HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-07-03, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1952 Wright Specials TIDE lc SALE 1 LARGE TIDE & 1 BAR IVORY SOAP 38e 1 GIANT TIDE & 2 BARS IVORY SOAP 750 FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE .. , , , Lge. 48 oz. Tin 27c RED COHOE SALMON, lF size tins 3 This 85c CARNATION MILK, Lge. Tins 3 for 47c WETHEY'S NEW PACK STRAWBERRY JAM 380 Large 24 fl. oz. Jar BRUNSWICK SARDINES 3 Tins. 25c SPRINGTIME MALLOW BISCUITS 1 ib cello 330 TOILET TISSUE, Good Quality 10 Rolls 990 WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Footle 77 Free Delivery TOWN TOPICS Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Coleman and family spent the holiday week- end with his aunt, Mrs. Peter Hay of Niagara Falls, at .her cottage at Cedar Bay near Port Colborne, Mrs, Mina Wooden spent a few days visiting Mrs. Annie Coleman. 1VIrs. M. W. Stapleton and child- ren are +holidaying at Lake St. Jo- seph, Muskoka, A Reception For Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, Newlyweds, will be held at the Community Centre, Seaforth, FRIDAY, JULY 4TH EVERYONE WELCOME KEEP THIS DATE OPEN FRIDAY, JULY -11 SEAFORTH BINGO $1525.00 CASH PRIZES including Si 000 Jackpot No Foolln' 1 It's Got To Go FRIDAY JULY 11th Mr. and Mrs. Harold Free and Dianne were visitors at Owen Sound •over the weekend, Mi, Frank Miller of Long Branch was a visitor in town on Friday. Mr, Miller is a former resident of Brus- sels and Seaforth, having been em- ployed in the Ament heading factory here over 35 years ago. Kenneth Thompson- is visiting his cousin in Listowel this week. Mrs, Nilson Whiteford and Ken- neth, of Ingersoll spent the past week at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. William Bradshaw, Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Babcock and son Bill of Toronto were visitors at the homes of Mo. and Mrs. L. 3. Webster and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Watson over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. D. Huddleston, Bel- leville, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Thomas Habkirk. SUPPER AND SOCIAL EVENING St. Patrick's Church, Dublin Tuesday, July 8 pressed port with salad, Pies, cages, etc. Bingo, Dance, llrawiug of Prizes Supper 5.30 to $ P.M. - Adults $1.01) Children fiat Dance to W'illowgrove Serenaders to 12 Al very hour of every day the telephone in your home stands ready to serve you for A FRACTION OF A CENT AN HOUR. 'khat else in your daily living means so much yet costs so little? THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA TH131 SPORT AT NEWS • SMITH'S SHOE STOR WHY,PAY MORE? asmeriermoseassemmoseewmaegoam C -Us •Ba4NU Buy SAVE $ $ $ $ $ $ At our Stock Reducing Sale of over 100 new machines of the latest models of I.H. Trucks, Tractors, Refrigerators, and Farm Machines. Also a Targe stock of Electric Washers, Paints & Oils. Belts, Tires & Tubes, etc., and a very large stook of good used tractors & machines at very low prices to clear. Our prices on new haying equipment: 60.00 Combined Side Rake & Tedders $�X Ensilage & Forage Blowers $370.00 Large PTO drive Manure Spreaders, 500A0 ideal for grass silage, etc. New Farman Super A Tractor with touch control, str & Its, belt pulley, PTO, etc., with slightly used 7 ft. power mower, complete $1,530.00 New Farmnl. H Tractor with belt pulley, str & its, etc., and a slightly used Hydraulic HM 221. Corn Cultivator complete $1,995.00 I.H. Binder Twine, per bag $18.00 I.H. Baler Twine, per bag $16.00 Other Brand Baler Twine, per bag r $15.50 JOHN BACH PH°r' Seaf arth SANDALS: Our $5.95 "Susan Sandals" that means Quality. White, Brown Saddle, Multi Colors (in pastel and brown), also Black, Grey, Navy Blue, a few in Green and Red Sale Price $4,97 SANDALS. All our best sellers in Town Talk. Regular $4.50- $5.00. I3roken sizes Sale Price .. $3.67 COST FORGOTTEN. ALL ODD SIZES AND LINES MUST BE CLEARED. SIZES AND PRICES MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES ALL ON TABLES AND RACKS FOR YOUR EASY CHOICE With many, many weeks of Summer weather ahead, and then back to school, this sure is the time to buy Shoes. No Shoes brought in for this Sale: and you all know we buy only Quality Shoes. Sale Starts Friday July 4th. Ends Sat. July 19 Bedroom Slippers 10 pairs only. -Some leather, others Velvet and Summer Cloth Sale Price 57 c Women's An odd bunch of styles, White, Brown, Black Loafers. Straps and ties Sale Price 97c Not MI Sale Lines Listed. Men's Summer Shoes Men's Brown and Dark Blue heavy chick cloth, laced. Ox- fords. "A5uminer Shoe" with heavy wrapped rubber soles. (A Real Bargain) Sale Price $3.57 Men's Oxfords Men's Brown and Black Lea-. ther Oxfords, narrow toes, odd sizes Sale Price $2.47 Men's Sandals Men's Dark Brown Leather Sandals. - "A Smart Cool Summer Shoe". Sizes 6 to 10 Sale Price $3.27 Boys Oxfords Boys Brown, Black and light Elk "trade name" laced Ox-' fords, rubber soles. Sizes 4 and 5 Sale Price $1.97 Women's $6.00 Black and Brown, dull Kid Pumps -Cuban covered heels, open toes -closed back Sale Price $3,47 Women's $13.50, $7.00, $7.50 Pumps and Oxfords -Kid Calf and Suede Leathers. Black and Brown: medium and narrow widths Sale Price $3.97 Sp Women's Kid Ties Pumps, Straps and Oxfords, Colors Brown or Black - Cuban and high heels Sale Price $1.97 BABIES Soft Sole -one strap Slippers -patent and white. Sizes 3, 4, 6, 6 Sale Price 57 c Others Chrome Sole -Patent only. Sale Price 97c 0001 ce Will Not Permit Misses and Child's Misses and Childs, white lea- ther. Straps and Oxfords "Skipalong". Reg. $3.50-$4.50 Sale Price $1.77 Misses and Childs Black and Brown Oxfords, also Girlie ties. "A School Special". Sizes 6 to 13 Sale Price $1,97 Women's Loafers Women's Black Leather Loafers, flat heels. - Also Black and Brown Moccasin Style, with heavy rubber soles - for work or garden wear. Sizes 51!„ to S? Sale Price $2.47 QUALITY SHOES AT SALE PRICES .10.00.101143121169000,216 Rubber Boots Black with red rolled edge soles. -- "Made in England" Men's sizes 7 to 11 Sale Price Boys Sizes, 1 to 5 Sale Price $4.67 $3.4■ Men's Work Boots Men''s Black Leather Work Boots. Nealite Soles, two styles: heavy and Tight. Sizes 7 to 11 Sale Price $4.87 All Sales Cash No Exchanges Please Misses and Childs White and Brown leather Sandals, also a few laced Oxfords. Sizes 7 to 2 Sale Price $1.37 Women's Style Shoes In Brown or Black Leather or Suede. -Pumps or Ties, a few Patents Sale Price $2.97 Misses Oxfords Misses Brown and Black leather Oxfords, - leather soles; a few "one straps". "Delico Shoe"'trade name, Sizes 11 to 3 - Sale Price $3.77 Sizes 8 to 101 -- Sale Price $..97 Misses Saddle Oxfords - White with brown Sad- dle. Sizes 11 to 13. Sale price $1, 97 Women's White, Blue Saddle Oxfords. --White rubber soles. - A few with Brown Saddle and Crepe rubber sole. Sizes 4 to 9 Sale Price $4.87 Smith's Shoe Store OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, - SEAFORTH zummonvinnselmvammommumommaiews No Refunds No Lay Arvays Thank You