HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-05-01, Page 2Cahatt SPORTS COLUMN 5emet 9efreffedeit ® Sporting gestures in which this column is primarily interested, dot the sports scene. That's traditional. There'll be many of them this year, as in every other year. Amateur and professional sport will both contribute their quota. But at year-end, we doubt if youll find one to excel, in Its spontaneous spirit, that developed in Montreal, before a fanatic hockey crowd, one night last January. You'll require a bit of background, perhaps, to more fully appreciate tins. Maurice (The Rocket) Richard, is the idol of Montreal sporttlom. What Babe Ruth and Christy Matthewson were to baseball; what Lionel Conacher, Red Grange and Jim Thorpe were to football, the Rocket is to Montreal's vast hockey public, plus, That January night, Canadiens were playing one of their bitterest rivals, the powerful Detroit Red Wings, and as an additional attraction, if one was needed, Richard the Rocket was to receive the award in recognition of being the Hockey Player of 1951, so selected by and for an American Magazine devoted to sports. So it was, in reality, a Richard night! a Richard crowd, come to pay homage town idol. But unbelievably, because of one spon- taneous sporting gesture the whole show was stolen by Richard's arch -enemy of the National League right-wing ice lanes, quiet, hard -shooting young Gordie Howe of the Wings, who just then was battling Richard tooth and nail for the N.H.L. scoring lead. It wasn't that Richard, unable to play because of injury, and clad in civvies, didn't get a great ovation when he stepped out on the rubber runway, while players of Red Wings and Canadians stretched in a line across the ice pounded on the ice with their sticks to make their own contribution to the occasion. It wasn't that Mayor Houde, a master -craftsman cf words in such events didn't speak with eloquence, All that went smoothly as per routine schedule. When the presentation was finished, and Richard had marched back to the promenade and was just about to disappear into the crowd, Howe suddenly skated away from his position, wheeled over, and called out, "Ilcy, Rockett" When Richard turned, Howe doffed Itis glove extended his hand, and the two rivals for top goal -getting honors in the National Hockey League shook hands warmly. It was a sort of genuinely unrehearsed spontaneous gesture that caught the big crowd completely by surprise. Montreal crowds are appreciative of dramatic moments and color in sport, and they felt, rightly, that here was one of them, For a few seconds there was stunned silence. Theu this crowd who had conte to cheer the Rocket blasted out a thunderous roar that even exceeded the warmth with which Richard had been received, because this cheer was for an event unexpected. It was a cheer unrehearsed, and thoroughly, warmly genuine. Before young Howe skated quietly back to his right wing position, a press photographer asked him to shake hands again with Richard, but Howe, no actor, had already contributed a sincere gesture, and was in no mood to add any studied theatrical touch and shook his head smilingly. And after that, he went on to score the goal that put him even with the ailing Richard. And the pro-Canadien crowd cheered him again, even for that. Your comments and suggesflons for this column wilt be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, 5/0 Calved House, 931 Yonge St., Toronto. C eitY ell DISTILLERS. LIMITED AMMERSTEURG, ONTARIO PORT � ,a s1xeITc Although our personal angling is pretty much confined to the fish and chip shops and St. Law- rence Market, what with the trout season just about to open, there doesn't seem any reason why we shouldn't devote a bit of space to the sport piscatorial. And, speak- ing of St. Lawrence Market—To- ronto—we might as well tell about a really funny incident that occur- red down there, * e * Sid Perkins is the name of a very large sea -food stand down there and overhead is a large sign reading "IF IT SWIMS WE SELL IT." One afternoon a gentleman, slightly bemused by the grape, stood reading the sign. "Does that thing mean what it says?" he demanded of the pro- prietor. "It certainly does," replied the latter. * * * "O.K.," said the inebriated one, "Just bring me Esther Williams." • • * According to Bob Turnbull, who should know what he writes about, our Department of Lands and For. eats is considering some changes in the iegai lengths for game fish and in the method of determining said lengths. * * * As things stand now it is pro- per to measure a fish from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail fork. What they are consider- ing now is the adoption of a new method to measure from the tip of the nose (jaws closed) to the tip of the tail, with the lobes of the latter held together to give the maximum strength. * * e Legal length limits might then become 11 inches (now 10) for smallmouth and largemouth bass; 15 inches (now 13) for walleyes; 32 inches (now 30) for muskies; trout—speckled, brown, rainbow and Aurora—to remain at 7 inches, since these have more or less square tails. Kamloops, a spring spawner, now also 7 inches, may he raised to 12. * * * blost anglers will applaud such changes. In Otnario we have been over -generous to the angler in the foregoing respects. Many would like to see trout raised to 9 or 10 inches. bass to 12, for anything under these sizes isn't worth keep. TEST YOUR INTELLIGENCE Score 10 points for each correct answer in the first six dimslions: 1. A facade is a: —Front of a building --Kind of food 31irh ort --Small animal 2. General Burgoyne eas a British officer in the: —Boer War - -Boxer Rebellion --American Revolution--VLOrld War 1) 3. The author of the novel Jane Ryre was: Emily Dickinson —Dorothy Parker Emily Pos: -Charlotte Bronte 4. Who said, 'There's one born es es y nnhnitci•' Papa Dionne —George Drew P, '1'. Barnum ---.Hon, C. D. Howe 5. Alaska n as discovered by a: ---Dane —Russian •-Englishman--Norwegi.,b 4. Which of the following is not an official language "t Switzerland. French • •Italian—tlernlan ---Spanish 7 Listed Inflow are four occupations and opposite then}, fumbled up, are tools used in those jobs. Match them, srnring Pi points 1r-, each correct an:utt I' A.) r,hysician r 11) ,nal'hlnist fC.) draftsman I It) ,";:reenter !-square --stethoscope --miter box -- calipers 'Petal cmu' points, A score of 0-20 is poor; 30-60, a‘ crane; ?0 tt)7, .ut,t:rior, `'0.100, very superior, Doggy Playground—A little German girl readies her pet for a treadmill "solo" at a playground especially designed for canine amusement in Frankfurt, Germany. Question is: Which rider Is most amused, The park project is aimed at keeping dogs off the city's streets. ing, but for the moment we're happy to see a step in the right direction being considered. * * * There are said to be something like 15 million fresh water fisher- men on this continent --and most of then] are "rarin' to go," Some of course, being bass, pike and muskie specialists merely marking time on the trout stream, much to the disgust of the brook, brown and rainbow brotherhood, who complain that they would be able to enjoy more solitude and less competition if the "outsiders" could be eliminated, The others retaliate by pointing out that they would be able to get better results from their min- nows and worms if the fly fisher- men were not moving up and down the streams swishing flies, to the peril of the eyes, ears and noses of contemplative anglers. * * * High, cold and discolored waters provide normal conditions for the early anglers, and while they exer- cise their prerogative by complain- ing and by mouthing loud vows to remain at home on next year's opening, there is an increase rather than a diminution in their numbers from year to year. Anglers; like taxes, are on the increase. In view of the expanding fishing pressure, many conservation agencies have abandoned all hope of providing enough trout to keep their legions happy, and are content if they can stock enough fish to provide token sport. * • * Anglers are convinced, and some ichthyologists back them tip, that trout do not begin active feeding until the water temperatures hover in the late 50's, and as opening day temperatures usually linger in the very early 40's, the results usually conform to the theories. This argument will be settled in the reasonably near future, for scien- tists of the University of • Califor- nia are doing research on the matter, * * • The scientists expect to find out what happens in streams during the cold -water periods, what fish eat, if anything, during this period and what insects are available in the watery larder at this time. In addition to settling the cold -water feeding dispute, the survey should be able to work out a means of regulating the insect populations of streams, thus providing more food for the fish, and, of equal importance, more fish for the an- glers. * * * The spring freshets of the past two seasons have done consider• able harm to the insect life in a number of popular trout streams. The scouring of the stream bed, the movement 01 rocks and the deposits of silt, have resulted in the decrease of great numbers of insects that provide food for trout and inspiration for fly fishermen. \With the destruction of these in sects in the larval and pupal forms, the itlWct population of a stream ran he a fleeted fol several years. Trout lost through such freshets can be replaced, btu the rc.stoelting of in.'c,'t, is quite a problem. I his nrobleul was partially sole eel h,v a small group of Penn sy I canna anglers a few years ago, although in the process 01 this activity passing motorists were convinced they were in close pro- ximity to a group of escaped luna- tics. When one of the small trout streams suffered from lack in in reel life, the group made some drttrle "butterfly" stets, converged on a Otarbv stream with abnndam Insect We. and gathered thousands 0f flies I he insects were impris (,5ted in closed trucks, transportrl to the fly -barren stream. and re leased there. The results, in a Iew years, were rrpnrtrd to lie h)phh vatiSiattot Y, He Was A Big Man —So Were His Follies Everything that Whitaker Wright did was on a grand scale. A range of hills spoiled Whitaker's view from his bedroom window near Godalming, England, so they had to be removed. One day he decided he would like an under -water ballroom, Soon, there it was, with a glass roof so the goldfish in his quarter - mile -long artificial lake could watch the dancers below. This was Whataker's Folly — onc of the most extravagant homes built in England. It took 2,900 workers to put up the $2,352,000 house that could do credit to the under -water ballroom. Even when he was found guilty of fraud in his stock exchange dealings and sentenced to seven years in Jail, Whitaker was equal to the occasion. He swallowed cyanide and died 15 minutes after sentence was pronounced. That was in 1904. Today the auctioneer's men are swarming over Whitaker's Folly, cataloguing the contents for auc- tion. The present owner, Sir John Leigh, can't afford to keep the 77 servants 'Whitaker planned on. Whitaker Wright was a big man in financial circles in the 1890's— all 250 pounds of him. He floated companies like little boys float paper boats. He fraternized with the Prince of Wales, who became Edward VII. But the authorities finally' caught on. If it weren't for Wright's Folly, his name would be all but for- gotten now. But who could forget a plan who built a 74 -foot -long bridal bed- room, with piano, harp, zither, Chi- nese gong and 40 -odd windows? Or the 32 bedrooms? Or the deer park closed in by a $100,000 stone wall? But soon auction customers will hear: "Who'll give ole a bid on this fine, glass -walled, under -water bill- iard room and cocktail bar?" 'rHE HORSE, TOO! Clem McCarthy, who has bread. cast the details of practically every important horse race in the past decade, can stake the dullest event in the world sound exciting by his rapid -lire, staccato , delivery, You can imagine the pitch to which he wurkecl himself when four horses came into the stretch of one big race absolutely neck and necle. A rank outsider won by a nose, and when it was led iuto the winner's cirt.le, McCarthy, limp with excite- ment, eraalced into the microphone. "What a dayl What a dayl The only one who hasn't gone absolute. ty nuts is the horse," - At that moment, radio listeners heard a resouuriing crash. An nm known humorist grabbed the mike and hollered, "IIey, folks, the horse !,mi kicked McCarthy 1" AN.SW FPS 'I.O INTELLIGENT T EST 1-4rons of a building, 2—Amer. icer Revolution, 3—C 11 a r lot t e Bronze. 4---P. T. Barnum. S --Dane. u—Spanish, 7—stethoscope; (B) caliper•,; C) 'l' -square: (D) niter irox, HowTO TREAT SCOURS, DYSENTERY Give 2 l0 4 table• rpoont ell In little warm water to animal, Write o etuy. At deal• ere' for 25 yours, "III o GLASSIEI ADVERTISING PADS 00110170 512,00 PE% 100 For chleke, }ton -sexed, Palliate 681 vac 100--2 • gook $29.80-2 weep 634,00-4 week 820,20, heavy cochorele. from 60.00. Order from ad, with demwott, Galt Chick - arias, Galt, Ontario. SUMMER -FALL peaty market prices 40. Pond on 100r spring sticks. Prompt shipment on pulletp, started and any old. For e5oketela or mixed, day olds and Martial, order In advance. Bray Tlatehory.. 150. John No Hamilton, WE'LL. continue to improve our ohickn, we can say honestly that there has not been a stash) year in all the 20 years Ne ban been hatching ekloh0 when Sion has not boot} tante improvement in our strain. There will be more next year and the year atter. We purcllaeed. Mier 4000 R.O.P. pedigreed cockerels to use in oar matings Chid year. It will pay you to Purchase Twaddle High quality otuolrs, Whether you want them for layers, read- ers, eapone or broilers, Alec started chloke, older pullets, turkey nounts. Free catalogue. Tw1DDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD, Fergus Ontario Russo sS.0PPORTONITIEs BOOTH—Best location, at Port Stanley. Spoolaileing in French Frlee and Homo. made Tee Cream, Box 737, St. Mnryo, Ontario, MEATS, Groceries,' 8maliwaree. Confec. tlonery, Good weekly turnover, 3 living rooms In rear, Selling price 50,600. til health reason for soiling, Located on Main Street, Newmarket, Apply: A. E. Jal'vla, Phone 10183 or 1028W, 61EAFORD, ONTARIO Old Established Mona and Ladles' Wear Buofnese, located h one of the best buoinee altos in town. Showing good turnover and profit. Good. lease, Cash and terms, Marsh and Erskine, Box 390, Mea - ford, Ontario. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE You anything needs dyeing or clean. IABP Write to us for Information. We are glad to anewor your question., De. Partmeat H, Parker's Dye Works Limited. 701 Yonee St.. Toronto. 1051 SALE OILS, GREASES, TIRES Paints and varnishes, Electric Motors, Electrical Appliances, Refrigerators, Fact Freeaers, Milk Coolers and Feed Grinders. Hobbyshop Machinery. Dealers wanted, Write: Warm, Grea99 and 00 Limited, Toronto. HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts and Service, C.O.D. orders filled. promptly. A large assortment of recon- -dttloned motoroyclee at reasonable prices. DIRT E. KENNEDY S SON 410 College Street, Toronto RIO BARGAIN SEPTIC) TANKS 200 gallon steel tar coated 697.00 cash with order, also aneoint• savings .tees 200 to 600 gallons tar and alas* coated. Llmlted stock underwriters Label 200 gal- lon painted oil tanks 949.00 while they Met. write for catalogue stainless enamel oinks, combination laundry tray and sink, streamline porcelain enamel laundry tub, showers, stoves, refrigerators, ell burn - era, pre0suro systema, RECESSED BATH- TUBS 400.00, right or left hand drain, Lovely Martha Washington and Rich - ledge stainless three piece bathroom eat, white or coloured. All shipments delivered your nearest railway station. S. V. John. sen Plumbing Supplies. Street,vllle, On. tart°. BUGGY TIRES 1" Robber Buggy Tiros. New Rubber, 80 cent* per foot. 01d Wee replaced, 42.00 each. Walsh & Baker, Edmund Street, Carleton Place, Ontario. Phone 168W. GENUINE Loulolana Cypress Knee Table Lampe. Beautifully hand finished Orig- tnale, No two alike. Without shades, 610.86, Poeta! Note please. GEBHARDT, 608-B Main,Pineville, Louisiana. BROAD breasted bronze turkey potato, April, May, June hatch, Government npprot'ed. 10070 clean, Sprueeroe Turkey Farm, R. 8, Dunnville, Ontario. , MEDICAL READ THIS—Every sufferer of Rheumatic pains or Neuritis should try .Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid CRESS BUNION SALVE—For amazing relief, Your Druggist ,elle CRESS. ® FEMINEX • One woman mile another. Tnhe superlot '•FEMINEs" to help alleviate pain, Mg tress and nervous tension nssnelated with monthly periods. 05.00 Postpaid In plata wrapper. POST'S CHEMICALS 9814 QUEEN ST. EAS'` TORONTO ON THE SLANT "Why don't you like girls?" "They're too biased." "Biased?ie "Yeah, you know—bias this and bias that." KEEP YOU FIT 000 IIEALTH SECRETS (HOME ME. 021I000) — I'rartlsal Way's to dolt - Improvement, Stamp brings free Cale. t0aue0. Health Products Ageuel e 1100 St, 4100)541 ltd„ Three Itivet'8, $u,•II'o CORNS AND OM,t.OUS10S ItliOtOVED Po*luvely and safely by "Myer'a Corn ammeter." ." Saalseaetion guaranteed. 13ond 61.00 to: Myers and. Sone, 878. Manning Avenue, Toronto. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rushee and weeping ektn troubles. Poettto Weems Salve will not disappoint 7051. Rotting, scaling, burnlnn eczema. steno. rineW°rin, phnples and athlete's foot, will respond rendl11 to the 0tatn10s0 odorless Ointment. regarding, M how ,lUbbm'n or hoyden Hwy seem PRICE 08.50 - PER JAM POST'S REMEDIES Bent Pont Free 70050)55 or Price age Quenu gt E Corner of Logan, rnt'nnlo OPPORTUNITIES POD MEN AND WOMEN BEA HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hatrdreaeing Pleasant dlgnt8ed profession. good wages. Thnusande of sncce,0705 Marvel graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 668 111nOr St. W., Toronto Branches: 40 1(750 St„ Ramaton 71 Rideau Bt., Ottawa EASY TO. QUIT SMOKING flee Tobacco Eliminator. a aolenttno treatment quickly stops °raving for tobacco, rids rho system of nicotine. Kine Drag Pharmaccutloal Chemists (Al. harts.), P.O. Box 673, London, Ont. WATCHES REPAIRED. Fully guaran- teed. Estimates free. Wholesale orlon. Perry, Room 40, Yong* Street Arcade, Toronto. CORRESPONDENCE BIBLE SCHOOL for Mhlleter. Deoconoea and Teachers. Wholly BIb11oa1, non-sectarian. Write Kingdom of Heaven Educational Institute Ino., Bler Pratrlo, Ohio, U.S.A. NEW SECRET. Tobacco Habit Stopped. Free Information. Belanger, Plamondon, Alberta. NU150E171t 5T0087 RED RIOII, new, amazing, rage of atraw- berry.world. Huge berries, tremendous ytelde. Redder, sweeter and hardier. Plant and pick acme year. Pulmo Park Peren- nial Garden, Weston, Ontario, PATENTS AN OFFER to every Inventor—Ltst of tn. vontlone end full Information gent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent attar - neva 278 Sank Street. Ottawa, FETHERSTONI4A UGH & Company, Pa. tent. Solicitors. Established 1880, 850 Bay Street, Toronto Booklet nI Inform* tion en request PERSONAL FOOL your friends! Your letters remelted from California 20o each. Replete for- warded, 42.00 per month, California House, Box 1181, Dept. B., Long Bench, California, - STAMMERING STAMMERING eelentlflcany corrected. Booklet gives full Information. Write William Dennison. 643-1, .Tarvle Street. Toronto TEACHERS WANTED COMMERCE specialist required for mod- ern Rural High School, teaching Gregg System. Dut1e* to begin September 1, 1062.. Excellent opportunity for qualified specialist, Salary Scale, based on exper- ience, starts at 42,200. Send full particu- lars with application tot 3, Edward Perry, Supervleor of Schools, Knowlton, Quebec. LOGY, LISTLESS, OUT OF LOVE WITH LIFE? Wouldn't you like to jump out of bed feeling fine? Not upset oyootten, If youoaroocconstipated youfrom r food may not digest feeely—gee may bloat up your stomach ... all the fun and sparkle goes out of life. That's when you need Carter's Little Liver Pills. These mild vegetable pills bring you quick relief from constipation and so help promote the Row of digestive juices. Soon you'll feel that bappydayo are here again thanks to Carter's] WWhhy .toy sunk? Get Carter's Little Liver Pills. Alwa n have them on hand. Only 95c from any druggist, ISSUE 17 — 1952 When rheumatic pain gets you down, here's the quick way to get relief. /7 " limb in soothing Minard's Liniment. Is it good? Just try it, you'll see! RICELP TIC PAIN 1-51 "KING OF PAIN" ROLL YOUR OWN OTTER CIGARETTES wow