HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-05-22, Page 416th 23rd 20%o off all Spring Coats, Coat Sets, Suits and Girl's Plaid Wool Slacks SPECIALS --Suits, 4 only, reg. 0.95 Sale Price 3.95 Suits, 3 only, Reg. 8.95 ....Sale Price 5.95 Jeans --- Reg. 3,25 and 2.98. ,Sale Price 2.75 ALSO 25% off Snow Suits and Winter Coats THE KIDDIES SHOP SEAFORTH NO 0C Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality owning or har- boring dogs must purchase 1952 licenses for same on or before June 18th, 1952. Licenses will be issued from the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the Tax Collector, Harold Maloney. After that date summonses through the Court ' will be issued to the owners or harborer s of dogs not having licenses. All dogs must wear license tags. THIS IS YOUR SHOPPING GUIDE The Seaforth Stores will remain open Fri- day Night, May 23, until 10 p.m. as Saturday, being May 24, all places of business will be closed Please shop Early as this is a 2 -Day Holiday MERCHANTS COMMITTEE Chamber of Commerce TH StAFO 1,TH NLWS E3RODHAOEN Miss Jane Rock spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. 13. Broughton and Mr. Broughton near Atwood. Mrs, Mary Di'ttmer, who has been recuperating at the home of Mr, and Mrs. henry A. Bennewies in Mitch- ell after breaking her hi is now at the home of her niece Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens and Mr. Ahrens, 31r. and Mrs. W. L. Querengesser, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Querengesser in Ros- tock. Mrs. Oscar Diegel and family of I{itchener with Mr, and Mrs. Henry L. Diegel, Paul, infant son of Mr, and Mrs, Wnm. Steinbach was baptized at St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Kistner as sponsors along with the parents. Mrs. W, L. Querengesser, Mrs. Russell Sholdice, Roger and Beverly spent Thursday and Friday in Wat- erloo with Mr. and Mrs.. Howard Querengesser and also attended the Kitchener -Waterloo Academy dif Dancing recital held in the .Colleg- iate in which Susan Querengesser took part. Mr. and Mrs, John Hinz of Kitch- ener, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Hinz and Douglas and Mr. Vern Mitchell of Springfield with Mr, and Mrs. La- vern Wolfe. Mrs. Robert Gibb and Sharon of Chatham with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Smyth. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rose, Lorraine and Yvonne of Sarnia with Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt. Ma .e In?', ltiR �Q x � � ��•� s eel „lu1 Simply order whatever food pleases you the most and then add, . , ice-cold Coca-Cola." Enjoy it right in the bottle. Including Federal Salem and Excise Texas Authorized bottler of. Coca-Cola unJor contract with Coca -Coln Ltd. ESBECO LIMITED 858 Erie Street STRATFORD, ONT, Phone 78 !!Coka'Ha a tesfstorad trade -mark 10l2 to 1052 was given by the sec - rotary, Mrs, Lillian Grummett. The minutes of the first meeting and names of the first officers were read, Mrs. Charles Aberhart was the first noble grand, Tribute was paid to departed members, with Mrs, Alva Westcott reading the names and Mrs. Mae Dorrance placing a• flower in a bask- et for each name called. A pleasing feature of the evening was the lighting of candles on a de- corated three -tiered birthday cake, done by the lodge's two newest members, Mrs. Vivian Sims and Mrs, Corrie Snowden, Mrs, McGavin, a charter member, extinguished the candles; and Mrs. Margaret Selater, also a charter member, cut the cake. The cake was spade ,and decorated 13.y Miss Jean Scott, a lodge member. Miss Libbie Freeman, also charter member, was unable to be present. Miss Scott, P D,D.P., introduced the guest speaker, Mrs, Meda Lewis, past president of the Rebekah As- sembly, who urged her hearers to live up to the find teachings of the order and continue diligently with its works of charity. On behalf of the hostess lodge, Mrs. Georgine Smith, P.D,D.P„ presented Mrs. Lew- is ewis with a gift. Mrs. Ina Wolfe, Strat- ford, presented the Seaforth lodge with a white Bible in memory of her mother, who had been a member here. WINTHROP The annual meeting of Winthrop football club was held in the hall with President Austin tDolmage as chairman and Arthur Bolton, secre- tary. Mac Bolton and Doug Keys were appointed auditors for the past year. Election of officers for 1952 followed: Pres., John Leeming; sec.- treas.; Douglas Keys; field commit- tee, Harry Johnston, Ross McClure, Laverne Godkin; managers, Ray- mond Chambers, Harvey Dolmage: coach, Wm. Montgomery; gatekeep- ers, Charles Dohnage, John Leeming; linemen, Alex Kerr, Ken Cuthill, Wm. Little, Glen Haase; H.F.A. re- presentative, Les Dohnage. MoKI LLOP The following are the corrections regarding the organization meeting of the McKillop Fair Ralph McNichol is director for Class 1 and Duncan McNichol for classes 10 and 10. In classes 13 and 14 there are four directors, Mrs. Roy Patrick, Mrs, Stanley Hillen, Mrs. Antone Siemon, and Mrs. Ar- chie Somerville. The refreshment booth directors are Harvey Dolmage, Leslie Better - man, Allen Campbell, Stephen Mur- ray. Ken Betties and John Moylan. HURON ROAD WEST Mrs. Vick Heeley dDorothyl of Toronto and Dian and Richard spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland, Huron Rd. :lir. and Mrs. Ken McBurney and family of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gibson and family of Blyth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland. Miss Thelma Glazier held a trous- seau tea for the neighbors on Sat- urday last which was well attended. Mr. 0. 'L. ,Switzer and Mr, and Mrs. Noble Holland and Mas. V. Heeley of Toronto. motored to Lon- don on Monday to visit with Mrs, Ken McBurney-. LODGE OBSERVES 40TH ANNIVERSARY Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge of Sea - forth celebrated its 40th anniversary Wednesday night by entertaining the other five lodges of the district, Brussels, Hensell, Exeter. Clinton, and Goderich, as well as former members now living in Stratford. Visitors were also present from Thorndale, Members of the hostess lodge served a' banquet to more•than 200 persons in the schoolrooms of First Presbyterian Church, with Mrs. Hazel McGonigle, N.G., presiding. The lodge colors, pink and green, were used throughout the room, with matching napkins and programs as accents. Place cards done in shell and held in place by pink and green chenille holders marked the placings of head -table guests. Mrs. McGonigle welcomed the large gathering, Toasts were given and responded to as follows: "Our Country", Mrs. Anne Henderson, the singing of "0 Canada", "Our Lodge", Mrs. Annie Harrison, Miss Mae Smith, V.G.; "Our Guests" Mrs. Evelyn Willis, Mrs. Mary Nediger, P,D.D.P., Clinton; "Our Charter Members," Mrs. Ila Dorrance,• Mrs. Margaret Sclater; "Our District", Mrs. Ethel Boyes, Mrs. Ada Arm- strong, D.D.P., Brussels; "Our As- sembly," Mrs. Mae Hillebreeht, Mrs. Meda Lewis, Toronto, past presi- dent of the Rebekah Assembly. Solos were sung by Mrs. Anna Kling and Mrs. Sadie Hart. Mrs, Audrey Stevens led in community singing. Mrs, Ethel Hunt and Mrs. Elva Pullman accompanied. An account of the lodge from C. W. L. PENNY SALE ST. COLUMBAN PARISH HALL Drawing Wed. Evening May 28th at 9 P.M.. Tickets may be obtained from members of executive at any time, or at the Hall from 7,30 to 9,30 p.m. May 28th Tickets 25 for 25o Prizes will be on display over . weekend THURSDAY, Y 22, 1952 E 1r; T THEATRE EATRE 8.I1,'Ab"URT1-1 NOW PLAY IA( -'-•-'- -- — Thar,. Ili Sat. I'LL GET SY ltchnit0101' 5111 l un,lignn len, littvor. 31.1.55 Jim,: plays his trumpet, tluu,•1, tht • Snusrenl rnnane,•, Yau'I1 vni, and Iaurh with Uoneis.stns' and Joanne Crab: Next Mon Pule 1' oa FORCE OF ARMS willinur Ftohten . Nancy ±)mutt. Uon% Just nmsidci' this another war ple'ture. It. tells you of one or tiie grout E.( IOTA - -nn th,' bttttlellelds of Itchy Next Thurs. Pr1. Sat. THE GOLDEN HORDE Teo0411e0lo1• Ann nli•th • David Farrar. Tho Omit Gcnshis Khan fights -with a beautitulprin- cess. Ton thousand hoover thunder out of Asia, so do not bras this. COMING ONE FULL WGI.K: MA AND PA KETT1.8 A'l" `I'Uhi PAIR Herbert Hoover Forecasts Future Our only living ex -President sees a bright future for America—if we remember the lessons of the past, Read "We Have Just ;Begun to Dream", by former President Hoo ver in this coming Sunday's (Ma • 25) issue of the NEW Color Gravure American Weekly, exclusively wit] Detroit Sunday Times! Seaforth Lumber Ltd. WHEN YOU THINK OF LUMBER — THINK OF SEAFORTH 47 CAR OF IiEMLOCI( GOING FAST CAR OF CEDAR JUST IN & CEDAR SHINGLES L. WT IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT ON MONDAY, MAY 26th F a ANK PHILL,lPS WILL ASSUME THE MANAGERSHIP OF PHONE 96 MAIN ST. o.�, a n m.,,01,1,0lafflAnSIASIAMingitnaglaWketWAP SEAFORTH 5 a 5 11 TO KEEP MAY 24th WEEK -END FREE OF ACCIDENTS Holiday week -ends bring unusual traffic hazards to Ontario. More drivers and pedestrians use the streets and highways. More miles are travelled. More time is spent out of doors, and thousands of children are re- leased from school. All these factors swell the normal traffic volume and increase the danger of accidents. I earnestly urge all citizens, and all leaders in com- munity and municipal life, to encourage widespread awareness of the need for safer driving and safer walking. The traffic accident record can be kept down—if each of us does his part, The Department of Highways is conducting a planned attack on accidents. Let us all work together to keep the approaching holiday period free of accidents. GEO. H. DOUCETT MINISTER %%O.:%., ®UQ+ate V\ :e