HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-04-24, Page 6THE Ca vt t SPORTS COLUMN 4 y/YVJ'W e't This is the third and lost of a series dealing with unusual Stanley Cup incidents. M One of the boasts concerning play for Canada's premier hockey prize, the Stanley Cup, is that only nature, or death, ever halted the play, This, like many other claims made in sport, is not correct, Nature halted the play in the nineties, when for two years, there was no ice available at the finish of the season. Death abruptly stepped into the Cup picture in 1919, when the Montreal :9P�^ cttpnlntnne of +t n e^'r tnvaa-t CP-«' a «o play the Metropolitans for the Cup. Five games had been played, each team on two, with one tied, when the black 'flu, which scourged the continent and left hundreds of dead in its wake, hit both clubs. Nearly every player was stricken, one died, Joe Hall succumbing, and that series never was completed. But back in the misty past, in 1899, to be exact, there was an unfinished series, and viewed in 'retrospect, this fiasco has its humorous overtones, though doubtless there was nothing funny about it at the time. Champions of the east were the ]Montreal Victories, represent- ing one of the greatest truly -amateur clubs in Canadian sports history, an organization which disbanded in the thirties, when the press of professionalism became too great. The club refused to sacrifice its standards, and closed down completely. Champions of the west were the Winnipeg Victories, a great team, and also completely amateur, - These two Victories teams had fought out a grim battle in 1896, each winning a series. In 1897, the Montreal Victories again won the Cup, defeating Ottawa, there were no Cup matches in 1898, but in 1899, the all -Victoria rivalry flared again, as the two teams met on Montreal ice, best two out of three games. The Montreal team won the first, 2-1, in a rugged contest. The second was tied at 3 -all, when the series suddenly collapsed. Tony Gingras, Winnipeg star, was crashed across the knee by a Montreal player, and limped off the ice. No replacement was allowed in those hardy days, unless it was proven that an ,injured player was unable to continue. The argument concerning Gingras' fitness to play, raged hot and heavy. The debate grew stormy, and the referee, Jack Findlay, came in for such sharp criticism that he doffed los skates, left the building, and went home, So when the teams 'finally agreed to play, there was no referee. A rink executive hastily summoned horse and sleigh, drove to the referee's home, found him in bed, urged him to return and carry on, and the official consented. He donned his skates and sweater. But the walls were thin in the building. He was in between the two teams, and heard both denouncing him in terms of a torrid nature. So he tramped out of the room, lumped on the ice, skated right out of the rink. And this time, he refused to return. So the game was called off, for lack of a referee, and then the entire series was abandoned, and the Winnipeg team returned home. But the western club wasn't done as Cup contenders. The great Montreal Shamrock team ousted Montreal Victories as Cup champions, and in 1900 downed Winnipeg Victorias. But the battling westerners won the trophy in 1901 and 1902 in eastern invasions, then vanished, as a team, from the Cup picture. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto. Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSThURG, ONTARIO Anybody visiting a baseball training camp these days and ex- pecting to find it crawling with the sort of colorful characters that Ring Lardner immortalized in his "Letters of a Busher," is in for a big disappointment, There always will be, of course, the odd cut-up and Smart Alec in any gathering of robust young men but, taking them by and large—whatever that means—your modern beginning baseballer is far from being as picturesque as Jack Keefe or Alibi Ike. a * Which makes it, naturally, a whole lot easier on today's coaches and managers, but a lot harder for the baseball scribe with space to fill on his paper back home, and nothing much to write about of any great interest. Gilbert Millstein recently visited the New York Giants down at Phoenix, Arizona, and here, in part, is what he had to say about what he saw there, as reported in The New York Sun- day Times: * * * "I've got just about four train- ing rules," remarked Leo Duro- cher, the Giants' manager. ''In bed by 12; morning call at 7.30; no whiskey drinking; if a man wants to stay out past midnight he's got to ask permission. I haven't refused it yet. One thing 1 don't want on my club is a stoolpigcon. if I think you're doing something on me, I'll take care of it myself. I'll sit up all night in the lobby. I'll guard the door and when you walk in I'll hand you a slip—maybe for a $200 fine—and you can't look around and say, 'Who told you?' I caught you. I haven't lined a guy in years—never on the Giants. * * "When you get a real bad actor, you're better off getting rid of him than fining hits. Let someone else have the headaches. 'Times have changed, anyway. You don't have that other -type player coming up. These kids are younger, In the old days, you didn't pay too much attention to a ballplayer's outside activities. Today, with the farm system, he learns from the begin- ning what the parent club wantsa from hint and be comes up that EVERYBODY HAS PROBLEMS these days but to pretty Mary Mason, shown with a firm grip on her new Canadian National Railways gift certifieate, none as enjoyable or important as where to go for a vacation. Helping Mary choose a tri from a map of North America is her equally pretty eliom, Joan Snyder. The gift certificate for rail travel anywhere was 'loeigned and introduced by the C.N.R. and is available at ticket offices across the system. Senders may also have the certificates cover sleeping accommodation. and meals on trains and include ppocketmoney as well as railway fare, They are readily exchangeable at ticket offices as full or part 6yment for rail travel anywhere. A i Together Now—Everyone gets into the act as these lads pre- pare to break the tape together in the 880 -yard event during an Oxford -Cambridge meet at London's White City stadium. Finish time for the stick -together collegians was one minute, 56.6 seconds way. You get a yearly report, not only on bis playing, but his back- ground, his married life, his per- sonal life, everything. In the old days, all you had to do was manage a club, pick out your players and get the captain to hand the line-up to the umpire." * * * A gond deal of dispute has been generated lately, principally by the great Ty Cobb, over the ability and conditioning of latter-day ball- players. They way the Giants run their camp is about as good an . example of how things are done these days as any. Because pit- chers naturally depend on their throwing arms more than the other artisans, Durocher got about - 15 of them nut to Phoenix, together with four catchers, a week before the rest of the squad showed . up, This is standard procednre in bath major leagues. At (east one argu- ment in favor of she 1952 ball- player appears to he that he does not, as a rule, start training as bloated as some of his predeces- Sors. The daily weight chart kept by Frank J. (Dos) Bowman, the club trainer, showed no more than a four -pound weight loss in any member of .the squad over a three- week period. "They don't get o17 the pavement like they used to," said Rowntan, a small, earnest man. "They get here in fairly good condition." In their first couple of days the rest of the squad didn't do much more than run, throw tenta- tively, chase Ay balls and play pepper. Infield and outfield drill and batting practice started two days later, This included rookies. In the old days, as Freddy Fitz- simmons, one of the three Giant coaches, and a fine knucklehall pitcher in his time, observed, a rookie had to fight the regulars for a turn in the batting cage. * * * "There were five of six guys around ready to kill hint if he pinked up a bat," Fitzsimmons re- called, "and they either told you nothing or they told you something once and that was the works. I re- member when I was with Muske- gon, a B club up in lelichigan, and they had a pitcher there with a pretty good curve. I already had the knuckler. I asked him how he held it for the curve. f didn,t get any answer. So I moved around hint to get a look at it. and hell, he was covering it tip with his glove, "Now wehavebaseball schools, clinics, seminars, what .not. The kids get everything it took us 20 years to learn on our own, They're accepted. 'They know it and (hey know (10 Olte'S going to get on 'em and ride 'erit. Leo drives the guys in. a playing way. He makes it d challenge and they get some 11111 out of it. We have one workout a day. Used to be there mere two. It figured when you had two the guys were goingto loaf through one of them." 'thirty y ears or n0 age rookies were hazed with precision. Their shoes and sacks were sometimes nailed down to the locker -room floor, They were made to clean spikes, carry hats anti advised, when mailing letters, to Make stir, whether they wanted an east- bound or a westbound stamp. They were taken on snipe hunts at night, which consisted mostly of being It'd into a forest by a num- ber of veterans with a flashlight and an empty burlap bag, told to wait for the appearance of the snipe, and hien deserted. HOW TO TREAT DISTEMPER Give ono toblstpson oil 3 times doily, way back on animal's tongue. Bathe glands freely. At dealers' for 85 years. ST.12 COME FOR A SPIN? Young pitchers travelling on Pullmans were informed that they would have to rest their arms in the shoe hammock in their berths. The late John McGraw is believed to have originated this rib. This troubled one pitcher, who in- formed his mentor that he was a left-hander and that )he might have some difficulty getting to sleep. Some rookies, but only a few, were led to believe that it was proper to tip' elevator boys. Ballplayers may have been more naive years ago, hut they have always been cautious. * r * Today a ballplayer's psyche is nursed at least as carefully as his arms and legs, and the treatment now and then includes such items as a $100,000 bonus for signing With a teals. "Kid comes into ramp with a bundle like that," ohsei`ved one of the Giant officials, "plus a canary -yellow Cadillac -to match his bush jacket, who's gonna -mess With him? That's property." - * Nobody gets cash 'for his food. "'i'hat way," said one nun cotlnect- ed with the club, "you don't have 'Cin cutting around corners eating bandnirgers- and doughnut:." The players have been instructed, in- formally, to tip a quarter at break- fast and lunch and a half dollar at (linner. One rookie admit ted he had managed to save enough to bus, clothes out of his $25 a week. A i•onple of others an their first day in the hotel ate right down the. menu, running up a tab of about $1.5 apiece, including a pair of $2 pectin T?elbns., "We had to set these kids straight," said the club man, "Horace Stoneham the president of the club) doesn't mind if they go over the seven bucks ;i day but the way it looked. these 1traeters didn't rat all Hinter. Op LISTLESS, LESS, T OF IME MH FE Weullfn't you line to jump out of bed feeling fine/ Not up ternary... yen may nutter horn ne. fupset system, 11 you ars constipated your ood may not digest freely—gas may bloat noes out of life. 'That'stowhen sparkle ed you meld (,error's Little Llve' Pills. Theme mild vegetable pills bring you quiets rotief from cenatipntion and so help promote the flow of digestivejuiced. Soots you'll feel that happy days are here again thanks to Carter's' Why stay sunk? C§el r'nrtor'o Little Lire. L'iII , Always have them nn hand Mtn -•• Crony env druggist, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING bit WJWOIS. ,A8Ms US for net et vartottee and Klass. Prank delivery on day old and started —cockerels, pullets, mixed. Bray Hato* ery. 120 John N., Ilamllton, Ont, NOW ---let's look at 10 this way, Let'u assume a 50e market fur egg*. LOt'S annual you know 01 scan pullet ohWks for 00 lees than these of cure, Whon-our pillets have hdd two more eel's than the otters, they have coat you the same, When she lays sight or nine mare eggs she will have cost you nothing. It pays to buy breeding, wo pnr011000d over 4000 80.0.1'. cuclterela to use in our matinee this year. Also started ohleke, • older pullets, turkey smelts, Send for 1062 oatalogue. TWIODDLE. CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. Penns Ontario LOOK-SEE Immediate delivery. all popular breeds, Order from this ad, with dopo011, 512.50 Per 100 man -sexed; Imavy Cockerels from 09,00; pullets from SD, Two week pullets (immedle to shipment _520.00 "por 1001 8 weep 534.00; 4 week 51.0,00. Galt Chioker* les, Galt, Ontarla, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BOQT*0—Best location.. at Port Stanley, Spsolallaing in French Fries and Home- made Ice Crean, Box 787, St. Marys, Ontario, DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE s'ou anything needs dram ur clean. tnge Wrtto to 00 for Information. Wo are glad to answer your mentions. De. partment H, Parker'. Eve Werke Limited, 791 Pnnge SI, Tnrnntn. FARMS 5015- SALE FOR SALE, 10 sato farm—smell saw. m111, Ideal for box factory. 100 acres Umber lana, write: hire. Iona Smith, Spanish, Ontario. FOR SA1.E OILS, GREASES, TIRES Palma and varnlohez, Eloet,'io Motor-, Electrical Appliances, Refrigerators, )Past Freozere, Mill* Coolers and Peed Grinders, Ilobbyebop Marhlnery. Dealers wanted. Write: Wereo Grease and all Limited, Toronto. BARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Porte and Service. 0.0,17. orders tilled promptly. A largo aesOrtment of recon. ditlnned motornyeles el reasonable prices. BERT E. K70NNEDY & SON 410 College Street, Toronto DIG BARGAIN SEPTIC) TANKS 200 gallon steel tax coated 037,00 cash with order, Moo special savings stzes 900 to 600 gallons tar and glass coated. Limited etndt underwriters lobed 200 gal- lon painted oil tanks 040.00 while they last. Write for catalogue atamloas enamel sinks, oombtnation laundry trey and sink, streamline porcelain enamel laundry tub, ehowere, stoves, refrigerators, ell burn - era, pressure systema. RECESSED BATH- TUBS 510,00, right or left hand drain, Lovely Martha Washington and Tileh• ledge stainless throe piece bathroom set, white or coloured. All shipments delivered Your nearest ralhvay station, S. V, Sohn. eon Plumbing Supplies, Streetavllle, On. tarlo. - AT LAST We have some Pug puppies, male and female, small --boy, ohil- dren'e nets. Short Stop Kennel, 099 Markham, Toronto. P & H SHOVEL-9iya*d, gasoline oper- ated, penated, good mechanical condition, imme- diate delivery — $5.000.00. Gravel Pit equipment also available. Wendell B. Brewer, Timmins, Ontario. CLAIRE-Tt'OOD Turkey Hatchery, Some Broad Breasted Bronze mulls etill available for May and June. Excellent poults at reasonable prices, Victor S. Creech, 10,09, 110. 1, Woodbridge, Ont Phone Bolton 746, LAKE 5I -1009E PROPERTY FOR SALE 49 acres of the most beautiful property on Chemung Lake, with sand shore (also wonderful sand bench) and %valor on three aides, 1! 1s a wonderful place tor fishing and 1s well wooded with maple, birch, and bass trees. This property was not available for development until 1060. The planning and ourveoing was done very successfully with the utmost caro, It is located seven miles from the thriving City of Peterborough and only three miles from the proposed Trana•Canada Highway. Since opening this development In 0060 I have sold a number of tots whish have been built on. I have aleo built three cottage. which T also have for sale. As my other Interests. leave me absolutely no time to mire care Of this Property I am going to .ell the balance of It and the threecottages at a sacrifice, Will - arrange terms to the right nnrtY don't delay as we are ening to sell. Ap. Hugh Stewart, Box 1057, Poterllorough Ontario. Phone 7219. 101001CA1. PAST'S ECZEMA SALVE 9ANISIi the torment of dry eczema ',manna and weaning sten troubles. Past's Eezmua Salve Will not dlsappoint you. ttohlnu, scaling. etuntne eczema, sane. Maryann, ptMles and athtete'e f001, W111 respondreadily to the stainless odorless ointment. regardless at how elnbbnfa Or handsel: they Boom PRICE 52.50 PERMAB POST'S REMEDIES Sent 11001 Levee on Hernial of Pelee 595 Queen St. IO., Corner et Logan. Toronto OPP5IRTUNMIES FOB 5160N AND WOMEN BE 4 IiAIRDRESSER ,101N CANADA'S LEADING 8(t111101, Great Onportunity Learn Hairdressing Moan:I01 Untitled profeselen, good wager, Tbonsands of sweetmeat Marvel graduates America's Greatest Syotem ttluotrnted Catalogue trree Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING 80520014 009 81n0r St. W„ Toronto Branches: 44 King 8t Hamilton 79 Rideau St,. Ottawa EASY TO QUIT SMOKING Use Tobaooe Eliminator, a ealentille treatment quickly elope craving for tobacco. rido the syotem of nicotine. King Drug Pharmaceutical Ohemlotn (Al berte), P.O. Box 578, London, Ont, KINGSTON BIBLE COLLEGE, Aooredtt- ad ACADEMY, grades 1.12, Reasonable rata — 5050009 Information. Kingston, Nova Scotia. WATCHES REPAIRED, Putty '. guaran- teed. Entlmatee free. Wholeento prices, Perry. Room 40. Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto, CORRESPONDENCE BIBLE SCHOOL for Minloter. Deadened and Teaohnrs. Wholly Biblical non-neatartan, Writs Kingdom of Heaven Educational Institute Inc., Big Prairie, Oblo, U.S.A. SECRET Formula Improves quickly your health, business, other problems, Write: Huenlg, Box 219, South River, New Jersey, U.S.A. MILLIONAIRES Secrete. Amazing infor- mation. Get anything you want, Com- plete Manuscripts, 11.00 bill. 704 o Sales, Box 207, Tlmmine 4, Ontario, Canada. NEW SECRET. Tobacco Habit Stopped.. Free Information. Belanger, Plantondon, Alberta, Raise Worms—BIG PROFITS. 50o cola brings Bootrtet telling How to Raise, Where to Sell. Crystal Ice Company. Cortland, New York. NURSERY SPOOR STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE Dependable Strawberry Plante for twehtl- nine years. T, W. Darlington & Son. Southampton. Ontario. Phone 603-91 GLADIOLUS Exhibition Mixture, Per 100 bulbs, large 50.76. medium 02.60, small 51.26 postpaid. Llot tree. Owen's Gardena. Hatzie, Brltleb Columbia. STRAWBERRY planta. Senator Dunton $2 hundred, 512 thousand. American Superb. $2.60 hundred, 516 thousand. Allan V. Nickel, Southampton, Ontario. FREE Apple tree wick each Fruit order over 15.00. Beautiful Roae Bush, our choice. each Shrub order over 56.00, We offer a general line of No, I Nursery Stock. Send for free priced catninguo. Central Nurseries Ltd.. St. Catharines, Ont. RED RICH, new, amazing, rage of straw- berry world. Huge berries, -tremendous Melds. Redder, tweeter and hardier, Plant and pick ea -1 - 'nUr Peron. 0112 mmionaricie-DEERINtt Model H Farmalr Tractor far sale, new rear. tires. Goad enndltlon. W. Main, 702 College Street Toronto. htElrnsc 0094. MEATS, fineries, Smallweres, Cont tlonery. Good weekly turnover. 8 liven ,come In rear. Selling -511.5 00,100. 11i health reason for Ioninti"' • Located on Math Street, Newmarket, Aoln,: A. E, Jerrie. Phone 10783 or 1028W, 0I,00104 hand -made shell noir frays to bring some of lite south 1010 your • home. Guaranteed, $1.00. SIIE1.LS, Route No. 2, Box 108-A, ,In,9;oonvllle. Florida. RAISE CI1INClill.l,,,i24 Profitable, Easy, Yue, runt, r9vm a herd of highest gooUly fur and of best produc- tlefty. N. C. R. A, m'n,lsd. We pin rant re protec•l Inn or your Investment. ItT.A('I(lIA 1819 (`r11 SCSI II.T.A 'RANCH (1(010 14u•kridge Road, Loves Park, Illinois nr Iasi) N. Onlaer, Chirnge 47, ;Ulnas 111'':,111'4 1 ('100:511 ('(10N SA 1.V Ii-1'nr cervi relief. Year Iirnggist s ll. tit ESS. • • K5E5 YOU FIT Son 1110.0 I:111 ,l0 'l;b1TS ,tftr,il: ME. 'l'i oast •- I'rn,•I ion! Watt. p to Iteif- Imprm-nmoo t. Sonne too tot. lr-e ..,.e• tog to, nrnllh I'rndnrls- \artir"'„ 1.10(18t, Ceene Rd., 'Three Rivers, (hmhee e9 F EM I N -E -X .e..• cell!. alnn i,•; I':alir 10(1' tut "1'1:111 5Tit" in 'relit Per r; ,,; pc in he '1.1Fk anti I.- Vot0P• unidy 'slots. mon ttostnald m o1/1t11 ,.r,nmyr. POST'S CHEMICALS SOD RC hist .'.4T EAST -__ to RONru t'(IIIN\ ANil- CA 1.7.0l'SE;S It19Mtlt•(05) 1•u.it !vele slid on 01.10 br ••ttz.or'i 'ore -Ib'mnvr.t,' Hnoiafn.'I ton oio Iton ,.,.tt vend X1.0,1 to: 11yorx nett 10.0,,. 100 NI:+n,,l„s 4xPnho Terms 10. Dixon's Remedy—for Neuritis and Rheu. mune Pains, Thousands satisfied, MUNRO'S DRUG 87ORS 330 Elgin Ottawa. 11.25 Express prepaid Ingrown Toenails Nail Fix relieves pain instantly and removes ingrown portion of nail in a few applications, Syn' WART FIX Guaranteed remedy, no acid. Sat. CORN! FIX Removes corns and c oi!ouses in 10 minutes. 50c, At your druggist or lent postpaid by -- F. THO/1WSOId 7 OPCHMI'D CRESCENT TORONTO 18, ONTARIO ut In nr free Pnl Atter aIva FETE ERSTONE 00108 & Company, 1'a tent SnitciOoro. Established 1350, Ina Gay Street, Thrace renal, lel nt In enrutn tion on reone5 STAnf PS EINE Vatican sienna, 60 different 51 Skokie Stemp Mart. Box 122, .01,11le. Illinois. STAMPS! -'i, , 60e, 01.00 a packet A11 Clonn No approvals. WVin buy enol or trade Mr yob, B. Sinal, Boy 304, t'entral Lai.e, ,Michigan. w'rSOI MED ING OT01t11 I tti0 Arlon lnnmlly serve, nod rteaee, Owe nil In rm•mntlml Writ, %i14, in.ni.,n. ,' 1. hnrvis root 10, -ern ISSUE 16 — 1952