HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-07-03, Page 8Save 20% on Men's Summer Suits READY -TQ -WEAR We've picked out a group from our regular stock of fine Summer Suits to clear out at 20% off. They're light shade grey, fawn, and blue grey gabard- ines, pick and pick worsteds and glen checks.. . About 40 in the lot, a few of them are tropical weight that are perfect for the hot days ahead. loco CLEARANCE - - ODD LOTS All are reduced by 2O% to clear Regular 37.50 for Regular 45.00 for Regular 49.50 for Regular 55.00 for 29.50 36.00 39.50 44.00 SEE THESE SALE SUITS IN OUR WINDOWS AT 20% DISCOUNT hem`s Sport Shirts, We've picked out a group of one Y of a kind sport shirts to clear. Some of them sold up to 5.95.— AiI are real value at this sale price THE SEAFORTH NEW MoKILLOP About 25 friends stet on Tuesday evening last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Williamson to honor Niue Walters, bride -elect, The prograln consistedn andcontests. A o of bingo g very appropriate address was read by Miss Marjorie Roe, and Shirley Ilen- derson, Mary Ellen itintoul; Joyce Armstrong, and neer Williamson brought in the gifts in a pretty, 40 - orated basket. Mrs. Geo, Pethick and Miss Delores Dale helped to unwrap lets, after which 153105 expressed her thanks. KIFPEN EAST W, I, The l ippen East W. I. will hold their picnic at the Lions' Park on Tuesday evening, July 8th with sup- per at 6:80. Everyone is welcome. Bring a basket with forks and spoons. tetwart aassamasaaccavammamarmasatenanammooraaa Lake Vi fi ' Casino GRAND BEND DANCING NIGHTLY MUSIC EY BOBBY DOWNS AND HIS ORCHESTRA been appointed Superior General of the Paulist ;Missionary Order in U.S.A. with headquarters at New York, Mrs. May Ryan, Stratford, with Mrs. M, Shulman and Pat Maloney. Miss MonicaRoach, ah and L. Mrs,. ice I � Schmidt, Stratford, with Mrs, Eliza- beth Cronin, Mrs, Joseph Atkinson spent a week in Toronto. .. Rev. H. F. Feeney, C. R. Seollard Hall, North Bay, with his mother, Mrs. Kathleen Feeney, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Giroux, Thor- old, with Mr, and Mrs. Dan Costello, Mrs. Costello accompanied them .in a 'trip to Eastern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Feeney and son, Joseph, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Feeney. Mr, and Mrs. Gus Hicknell and 2 daughters, Breslau, with Mr. and •Mrs. Thos. L. Butters. Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Steinbach and son, London, with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney, The residence of Miss Mary Flan- agan, Main St., Dublin, was pur- chased last week by Mrs. Joseph Murray. The Rt. Rev, Luxton, Bishop of Huron, assisted by Rev. Wim Jones, Seaforth, officiated at a Confirma- tion service held in •St. Mary's Ang- lican Church, Dublin, on Sunday. Those confirmed were: Margaret Darling, Dublin; Charles Dungey, Sandra Dungey, Donald Seoins, Jas. Palin, Frederick Flewitt, Marlene Austin, Sharon Hothatn, all of Sea - forth. Following the service a recep- tion and tea was given by the ladies Of St. Mary's Guild, convened by Mrs. C. R. -Friend and held in the garden of Ml'. and Mrs. A, S. Whet - ham. Refreshments were served. Large numbers from both Seaforth and Dublin congregations attended, Tea was poured by Mrs. George Lux- ton, London, and Mrs: Archibald, Seaforth, assisted by Mrs. Joseph Moore, Mitchell. • DUBLIN St. Patrick's Separate School Promotion Report - Honors 75%; Pass 60%;. recommended 55 to al%, Nantes are i11 order of merit: Grade 8 to Grade 9; Phyllis Butters, hon; Marion Tomlinson, hon; Rose- marie Feeney, lion; Margaret Darling and Kenneth Stapleton (tie), Marie McLaughlin, Grade 7 to Grade 8: Kenneth Feen- ey, Patrick Ryan, Terry Crich, Betty Iiralners tree.), Grade 6 to Grade 7: Donald Klink - hamar Own); Patrick Feeney bon; Neil Stapleton, lion; Rosemary Flan- nery, hon; Glenn Butters, Danny Cos- tello, Genevieve Lovatt. Grade 5 to Grade 6: John Klink - Kamer. hong Theresa Du hirme, Louise Darling,Jerry Kramers (rec.). Grade 4 t8 Grade 5: Marjorie O'- Reilly, -hon; Paul Aslin, Diane Kist - net', Cecelia Feeney and Angelo Du charme (tie), Catherine Feeney. Grade 3 to Grade 4: Billy McLaugh- lin, Gerry Burns and Jackie Costello (tie); Bobby Stapleton, Richard Stap- leton. Grade 2 to Grade 3; Gordon Dantzer and Kenny McLaughlin (tie), Paul Van Altiuo, Louis Kr•ausltopf, Tommy Lovett (rec.), Grade 1 to Grade 2; Joanne Stapleton, Yvonne Ducharme, Betty Ann Butters, Pat- ricia Curtin, Pauline Stapleton, Maryke Van Altiuo. The members of the family of Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher held a reunion at Lion's Park, Seaforth, on Sunday. A picnic supper was served following the various games. The family comprised: Sgt. Frank Os- borne, R.C.A.F., Trenton, Mrs. Os- borne and two children; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meagher and two child- ren, and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Stock and two children; London; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meagher, John Meagh- er, Phonse Meagher and Miss Phone sine Meagher, Dublin. Rev. W. A. Michell, C.S.P. son of the late Dr, and Mrs. Michell, has THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1962 FOR SALE TUI: SI'AVORTI3 NEWS 12 pigs. Apply to JACK RIVERS, North Snowdon Bros., Publishers Mein at., Seaforth Authorized as .Second Class nmol, Post FOR SALE Office Dept„ Ottawa 1 set of new tits 81 *heels for lord tree- weemeeemeeeeeewwweozweeesfowee_.... ....: or, 10.550 new type. (10033 building lot for s4tle, HARVEY Mc1i..WAlla, phone holo 1 FOR SALE I Model 00 A11iaCharmers eonibble 2 Years Ar- old, done only about 200 acres,eo trete Iv� N `1' r �' JOAN W. TIOMPSUN phone 833x31Scufprlh •,firAr �$ awith pstrewspreader ltd enlated bra, �'�w. aa4 FOR SALE AMBULANCE 26 young pigs, well weaned. Apply to WPI,- Prompt and Caref51 Attention LIAM HOEGY, Centro street, Seaforth Foldi5l$Jng play para in eg otic ondition, Phone Hospital Bed _ Flowers for all occasions Box CLOSING FOR HOLIDAYS From July 19th to Aug. 5th Seaforth Beauty Salon Opportunity 3350 MONTHLY SPARE TIME Servicing and collecting money for our lat- est Automatic Vending Machines, dispensing the newest scientific achievement -CHLORO- PHYLL GUM. No selling. To qualify for franchise you must have car and A-1 refer- ences, 3000 to $1200 cash, secured by rights and inventory, devoting 6 hours weekly to the business. Your end of profits will net you upingly. to 8350 monthly with very good possibilities of taking over full time andincome accord - Territories Open In Most Ontario Towns If 5011 can qualifyinclude phone number in application for interview with our factory representative, to AJER VENDORS, Dent. S, 111. Dundas St. West. Toronto 1, Ontario. 141 /tOriUtJAND HER SIX ENVELOPES Nancy no longer uses this old-fashioned system. In fact .. . nowadays her husband calls her a financial whiz, That's because she followed the advice of friends by opening a Current Account at The Commerce. To -day Nancy writes cheques, and keeps track of every penny paid out from the statement given to her by the Bank each month. She started her banking off on the right foot too, by reading, "It's Simple When You Know How". It's the handy purse size booklet giving helpful tips on day to day banking, and prepared especially for women by The Commerce. ''f ,1CJJ�lC F84 W pre A;Meei /lbffJ.� s ry Ask tor your copy at your local branch, or write to Prances Terry, Head Office, The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto. Ia1 it The Canadian Bank of commerce 175.51 4 l QR SALE 8 good started pt's. W. II. PFILE, phone 685x3 18a01011 McKILLOP \Vat. G. Campbell, Seaforth, is in Scott Memorial Hospital as a result of a leg injury on Monday at the farm of his father, Jack Campbell, McKillop, when a hay fork struck him.' The wound did not seem serious, but in- fection set. hi later. FOR SALE Frame house, 0 rooms and. good stable, lo- ailed 1n north end of Seaforth, Property contains four lots, House in good repair. O'er {I{ further particulars pR,Bou0rsSeafortliy PhoneOL5VER 41'2, Executor et Robert Gilbert Wright Estate. FOR SALE A threshing machine, in good running , order, priced reasonable, ,also a few bushels of buckwheat, MARI{ HAMILTON, Walton, Phone 4828, Brussels. FOR SALE Lawn Chairs, See Seaforth Cabinet Shop, Nlel Merriam. Sample • chair on hand. Made on order. FOR SALE 20 acres of good hay, by the ton or acre. HARRY PALIN, Lot 28, Con. 4, Mcliillop. r DANCE Saturday Night Stratford Casino The Year's Dance Sensation HAL WRIGHT and his 11 piece band Make up Your Party Now ONTARIO'S BEAUTY SPOT Y Dance every Wednesday to Paul Cross FOR SALE BY TENDER Lot 16, West side of Centre Street, Village' oo Egmondvtlle, County of Huron, oontaining ore -quarter acro of land more or less, Situate thereon: One brick house, 6 morns, large pantry and store room, pressure system. storey frame barn. Also for sale by tender, SEAFORTH CLINIC 1915 Ford Sedan in running order. Highest or lowest tender not necessarily accepted, Both I B. A, McMaster, B.A. M.D., Internist tenders must be sacompenied with a certified P L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon • cheque for 10 per cent of the tender. Tenders • Office Hours; 1 pm to 6 pm, dairy. to be closed at 52 p.m. July 0th, 1062. Pos- session arranged, For further, particulars except Wednesday and Sunday apply to Alvin W. Sil1ey, Solicitor for Wm, Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Murray. Saturday only, 7-9 pm Auction Sale Appointments made in advance are desirable OF I3ILLSGREEN UNITED CI'IURCH CONTENTS. 314 miles west of Kipper. On Tuesday, July Nth, at 7 P.M. Thirty-three church seats, six dozen kitchen oheirs, two organs and stools, small tables, cupboards, desk, 3 beacket coal oil lamps, 3 Coleman lumps, runners, 9 cord of 14 -huh hardwood, a quantity of kindling. Terms cash HAROLD' JACKSON, Auctioneer Phones; Day 43 Night 595 4V JOHN E. LONGSTAF1 Optometrist Phone 791. Main St„ Seaforth Hours 9 am - 6 pm, Wed, 9 . 12.30 Sat. 9 am to 9 pm MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.O. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, In town of Seaforth, behind Sills Hardware store, Sat. evening, July 5111. at S o'clock. Wingbam Classic white enamel cook stove, Coleman gas heater, 8 peg, dinette set, exten- sion xten- Officers -- President, John L. Malone, Sea - dining room buffet & 6 te. b Walnut finish forth; Vice -Pres., John H. McRtving Blyth; net an r6oc suite-itche, buffet, china cal- Manager & See,-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. bed and 6 chairs. matched; Lnz Boys 1 Chrs& foot Directors -E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. bto cltnir dSmLast' loot chair sewing. foot S.Seaforth; stack nmrtehed. Smell drop leaf table, leMalone, Seaforth; o H. Whttmore,Archibald. Chris table, walnut hall table, hall tree, hassock, Seaforth; John H. McEwing, Blyth; Frank e0caoional chairs 8 tables, mahogany 'dresser, McGregor, Clinton •; William S. Alexander. mimes, medicine chest, waloot finish, bell. Walton; Harvey Fuller, Godetich. springs & spring mattress; chest drawers;• Agents --J, E. Pepper, Brumfield; R. F. Maytag washing. machine (like new). tubs, McKereher, Dublin; William Leiper, Londee- heneh. white enamel ice box, fernery, coal born; J. F, Prueter, Brodhagen1 Selwyn scuttle, child's wagon & rocker. Floor cover- Baker, Brussels. Ings --scatter mats t a ft, drapes ; screen dear 4 Parties desirous to effect insurance or clothes 1Porsr; -shovels, garden tools, dishes; transact other business, will be promptly kitchen utensils; toaster. Number of other attended to by appllaationa to any of the articles. All this Furniture is practically like above named officers addressed to their new. Terms cash. RUSSELL HOMGERT, respective post offices. Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, E. P. Chesney, Clerk FOR SALE• Watson & Reid Butcher Shop and 410 Storage Lockers, mall INSURANCE AGENCY all v311age' Large Turnover. Must 'ell Oa'- MAIN ST., SD.AFORTI-I ONT. kart to health. Country Grocery Store, Garage, Service All kinds of Insurance risks effected at fewest rates in trust -Class Companies VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TIIRNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M•, V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Station. 6 Roam House, Large Lot. 96,000 will handle. Turnover $25000, Near Woodstock Corner Grocery Store. St. Mary's. 7 Room House -Large Lot, Turnover $33,000. Will consider trade. Village of Benahville-Building Lot, West End. $300.00. Village of Embro--New Modern Restaurant & Building, 5 Room Apt. above. Fully v011)- 4404. Will Sacrifice. Hotel -Town of 3,000 poll. Fast .'rowing community. Gallonage 10,0(10• Can be In- creased. •GUS MORELLO REAL ESTATE BROKER tel Bldg. Office: ane 489, Ingersoharles ll Ontario TENDERS FOR COAL Sealed Tenders, addressed to the under- signed, ndersigned, will be received until Wednesday, July 16. 1052. for the following • - 100 tons stoker coal, nut, pea & slack, delivered in ron County Home. Please hstete brand e bins at hname uand. supply onelysis. 110111110, A. H. ERSKINE County Clerk, Court House, Goderich nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwknotnavuwwwwwwwwwwwt MAKE THIS A DATE ! Seaforth Lions Club 17TH ANNUAL SUMMER THREE BIG NIGHTS Wednesday - Thursday Friday JULY 16 NI 17 -18 Lions Park, Seaforth to WHEELS OF FORTUNE ® MIDWAY • ENTERTAINMENT * DANCE * MONSTER PARADE FIRST NIGHT - - Major Prize Draw - - SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS Open Daily Phone 363J T. PRYDE and SON Enquiries Are Invited EXETER CLINTON Phone 413 Phone 103 COA'L THE BEST ON, THE MARKET SUMMER PRICES - SCRDENDD — WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w SEAFORTH CAB PHONE 580M 24 Hour Service R. C. WATTERWORTH, Prop. All Passengers Insured COALS AT SUMMER PRICES 'blue coal' -- Nut size for Stoves. 'blue coal'--Stove-for Large Stoves and Furnaces Buckwheat Anth.-For Blowers. Briquets --Hard. Gen. Purpose. Coke -Nut size for stoves db Furnaces. Pocahontas -Egg Size for Hot Water Heating. Aibette Lump, Drumheller -Fall burning. Stoker, Yancey, Cavalier 6e Pocahontas, for Stokers Soft -For heating Steam Boilers. WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192.M 1101111M=111611.041, olOMMOIMMINMENVINONSOMMEMMIMIll FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 25 ; 24 samples $1.00. Mail. Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co.. Box 01, Hamilton. Ont. FOR SALE Frame dwelling with furnace, on George St., immediate possession Modern dwelling, beautifully located, corner of John and Louisa, with hot water oil heat- ing. eating. Ealy possession 2 storey frame dwelling. All modern con- veniences. Centre at, possession arranged Modern 2 -story dwelling, Snarling St. Well situated. Early possession arranged. In Egmondville 1tc storey dwelling, 3 bed- rooms, double lot with barn, possession with- in one month. 1ii, storey 7 room frame modes dwelling, garage, on James street. Brick dwelling, Goderioh street, immediate Possession Comfortable 6 room dwelling in Winthrop, 1/3 acre of land with small fruits, early possession Frame dwelling Victoria Street with all cer modern conveniences. Possession arranged. M. A. REID, Seaforth HORSES WANTED Disabled or useful work GOVIINLOCK, Dick Houses Seafortheyto W. C. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio termini to ell kinds of rodlos, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 34750, Seaforth ®,rnii Tenders Wanted Tenders are invited for the painting of Outside Trim, including belfry, 2 coats of best quality paint, color scheme green and white, School S.S. 0 (Ked Tavern), Tenders will be received up to 7t July 1052 • W. P. ROBERTS, Sec. Treas, Tuokersmlth School Area No. 1 WANTED E)dorly Iodtes or mon, 1[ood home with Cm00,50MOIco,Vitlppena, Apply to MRS. SAM FOR SALE Twenty sores of mixed hay. Apply CLEM KK®AUS!KOPF, 40r21, Dublin. .s.eeeesmw DRINK ham' 00400 0000 ale. The pause that refreshes