The Seaforth News, 1952-06-26, Page 4THE BHAFORTH NEWS WALTON The s'eolul meeting of the- Ct•an- brouk t`ornflower$ taus ittld at the 'hour' of Mrs Phyllis 1Mitehell 'with llllll" ltte'in1iis present. The streeting opened by singing the institute ode. Th minutes Were Lead by Helen Knight and ,eeonded by Marion Mor+.. row. We planned to spend a social - evoning with the institute at ("rant brook hall, to have slides and a speitkcr for the program, Our teaeh- eln told us about the iitanlitis in vegetable. and also the harm weeds curt do. - The next meeting is at Mrs. Vern - ire Corlett's, Three girls Were to prepare for next month. The meet. ing then adjourned by singing "The Queen". A delicious lunch was serv- ed eryed by our hostess. BRODHAGEN Mr, and Mrs. O'Brien of Alberta: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koch of Strat- ford visited with Mr. and Mrs. La- verne Wolfe. Mr. George Koch of Stratford visited with Mr. Gottlieb Mueller. Miss Joanne Rock is spending a weeks holidays in Grand Bend. Mrs. Hecker Sr., is confined to London Hospital. The married couple's group of the Church and their families enjoyed a picnic at Seaforth Park on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rill Besserer and Mary Ann and Mrs. Louise Hille- breeht of 'Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rennewies of Hamilton visited Mr, and Mr's. W. L. Queren- gesser and other relatives on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Querengesser and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Querengesser left for their home in Edmonton, Al- berta. after spending; a month here •visiting relatives. Mrs. Longe Hille- brecht accompanied thein to Niagara Falls a few lays 'before they left. Mr. and Mrs: Russell S holdiee at- tended a shower for ,lir. and Mrs. Ross Knight in Cranbrook eo* iii ii- ty centre on Wednesday. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Quetettges- see and girls of Waterloo visited Mr. :and Mrs. George e iatntut] en Sunday Mr. and M... George g l . Mueller and jean attended the wedding of e?r nephew near Lansing. Mich., t'oeent \less Gwen Rock ,'f Kitchener s, a a few days at her ]tome. lir. and Mrs. \\'m. daeob and John Jcco'. Kit:ttener at the home of .lo ;I a:ob.Mr, o,i Mgrs. Harold Smyth and Mrs, 1'. ;. d Piehinson spent the week- C1lut'.tam with lir. and Mrs.. Mgr. :;d )its Herb Mouk and fans. .s • \Ia::itoba with Mr. :end Mrs. F',? Praetor and Jath Pruelet'. liissrGrace awe Rtttit Hetffntet'- e: of near- Sebr.ngville with their ...sl ,:..ent. • Mr, and Mr?. Eli Ra - men. • Mr. andlit iol: Mueller and Ruth \ n of Hamilton, holidaying ' M.. -ami M1.. Aug. HiI'.ebreeht. \ir. and Mrs. Roy Doer and fam- Au''ura with Mr. and Mrs.' Ha.. l,i 31.04k and wish Marie Meyer. s its and Mr. and M-ts. W. Haru"t of Exeter were re' Stutday visitors with Mr, anti Mrs. Bort and Ft tg Baer at 'l hatnosford. Miss ,lean Wilhelm and friend of Stratford were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Janes: 1lrs, lielfotu' of Regina is visiting, her brother-in-law and nieee. 1I>. Henry Ivison and Miss Jean Ivison. - Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong and Miss Jessie lluteheson of Staffa called on friends in the village on Sunday. Mr, William Ivison, who has spent the winter months with relatives in Peterhoro returned to the, village last week. M1tr. and Mrs, Robt, Dalrymple and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper Jr. re- turned on Sunday evening. from a trip to Winnipeg. Mr. and .firs. Norman Long at- tended the funeral of tete formers. eousin. the late Mrs. Joe heating at Owen Sound an Tuesday. Quite a number from here attend- ed the reception and dance in Bay- field pavillion on Monday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Howard At- kins lllee Joyce Broadfoot) newly. weds. WALTON Mrs. Louisa Dubuisson of Tournai, Belgium, is visiting her daughter and family, 11r. and Mrs. Julien Del- berque, 1 8th eon, Grey township. An enjoyable evening was spent by pupils and families of S. S. No. ;) when they suet at the school to hon- or Mrs. Frank Murray as the school term draws to a Biose. Progressive euchre was played and those winning prises were ladies 1st. Mrs. Joe Kale, consolation, Mrs, Roy Wildfong: Gents 1st, Mr, Joe Smith. consola- tion, 11r. Jack Bosnian. Miss Arlene Hiegel played a piano solo and the school children sang a chorus, "Back in those teaching Pays'. Mrs. Mur. ray was then asked to conte forward and Mary Dennis read the :address. Graham and Murray Neabel present- ed Mrs. Murray with a Chenille bed- spread. and Geraldine Dennis and -1'hyliss McNichol presented a silver eream and sugar on a tray and a cornflower digit. Mrs. Murray spoke a few words of appreciation. Lunch was served and a social time spent. Pear Mrs. Murray: --- In every • community the school has always .seen one of the outstanding institu- tions. This i; even more true in 1'a- ra1 areas where it seems as if the Porory of the community is 'written in definite ebapiers according as to who may be the teacher during any definite period of time. One such :banter commenced for us here at No, P. McKillop. six year's ago when a young girl by the- mare .,f Marion Kale came to us direct from the Normal training sehool. Now that 'chapter, too. is drawing to a close. The children who have conte under your influence during these year will always remember your kindly interest and sincere endeavours in assisting them along the pathway of learning.. We who were not your pu- pils have enjoyed your cheerful per- •+nality at our gatherings and are KiPPEN i see a happy that your home is t enough that you will still be \l.. "aln'n Smith of The Provincial to attend our friendly"get to - F -"." o - F a: ueibury wise ei ,1st It titer" in number nine school. , e's Mr. and Mrs. Ed• ar Mc -1 In token of our appreeiation of !put services we ask you to accept 11r. .... Mrs. A. Gad:stetter and these farewell gifts. May you and 1',51 Chi'v. Sport s C otlpe 1MI1 Olds "'dan with Hydrt't::a: s 114 7 Ford •: re in 1s'{1 Petoto Sedan Above all Reconditioned & Guaranteed ALSO SPECIALS — 1A3S Ford Coach 2,00.00 11+37 Olds Coach 5:::5.00 • TF,I-CKS -- 11 51 Ford 1 -ton w.:Ih racks lug+i Fargo 1::. ron Seaforth Motors B ayfield Pavilion Far A Good Time, Here Are Two Dates To Remember Every Wednesday — Modern and Olde Tyre with "The Melody Makers" from pringhank Pavilion (London) feauring Ler. Masse 1;t.)•t-1. •1 Clinde t3elinas Mrs. Lindsay tC:iatoat — stn: it in a modern way Frank Traher and His Orchestra with farmer band leader "floppy' Hopkins on vocal: SPACIOUS PARKIN; Every Friday 1t 111.1','; 11b:FRESHMENT • your husband -be spared to enjoy many years of health, happiness and nrlaperity is the wish of your pup- il•, and 1lienda of S. S. No, 9 e..- Kiliep.• Haying is the order of the clay. • Gordon Murray is busy making Ida rounds Butting wood, 111'. and Mrs. Joseph Rynu and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Speak of Woodstock. HULLETT Burns' W.M.S. held their. June meeting at the Moine of Mrs, Win. Leiper on Tuesday the 1 itis, bit's. Harvey Taylor, leaden' of group 2, presided for the worship service, and Mrs, 'Geo. Carter, the pies., conduct, ed the 'business session. Scripture reading was given by Miss Gladys Lelper, Mrs. Geo. Garter read a pa- per entitled "Tile Four Anchors," Miss Margaret Ti.'.ewin, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Wm, Trewin, at the piano, sang a lovely solo, "The Beautiful Garden of Pt"ayer". Mrs. Harty Tebbutt gave the chapter from the study book which discussed - "Church Union". Miss Ida Leiper gave g piano instr'uutental,. Thank - you notes were received from Mrs. Art McClure. and Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Brown. Mrs. Kelland McVittie was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of the treasurer, Miss Mae Smith, It was decided to have a copper 'contest, continuing until the Sept. meeting. The two captains Will be Mrs. Jilts Scott and birs. Harry Tebbutt. Any used or new clothing suitable for a bale is to be in by the July meeting.' A grass cutting bee Will be held at the church, Monday, June 23. A farewell gift was presented to Mrs. Brenton, by Mrs. Leslie Reid, Mrs, Jim Scott read the address. Rev. and \Its, Brenton and two daughters are moving to Woodstock. 28 ladies were present at this meeting. DUBLIN Th annual t t The 1 til ai school 1' • ' . as alt ltle for the pupils of St. Patrick's Separate Seltool Junior Room was held at tete Continuation Sehaal grounds on Monday afternoon. A game of base- ball between the boys and girls was an interesting feature followed by running t'aees for the different grades, a relay rate, a sack race. a -legged race. a hoop race. Lunch and ice cream were served by the senior girls. A similar piens; was held on Tues- day for the senior room pupils. A dinner party was held at site L t'suline Convent its honor of the graduating class of 1953 Billie Evans. London. wide Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. . Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Feeney and family, Waterloo, .lit-. and sirs. Mar- tin Feeney, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kotlynen and son, Toronto.i with Mr. and Mrs. Matzo. Feeney. Mr. and Mrs Thos. L. Butters, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus - Stapleton anis Mr. and M. H. Pugh at Clairmont.: Mr. and -lit•.. Chas. Eisner at i London Rev. L.Phelan. Leamington, with! 1 bi" and rs. William Lane. Rev. F. Mos -Ian. S.F.M. Scarl,rs I Cliffs. Toronto. with _lir. and jilts Jack Moylan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krat:skon . TiLnrbut'g. with Mrs. Louis Brass -l. 'sop:. Mi'antd lirs. Vincent Gooding and i son, London, with Mrs, Laos arse; i MUSIC RESULTS Following. are results of exan:ina- I `:ons conducted at St. J,tsepr School of Music for the Western On- tario Conservatory of Music. ori: ated with the University of Western Ontario: Grade IX—Piano: Nancy Spittal. Grade VIII—Honors: Dorothy Enzensberger. Peggy Willis, Gordon Kennedy. Grade VII --Honors: Ruth Sills.. Grade VI—First Class Honors: SUPPER AND SOCIAL EVENING St. Patrick's Church, Dublin Tuesday, July 8 with salad. pies, ete. Bingo. Dance. Drawing. of Pities Sapper 6.39 to S P.M. Adut L •'• - Children .t ti=tre -ss t. Wli:pteg lye Serenaders to 12 $eaforth lumber Ltd. ZONE C LEGLOiN SOFTBALL LEAGUE At Lions Park. Seaforth Thursday Nite, June 26 AT 8.30 P.M. C:odel'lell y-3 Seaforth Legion Dance Saturday Stratford Casino Ted Parker's 11 piece orchestra • HOLIDAY DANCE Tuesday, July 1st Bobby Yohn's Orchestra • No Datle'e Wednesday .July :2nd ONTARIO'S BEAUTY SPOT WHEN YOU THINK. OF LUMBER. -- THINK THINK OFS SEAFORTH 47 BIt) SALE War Assets Btreen. regular 1.44'4 for 1.00 is easy on your purse lloseuiary Lane, Betty Ann Trane. Grade Y- Liouots: Sharon sloth' itln, Suzanne Hick. Grade IV—First Class Honor's: Nancy Kelly, Linda Sims, Pamela Stapleton, Honors: Alma Fowler, 'Fergus Kelly, Marlene Cooper, Cath- erine JIoyltur tenual), Grade Class Honor's: Marlene hiller; Honors: .Maryanne Reynolds, Mary Ellen Gorw'ill, Ag- nes Carter. Grade II—Honors: Ruse E toe, Shirley Kieber. ENGAGEMENT Rev. and Mrs. T. Arnold Carmich- ael of Port Dalhousie announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen THURSPAY Juste ggt;, 19, G ENT THEATRE vAI t tr, 4 1 �.tJUla d li NOW PLAYING Sly FRIEND FLICKA 'reehnieulor, Roddy BteI) Bal* Treitel fosses. Fliclut retuu, In a hesit-w:utnino picture whieh '4- t'yohe will enjoy. Are the buy and hiv trot w,• atartl aigethor n11,4, :4 the world. Next Bion. 'ries. Wed, - ACiRt)SS '1'nl> WIDE BtlSSOGRI Terht arolor (puck Guhle Iohn Kodiak., New sad wonderful atl'.eutut't alma 11 -Cho foveal W,•rt.- 1t'. a auto' Weston. tilled with romanee. MATINEE .1t t,Y IST itT 2.:o P,BI. Next 'lhues,.Pri:'Sat. THE LAVENDER SILL 91x)0 Alec Guineas. Stanley Holloway A delighttul British etntedy which is tote hie1 chuckle from hettinning to end. Phis la u 'afire on onno tela. COMING -- GOLDEN GIRL, Gwendolyn, to Gordon Hugh Series, taste place on Saturday, July 12, al son of Dr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Series. 3 o'clock, in St. Andrew's United Scotland Olt. The marriage will Church, Port t ll lhou sie Our entire stock of LADIES and CHILDREN'S WEAR. will be offered to the public in A Gigantic Pre -Holiday CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUING TILL MON., JUNE 30th REDUCTIONS 20% to 30% CAROL LYN SHOP KIDDIES SHOP SEAFORTH Next door to Reyeat Theatre liT Car • ON THE WEEK -END! Holiday week -ends are periods of extra hazard and added congestion on the highway. These conditions will continue to result in accidents unless offset by patience, forethought and alertness on the part of all highway users. Thousands of visiting tourists and children on vacation add to already crowded highways. The need for extra care is obvious. A traffic death is a needless death. You risk your life when you drive too fast for conditions—fail to stay in your own traffic lane— or fail to obey signs and regulations designed for your protection -,or, when on foot, you fail to take necessary precautions. Enjoy your week -end. Make it safe—one you will remember, happily. GEO. H. DOUCETT MINISTER Ela\El\St EF Debentures and Guaranteed Certificates 3% - 32% for 1 and 2 years from 3 to 10 years • Interest payable half yearly • $100 or more accepted THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation Head Office — London, Ontario District Representatives Watson & Reid. Seaferth. Ontario F. G. Bonthron, Hensall, Ontario