HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-09-18, Page 8lair Week" $pecials ox STEwaRT BROS. • Men's .Botany Wool Pullovers THE LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS COLORS, BEIGE - AQUA - MAROON imminummonowimumo Boys' SSuedeclotli Check Shirts REGULAR 2,98 VALUE - SANFQRIZED - FAST COLORS, BRIGHT CHECKS moiamminommensusi Mens' Nylon & Wool Work Sox EXTRA WEAR IN EVERY PAIR SIZES 9 10 - 11 MEN'S Sanforized Broadcloth adcloth S hirts FUSED COLLAR STYLE PLAIN WHITE, BLUE, GREY,4FAWN Boys "Winterized" Jeans Lined throughout with Sanforized Check Pattern Suedecloth - Sizes 6 to 12. yrs. isommeetiffsmsommallill 81x99 Monmouth Cotton Sheets BIG SIZE, NEAT SEWN HEMS REGULAR VALUE 8.95 PAIR PAIR EBINESIBIBIBIIIIMINMEMENSEKI 20x40 American Cannon Towels Standard value 1.50, Yellow, Rose, Green & Blue Cheeks..- Bargain at EACH Heavy Esmond Blankets AWAY BELOW REGULAR PRICE. BLUE, GREEN, EACH ROSE & YELLOW CHECKS Plain Shade Cannon Towels YELLOW, GREEN, ROSE & BLUE. WE WON'T BE UNDERSOLD. SEE THIS BARGAIN TOWEL AT misionssimmesoggimmis Nylon & Wool Yarns 10 0000 COLORS - BOTANY WOOL NYLON RE- INFORCED KNITTING YARNS. Very Special Value 4.79 2.39 98c 2.95 3.75 5.951 98c 4.98 59c EACH 2 BALL VISIT OUR BOOTH AT THE FAIR Our store closed Fair Day — From 1.30 to 4 P.M. Istletruivimmoutown You Get The Biggest Bargains At Stewart Bros. HENSALL Mrs. Nancy Koehler and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Koehler • of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of the fornmer's son. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Koehler and attended the Koehler— Campbell wedding reception on Sat- urday. Miss Shirley Chapman, nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, spent the weekend with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chap- man. CAHIWAtI: ;i NATIOHAl U`^ (� GIVE E �II.I.W � � WW�✓w l(J a emadAavt, (\O1W1 Canadian National now offers an attractive Gift Certificate covering Train Travel anywhere ...to any rail destination ... for any amount you wish ... on sale at all Canadian National ticket offices. Easy to buy, easy to use. A gift that's sure to please. Any Canadion National Ticket Agent will gladly give you full particulars. CANADIAN NATIONAL THE ONLY. RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES ,E174.7,02k ,02ka 3. var°F'c>'s' 'w.'�`r."�it MVO THE SHAFORTH NEWS Mrs, 14etitta Sangster, who has wen seriously i11 in Victoria !los dtal, London, is improving. Mrs. John 13. Fox and family re- urned home after visiting relatives at Hamilton. The September meeting of the Arnold Circle Evening AuxilierY was held in the schoolroom of Car- inel Presbyterian Church on Mon- day wilt Mrs. C. Forrest presiding, Mrs. A. W. Kerslake read the scrip- ture lesson after which Mrs. harry' Hoy led in prayer. 1Vlrs. C. Kennedy had charge of the topic on Foreign Missions, Arrangements were made for the annual thankoffering sup- per meeting to be held in October. Coleman—Faber The home of 1VIr. and Mrs. Roous Faber, Kippen, lovely with stand- ards of autumn flowers was the scene of the wedding of their clang?, liter' Audrey Marie to Emerson Ras - sell Coleman, son of Mr. and Mrs, The Russell Coleman, Seaforth. IZ Il Ccle e Rev, Joint B. Fox of Carmel Presby- terian Church, Hensall, performed the ceremony. Miss Helen Love -played tl'aditional wedding music. The bride chose a gown 'of white net over satin fashioned with fitted lace bodice and net yoke trimmed with seed pearls and finger-tip v eit of French Illusion. ;Her (bridal bou- quet was red roses. Miss Leola Tay- lor of Brucefield attended the '?ride, gowned in yellow net over taffetta, and carried a bouquet of yellow roses. Ross Faber of Kippen was best man. Following the reception at the home of the bride's parents, the couple left for a wedding trip to United States and Niagara Falls, The bride travelled in a navy blue suit with red accessories. They will reside on the groom's farm near ,Seaforth. Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie returned home after a month's motor trip to Western Canada. SRODHAGEN On Friday evening about sixty neighbours, relatives and friends gathered at 'the !lone of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman in honor 'of Mrs. Beuermann's father, Mr. Gott- lieb Mueller, who celebrated, 90th birthday that clay. The Brod- hagen Band marched to the home in a body and played, many musical selections on the lawn, and also pre- sented him with a gift, and he re- ceived many other gifts and cards, also a telegram from a relative in Germany. A singsong was enjoyed and a dainty lunch was served in- cluding birthday cake. Those pre- sent were from Mitchell, Walton, Brodhagen and district. CO-OPERATION CUTS FIRE COSTS, ARTICLE SAYS The magazine, "Civic Administra- tion" contains a review• of the fire- fighting set up in Seaforth area, to show how mutual co-operation is growing between urban centres and surrounding rural municipalities to provide fire protection. "Authorities in the districts be- lieve that in buying new pumpers, and clearly defining rules, for fin- ancial support of fire departments they have found the answer to the long-standing problem of fire - Ifighting equipment •being called upon to serve areas larger than was originally intended", the article states. `Municipalities in four townships surrounding the town were formed into Seaforth Fire Area No, 2 and purchased a pumper which is now housed in the Seaforth fire hall and manned by the town's volunteer brigade. "Cost of the pumper was divided on an area basis. That is, each township paid according to the amount of land in that township which lay within the 100 sq. anile fire area which was mapped out. The result was that McKillop twp. bore 40 percent of the cost, Tucker- smith 25 per cent and Hullett and Hibbert 17% per cent each. "At this point the town cane in- to the picture. It agreed to house, man, service and maintain the truck for a 15 per cent interest in "The Sickle -Seagrave pumper with 500 -gallon tank and mounted on a three -ton GMC chassis was purchased for $17,225. Included in this price was about 1,500 feet of hose (ranging from one inch to 2% inches), ordinary nozzle, fog Nozzle, two extinguishers, and portable pump for refilling the tank. "On stage one, the pump 'builds up sane 150 pounds pressure and is capable of 800 pounds pressure on stage two. The portable pump re- fills the tank at the rate of 80 .gal- Ions galIons a minute. "This equipment is always available for district calls, manned by the ,Seaforth 21 -man volunteer brigade under Chief J. F. Scott. "Only cost to the municipalities, over and above the initial cost of equipment some 85 per cent of which will be offset by government grant, is th•e cost of operation and the fee of $2 an hour for each man .(up to eight men) for the time they spend on a fire call. "There have been several fires where the equipment has proved ef- fective, In one case in particular a straw stack piled against a •barn caught fire. The department got out in time to douse the flames and save the barn from even partial damage." The article also describes the dis- trict fire protection at Wyoming and Ilderton. FOR QUALITY, WITH ECONOMY iT PAYS TO SHOP IN EOMONDVILLE PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS , ... , .. , ...... LB. 490 FRESR WHINERS , , LI3, 350 DELMAR MARGARNONI 2 LI3S, 55c MAPLE LEAF SALMON, 334 OZS, 2 FOR `I70 I- IFINZBABYFOODS ,...,.,.,, ,,.,,., 3 TINS 25c Nylon Hose, pair „ ............................ 1:19 Bath Towels, each , , 39c EARLY TELEPHONE QRDERS APPRECIATED CLAIR HANEY FOR FREE DELIVERY PHONE 72 Auction Sale OF 1I0USEIlOLI] EFFECTS, In the Vill- age at Beet. - th •( !nada . CI n e on We l Y S tt'a of B r ss is 1 P.M. Full line of god pause u {shin s, including Easywashing machine, vacuum cleaner, eliest of drawers, electric rangette, nook stove, Loom furniture, radio 00m- bination, china and garden tools. Terms cash JAS. MCFADZEAN,. Prop, Harold Season ,Auctioneer Auction Sale the town . In h HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, Ole FI of Seaforth on Saturday, Sept. 27, at 1 P.M. on North Main street. Electric Singer sewing machine, bed, springs and dresser. General Electric stove in perfect condition, Beatty washing mttehrn0, cherry drop leaf table, 4 chairs, Northern Electric Frig, used 1 year; radio and record dio cac'ele cisstttoh,ocasinl chair, gate and 1egableri- light lamp, coffee table, electric lamps, mega - sine rank & table, stool, S speed record play- er, Television set, aerial Ind booster complete —would be installed free of charge in vioin- ol-iClocks, 1 tls,t ocabnet, mot. saw garden 1/.1 h -p Leland motor, Plover 14 0.2), motor table, Terms cash W, MASSEY, Prop, Hato1d Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk, FOR SALE 1030 Essex coupe. Apply to MRS. ROBERT STRONG, Egmondville FOR SALE 10 suckers six weeks old. Phone 862x41. ED BOYCE. rr6 Seaforth NOTICE CUSTOM COMBINING CLOVER—$I to 8n according to the crop. Apply to Campbell Eyre,'•phoie 684r18 Hensall T1illRSDAY, SEPT. 15, 1952 BOX nt ral 'rntr AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention. Hospital Lied Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 695 W CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone who helped make our Golden Wed dingAnniversary such a happY event, those who sent flowers, cards and glftsall who helped in my cony. Mc. and Mre, avid Crawford, Brussels. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, Wand Knox wish to thank all those who helped during She fire, and af- terwards, and also far the Fire Brigade& HOLLAND BULBS 0012 SALE We have secured a permit and have im- ported flowering bulbs from the gardens of Jae. De Vroomen, Lisso, Holland, and are ready to give you the beet bulbs at the right Price. Darwin tulips, Icing Alfred daffodils and hyacinths, in separate colors. Plant some Ms fall and have your Hower beds greet Yaa with a blare of glory in the spring, BAFER'S GREENHOUSE, Seaforth. Open every evening FOR SALE. Property for sale on Sohn street, modern seven room house. Owner leaving town. Write to Bolo 127, Seaforth News, FOR SALE 50 Red Ronk pullets, laying, 6 months old. MRS. LORNE DAWSON, phone 841r28 'TO RENT Room for rent, with breakfast if desired. Apply to The Seaforth News FOR SALE 75 pullets, Sussex and Rock cross, 6 months old. Apply to S. S. BARRY, phone 0681;15 FOR SALE Three sows ready to kill to put in locker, Phone 6470. ROGER ANDREWS FOR SALE 6471.3.'ROG 15Tam � ANDREWS weeks old. Phone FOR SALE 100 Sussex and New Hampshire Pullets laying. Apply to MRS. CHARLES W. RILEY. Kinburn BAYFIBLD. PAVILION Every Friday 10.00.1,00 REFRESHMENT, • — Music in a modern way Frank Traher and His Orchestra with former band leader ''Happy" Hopkins on vocals SPACIOUS PARKING Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY • MAIN SI,, S2AFORTB ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in suet -class Companies VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0, TURNI3ULL, D V.MVI., V,S, W. It, BRYANS, D.V M„ V,S, M Main S, t Seaforth Phone 105 ate,® JOHN E. LONGSTAF2 Optometrist Phone 791, Main St.,Seaforth Hours 9 am - 6 pin, Wed, 9 - 12.30 Sat. 9 am to 9 pm There's a big difference in coal Try *@bine coa1 THE 10LIO FUEL FOR. SOLID COMFORT and see for yourself Phone 363-J Res, 192-M WILLIS DUNDAS SEAFQRTH CAB PHONE 58.0 M 24 Hour Service R. C. WATTERWORTH,:'Prop. All Passengers Insured COAL THE BEST ON THE MARKET — screened — WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • - Res. 318 w HORSES WANTED Disabled or useful work horses. Apply to W. C. GOVENLOOK. Dick House, Seaforth RADIO REPAIRS dimaimismunisimuMBIEMMININIIIF Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 347R, Seaforth ANNOUNCEMENT Effective immediately a delivery charge of $1.00 per delivery will be charged on all deliveries of stove' oil or distillate under 70 gallons. All stove oil or distillate, cash. Signed: ALEX INKLEY RUSSELL GLAZIER W. G. CLARKE C. J. WALDEN DON WALLACE R. R. FARROW Exeter Bowling Lanes Phone 499, Exeter If interested in league bowling, or forming your own league Opening for regular bowling SATURDAY, SEPT. 20th We have the world - famous Brunswick Alleys MONSTER BINGO $1600.00 IN CASH PLUS A DRAW FOR A 1952 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN Hensall Arena - Friday, Sept. 26 Extra Special $1000.00 3 Specials at $100.00. 15 Games at $20.00. — $1600.00 Sponsored by Hensall Legion and Ladies Auxiliary 468 INTRODUCING j vvititeurchict •Tradc•rsarkt of Oneida Ltd. EXTRA SPECIAL ! Set of 4 White Orchid Coffee Spoons at 1 n50 (Regular value 3.90) Limit of 2 sets per customer ALI E The latest design in Canada's hest loved sA silvcrplate Come in and see it I SPECIAL INT'IZODUCTORY OFFER! Serace for n in heautrful new Jewellery Gifts Fine China Aristocrat Chest . $79.95 Seaforth FOR SALE WOOD FOR ,SALE. Apply Cecil Loney, Phone 83215, Seaforth NOTICE Economy -washing machine repairs. Phone 851r11 Seaforth FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 25; 24 samples $1.00. Mall- Order Dept, T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE HOUSE -0 room frame house, Goderich St. E., immediate possession, bathroom and litchis. Apply to I. O'Leary, phone 661x22, Seaforth RR4 HONEY FOR SALE Clover honey 20e, light amber 15e. You will only have next week to have Your ova con- tainers filled at the WALLACE ROSS APIARIES • 200 Sussex -Ramp FOpullets six months old, laying. DON DENNIS, Walton. Phone 542r11 Seaforth FOR SALE Four sows, 'York, first one Inc in 2 weeks, second litters. DON DENNIS, Walton, Phone 54.81•11 Seaforth FOR SALE 9 £t. refrigerator In Al condition, Apply to The News office CARETAKER WANTED Tenders for caretaker for Walton United Church. Applications to state salary and be able to start Oct. 1st. Applications to be in by Sept. 300. BERT TOHNSTON, Sec. Board of Stew- ards, Brussels R.R. 2 FOR SALE Six Durham heifers in calf, weigh- ing 900-1000 lbs., clue in October. Fergus Kelly, Dublin FOR SALE Well grown, range reared, Red x Rock pullets, are now available at an attractive price. Scott Poultry Farms, Phone 853, Seaforth CUSTOM COMBINING • Custom combining for clover and seeds. Phone 841r31 Seaforth. Clar- ence Montgomery NOTICE TO THE RATEPAYERS OF HAY AND STANLEY TOWNSHIPS Owing to the fact that the Municipal Council of the Village of Hensall ares given the Municipal Councils of Hay and. Stanley Townships ample time to come to an agree- ment over the matter of FIRE PROTECTION, and have been unable to got any satisfaction as regards the same from either of the Mu- nicipal Councils. Therefore after October tat, 1052, no FIRE calls will be answered from either Township by the Hensall Fire Brigade and take notice that both. Councils have been advised of this. Municipal Counci of the Village of Hensall. JAM'LS A. PATERSON, Cleric FOR SALE Modern dwelling, East William St., within one block of Godorichstreet, new air 'con- ditioning unit, immediate possession. 2 storey frame dwelling. All modern con- veniences. Centre et., possession arranged Modern 2 -story dwelling, Snarling St, Well situated. Early possession arranged. In Egmondville fry starer dwelling, 3 bed- rooms, double lot with barn, possession with- in ens month, Brick dwelling, Gederich street, immediate possession Comfortable 6 room dwelling in Winthrop, 1/8 acre of land with small fruits, early poeaession Frame dwelling on Vietorin Street with all modern conveniences. Possession arranged. M. A. REID, Seaforth 6.3r9.116W" TFAD0 MARK PED costs SO little is so easy to serve