HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-06-19, Page 8IT'S. SWIMMIN' TIME EYE CATCHING — ACTION FREE SWiM SUITS FOR LADIES Gay, bright new Nylons with shirred backs--pope- lar satin elastics for snug fit —new lined jerseys and prints in a wide choice of plain shades or fancy pat- terns, You must see this big new showing of smart swim suits at 3.99 to 8.95 Girls' SWIM SUITS Styled just like the grown- ups wear and just as color- ful in gay prints, fine jer- seys and elasticized satins, in a grand choice of bright shades. All sizes. 1.95 to 4.50 MEN'S SWIM TRUNKS Boxer styles in satin, new Nylon and rep in figured or plain shades.—Also elastic skin-tite or pure wool swim trunks in all shades.—See our large range.— Sizes 30 to 44. 2.95 to 4.50 Boys' SWIM TRUNKS Boys boxers or trunks in satins, reps or satin elastics in all the best new shades. Kiddies .. 1.00 to 1.95 Boys .... 1.95 to 2.50 s Stewart Bros. Salt Salt We will soon be bringing Salt. Farmers wanting Salt, phone your orders as we will only call where it is ordered. WM. M. SPROAT 655 r 2 Seaforth A THE Si.Ab` OR iTR NEW M1", John Arbuckle returned home from London. Mr. and :Vim. Dalton, Bins and family and Mrs Darrel Adams and Lome attended the Sippel Reunion at Tavistock on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Rock and Jeno and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brough- ton of Atwood spent Sunday itl El- mira and Elora, A Mueller Reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lonie Hillebrecht on Sunday. Distant guests were Mr. and Mrs, Ed and Henry Ruerengessei' of Edmonton, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gorst and Joyce of Detroit; Mr. Milton Mueller and Grant and Mia, Jno Mueller of Kitchener, The school children enjoyed a ball game' with Willow 'Grove school children on T.hursdaY, CARD OF THANKS 1 would like to thunk doctors, nurses and my many friends for their good wishes, cards, fruit and oandy while I was a patient at Scott Memorial Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London. PHYLLIS JOIINSTON FOR SALE 25 oores of olever hay Por sole. HAROLD JACKSON, Phone 661ri4 FOR SALE Traetool machinery, featuring Newton mower, two -minute hook-up on three point Ford or Ferguson hydraulic hitch. REN Me- PHERSON, Dublin 17x24, sub -agent Mc- Pherson Motors,Monition Auction ale OF HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, On Go- derieh St, in town of Seaforth, Friday, June 27th: at 1 P.M. Westinghouse combination electric stove; Westinghouse Frigidaire; Cofiehl washing machine; oak dining room suite, table, buffet & 6 chairs; library table; electric iron & toaster; Moiesttc radio; Davenport, sewing table, oecasional chairs, rockers & small tables; floor lamps; table lamps; sectional book case, hall tree, fernery, music cabinet, card table, 2 cedar chests, clocks, mirrors, drop hood Singer sewing machine, 2 ohests, drre.wers. Andrew Malcolm No -Mar 4 pc. wal- nut bedroom suite (lute new) ; bed, dresser, chiffonier, dressing table- and springs, 2 bed room suites. 2 spring filled mattresses; 1 felt mattress, trunk, bed linens, quilts, curtains, Verandah furniture, Porch swing. 2 matched Wilton rugs 6' n 7", scatter mats. 2 kitchen tables and kitchen chairs, clothes hamper, number of pieces of violet pattern Limoges dishes, Largo quantity of outer dishes, kitchen utensils. Silver ware and flat ware. Crooks, sealers, canned fruit, garden tools, hose, lawn mower. Number of cords of wood. Robe. Ex- tension ladder, stop ladder. Terms cash MISS GRET'rA G. ROSS, Proprietress Harold Jackson, Auctioneer r BRODHAGEN Miss Shirley Reihl has taken a job in Graand Bend for the sum- mer months. Miss Doreen Wolfe of Exeter spent Monday at her home. The Farm 'Forum Group and their families enjoyed a picnic at Seaforth Park on Sunday. Billy Mr'. and Mrs. Ed Wesenberg, Allan, Joan Finlayson and Mr, and Mrs. Sydney Kitney of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs, George Mogh for the weekend. nual Drumhead Service OF ZONE 01 WILL BE HELD IN HENSALL - SUNDAY, JUNE 22nd Guest Speaker, Rev. C. D. Daniel, Ingersoll Other guests will be Brigadier G. B. Todd. Ottawa, C'hiet Pension Advocate for D.V.A.; Air Vice -Marshall Salley. Goderieh. Parade which forms at United Water nvch at 2 PM. will be led by oder Service 'at Park 2.30 P.M. Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD) EFFECTS, In Hay Twp., 1 mile west and 11 mile south of Henson, Thursday, Stine 26th, at 1 P.M. 1 antique oak sideboard ; oak dining room table & 6 choirs. Oval walnut extension table, (I dining chairs, Sideboard, cherry glass cup- board. Book case & writing desk combined; organ, couch; 6 pos upholstered parlor set; number of occasional chairs, tables & rock- ers; S complete bedroom suites; beds, dress- ers. stands & mattresses. Kitchen chairs & table; 3 Axminster rugs, -runners, carpets, scatter mats, garden tools, lamps. Quantity of «ashes and kitchen vtensiis. Many other articles, Terms cash Estate of the late John Bell Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Frank's B.A. Service The Service You Will Appreciate CHECK CHART LUBRICATION HEAVY DUTY & PREMIUM MOTOR OILS Washing -- Polishing MOTORWAY BUS DEPOT Ice Cream Cigarettes Soft Drinks PHONE 592 F. C. GRIEVE Lessee It Pays to Shop it Egnumdville SMOKED PICNIC HAMS • 49c ail) SHERIFF'S WHITE CAKE MIX 2 for 63o GRAN CIAATED' SUGAR . , .. , , , . , . ' " ' , ..... 5 lbs 490 KING'S CHOICE TOMATOES, 20 oz. 2 for 490 Nylon Hose Special $1.09 We appreciate your order early GLAIR HANEY FOR FREE DELIVERY PHONE 72 FOR SALE Four• third-littot' sows, Apply to J. PAT - Willing Seaforth WANTED Willing men experienead In carpentry work, Apply to. Bon 127, The Seaforth News FOR SALE 1 Jersey cow 4 years old, due in July. John Deere B trsoter and muffler, Phone. Seaforth 241x4. GORDON BUCHANAN FOR SALE it. Massey -Harris mower in tam repair, Priced to ecu .046x31 Seaforth, JAS, NEILANS FOR SALE 10 choiceseekers, 7 weeks old. Also 8 -year- old black saddle mare. Hard and softwood slabs for sale. Anyone wantingweeds or long grass- cut phone 60R 3. R. BURNS, Seaforth FOR SALE Some pigs eleven weeks old and some nine weeks old, CHARLES KLEBER, Dublin 240 FOR SALE Plants for sale, Last call for Tomatoes, Late Cabbage, Asters, Snapdragons, Salvia, Stocks, HAMM'S GREENHOUSE aeafotth B- egonias. LtEo otnt. ApplyFORSA BARBR'S GREENHOUSE,Sefh• FOR SALE Massey Harris hay loader. LESLIE PRY0E, phone 340r14 Seaforth. RRt Dublin FOR SALE 12 pigs about 75 lbs. MEL. HULLEY, RIt1 Londesboro. 840r12, Seaforth central FOR SALE Rubber tared wagon 00046 tires; 2 -wheel trailer 500-16 tires, WESLEY SEARLE, Wal- ton. Phone 18R4 Brussels FOR SALE 2 calves for sale. JOSEPH GRUMMETT, phone 861r31 WANTED Wanted to buy, 10 -ft, or 18 -ft, grain ele- vator. ROGERS ANDREWS, 6470 Seaforth FOR SALE International bayloader, droPhead, like new. JOHN W. MODELAND, phone 066x4. Seaforth FOUR SALE tootTrollingeen yrack. eightfoot E. flat 240MILLAN, rack 844x4 8 - THURSDAY 4 JUNE 19, 7.952 '50,12 913A1"ORllf N14W$ Spondon Tiros Publishers Authorized itete$reo d Ulnas mail, •Post OffiT 1txurat. 05truirr AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital 13ed Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 195 W JOHN E, LONGSTAPc' Optometrlat Phone 791. Main St„. Seaforth Hours 9 alit • 6 pm, Wed, 9 - 12.30 Sat," 9 am to 9 pm MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A, GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Sectorial SEAFORTH CLINIC a E1. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D„ Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm to 5 pm, daily. except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 pm Appointments made in advance are FOR SALE desirable Bell piano in good shape, oleo Westinghouse ---- electric stove with four burners and oven, in good shape, Apply at News Office FOR SALE 24 chunks of pigs. Lot 10, Con. 10, Hallett. GEO. DUBS, Londesbaro, Phone 27r1 Blyth Auction Sale OF REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS By direction of the Public Trustee the fol- lowing Real Estate will be offered for sale by public auctionon the premises of Mary Flannigan, Village of Dublin, Ontario, on the 25th day of June, 1052, at 2 p.m. REAL ESTATE (Subiect to a Reserve Bid) All of Lot 00, on Donkin's Survey, Part of Lot 15, Concession 1, Township of Hibbert, County of Perth, more particularly •describe in Registered Instrument No. 11771,, one-afth of an acre more or less, on which is said to Le a frame stucco house with 6 monis. CHATTELS Stove, table, 6 chairs, 3 rockers, couch, Quebec heater, sideboard, bed, miscellaneous small effects. TERMS: Cash For further particulars apply tot A. RACINE, Esq., R.C., Public Trustee, Osgoode Hall. Toronto 2, Ontario Mr. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, Seaforth, Ontario. Auction Sale Household Furnishings. Corner of John and Ot'd sts., Seaforth, Sat., June 21 at 1 P.M. Kitchen table, choirs, dinette table & chairs, china cupboard, Quebec heater -cook stove, oil stove rased 3 months) Fess make. Double bed, springs & mattress. day bed, 3 dressers, reek- ing chair, small table, garden tools, lawn mower, kitchen cupboard, quantity of dishes. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. MRS, E. RILEY, Prop.: Lew Rowland, Auctioneer SEAFORTH LUMBER LIMITED Has been appointed Distributors for D.&H. Anthracite Which was formerly handled by N. Chuff & Sons ORDER YOUR COAL NOW AT SUMMER PRICES Phone 47 TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT BR10012 TENDERS Tenders will be received on or before Mon- day, July 7th, at nine o'clock in the evening D.S.T., for the construction of two Culverts at Can. 10, Lot 10, approximately 40.6 cubic yards,. and Con. 2, Lot 5, nppronimetely 43.2 eubir yards. Tender to be submitted according to Plans and Specifications which may be ob- tained from the Road Superintendent. Tend. ens 0, be consideredat a meeting in the Smile Twp. Hall on Monday, July 7th, at nine o'clock In the evening D.S.T. A marked rhoque for ten per cent mus[ aeeonipany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, THOS. D. WREN, Clerk of the Twp. of macwiaO Cromartyaaaesieem.. 22.10, tl moo NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH T.1KE NOTICE that a speed limit of 36 miles per hour will be strretly enforced in th, hamlet of 5gmondrille, as under the pro- visions of the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario this hamlet is a 'built, -up Area." t4ignod) ARTHUR NICHOLSON, Reeve, Township of Tuckersmith PROCLAMATION TOWNSHIP. OF. TUCKERSMITH Upon instruction from council under auth- ority of By-law13, 1202, Township of Tuckeremith, I hereby proclaim that all dogs in the hamlets of Egmondtille and Harpurhey are prohibited from running at large during the period from June 1st, 1962 to November 1st, 1962. Owners or harborers of dogs contravening the provisions of this by-law will be aubiect to N. <Signed) AR'I'IGic m NICHHof OLSON, Reeve, Twp. of Tuckeramith RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to an kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, Phone sou, Seatorth wira-• COMING EVENT "Share the Wealth" Bingo Big prizes. IF 3000 people play there will he $3000,00 in prizes. All laid admissions rned in Prizes, Admission $1.00104uSpecial games 25c each, Wednesday, June 2507 at 9 P.M. at the Mitchell District Memorial Arena. Chenille Bedspread Bargain FROM FACTORY TO YOU $5.25 Lowest price e in Canada. This bedspread is folly covered with baby chenille no sheeting showing. First quality. It comes in all colors, single or double bedsize, with eith- er multi -colored or solid raised center patterns. At only 55,25 each, Send COD pias postage. Immediate money -hank guarantee. Order one, you will order more, TOWN & COUNTRY MFG. BOX 1496 Place D'Armes Montreal, Que. "The die has now been cast" An American manufacturer was planning to open a plant in Canada. He considered various locations and found what seemed a likely site. He talked to a local bank manager, got facts about the community and its facilities. Some time later the company wrote to the banker: "The die has now been cast. It is our intention to locate in S , . . We feel that it is well suited to our particular operation. You have been of great aid to us. Your accurate and rapid presentation of facts necessary to reach a decision was top-notch." Such letters show how a branch bank serves not only its own depositors and other customers but how, by assisting business development, it benefits the whole community. This advertisement, based on an actual letter, is presented here by THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS Open Daily Phone 363 J T. PRYDE and SON Enquiries Are Invited METER CLINTON Phone 413 Phone 103 VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBl2LL, D.V.M., V.S, W. R. BRYANS, D.V M.,V.S. l9tain St. ' Seaforth Phone 106 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. READ OFFICE — SEAPORT'', ONT. Officers —. President, John L. Malone, Sea - forth; Vice -Pres., John H. MoEwing, Blyth; Manager & See.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robt. Archibald; Seaforth ; John I3. McEwing, Blyth ; Frank McGregor, Clinton • William S, Alexander, Walton ; Harvey Fuller, Goderieh. Agents -3'. D. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin ; William Leiper, Londes- boro ; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker. Brasseie. Parties desirous to effect tl Insurance00 transact other business,promptly abo aboved named by officers addressed toott the respective post officer. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SBiAPORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies COAL SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES — SCREENED — WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 -. Res. 315 w SEAFORTH CAB PHONE .580 M 24 Hour Service R. C. WATTERWORTH, Prop. All Passengers Insured COALS AT SUMMER PRICES 'blue coal' — Nut size for Stoves. 'blue coal' — Stove—for Large Stoves and Furnaces Buckwheat Anth.—For Blowers. Briquets—hard. Gen. 'Purpose. Coke --Nut sire for stoves & Furnaces. Pocahontas—Egg Size for Hot Water Heating. Alberta Lump, Drumheller—Fall burning. Stoker, Yancey, Cavalier & Pocahontas, for Stoker_ Soft --For heating Steam Boilers. WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res, 192.4 HORSES WANTED Disabled or useful work horses. Apply to W. C. GOVISNLOOK, Dick House, Seaforth Special for Month of June Viking Cream Separators This is the time of year when you are getting a big flow of milk. Yotl can give this machine a chance to show what a fine machine it is. Better than what a line mahhine it is. Better than that, come and see it in operation. You can lose dollars this summer on an old worn out separator Dion Threshing Machines Harvesting will soon be here. Put in your order to avoid disappointment in the Harvest time JOHN BYERMAN & SON RR 2 WALTON Ph, 848r24 Sem amp r.® FOR SALE Do yeti need more mil and more beef? See the serviceable age bulls from ono of Canada's highest producing R.O.P. and Ac' credited Hord of Dual Purpose Shorthorns, ERNEST TEMPLEMAN, Staffs. inallsosamns., vasomrionominoms. FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goads) mailed Post/mid In plain sealed envelope with price r samples 4,'samples 0x' Mail - Order Dept, T-7Nov-Rubber Co., Btn091, 1rm(Iton, Ong ��,�„ FOR SALE Frame dwelling with furnace, on George St.. immediate Possession Modern dwelling, beautifully located, corner of John and Louisa,with hot water oil heat. int'. Early possession 2 storey frame dwelling, All modern con- veniencea Centrest., nosseseims arranged Modern 2 -atony dwelling, Sperling St. Well situated. Early DDossoaeion arranged. In ilgmondville 11/2 storey dwelling, 3 bed- rooms, double lot with barn, possession with- in ono month. 17,1 storey 7 room frame modern dwelling, garage, on Ionics Arcot. Brick dwoiling, Coderieh street, immedisto possession Comfortable. 1 loom dwelling in Winthrop, 1/6 acre of land with 'email fruits, early possession Frame dwelling on Victoria Street with all n' M. A. veniences. Seaforth anion arranged.