. 27, at 1 P.M. attachment; 1 galvanized drum (50 gale.); 1 on North Main street, sugar kettle; 1 wheelbarrow; 1 cutting box; Electric Singer sewing machine, bed, 1 fanning mill; 1 steel tired farm wagon; r springs and dresser. General Electric stove in set of double harness; 1 Jamesway oil brood. perfect condition, Beatty washing machine, e1'; 15 -gal, oil drum ; two -wheel trailer with cherry drop leaf table, 4 chairs, Northern rack;1 CCM man's bicycle; several bunches Electric Frig. used 1 yea•; radio and record of new cedar shingles;'1 electric pail beater: player, 2 single beds and dresser, studio pr. Stewart electric .clippers; 1 gas engine;. couch, occasional chair, gate leg table. tri - 1 block & tackle; 1. post hole digger; 1 set light lamp, coffee table, electric lamps, maga- rope wire stretchers. Sacks, chains, whipple- zine rack i table, stool, 1 speed record play - trees, forks.' shovels, pails and many other e,, Television set. aerial and booster complete articles. --would be installed free of charge in. rioin- Household Effects -1 parlor table; kitchen ity of Seaforth. Clocks, sealers, garden tools, tool cabinet, 1,, h -p motor, saw fi many other articles Terms cash 1) table and chairs; 2 lawn chairs, tables and h -p Leland motor. Plover 31 G. E. Motor MRS. .T. A. MARSHALL, BARRY MAR- table, Terms cash SHALL, ProP. W. MASSEY', Prop. E. P. Chesney, Clerk Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Harold Jackson, Auetioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk. WALTON Shower for Frances McGavin About 30 girl friends of Frances McGa.vin gathered at the home of Margaret Stevens, Walton, on Satur- day evening, Sept:. 20th, to honor her prior to her approaching marriage. The bride was seated in a decorated chair with pink and white streamers. and above her head hung a decorated sprinkling can. The singing of a few well known songs by all brought the evening to au enjoyable opening. Fol- lowing this bingo was played with the following winners, Frances McGavin, Marie Storey, Mrs. C. McGavin, Mrs. W. J. Storey, Norma Leering, Joan Wheatley, Beth Boyd, Isabel Speir. A musical romance contest was conduct- ed with lone Watson being the win- ner. To give the bride-to-be a ltttleidea what lay in store for her on that par- ticular day, a mock wedding was per- formed with &Iona Caldwell, Joyce Glanville. Isabelle McCall, Leona Johnston and Muriel Schade taking part. After the address was read by Margaret Stevens, little Neil McDon- ald wheeled in a decorated buggy which was full of attractive gifts. While the bride was opening her gifts, she was interrupted by the ringing of an alarm clock. As soon as the bride heard the clock she was to take g note f1'on1 the streamers which hung front the watering can and locate her hidden gifts. After the bride had open- ed hes' many lovely gifts, she thanked everyone in a few well chosen words. Following this a delicious lunch was served. KIPPEN The Rev. John Richardson, 71, who died suddenly at Kippen, Sun- day night, was born at Innerkip, and was a graduate of Knox Col- lege, Toronto. He was ordained at Kippen in 1910, and had served as minister of St. Andrew's United Church there for six years. He also held charges at Brigden, London, 012a 1 m e r s, Drumbo, Arkona, Thamesville and Millbank, retiring from the Millbank charge two years ago owing to ill health. Surviving are his widow, :the for- mer' Miss Cameron Bell, of Kippen, one brother, William, Toronto; one sister, Elizabeth, Milwaukee. AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital 13ed Flower's for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 695 W Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SICAFORTR ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect• 0d lit lowest rates in tril'st-Class Companies VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D•'V.M•, V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 HEIFER ESTRAY Heifer came to Lot 22, Gon, 11, Hibbert. Owner pan have same by proving property and Paying 000055es, JACK 7(000ART1 50 chunks, ApplO Rtp L SEI.IE DOLMAGE, Phone 237r13 Seaforth. Clearing Auction Sale FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLE- MENTS, & Household Effects, At Lot 4, Con. 12 FIRS, 3 miles east of Hensall on County Road, on Friday, Oat. 3rd, at 1 p.m. CATTLE -2 Holstein cows. 4 and 5 years. old n whiteface yearling heifers. IMPLEMENTS—Allis. Chalmers 0 Tractor full Incl. p.t., like new. Allis Chalmers plow, hyd. lift for 0 tractor. Scuffle', for 0 11001*t., and puller complete. Cockshutt cultivator Bisset roller; McCormick mower; drag liar- rows; iar-tows; Massey Harris binder, tractor hitch. Walling plow; Massey Harris seed drill;'Mas- sey Harris manure spreader; rubber tired wagon; ant hay mole; Fairbanks morse ham- mer mill, 1 year old; fanning mill with screen motor driven ; set 2000 lb scales; bag truck ; wheel barrow ; set sleighs; trailer complete with stock ruck ; gravel box; 3 milk cans & strainer; 3 milk pails; 3 logging chains, cant hook. 50.. ft belt, like new; 145 ft. hay fork rope; milk pooling tank; 4 steel pig troughs; set double harness; cutter; 4 sling rates; 2 steel troughs; root »inner ; 25 gal. oil drum ; stone boat t )niik sot ; M -H cream separator; range shelter; Mother Nature brooder; 1 feeder; 2 eighbinek`hay rack sills 16 ft, I:mg; 1roll barb wire; grass seed sower;•nulnber of hags .0 sacks; shovels, forks, whippletrees, neckyokes. Quantity Household Effects. FARM -70 acre farm, large bank barn, all cement stabling, drive shed, garage. 2 story brick house, hydro throughout buildings. Farm in good state of eultivotion. Terms, chattels, cash. Property sold subject to reserve bid. 10ri• down, ltslanee in 30 days. ANGUS ROBINSON, Prop. Harold :Dickson, Auetioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk ' Auction Sale Effects of the late A. E. Rudd will be sold by public auction at the home of his son, R. B. Rudd, corner of Goderich and Church streets, Saturday,. Oct 4th, at 1.10 P.M. Dresser and mirror; hospital bed & spring: single bed, inner spring mattress; metal tube bed coil spring; double bed size inner spring mattress; pillows; add eushlons; several tables (3 walnut) ; endtable; plate glass mia for walnut fernery ; pictures, picture frames; rocking chair; kitchen chairs; walnut side chair lamps, assorted; dressing tableand bench; bedroom chair; Thistle baby stroller (gray) ; kitchen stool ; ironing board ; wash board, sten ladder, coal stove. electric store, nearly new; Baby Astral refrigerator, nearly new 1 ice refrigerator (good) ; Westinghouse roaster oven ; drophead sewing machine and WINTH ROP Helping Hand Mission Band of Cavan Church will meet on, Satur- day, Sept. 27 at 2 o'clock D.S.T. Roll call will be a verse of scripture. Paul Elliott Someliville, soot of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Somerville; Harvey Earl Bernard, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bernard; Carl William Dal- ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dal- ton were baptized at the morning service in Cavan Church by Rev. H. E. Livingstone. Miss Clalmisa Dodds of Chicago is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Dodds. Mr's. Nichol of Stratford with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Blanshard and Mr. Blanshard. • Funeral was held on Wednesday from St, Andrews United Church, Kippen, to Woodstock cemetery. FOR SALE Watermelons -20c each, 2 for 30c Citrons -10c each, 3 for 25c Carrots ---$1.3(1 a bus. Tulip Bulbs— Still ,have corn tomatoes, musk- melons and cabbages. F. Basil Purcell MARKET ST. PHONE 1Z5VJ ANiNOUNCEMENT Effective immediately a delivery charge of $1.00 per delivery will be charged on all deliveries of stove oil or distillate under 70 gallons. All stove ail or distillate, cash. Signed: ALEX INKLEY RUSSELL GLAZIER W. G. CLARKE C. J. WALDEN DON WALLACE R. R. FARROW JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main 81., Seaforth Hours 9 am - 6 pm, Wed. 9 - 12.30 Sat. 9 am to 9 pm MONSTER BINGO $1600.00 IN CASH PLUS A DRAW FOR A 1952 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN Hensall Arena - Fridayy, Sept. 26 Extra Special $1000.00 3 Specials at $100.00. 15 Games at $20.00. — $1600.00 Sponsored by Hensall Legion and Ladies Auxiliary 468 MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.A. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B,A.,M.D„ Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm to 5 pm, daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday,' Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS Open Daily Phone 363 J T, PRYDE and SON Enquiries Are Invited EXETER CLINTON Phone 41 J Phone 103 The. McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAPOIIT% ONT. Officers President, John L. Malone, Sea - forth; Vieo•Pres., John H. Massing, Blyth; Manager & Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—H. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth i Ohrie Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robt. Archibald, Seaforth; John H. biaEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;William S. Alexander, Walton; Harvey Meller, Goderich. Agents -3. E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. MoKercher, Dublin; William Leiper, Londe*. hero; J. 10. Prueter, Brodhaga'; Selwyn Baker, Brussels. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be prompety^• attended to by applications to any of the , above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. There's a big difference in coal Try blue coal, %ahE.1000. FUEL FOR SOUD-COMFORT,[ and see for yourself Phone 363-J Res. 192-M WILLIS DUNDAS SEAFORTH CAB PHONE 580M 24 Hour Service R. C. WATTERWORTH, Prop. All Passengers Insured COAL THE BEST ON THE MARKET — screened — WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 -- Res. 318 w FOR SALE Madera dwelling. East William St., within one block of Goderich street, new air con- ditioning unit, immediate possession. 2 storey frame dwelling. All modern con- veniences. Centro 11., possession arranged Modern 2 -story dwelling, Snarling St. Well situated. Early possession- arranged. In Egmondville 114 storey dwelling, 3 bed- rooms, double lot with barn, poxsession with- in one month. Brick dwelling, Goderich street, immediate possession Comfortable 0 room dwelling in Winthrop. 1/5 acre of land with small fruits, earl' possession Frame dwelling on Victoria Street withall modern conveniences. Possession arranged. M. A. RIIIID, Seaforth HORSES WANTED Disabled or useful work horses. Apply to W. 0. GOVENLOCK, Dick House, Seaforth RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed rsdlo repairs to all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 347R, Seaforth HOLLAND BULBS FOR SALE We have secured os permit and have im- ported flowering bulbs from the gardens of Jam. Da. Vroomen, - Ltsse, Holland, and are ready to give you the beat bulbs at the right Price. Darin tulips,- King Alfred daffodils and hyacinths, in separate colors. Plant some this fall and have your flower beds greet you with a blase of glory in the spring. BAKER'S GREENHOUSE, Seaforth. Open every evening FOR SALE Property for sale on John street, modern seven room house. Owner leaving town, Write to Boxy 127, Seaforth News, CARETAKER: WANTED Tenders for caretaker for Walton United Ohutch. Applications to state salary and be able to start Oct, tat, Applications to be in by Sept. 3010, BERT JOHNSTON', See. Board of Stew- ards, Brussels R.R. 2 FOR SALE WOOD FOR SALE• Apply Cecil 20007, Phone 25012, Seaforth FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid In plain sealed envelope with price list, 0 samples 26; 24 samples $1.00, Order Dept L'-74, Nov -Rubber Co.,. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. WE HANDLE EXCLUSIVELY Canada Bread also Cakes and Pies Also open Well, afternoons and evenings Collins Service Station No. 8 Highway west of Seaforth