HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-05-15, Page 6"SALAD i M MEM ANN€ NEe 41 S N "Dear Anne Hirst: When I was Iia high school, I ran away and !married a man my family did not like. He Was most unhappy at house; he had a step- inother whom he didn't get along with. I loved Ism, to I disliked her in- tensely. It be- came evident that site disliked ole as much. "After our little girls were born, Ino husband because restless again and I found he was turning to his stepmother and father for consola- tion. "We had a lot of bad luck. He joined the Amy, Iris family seem- ed to this_;; it tires sty, fault, but said I ema_< stay with titent in re- turn for my eltotnteut cheque. I -turned them, ?,.turn. Since then. they Easy Embroidery fe44491.4 Ma& PICTURE NEWS! Embroider this needlepaintiug, then add Beady -made ruffles to snake the girl's skirt. Gay, pretty --perfect for a little girl's room! Frame of line this picture for a gift. I'attrrn 615: the transfer is 15 x 19 inches. Send TWENTY FIVE CENTS int coils (stamps cannot be ac• ceptedt for this pattern to !lox 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto. Ont. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER. your NAME and ADDRESS. Such a c.rinrfttl rotuxhitl of handiwork pleas! Send twenty-five cents now for our Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Catalog. Choose y-qur patterns from our gaily illustrated toys, dolls, household and person. 61 accessories. A pattern for a handbag is em minted right in the fiook, cane to see us only. when my 'hus- band was haute. Letters Complicate "Soon my husband's stepmother - began to write endearing letters to him! 1 told hitn that I saw a couple before he went overseas. Ile re- plied, 'The old girl does get a bit sloppy, doesn't she?' however, he answered the letters and is still writing her. None of them scent to rare about my feelings. "Is there any way to show a man that his wife and fancily should conte first? Is there any way to tell this woman that she is over- stepping her place? "He is -still overseas. What Pd rcaily like to know is just •what place she really occupies in my husband's life -'-mother, friend or Inter?" CONFUSED." How differently you'd feel to- * day if, when you read these let- * tees, you and your husband had ° had a good laugh together -and dismissed the idea of their itnpor- - taus. as ridiculous. * 1fa;, it ocetured to you that ': your husband is so relieved to be on friendly terms with his father's wife that he accepts• iter terms of endearment with a * mental shrug?? MS reply to yon * doesn't indicate he take. her * seriously.. o I know yon are suspicious. • and hurt as well, holt if she is as malicious as you think, why don't you heat her at her own game? beep your letters dying across '' him. Loving letters, brimming o wite eewx of Ido friends hack * home, Gay with stories of the "' children's latest dricks, and tell- " ing him itmletail ju.t'riot yOIl've • been doing. * unclose :.1:111009 clippings 'n:q+:hots of you all-at41 remiod hint that won only live for the lac ile Conus 11unne. Won l.nowv 6itn hotter than ancone else does ard can eauge his normal re- actions SO he sure that .(cert 1-It.r 3 on send makes his feel that he's dropped in at home and s. had a wonderful, refreshing visit " with con and - the children. ' mutter how tempted you arc, nr.er say anything about • his family, except Perhaps that 3•ott sett' then, lately and they're F' all tine. Give him the impression that the unpleasant past you all ' deplored has gone, and that so " far as you are concerned. the ream' will. bring a new feelin.: all around. • You we nn't tact .anywhere re• ' minding him that you and his clul lrcq COMP first. nor accenting :: your rights or his Wrongs. And * any attempt to tell his step- mother nlf ran only add new fuel to the flame of her probable * hatted fur von, . " At least whit, thousands of "` Miles lie between you and 3 -our * husband, take it for granted that *Apt 'rivalry for his affections ex- ists. The chances are yoti will " find it. true. "Gear .\in.a Hirst: my sere luta- band is a problem already. 1le has the habit of coming honkie at any time hi nhr.."s; and not even tele - 1t ei n:• fort. I1 is -1 1 only irritating, but un - "an CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACm�"s.• ..a.�. h.• MS Ws roma I. Shear 6. Season Io. Ire t eche 12. Thin soar i .4 13. 6MM :tithred 16. 91,111 16. Thin 0.041t 26..rapnnoae }} agode tel, r)oolare 21. Unseal in niokname 22. Rapoue 23. I:urnpeat. dormouse 26. Agar 25, ilndevetnp.!ii flower 26. fiord er 30. Silky cloth 3'4. Piazza figs Smooth 30. Movin3 track 41. Actor's part 42. Ono (German) 43, Money penalties er rlevnra.2e 46 Garo vaster ate dg toatnwnv rd NorwogTari at Yore'rot h2, Want KW. Wen,. 11)'.4 I7{7'WN I, tipsy gsulnp 2.:fteuitae. a. N. 7. Ne ia:tn.e Fa. nodal . ilc* 8tsnlred . walls vnnto) ally . h, rruc cry Ii 1L, u, i:.; rl cit A.rt.. 14.'1 „ '.,:,.-nt, 17. Pumping Lung d nt... 20 rant Iran flownr1 t 12. 114114) 24. [Arlo Jy ?.,orals e 00,0111 93. CuutnIred !, hr,wpLet 31, p,.r,.n,in,sa 10 bird., .4kns.So hu,rc Paro Curs 4,r 1..i.,t10 country 41. .heat 41, ''o:.^aompan'et 49- lits r !Span.) Answer fiIi cohere on This Page Maid Of Lilies - Paying honor to the Bermuda lily, a "Lily Bride" with a skirt resembling a mountain of flowers, rides on a float in the third annual pageant honoring the native flower. More than 40 similarly decorated floats wound through the streets of Hamilton, Bermuda's capital city, during the celebration, necessary, I know that others in hie „a ,.,, keep regular hours, only working late two nights a month, a,n a. , a bis su.plrious--but w'he dries he linger downtown hist - pass- ing the time with the boys? "I don't want this to be a re- gular thing . , 11y sister lives nearby, but offers no solution. Can you give me any? - 'moult LED WIFE." Wait a reasonable time far your husband to arrive, then • some evening soon visit your • sister, and leave hint a note " where you are. Add that his • dinner is in the oven. Don't * make an issue of it -and don't show any anger when he calls * for you. Be as gay as usual, and * see that be enjoys what's left ° of the everting. * So litany new husbands do not o; realize that if there is to be * order in the home, a wife's rou- w'tine. has to be observed. They * forget that their contribution to. * that order is vital. and any lapse * on their part upsets the whole 's regime. * You are wise to curb this habit '° early in your- marriage. If more * wives had taken the initiative * Promptly, they would be happier * wives today. # * ° If your husband is a soldier, it is your job to carry on at home - keep your problems to yourself, and slake his morale your first job. Write Anne Hirst whatever is worrying you: she'll try to help. Address her at Box 1, 123 Eight- eenth Street, New Toronto, Ont. Weekly Sew -Thrifty 4530 l2 -2n; 40 JIFFY I) ESS 'Duster -coat! Evening lV rupl Beach -Coati Get the most use, with the least sew- ing front !his! Make it in a shan- tung for a spring roof -date -dress. Later you'll wear- it over your suit to beach and back if you make it in a tubbable cotton! 'Pattern 4530: blesses' Sizes •12, 14; 16, 111, 20, 40. Sire 16 tabes 434 yanks 35 -inch fabric:. This pattern is easy to use, simple to sew,. is tested for fit. Lias complete illustrated instruc- Hons. Seed THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (35e) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. .Print plain1Y SIZE, NAME, ADD12'ESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to Box 1, 123 Eigltt- ecxhtll St„ New Toronto, Ont. In Chicago In the ,!car dead ,uy's of long 1Ro when 1'robihttlon was in its glory, one of its chief beneficiaries, a gentleman named Al Capone, gave a dinner dance attended by the creme -de -la -creme of Cicero. One extremely pretty girl, making her debut in this select society, was the rynnsure of all eyes, as site fully expected to. be, but as the evening wore on, she grew more and more restive. The host, Mr. Capone 1limeelf, had not ask- ed Iter t,, dance with hint. "lie's. danced four times with that frump ttitit all the peroxide burls and purple heads," she com- plained to her escort, "ITe hasn't even looked at nue. You're a big shot ---or so you tell nue. Do some- thing ;111,01 it!" IIrr hard-pressed escort had a sudden inspiration, "If you knew what it meant. Capone dancing with that Jane 00 often," he told her, "you wouldn't talk like that, lie's patting the finger on heel She must' know too much. C'apone's - signallitig the boys to give her a ride. She's as good 11.4 gone right now!" The girl paler!. shuddered with, eacitrnli'mt, and whispered, "Gee, homey',. how teas 1 to know?" The young Machiavelli was so pleased with his stratefem, he couldn't resist 11'Wag it to Al Ca- pone, ii,, promptly decided the jnlce 117: too good to cut short. Ile wv 411(.1 0'. er to the girl, calmly t:vole her away from the man to whom site was talking. and said loudly, -Tide dance is with mel" For f,na' datives ill succession, be whirled her around the floor, at the end of which the young lady was so fri.gItiened, she was utter- ing incoherent sounds and her eye: were pr,ppiutr front her head. Capone appeared more .and more interested. On the way. home, Winch, much later, the girl's escort let her in on his whimsical little joke. If you're. looking for a story n-ith a happy ending, this one has it. I suppose. The girl achieved snore small measure of -revenge within twenty-10er horn's. Iter boy friend was found tread in an alley, his body sprayed with a dozen machine guts bullets. She was- look- ing sadly at his picture, and won- dering what to wear to the funeral when 'a messenger arrived with four dozen long-stemmed American Beauties. The enclosed card read, "Mr. Capone expects you to have dinner with frim this evening." HRONICLE,S IGE. eY C3toertcloLlll¢ P Clctitilse Maybe it sounds crazy, but .1 just feel as If I watt to write only about the- weather 1t is so beautiful, And there is no better piece to appreciate it than right here at home. Not only that bet I ltilve a new vantage point from which to enjoy the weather - that is, our rebuilt 5110000th, which faces south-east. It is a job that has ueeded doing for years, '91 * front was falling apart and plaster dropping off the ceiling but until now there always seethed to be Some other more in need of urgent attention; ;o the sunrooln degemer• ated into a catch-all for tete un • - wanted overflow from other rooms. Tihe stain part of the rebuilding is done but we still have to wait a before we can get tvitidoly sash for 000 picture window ti!i feet by 5. The location of the sunroonl is ideal. From one corner the can sec the highway; from the oppos- ite corner there is a lovely view of our neighbour's bush which borders part of our farm, provid• ing .0 good shelter belt and a love- ly background for our pasture fields, The immediate foreground Is not so good. There is the winter ashpile; also au Incinerator where I have been burning rubbish for three days! Fortunately such Un- sightly scenery is easily- removed. 1 don't know '!tow nude use the rest of the family will slake of our suuroom but I know it is going to be wonderful for me. I have never been able to sit out in the garden with my mending, writing or read- ing because the pesky mosquitoes torment me to such an extent that I have to seek refuge in the house. Now I shall be able to work, re- lax or do a spot of bird -watching and enjoy the fresh air and sun- shine -.- that is, once the windows and screens are on. It is going to be, wonderful! The sunroom is where 1 ant sit- ting now, without benefit -of win- dows and my first visitor has ar- - rived through the empty window space - a noisy bumble -bee flit- ting busily back and forth. From the chestnut tree the starlings are holding a family conference. By the way, have you noticed that starlings have one call that is an exact imitation of the conte -slither whistle commonly used by boys on the street to attract attention from the girls passing by. Now I wonder -•- are trays imitating the starlings, or ,!s it the other way round, Ott April 24th Partner reported the return of the barn swallows. At least one swallow was back and was immediately busy houseclean- ing: And 1 skean exactly that. This little swallow was in and out of the cuw (111111', pecking vigorously at the accumulated rubbish in one of last year's nests, !lying away with it or just letting it drop to the fluor. 1 wonder if Mr, Swallow objects to housecleaning as strenu- 011613 as some other males - and with as little result, Well, there is one thing we can- not get used to this spring - that is the hum of neighbour tractors. all around us while our own tree- tor raytot• sits silently in the driving -shed, As I may have mentioned before the are not putting in, any crop at all this year as we have the entire faro, down in grass. We should, at least, have plenty of hay and pasture, Ilowever, the fact that we are not doing any seeding doesn't mean there is uo work to do around stere. There are, - in fact, enough clearing up jobs to do to keep Partner and me busy all summer, SEDICIN tablets lakon according to directions is a sale way to induce sleep or quiet the nerves when tense. $1.00 Dru Stores on! 1 orSediein Torenle2, from daylight to dark. Which reminds ole, we have survived the first two mornings of daylight SAY. ing time -- and we found the change -over quite painless. We discovered it is just as easy to get up at 5.30 17.5.1 as at 5.30 standard time. But we maw find it harder to go to bed at 1030: which is our theoretical (tour for retiring, although I always tell Partner he gets in one ele.ett before bedtime and the rest of it afterwards, llow- ever•, for that I am very thankful because I tun sure it is Partner's ability to sleep that has kept him going ever since World War I. \Vhat a blessing to go to led and drop right off to sleep. "1 can't sleep!" is "such a common com- plaint -- altltottglt many people would sleep a lot better if they didn't worry about keeping awake. If sleepless folk would: only tell themselves that lying awake be not a major disaster, that they are at least resting their bodies, then that Qiouglit alone would relax thek nervous systems and in a little while sleep would surely follow. Time To Haul Out to Montgomery, Alabama, a wealthy general strode confident- ly into his bank and sought to cash his check for a hundred dollars. An ellicicncy'expert had revolutionized. the bank's system, however, and the paying teller declared, 4111 have to asst for your identification, please." "Demuth," roared the gen- neral, "I've been a depositor here for years and you know me per- fcetly well." "Kindly see the sec- ond vice-president," said the teller. The. second vice-president took the general to the first vice-presid- ent and the first vice-president took hint to the president. The presid- ent okayed the check just in time to keep the general from having an apoplectic stroke. As he raked iu his hundred dol- lars, time general- suddenly demand- ed, "What's my balance here now?" The teller investigated and report- ed rather sheepishly, "$234,405.47, sir." The general made out a new cheque for $234,405.47, and said, "Now, dannnit, get the president to okay this one. 1 want it in cash." The frightened president came pattering over on the double and protested, "General, you're withdrawing your entire balance with us!" "I certainly am," said lite gen- eral. "I figure 1 better grab it while there's still one idiot in this bank who scents to recognize me." v They passed her in the park. "That's ferry's wife," said Carter. Thinks the world of her bus - band." "Does she?" "Rather, She even believes the parent taught !tint to swear." Itching, . Burning Toes and Feet IIere hi a clean. stainless antiseptic oft that velli do mote to help you get rid of your troubio than anything you've ever used. The action of MOONB'S EMERALD OIL la so powerfully penetrating that the itching la quickly stopped; and in a short time you arc rid of that bothersome, nary torture. The same la true of Berber's Itch, Salt Rheum. Eczema end many other irritating unsightly skin troubles. You can obtain 11tOONE'S EMERALD OIC. In the orlglnal bottle at any modern drug atom It is safe to use -and failing hi any of these ells mann la rare indeed. Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking ISSUE 20 - 1952 e kperb1y De1iciouS as a dessert by iiself 1 AND • anti -2 Weffgdir �n c•�4: I P CORN SYRUP m es