HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-06-19, Page 41951 ("hey. Sports Coupe 111 i 1. Olds Sedan n with Hydroma le 1947 Ford Sedan 19411 t11k+v. Sedan 11141 DeSoto Sedan Above all Reconditioned & Guaranteed ALSO SPECIALS — 1937 Olds Coach 325.00 TRUCKS --- 1951 Ford 1 -ton wtih racks 11)41) Fargo 1: ton.. • S4orth Mot�rs 4 Bayfield Pavilion For A Good Time, Here Are Two Dates To Remember Every Wednesday — Modern and Olde Tyme with "The Melody Makers" from Springbank Pavilion (London) featuring Len Mass,: Claude Gelinas Mrs. Lindsay (Clinton) --- Music in a modern way Frank Traher and His Orchestra with former band leader "Hoppy" Hopkins on vocals SPACIOUS PARKING Infl0•1.011 Every Friday Srt Lumber Ltd. WHEN YOU THINK OF LUMBER — THINK OF SEAFORTH 47 OPEN EVERY DAY -- ALL DAY except Sunday THE BB+AFORTH NEWS WALTON. The June meeting of the Women's Aeworiation of Walton l'nited Church was held on Wednesday, June 1lth with the president, Mrs. Turnbull in the chair. The minutes of the last i1looting were read and api�roved. The treasurer's report was tilen read by Mrs. P. ROI' ratan, with a balance of $44R,01 on • hand, There were several items of l business dealt with, The June Meeting of the Walton Mission Band was held. Margaret Acholles presided and Elizabeth Mc - Gavin was at the piano. A poem was read by Mrs, McCall. Audrey Hack - well read the minutes, they were se- conded by David Kirkby, Scripture lesson was read by Margaret .A,.chil- les. Fred Walters gave the Temper, ante story, this was followed by a sentence prayer by Ruth Ann Walt- ers, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnston and daughter Marion, with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Glutzen and sons Michael and Alexandra, Mr. and Mrs. James Coutts with friends in Sarnia, Mr, and Mrs. C. Wey and son Doug with friends in Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Watson of London with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett. Mr. D. Dalton, James. Bolger and Gordon Lydiatt spent the weekend with friends in Buffalo, N.Y. Mr. Roy Bennett of Walton met an unfortunate accident last Thurs.• day in Kitchener when delivering hogs. A boar's tusk cut a. gash, 14 inches long in his leg, Re lost con- siderable blood and was taken to the hospital for treatment. Mr. Bennett was able to return to his hone at Walton on Friday. TRAVEL IPI STYLE ON Cross -Canada travel has a new flair, a new excitement; when you go the' Jasper Way" on Canadian National's famous Continental Limited. Relax in luxurious comfort as you view some of the world's most glorious scenery ...Enjoy carefree travel in pleasant bedrooms, standard and tourist sleepers, lounges and coaches—delicious meals in attractive dining cars. This fast, modern daily train links Toronto, Minaki, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver. TRAS''EL. GIFT CERTIFICATE Canadian National now offers an attractive Gift Certificate covering Train 'Travel anywhere ... to any rail destination , , . for any amount you wish ... on sale at ail Conedian National ticket offices. Eacy to buy, easy to use. A gift that's e to please. Information and reservations from any C.N.R. Agent. III cN NAL THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES TUCKERSMITH Tuckersmith School Area Board met in S.S. 2 last Tuesday. Members present: Chairman H. Johns, 'G. Bell, W. Coleman, G. Broadfoot. Tenders for supplying furnace coal to Area Schools were received from Seaforth Lumber Co., Mustard Lumber• Co„ Lorne S. Eller and Willis Dundas. The contract was awarded to Willis Dundas at a price of $22,81) per ton. Tile Board approved the annual bus trip by pupils to a place of edu- cational interest. The trip this year will be to Ford's Museum, Detroit. A number of accounts of small amounts were passed for payment. • ST. COLUMBAN The regular meeting of the C.W. L. was held on June 15th. Mrs. Wm. Ryan, president, conducted the meeting, opening with prb.yer. The 1st vice pres., reported that 105 members have paid fees to date. The treasurer, Mrs. Maurice Melady, re- ported a balance of 5242,10. Corres- pondence was read by Mary Malone including thankyou letters for treats sent to members who have been ill and from Father. Kash of Western Missions for used clothing. Plans were made to hold the annual pot - Carden Party Walton United Church WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 Supper _served 6 to 8 Followed by a good program presented by the Four Sons of Harmony of Boantforcl Admission' Adults 75e, children 40e CHICKEN AND STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL At the Brucefield United Church THURSDAY, JUNE 26 Local and Outside. Talent Admission: Adults 1.00; children 50c .fiance SATURDAY NICHT Stratford Casino HAL WRIGHT AND HIS 11 PIECE ORCHESTRA s EVERY WEDNESDAY Dance To Paul Cross and his 11 Piece Orchestra ADM. .50 ONTARIO'S% BEAUTY SPOT luck supper in the Lions Park, Sea forth, the fust Sunday of July, All members are extended a cordial in- vi'tation to attend. Mrs. Wm. Ryan and Mary Malone gave very inter - ..esti lig nter- estilig reports on the convention held in London in May. Mrs. Mike Murray and .Mrs, Joseph Dale were appointed to visit the sick during the summer• months. It was derided to hold a sapper in the parish hall the latter part .of July. The meeting adjourned, the next meeting to be held in September when it is hoped 'all members will be present. BECK—VOGEL St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Stratford, was the scene of a quiet wedding when Ruth Vogel, daughter of Mr, Robert Vogel, Seaforth, and Mrs. Vogel of Gernany, was united in marriage to Fred Beck, son of the late Mr, and Mrs, Fred Bock, form. erly of Germany, Rev. G. N, Sehaus officiated, on Saturday, June 14th. The bride was gowned in white satin with veil and headdress. She carried White carnations, Her attend- ant, Mrs, R; 'Hagenbuch, wore a powder blue gown with matching accessories. Joseph Bergsminn of Seaforth was the groomsman. The couple will reside in Seaforth, RECEPTION TUESDAY, JUNE 24 For IvPi'. and Mrs. Glen McClure in Seaforth Community Centre Music by Willow Grove Serenaders • Everyone Welcome THURSDAY. JUNE 10, 195 ENT THEATRE SE/WC/kali Nov Thom Fri. Sat. 'f•n•hh adreno lira `+.i,5 gull. tot 7 P.M,. WITH A SONG IN MY HEART Hn'un lltttt 1rd 1).11 'id Wayne Th,, ttt,,g,r.th.m-lit•tion story t,, 'Inimts Moltwt d:uu• h',cmutn. Pfr(ayune wilt UIJ'O the all-Ihne Lap n, hit _ next Mon. iucn \','d STAR LIFT i)uri� Ilay Gordon Ms'ltu, 'O .tory. of .partner S0,,s0- th.0 Laws cheers to 'OW hm,rtn of our :lotting trete. A musical with sun, aur t, NI,NI. Thurs. Fri. Sat. 5(1' FRIEND FLICKA Tochnieolor. noddy McDowell. Preston reeler. l,lirhn Milli na In 11 h ti t•x-eu'tulnyt blmnrr whlldl eltonne. ctrl tufo. S the boy _and his horse sterol together ngutbnat thu world. t'Op1rN(i-- - ACROSS TUE 111D5 MISSOURI IV otice TOWN OF SEAFORTIT All bicycles in the Town of Seaforth are required to be licensed. Licenses may now be obtained at the Clerk's Office and must be secured by June 30, 1952. WALTON Mr. and Mrs. John Shannon with their son Wallace, and Mrs, Shannon in Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. James Mowbray, De- troit, with Miss Mary Mowbray. Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Young, Port Huron, Mich., with friends here. at® BORN ROWE--At Barrie, Ont., on Juno 2nd, to Mr, and Mrs. 0. J. Rowe (Jessie Archibald) a son, Ian Alinings. DENNIS — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 14, to Me. and Ml's,. Clayton. Dennis.. a eon 1l!•IUELL — At Scott Memorial Hospital, en June IS, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tbuell, • ? Blyth, a daughter ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS GEO. H. DoUCETT, Minister Debentures and Guaranteed Certificates for 1 and 2 years from 3 to 10 years Interest payable half yearly o $100 or more accepted THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation Head Office — London, Ontario District Representatives Watson & Reid, Seaforth, Ontario F. G. Bonthron, Hensall, Ontario the telephone in your home stands ready to serve you for a fraction f a cont an hogs What else in your daily living means so much yet costs so little? THE DELI. TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA