HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-04-24, Page 4PLAY "GRANDPAS TWIN SISTER" at Walton Community Hall Thursday, April 24th at 2.15 p.m. Presented by Seaforth Jr. Farmers and Jr. Institute. Sponsored by Walton Y.P.U. Admission 40c and 25e Contract Barley We are again contracting acreage for the Canada Malt- ing Co. Seed will be available at our warehouse. Seaforth Farmers Coop PHONE 9 THE SEAFORTH NEWS , WALTON Word was received of the death of:. Mrs B H. Mitchell, of Calgary, who passed away on April ' hi that city. :Vire Mitchell was the former Rose Searle; of, Walton, and following her marriage to the late James G. Mar- tin, formerly of Seaforth, lived on West William St. She went to Cal- gary to live following Mr. Martin's death, and was amarried to- IVIr. Mit shell, where she continued to live until her death. Surviving are her husband; two sisters Mrs. Mary Young and Mrs. Will Fear of Blyth; one brother, Wesley Searle of Mor- ris township, and a stepson, Clay- ton 0. Martin, of the Clinton Public School staff. Burial took place at Calgary on April 5th. A beautiful Easter Service was conducted by the pastor, Rev. M. Thomas with special music by the choit. Although the weather h er was anything, but pleasant the sanc- tuary 'Was well filled. The Easter thankoffering meeting was held in Duff's United Church, Walton, with a large attendance, on the evening of April 15th. A wor- ship o ' i- ship service conducted by Mrs. H. Johnston and Mrs. A. Coutts was ANNUAL Sale OF WOMEN'S AUXILIARY TO SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL From April 21st to 26th AT BOX'S FURNITURE STORE DRAW APRIL 26 AT 9 P.M. .Tickets 25 for 25c May be purchased from any Auxiliary member or at Box's Furniture Store Anyone having Pablum boxes, or similar, please leave at Box's Furniture Store followed 1 y musical numbers and the sound filth "Darby* of Bella Bella" which was most interesting and in- structive. This is a new film which presents Dr. Darby's, work among the Indians on the Pacific Coast over a period of as yours. The people from Monerieff wore guests at this meeting. A. dainty lunch was served at the elose. Comments on the film were "the best I ever saw", "Speaking was so clear". It was a very enjoy- able and profitable evening, giving the people a vision of what our W. M. S. is doing for the Bella Bella In- dians. ICE A E FUR CI bert Asquith, Salaried, A son, Her - bort, died hi infancy. The funeral will be held from the Baptist Church on Thursday afternoon at 2130 o'- clock, with Rev. J. E. Ostrom in charge, Burial will be in the family plot at Balls cemetery. HULLETT Mrs. C. A, Rowson died at her home in Auburn on Monday, after having been in poor health for some time. Shewas formerly Sarah Ethel- wyn d wyn Asquith, daughter of the late George and Martha Rapson Asquith, and was born at Kinburn March 15, 1867, She attended S, 9, 9, Hullett, In 1890 she married Charles How- sonhad since ofAuburn, ,where she o s n resided, She was a devout member of the Baptist Church, where she served faithfully as president of the Ladies' Aid and was choir leader for more than 40 years as well as teach- ing in the Sunday School. She was also a charter member of the Wo- men's Institute. In all her endeavors she made a definite contribution to the social and spiritual life of the community. Her husband died about 22 years ago. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. R. 3. (Winnie) Phil- lips, Auburn; and one brother, Bo - Your precious fur coat will receive daily care, expert care by a method that protects it completely—right down to the all-important under -fur and skin itself. Your furs deserve the best of care . Each fur coat "STER-O-LIZED" against germs and moth eggs. Air blown free of dust and grit. • Insured against moths, fire, heat and theft. • Garments kept in constantly circulating, pure dry -cold air. • All garments periodically inspected by storage experts and master furrier. • Restyling and, repairing estimates furnished free. o "Master Furrier" techniques in handling. LOW SUMMER PRICES ON RESTYLING - REPAIRING - CLEANING Bring Your Fur Coat in NOW TO C...ROL LYN USED MACHINERY VA Case Tractor 81 Massey -Harris Row -Crop Tractor Model D John Deere Tractor 1 Allis W.C. Tractor 1 Cockshutt 70 R.C. Tractor 1 Allis Chalmers Combine, Rax rolls and pickup 1 used 7' #16 Binder on rubber Several cheaper used Binders 3 used self propelled Combines NEW 1-15 Run Fertilizer Drill 1-81/2' spring tooth Cultivator Few sections of Spike Harrows ALL MACHINES SERVICED AND READY FOR DELIVERY Seaforth Motors SEAFORTH BRUSSELS Phone 141 ' Phone 55 Plan 950,000 Extension A $50,000 extension is being plan- ned to the Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, according to its minister, Rev. A, Glen Eagle.. The present church shed will be torn dawn, allowing the extension to be built out from the church. The new construction, which is ex- pected to begin In about a year's time, is ,being planned by 3. L. John- ston, London architect. It will be a 94x54 ft, building andwill include recreation hall, Sunday School rooms, a vestry, chapel, and a new heating plant. George Levis is chair - ratan of the building committee. The present church .basement will be converted into Sunday school. rooms, ladies' parlor and reception room. The kitchen will be renovated and modernized. A campaign among church mem- bers, under the direction of the minister and Roy Tyndall, as chair- man of finance, and through the ef- forts of all members of the board, has brought pledges of 548,000 to be contributed over a three-year period, John Goldie Cochrane John Goldie Cochrane, 70, father of Mayor W. G. Cochrane, who died in London Saturday, had been a res- ident of Exeter 42 years. He was born at Sheffield, Ont. DUBUQUE'S COB CORN For Sale ffr per• Chick buyers Have Your Purchased Your Chickens Yet This will be your last chance to secure Moore's Day Old Pullets or Heavy Breed Cockerels We have only Three More Hatches APR. 24 APR. 28 MAY 1 WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT ORDER NOW AND BE SURE Moore's Poultry Farm Phone 666r3 Seaforth,,Ont. 4138148.41.1608.9611112 THURSDAY, APR 24, 1952 EG ENTrR,jll.L.iA Jl a�+. R E � .y +, ,Tt ' 1O`1't 1 Fi �L Al. V NOW ,1'LAYINO. Thurs. Fri, Sat. THREE GUYS NAMED MIKE Jane Wyman -Van Johnson. Three guys fall in love with the ono girl, fight over her and dose their jobs, Yon'II love this romantic comedy Mon, Tues. Wed, CLOSE TO MY HEART Ray MIlland - Gene Tierney A tender and compelling drama filled with vivid emotion. A. true story of the joys and hazards of adopting children it will reach the hearts of all parents COMING — THE TRIP guy the Best for Less Having been out of stock when the 15% tax was taken off refrigerators and home freezers, we are able to offer new low prices on the new famous 1952 Model International Harvester Refrigerators just arrived. You can deal better with us because we have no pre -budget losses to recover JOHN BACH, Seaforth PHONE 17 We still have a limited quan- tity of Feed Corn, So order as soon as possible and avoid disappointment. This corn will be delivered to your farm. Prompt service, SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP PHONE 9 ^ti °° . , . I'm one of the Aircraft Technicians that give it a `DI' (daily inspection) and keep it in top flying shape. We take personal pride in the work that we have been trained to do. Our aircraft are ready to fly in defence of freedom." MORE MEN ARE NEEDED NOW IN THE R.C.A.F. TO TRAIN AS CR 4 FT TECHNICIANS AERO -ENGINE • INSTRUMENT .• RADIO -RADAR • ARMAMENT • AIRFRAME These men have an important job in the operation of Canada's ex- panding Air Force. As a skilled R.C.A.F. Aircraft Technician, you will gain valuable technical and training experience—receive good pay -30 days annual leave with pay—and a pension to be earned. You will play your part in defence against aggression. You will serve Canada—and yourself! • IF YOU ARE BETWEEN 17 AND '40 AND HAVE GRADE 8 EDUCATION OR BETTER .. . SEE THE RCAF CAREER COUNSELLOR AT THE ADDRESS IN COUPON 41* 0R MAIL THE COUPON Director of Personnel Manning, R.C.M. Headquarters, Ottawa. Please mail me, without obligation, fall Particulars regarding eurolmentregairementsandopenings nowavailableinthe R.G.A,F NAME (Please Print) STREET ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE EDUCATION (by grade and province) AGS c,F•75Ws ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE