HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-05-01, Page 4SPG ? 'i`" EQUIPMENT WE HAVE ALL YOUR NEEDS FOR THOSE ODD JOBS EUREKA POWER LAWN MOWER 120.00 ALL SIZES HAND MOWERS $11.95 TO $24,70 HOES $1,85 TO $2,40 DIGGING FORKS 2.30 HAND CULTIVATORS 2.35 LAWN EDGERS 1.45 STABLE BROOMS 1,90 7 FT. T STEEL POSTS: BARB WIRE traRnAnArirkflit Special 150 GAL. GAS SKID TANKS $45.00 Free Estimates given on Heating and Plumbing Problems Quality Goods with Quality Service SILLS & SONS Plumbing Hardware Heating We are happy to announce the RE -OPENING OF SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE On a8 Highway 11/4 miles West of Seaforth Fred will be on hand to welcome his old customers and give them a FREE SAVINGS BANK RICE LAKE FUR CO, FU C STO AGE Your precious fur coat will receive daily care, expert care by a method that protects it completely -right down to the all-important under -fur and skin itself. Your furs deserve the best of care • Each fur coat "STER-O-LIZED" against germs and moth eggs. Air blown free of dust and grit. • Insured against moths, fire, heat and theft. • Garments kept in constantly circulating, pure dry -cold air. • All garments periodically inspected by storage experts and master furrier. • Restyling and repairing estimates furnished free. • "Master Furrier" techniques in handling. LOW SUMMER PRICES ON RESTYLING - REPAIRING - CLEANING Bring Your Fur Coat in NOW To CAROL LYN SHOP TI] WORTH NEWS PENNY SALE Continued from Page One Overalls, Kiddies Shop, No, 702, Mrs. Mary 13ox, Flowers, Baker, Greenhouse, No, 2091, Mrs, Stan Garnhani. Bag" chick starter, George Kruse, No. 2380, Miss Jean Scott. I'etitpoint picture, Mrs, R. :12ur. di , No. 342, Mrs. Ross Stwauge. Cleaning suit, Scotus Cleaners, No, 847, Mrs. John Currie. Eight glasses, Mrs. E. L. Box, No, 2043,, Katherine McGregor, R.R. 2, lippen. Card table, Seaforth Branch Can- adieu Legion, No. 2291, Jack Scott, Wet wash, Mrs. W. Miller, No. 1036, Mrs. Nelsen Keyes. Cokes, Oke's Billiards, No. 4$9, Lynda Savauge, Flour, Art Wright Grocery, No. 303, Mrs. Joe Kinney. Wallpaper, Hildebrands, No. 435, Glen Reed, Rothsay, Ont, Gladioli bulbs, Baker's Green- house, Mrs. Geo. Eaton. Slippers, Willis Shoo Store, No. 948, Erma Walters. Beauty kit, Muriel's Beauty Salon, N.o. 1112, BIrs. Ken Ritchie. Camera, Wm. Hart, No. 791, Mrs, Dorothy Munroe. 10 doz. eggs, Scott Poultry Farris, No. 982, Mrs. John MacTavish. Shoe cleaner, H. Thompson, No. 764, Mrs. Mitchell, c -o Hospital. What -not, G. A. irright, No. 2252, Norman Knight. $5.00 merchandise, Seaforth Lum- ber, No, 79, K. Cleary. Pork, Harold Whyte & Son, No, 2409, Mrs. Alvin Sillery. Spark plugs, Canadian Tire, No. 685, Mrs, Bill Austin. Cleaning liquid, Daly's Garage, No. 1018, Mrs. Art Nicholson. Milk tickets, Maple Leaf Dairy, No. 912, Mrs. Frank Sills Sr, Wash and grease job, Seaforth Motors, No. 685, Mrs. Bill Austin. Booties, Mrs. Helen Scott, No. 2223, Barney Hildebrand. Chocolates, Tasty Grill, No. 103, Mrs. Louis D. Thompson, Brussels. Supnatabs, Seaforth Clinic, No. 2272, Jack Scott. Motor oil, Miller & Wilbee, No. 681, Mrs. J. A. Munn. Bandages, Seaforth Clinic, No. 695, J. T. Scott. Seminal, Seaforth Clinic, No. 609, Mrs. J. A. Murray. Anaemin, Seaforth Clinic, No. 1075, Mrs. Raymond Nott. Purse, Mrs. Steffen, No. 2173, Mrs Chas. Woods. Following donated by firms that Scott MemorialHospital purchase from, Grand & Toy, Burroughs Welcome, R. 3, Lovell, C. B. Car- ruthers, Textile Products, Simpsons, G. A. Hardie, Lloyds, Hartz Co., Acme Products, Ingram & Bell, Smith & Nephew, Diversey Corp., M. H, Robertson, Surgical Supplies, Ayerst McKenna & Harrison, Ab- bott Laboratories, Parke Davis Co., Fisher & Burpe Ltd., Johnson & Johnson, Bauer and Black, Hunting- ton Lab., Stevens Co., Gordon Me- Eachern, Jim Grant, Seaforth. Bath towel set, No. 1117, Mrs. L. Jones, Egmondville; hand lotion, No. 323, Mrs. Ed. Stapleton, Dublin; Lotions, powder, gloves, No. 2191; C. H. Addicott; Bill fold, Alicia Coyne, Staffa; instrument case, Lois Hunter, Seaforth; lotions, etc., Jack Scott; chemical food, Peter Sillery; Bentinal, H. E. Smith; pol- ishing cloths, Miss Elizabeth Smith; pencils, Miss Olive Laidlaw; lotions, etc., Mrs. Geo. Eaton; table cloth, Mrs. J. J. Cleary: baby lotion, Mrs. J. F. Calvert, London; ketchup, Frances McGavin, Walton; rubber gloves, George Hildebrand; sheet- ing, etc., Mrs. Pat Troutbeck; hand lotion, Mrs. Cleave Coombs; moth tabs, etc., Mrs. C. Coombs; Baby Powder, Miss M. Hartry; Elizabeth Arden kit, Catherine Campbell; lo- tions, Mrs: Ed. Regele; bill fold, Stewart Henderson; beminal, H. E. Smith; lotions, Mrs. Shirley O'Shea; lotions, gloves, George Hays; moth tabs, Susan McLean; moth killer, Mrs. 3. Turnbull; lotions, _Mrs. Ray- mond Nott; cotton pickers, Mrs. Bill Austin; powder, Eddie Box; powder, Mrs. Mabel Cole; powder, Mrs. Ray- mond Nott; polishing cloths, Mrs. Frank Novak. Cash donations from Bristol Labs., Geo. Trudell; Fenanti Electric, Huron Expositor; John Pullman, Seaforth Beauty Salon, Dr. Bechely, Mrs. Wallace Ross; Jos. ,Dorsey, Sid Pullman and Lorne Dale, Alvin Sillery, Bosharts, Wright & Leyburn, Dr. Turnbull, Terry's Radio Repair. USED MACHINERY 81 Massey -Harris Row -Crop Tractor 1 Allis W.C. Tractor 1 Cockshutt 70 R.C. Tractor 1 Allis Chalmers Combine, flax rolls and pickup 4 seections Spring. Tooth Harrow 1 used 7' #1G Binder on rubber Several cheaper used Binders 3 used self propelled Combines Several used Manure Spreaders NEW 1-15 Run Fertilizer Drill 1--81/2' spring tooth Cultivator Few sections of Spike Harrows ALL MACHINPS SIORVICED AND READY FOR DELIVERY Seaforth Motors SEAFORTH BRUSSELS Phone 141 Phone 66 Meeker, Toronto, Maple Leaf pro• fessionai hockey star. Geo. Parker is captain of the team and Byron Kyle, team publicity. Howard Scatie is coach and Lorne Hay, Onager. Bob Middleton, past pres., of the local C. of C. and. Bill Riley, pros„ spared no efforts in sponsoring the successful banquet. The team Com. prise Jock Ilenderson, Gerald Smith, Wayne Welsh, Don MacLeren, Eric Smote, Gerald Flynn, Ron Passinore, Gerry Rennie, George Parker, Bill Fink, Ken Parker, Gerald Bell and Gerald Horton. BEATIFICATION FOR REV, STEPHEN ECKERT The first hearings of cause for bea- tification and canonization of a frier in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Arch- diocese, began a little over a month ago at. Milwaukee, involving a native of Huron County. The hearing at St. Benedict the Mopr's Church was for the Rev. Stephen Eckert, O,F.M., Cap„ who was born in Dublin, April 28, 1869. Father Eckert, the first resident pastor of St, Benedict's, made his classical studies at St. Jerome's Col- lege, Ifitchener, and entered the Ca- puchins in Detroit on May 21, 1891, He was ordained at Milwaukee on July 2, 1896. His first years In the priesthood were spent in New York city, but he longed to work among the Negroes in the southern U.S. In 1913 his superiors took note of his antbi• Hon and assigned hint to the mission for colored people at Milwaukee. For the next ten years Father Eck- ert worked diligently, and devoted his time and talent, and sacrificed his health. HENSALL Mrs. Nancy Koehler of Toronto is spending a few weeks at the home of her son and daughter-in-law; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Campbell of Listowel were recent visitors with Mrs. A. Crerar and Allen. Mrs. Hugh McEwen visited re- cently with her mother, Mra, Utley in Zurich. M'r. John F. Ingram purchased the Tinney farm on the 4th eon. *1 Hay from Mr. Mathew Tinney. A Gala Banquet, sponsored by the Hensall Chamber of Commerce was tendered the Hensall "Hornets" runners-up in W.O.A.A. Midget "D" championships, Thursday night at the Canadian Legion hall. Guest speaker of the banquet was Howie ,r.. "DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary, Chat- ham, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Miss Dorothy Jordan Kitchener, with her mother, Mrs. Loretta Jord- an. Miss Margaret Holland, Toronto, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Holland. Guests attending the Bannon- Kistner wedding on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. W. Bannon, Kinkora, Mr. and Mrs. William Bannon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bannon, London, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Green, London, Mrs. Joseph Shea, Margaret, and Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bannon, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Bannon, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Ban- non, Ingersoll, Cletus Bannon, Lon- don, Miss Donna Fletcher, London, Miss Dorothy Kistner, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. John Kenney, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heinz, Nlonkton, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kistner, Bornholm, A pretty wedding took place in St. Patrick's Church, here on Saturday morning, April 26, at 10:00 o'clock when Theresa; eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kistner, Dub- lin, became the bride of Mr. Jerome Eugene Bannon, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bannon, Kinkora. The altar was decorated with spring flowers and Rev. Dr. J. B. Ffoulkes, D.C.L., performed the ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor -length gown of white slipper satin, fashioned with fitted bodice, lily -point sleeves and pearl studded neckline. Her nylon fingertip veil was held in a wreath of orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses THOR AY, MAY 1, 1952 TO THE MAN . WITH A FARM You are not only the head of a family but also the head of a business. What would hap- pen to your family and busi- ness if you should die or be- come disabled ? Would the farm have to be sold to pay the bills, or because your family couldn't afford to hire a man to do the' work ? A life insurance plan to protect your family and farm will take that load off your hind. Eric Munroe North American Life G ENT THEATRE , lithJ'Ole1id Now PLAYING - - MEET ME AFTER THE SHOW astir Grable' . Maede,,aldCarey Betty Orable sings and dmuos her say Bite Your heart. Don't n1IMS xeehtg the picture for mirth and music l'ext Mon. Tues, Wed. THE STRIP Nicker Bouncy . SaII2' Forrest. The Strip--Idollywood's fNLulaua street of ulumoc and golden dreams, The rand that leads to fume and fortune Next Thurs. Fri. Sat. THE JACKIE ROBINSON STORY Jackie Robinson - Roby Lee, An exciting story of a Negro Baseball player who hits the road to fame. A Alen for metal tolerance by an International League enthusiast National Hospital Day Under auspices of Hospital Auxiliary to Scott Memorial Hospital FRIDAY, MAY 9th INSPECTION Or :HOSPITAL AND RESIDENCE FROM 2.30 TO 4.30 'Pea served at residence from 3 to 5 Donations of towels, face clths, soap, soap flakes, Kleenex, tumblers, vases, produce, etc., will be appreciated AMINIRRIIRIPPOW DON'T FORGET SEAFORTH LIONS CLU spring Salvage Driv e WEDNESDAY, MAY 7th • Rags • "Books • Papers • Magazines Main Collection Depot is Seaforth Farmers Co-operative Building on Railway St. A house-to-house canvass will take place in Seaforth and Egmondville, WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, by Members of the Seaforth Lions Club. It will help considerably in the handling of this salvage if papers, etc., are tied in bundles. Proceeds are for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind Buy the Best fir Less Vij'ry�l 'i�liih n 40 11 I it Having been out of stock when the 15% tax was taken off refrigerators and home freezers, we are able to offer new low prices on the new famous 1952 Model international Harvester Refrigerators just arrived. You can deal better with us because'we have no pre -budget losses to recover JOHN ACH, Seaforth PIIONE 17 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS MUST BE RENEWED EMPLOYERS -Please send all unemployment insurance books for 1951-52 and previous years immediately to the National Employment Office with which you deal, unless renewal arrangements have already been made. They must be exchanged for new books. Before sending in your 1951-52 insurance books, make note of the date to which stamps are afa:ed, so as to avoid duplication in the new books. Renewal of books is important to you, to your employees and to the Commission. Please Act Promptly. TO THE INSURED WORKERI-Have you an insurance book in your possession? If so,. please take or send it to the nearest National Employment Office for renewal immediately, if you send your book, enclose your present address so that your new book may be sent to you promptly. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION C. A. L. MURCHISON Gommi„ionor J. G. BISSON R. J. TALLON Chief Commbt(oner Comminianor