HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-09-18, Page 4You can tie
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Willis Shoe Store
The Little Store with the "i3ig Vaihie$"
Over one hundred friends and
relatives attended a reception at the
ford att Brussels, o nt, David
their golden
wedding clay
Mrs. Crawford, formerly Chris-
tens Ann Hardy, beenrne the bride man, •Henry Rytut, Bill Murray, Ali
of Mr. Crawford in Canrlinirtan 50 Malont. Pet pig, Graham Neabel,
years ago. They lived in Nelsen, Goat, Shirley Neabel; goat, Reggie
B.C., and Vancouver for five years Stone.
before returning east to a farm in Barred Rocks, Tom Somerville, Bill
McKillop twp. where they lived for Campbell. Jim Maloney, Fergus Kelly,
over 30 years. Eleven years ago Boyd, Reds.Geraldine
Keelclhee n ohne, diivia
they moved to Brussels.
They are active members of Don MOKe1c her, Ken Rsun. uDionDyn.
Brussels United Chure•h, Moth are 1
over So year:, of noe and enjoy cordon. Gloria Boyd. Bob Bottles, Jim
good health, .\lea,utd-r. ('atht t1nr 11} m Bev 1-lete
ears, der
Thr have one dart bier•, deem. Light hybrid Marion Me-
Davidson, wiu•ton, and Laughlin Heavy hybrid, Leslie c'ump-
two eons. Rae Crawford, Morris. bell. Tl uv Dennis, Loretta Connolly,
• Dorothy 1,ogede•. Ivan Rapiers, Miall"
and Alvin Crawford. at home.
Bolton. L';urr;uus- :\rru'ong. PaulMrs. Pert Hemingway received,
and Sea was pound by Mrs. Wil-- Bottles. Garry Betties, Fratlei8 Hunt.
limn Little and airs, Earl Mills. 001a1,1 Sloan. 1'out Somerville.
Asisting were lbs. Gordon Work- Gr:urr -arts, (01)and killMargaret
.pan, mi . Beth Hoover, eine. ]tato 1{in.m. 31 ,1, t nail tn, C , tldin, Don -
Bold. alts. Ge'.et1"e Dundas, Mrs, ug'_. 11,c1tdrel h tr, Roy 1IeQnaid, Bur-
Alvin Stimere, alis. William Dennis 1„y, Barbara 11o1'd. 1toe \11Qu el l Tofu
Somerville Mary Murray, Stephen
andEthel Dennis ;salon v y b. -ins. ug' 11( - 1ltnray.
The September nrtetin� of the Wheat. Barbara Boyd. Mark Me-
ited Association of 'Walton •1t erre t r Bob i t u le Jean Mt-Laugh,cLaugh•
Unit Church met in the basement no. Edith Boyd, Helen Brazen
with a rood attendance. The press- :
Sheaf reheat. B,ahire. Siemon, Bob
dent, Mrs. Turnbull opened the I3c>ttl„s, B:n9ey sheaf, T,•r•esa Shen.
meetingwith a bible reading follow_ a is herr. Cler:.ihline Dennis, Jim
ed by prayer. The minute of rt sit,,y Beatriee BeanieSiemon, Bob Betties,
last meeting. were react and npprot tluy Cronin. Ken Ryan,
ed. The treasurer's report was thea tallest cern, Vincent Lane. Susan
-read, showing a balance of 173 ' . Encen hNtgcr, Danny Enzensberger,
on ?rand. Several items of business Field beans. Billy llyau. Barbara
were taken up and motions passed.' Boyd. Anne :Maloney. Phyllis \IeNfcol,
The main one was the fowl supper ;tuba Doig';, Sandra Doig. Garden
which is to be hold Friday. October beans Marjorie Boyd, Kenneth lIlur-
34th, The nterting closed with . ray. Mack Stewart. Bob Betties, Ed -
prayer. - ward Campbell.
The W. M. S. held their regular Vegetables --Pumpkins, Sharon By -
meeting in the basement of the crma.u. Anne Maloney, Earl Rota.,
eimi•ch with .lir:. A. Coutts preside! Garry Bottles, Marjorie Smith, Ken-
ing, hymn 12 was sun_. The scrip- ny Davidson. Squash, Rose Mary Mur-
ture lessons were read from John ray, Table cora, Phyllis MuNicol, Elsie
Continued ft•oni Page 1 .
Bev Henderson.
Rahbits, Ken Papple, Fergus Jantzi.
Harold Jantzi, .Shirley Iiosntan, Elsie
Rogele. Jim Maloney. Dog • --- Movie
Boyd, Rasta 11Iary Lama- Roy ;fetter.
4: 12-14 and Rev. 22: 1 2. Mrs. H.
Johnston read a very interesting
poem. Hamm 300 was read in unison.
The secretary and treasurer's re- Rose Eva Buuck, Patricia Welsh,
port was given, An invitation was Mary Roach, Kathleen Doerr, Marg -
accepted to go to Bethel. It was! •;ret Bitten. Potatoes, Rose Mary
moved by airs. McMichael and sec- Lane, Roy McQuaid, Earl Rock, Dor-
onded by Mrs. Turnbull that we ac -1 othy Keys, Marlene Seherbarth, Gres-
cept the invitation. I yiia Chontfeki, Tomatoes, Marjorie
It was moved by Mrs. Kirkby and , Campbell, Marjorie Smith, Patricia
seconded by Mrs. McMichael that 1 Welsh, Edward Campbell, Dianne
Mrs.- Kirkby and Mrs. Smith be del-; Bolton, Betty Murray,. Cucumbers.
Regele, Fergus Kelly, Dorothy Regele,.
Barbara Boyd, Nancy Kelly. Peppers,
Irene Shea, Onions, Barbara Boyd,
egates to the Londesboro Presby-
terial meeting'. The 3th of Morris
with Mrs. Martin presiding with
Mrs. Ken McDonald, Mrs. Bryan, I Karen Kerr, Citron, Andrew Patrick,
Mrs. Bewley, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. l Pauline Malone, Francis Malone, Ger-
McCall took the , story of Africa, ald Sloan. Joan Coyne, James Sloan.
followed by prayer and hymn 239 I Cabbage, Beatrice Siemon, Barbara
was sung, and we closed with the 'Boyd, Cleo Bowman, David Haase.
► Benediction. Shirley Bosnian, Billy Campbell.
Beets, Dorothy Keys, Jane Samer-
villa, Jeanette Benermau, Dorothy
Regele, Mary Murray, Louis O'Rourke.
Mr. and eIrs. Henry Weitersen Carrots, Fergus Ifelly, Eleanor
were Sunday visitors at the home Keys, Rose Mary Ryan, Bobby Doerr,
of his brother. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Margaret Bitten, Raymond Horan.
Wietersen at Tillsonburg, Mangels, Elsie Regele, Jim Malon-
r Mr, Bruce Seebach of Sebring-ey, Made Beuerman, Table turnips,
ville had charge of the service n Elsie Doig, Don Moylan, Rose Mary
Lane, 1Mary Lau Coyne, Jini Maloney,
Bobby Palin.
Field corn, Tom Somerville, Henry
Hunmel, Ken Ryan. Watermelons,
Evangelical Church here on Sunday
and preached a very able and im-
pressive service.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Eckart and
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eckart of
Timmins c'recently visited with Mr.
Doreen Dalton, Field turnips, Clare
Malone, Bill Murphy, Beatrice Sie-
mon, Joe Murphy, Roy McQuaid, Dog-
uthy Regele.
Fruit, canned raspberries, Irene
Shea, Joan Maloney, Roy McQuaid,
muffins, Elsie Doig, Donna Gordon,'
Pall lela ;Walsh, Dorothy Keys, Darl-
ene Robinson Shirley Bost uau. Oat
110)11 cookies, Rose Murray, Margaret
Kerr. Joy Jantzi, Edith Boyd, Grace
Doig, Margaret iI11IeLm. Buns. Fergus'
Kelp Nancy Kelly, School lunch,
Eleanor Keys, s Barbara Boyd. Dorothy
Keys. Beatrice Siemon, Marjorie
Smith ;Eileen Smith. 'rah'ts, Joan Hai -
en, Billy Itytut Marion Hunt, Garry!
Ryan, Dorothy Heys. •Pergtts Kelly,
Light layer calve, Linda Dapple, Joy
Jantzi, Betty Kerr, Marion Hutt,
Margaret Boyd. Angel cake, Marlene
Seherbarth, Beatrice Steman, Darlene
Robinson. Apple pie, Joy Jantzi, Do-
rothy Keys, Nancy Kelly, Clare Mal-
one, Doreen Dalton, Joan Dalton,
Grade 8, 1st Jack Meledy; 2nd
Catherine Moylan; 3rd 114ary Shea;
4th Bobby Walters; 5th Billy Wal-
ters; Oth Alvin Byers,
Grade 7? lst Audrey Godkin;'2nd
Beatrice Siemon; 3rd Marie O'Con-
nor; 4th Mary O'Connor; 5th Roy
McQuaid; Oth Joy Jantzi,
Grade O. let Faye Love; 2nd Hel-
en Walters; Darlene Robinson; 4th
Patricia Welsh; 5th Jean. Byers; 6th
Ken McClure,
Grade 5. 1st Verna Byers; 2nd
Shirley Bosman; 3rd Teresa Melady;
4th Helen Maloney; 5th Wayne Dol -
mage; Pith Beverley Henderson.
Grade 4. 1st Marion McLaughlin;
and Jean Dolmage; 3rd Jean Hilton;
4th Mervin Pepper; 5th Susan En-
zensberger; 6th Georgina Little.
Grade 3, Let Anne Dalton; 2nd
Joyce Lane; 3rd Anne Murray; 4th
Patricia Maloney; 5th Marguerite
Scott; 0th Melvin Walters.
Grade 2. lot Eleanor Keys; 2nd
Jeanette Levinski; 3rd David Haase;
4th Margaret Hillen; 5th Gordon
Byers; Betty Dolmage,
Grade 1. 1st Paul Cronin; 2nd
Dorothy Dalton: 3rd Jean Melady;
•lth Shirley Cuthill: 5th Joan Boyd;
0th Garry Alexander.
Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4. 1st Terry
Ryan; 2nd Susan Enzensberger; 3rd
Henry Hummel; 4th Bert Dennis:
5th Alex Glanville; (ith Jean Dol -
Grades 5, 0, 7, 3, let Bobby.Kerr;
and 3111'lene Seherbarth; 31d 'Jean
Scott, 4th Grazina .Chomiskl; 6111
June Smith; 6th Arnold Campbell,
Maps --Grades 1 and 2, Mci(illop,
Jean Melady, Jim Cronin, Bill Ryan,
Paul Cronin, Dorothy Dalton, Gerd -
don Byers,
Map of Canada, Grades 3 and 4:
(no name), Marjorie Smith, Joan
Lane, Mary Melady, Mervin Walt-
ers, Torry Ryan.
Map of Ontario: Darlene Robin -
$011, Jean Byers, Garry Robinson,
Ji\n Wayne Reg. Dodds, Fergus
Kelly, Helen Walters,
Map of North America: Marlene
Seherbarth, Beatrice Siemon, Mary
Coyne, Dorothy Enzensberger; Jack
Melady, Bobby Walters,
and Mrs. Joe Eckart. Dorothy Keys, Cleo Bowman. Canned
Mr. Wm. Koehler of Stratford, strawberries. Gracie Doig, Reba Doig,
Mr. Stanley Koehler and Miss Ruth ; lllte„ Murray, Bill Ryan, Terry Ryan,
Koehler of Kitchener recently spent, tianev Ke11y. Canned cherries,
a day at the home of Mr, and Mrib Lore!ta Connelly, Helen Connelly, Do -
Wm. Koehler. ' rot.hy Keys. Anne Dalton, Joan Mal -
A pre -nuptial shower for Mi ,,,;,y. Elsie Dnig,
Mary Horan was held at the home of
her parentsGurapee. Mada Beuerman, Pears,
, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus; Ii ny McClure, Joe Murphy, Teresa
Horan on Sunday afternoon. i3 ;),ly. Dan Enzensberger, Ronnie
We are pleased to see Mrs. Chas. ; McClure. Jean Montgomery, Plunis,
Regele able to be out again after' Katbiee,n Doerr. Rose Murray, Mari -
her recent severe .heart attack. erie Smith. Barbara Boyd, Eleanor
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert 1 Keys. Mary Murray. Fall apples, Slab -
were Sunday visitors with air, ard, ley Itoss:an. Garry Betties, Rose Mary
Mrs. Clifford Hoegy in Grey. i ar.e E ,eon Smith, Audrey McNicol,
Friends and neighbors gathered Mere GeAkin. Winter apples, Paul
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Settle-, Roy McQuaid. 11111 Kerr, Shir-
Buuck to honor them on their 26th ley Horao. Le.is Seett, Bili Murphy.
wedding anniversary. Martin Diege gins A: s 1tr„se Eva Buuck,
read the address. They were present- Pau: B,t. Geraldine Dennis, Mary
ed with a magazine stand and erns: Dcr,n it,1, Doerr L,:vuard Millar.
'Tent, and a sewing 'box. Pia r .,f farm. ldarrAy Schwa, Mar-
BUIJCK^HOPIF lene S e berth. Mane O'Connor,
A quiet wedding was solemnized 13 tr. -e Srernr,rr, P,,bby Waiters, 13111
at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Mil- Walters. Fancy work, pot holders.
verton, when Marlene Edna Hopf Marjorie. Smith. Loretta Connelly,
was united in marriage to Mr. Mar- Freda Hunt, Gr. 5 and 6 -Shirley Iso'.
tin Reuben Buuek, The bride is the man, Betty Murray. Made. Beuerman,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Da- Jacqueline Davidson. dear, IltLaugb-
vitt Ho1rf, Milverton, and the bride- lin, Grazijna Cherei kis Gr. 7 and 1,
groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Reu- Marlene Seherbarth, Rose Murray.
ben Buuck, Brodhagen. Rev. M, J. Knitting, Marjorie Cuthill. erazina
Stockman, pastor of St. Peter's, chemical, Rose Murray. Creehetind.
performed the ceremony. For her Grazing chordate, Mar1e e Sc:hsr-
marriage, the bride wore a navy berth, Helen Walters, Marjorie Cut -
blue tissue faille dress, with fitted hill, Rose Murray, Shirley Cuthill,
bodice and crinoline underskirt, Her Sweater knit by teacher, Mies Little
accessories were in navy blue, and Article in felt, Grazina Chornitki,
her corsage was of white roses. Miss Sharon Somerville, Eileen Smith
JoanSchauber was her attendant, Lloyd Glanville, Eleanor Keys. Cross.
wearing a full -skirted dress of cop-. stitch, Jacqueline Davidson, 1tlai'hn
per -toned taffeta, and a corsage of McJaugl111n, MarJori„ 50,1111, Marjorie
yellow roses. The best man was Mr, Chitin;;, Marjorie. Cuthill.. Tea towel,
Gerald Buuck, Brodhagen, a brother Shirley Bosman, Grazina Chornicki,
of the bridegroom. A reception at Catherine Ryan, Darlene Itobinsee,
the home of the 'bride's parents fol- Sandra Doig, Joan Dalton. Pillow
lowed the ceremony. Guests were slipe, Betty Murray, Elaine Beatty,
received by the bride's mather, Darlene Rohiuson, Jacqueline David -
wearing light blue crepe with navy eon, Marjorie Cuthill. Cusliion top,
accessories and a corsage of pink Beet:eve Siemon,
roses, The bridegroam's mother Best dressed doll, Darlene Robinson,
wore navy blue taffeta with match- Grazing Chontielci, Anne Dalton, Mary
ing accessories and a pink rose cor- Melady, Doreen Dalton, Margaret.
sage. For a wedding trip to North- Boyd
ern Ontario, the bride changed to a Baking—Fruit loaf; Nancy Kelly,
-cherry red wool gabardine suit. On White broad, Shirley Bosman, 13111
their return Mr. and Mrs, Buuck
Will live in Milverton.
Every Saturday Night
'Where the Better Bands Play
Harvest Horne Festival will be
eelebratod at St. Peter's Lutheran
Cbureh this Sunday morning Sept.
21, beginning at 10;30 a.m., instead
of 11 o'clock as was previously men-
The Brodhagen Band led the par-
ade at the McKillop School Fair on
ing the afternoon.
Mr, Glenn Beunewies of Windsor
spent the weekend At the home of
his parents Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Ben -
Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Woodward,
Donna and Gaye of Toronto with
Mr, and Mrs, Albert Querengesser.
74lr, and Mrs, John Mueller and
Ruth Ann of Hamilton with her•
parents, Mr. and Mars, Aug. Hi11e-
Mrs. Edwin Eisler of Hamilton
and Mr, and Mrs. Rochel of Kitch-
ener with Mr. and Mrs. John E,
Mr, and. Mrs, Ross IVIeLean of
Seaforth with Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
Mr, and Mrs. John Arbuckle,
Jim, Bill and Bob spent Sunday in
Kitchener with Mr, and Mrs, Donsld
Mr, Donald Ahrens accompanied
friends from Kitchener to Phila-
clelphia for a few days,
Mr. Louie Reek with his daugh-
ter, Mrs,. Harold Grove and Ms,
Grove, Detroit.
Mr. Geo, Nigel accompanied 1\iiss
KathleenSmith and Mr. Irvin
Tuesday and played selections dur- Schwindt to Simcoe on Sunday,
SEPT. 28th, 1952
GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minister
. •£..
10406444 04004441
1120*. 60.410
"0.4 0049011
re r a 644•6040
40.60 6.060.
0141404 "ore
0,0.01 411011410
SEPT. 1 19
$50 in prizes
Display of Fruits and Vegetables
Ladies Work
High School and Public School Exhibits
all open for inspection
The high standards of last year's exhibits
will be surpassed
Admission 25c
Ontario Hereford Assn. Regional Show
School Children's Parade
(Every Heat a Race)
CLASSIFIED PACE — 2:24 - 2:29 Purse $200.00
CLASSIFIED PACE — 2.19 - 2,23 Purse $200.00
Running Races. Pony Races. Catching the
Chicken Contest. Square Dance Contest
Field Crop Competition. Swine Club.
Girls Garden Club. Baby Show.
Ponies to Ride. Grandstand Performance
Clowns. Bands in Attendance
Senator Golding Showmanship Competition Trophy. Savauge
Trophy, hest pair gilt in Swine Clubs, Huron -Perth. Pryoe Trophy,
champion baby beef in'Seaforth Calf Club. Whyte Trophy in High
Schools. Huron Farm Feeds, Public Schools.
Dance Friday Night
Adult Admission 50c Children 25c
School Children in
Murphy, Joe 14Iu'1thY, Fergus Kelly, a
Nancy Kelly, Anne Murray. Bran
Autos 25c
Parade, Free
Grandstand 25c
F. J. SNOW, Sec.-Treas.