HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-04-03, Page 8FOR WM ST CHOICE AND BEST VALUES CHOOSE YOUR NEW EASTER OUTFIT at Stewart Bros. • COATS High styled full length coats, featuring casual fullness, push - up sleeves and many new style trends. 29.50 to 49,50 • SHORTIES • Clever styles — new spring materials and colors --in smart short coats. Choose yours at 15.95 to 39.50 • SUITS Distinctive styling — new shorter coats fea- ture the new spring suits. Wide choice of ✓° materials at 29.50 to 59,50 • DRESSES Silks, nylons, crepes, new cottons, all are here in a glamorous range of newest styles and colors.— A collection you won't see bettered anywhere at 7.95 to 15.95 New Easter Hats Clever, jaunty spring hats that will flatter you at Easter. -- Visit our millinery dept, now. Priced at 4.95 to 9.95 Men! Choose Your New Easter Suit From Our Big Ready -To -Wear Stock • SUITS 300 new worsted, pin stripe, pick and pick and gabar- dine suits are collected here for your choosing. Talls, regulars and shorts in all styles and colors. — 45.00 to 65.00 * TOPCOATS Gabardines galore, new Harris tweeds and fleeces in smart slip-on Topcoats you'll want for Easter.—Cast off the old winter coat and step out smartly in one of our new topcoats at 35.00 to 55.00 • SPORT COATS Sport coats and slacks are more popular than ever this year -We have plenty to choose from in the best and smartest colors and styles.— Sport Coats 24.50 to 35.00 Slacks 10.50 to 16.95 SEE THE NEW HATS, SHIRTS, TIES, HOSE FOR SPRING AT STEWART BROS. BRODHAGEN Visitors atthe home of Mr. and Mr.s Lavern Wolfe on Sunday were: Miss Ordelia Wolfe of Detroit; Mrs. Christina Meyer of Alberta; Miss Dorene Wolfe and Mr. John Petrie Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz and son John of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs, Michael Connelly, Roselli, Ronald and Ruth Ann, Sebringville; Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hinz, Johnny, Larry, Sharon and Wayne of Sebringville; Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz Sr. of Se- bringville; Mr. Erlyn Wilker of Stratford: Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe, Judy and Linda, Logan; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Riehl, Logan; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman and family, Miss Shirley Riehl of Brodhagen; Mr. Robert Wolfe, Mr. Ralph Scherbarth of Logan. Mr. Glenn &legman of Wartburg, has been engaged as teacher of our school, duties commencing oin Sep- tember. Miss Velma Ponlrenki, our present teacher, has resigned and -civil attend Waterloo College to study to he a Deanconeos. SEPARATE DRAINAGE TENDERS Township of McKillopl For the innstruetion and repair for dinging, halne aryl bash filling, etc., of the following :trains: 1. B,wmege -8031 lineal feet of 0, 6 and 4 inch tile. 2. hleNiehel" 5072 Bacup feet of 14, 12, k, 0 :and 4 ineb tile; also ennerete protection and catch haslns. ' Stlmore" -16,420 lineal foot of 12, 10, 5, 6, 6 and 4 inch- tile; als000nteh basins. 4. 'Simpson' - Moe lineal feet of 0, 0 and 4 inch tile. 5. "Anderson --6743 lineal feet of 14, 12. 5, 6 and 4 inch til. also protection and catch brims. Township to smelly culverts and all the within approximately two miles of work. Tenders will he reeeived by tho nndersiened until noon April 7011. A marked cheque for ten percent with a minimum of 0100.04) to ace0mpany each ten- der. Satisfactory hands to be fru'nieherl. Ten- ders to stale date when work will begin. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ae- Cepted. Plans, spreifleatinne, etc., may he seen at the Clerk's o,Fiee. J. M EC.I<ERT, Clerk, McKillop Township Seaforth, Ont. TEACHERS WANTED FOR SALE Thee teachers required for Tuekersmith ( A General reasons refrPhone like new. School Area; modern rural schools, two are will be sold reasonably. Phone 693M, Sea - close to Seaforth, one fs near I{lppen. Geed f°rtk' salaries paid according to qualifications and experience. Write full particulars to W. P. ROBERTS, Sec.-Treas. R.R.3 Sea - forth FOR SALE 1 good York hog, also 6 good pigs ready to wean. Apply HAROLD PENHALE, Bay- field, phone 68 r 1.2. LOST A brown tiger cat. Phone 304. LOST. Hub cap for 1942 Plymouth on R. R. 2. POBERTleave inanymail box on this route. NOTICE FARMERS wanting a Barley Contract can secure same at Winthrop Feed Mill, or. the Walton Feed Mill FOR SALE Durham calves. Phone 17x18 Dublin. ARTHUR MURPHY WANTED TO BUY A building 20 by 30. Phone 750w Sea - forth. FOR SALE " Mdstcin heifer calves, nue week old. Alen 1 Durham calf born Aug. 10: this calf would be Ideal for n calf club calf, DONALD BUCHANAN, 880825 Seaforth _ WANTED Pasture for season for eleven yearling cattle. Apply at Nexus Office FOR SALE 1 enlf. Apply to CORDON ELLIOTT. Br 80110 d, Phone 65901 Seaforth FOR SALE A quantity of Momadm Seed Barley, grown from Registered Seed. Govt Grade No. 1. 01.90 bushel in your own bags. ELGIN NOTP, phone 847x5 Seaforth FOR SALE Horne cultivator. horse plow, bean muffler, window glass, assorted galvanized pipe, wash stands, commode, couple of Bugs(tower pots, oerner cupboard, white brick, cistern pumps. CLARENCE REEVES FOR SALE six pigs los lbs, each. Apply to ROGER ANDREWS, 666x2, Seaforth RR 3 LOST Short-haired,reddish sand dug, part Collie and police. Phonne. 862r21 Seaforth. LLOYD HANEY WANTED tone Feed Beane. Also a quantity of Tur- nips One Mangers. Apply to JOHN 1000(1:14, Seaforth Th" family of the late Mrs, Isabella Walker wish to ;hank neighbors and friends for their Acte of 1:insistena TO RENT HORSE --Emu' roomed house partly furnish- er], 5 entre from Seaforth, hydro, garage, ,'ard,n, Immediate possession. 84.10 Dublin WANTED TED USED 600 x 16 TIRES for Wagons large trade allowance on NEW GOODYEAR TIRES at Seaforthillotors, Seaforth PI II FOR SALE A purebred Yorkshire hog serviceable age, also red clover seed, 3. ARNOLD JAMIE - SON, 616-83 Clinton. ADMINISTRATRIX Clearing Auction Sale FARM, FARM STOCK &IMPLEMENTS & feet, of the estate of the late William E. Pepper, at lot No. 12, con. 8, Stanley twp. 10/j miles west and 3/4 of a mile south of Brueefield on Friday, April 4, at 12:80 noon, the following: HORSES—Pereher'on gelding 10 yrs. old. CATTLE—Durham cow 4 yrs, old duo at time of sale; Durham cow 6 yrs. old, due limo of sale; Holstein cow 8 yrs, old, due time of sale; 3 Durham heifers due time of sale; Durham cow 6 yrs. old freshened two weeks, calf at foot; Durham heifer 3 years old, freshened 2 weeks, calf at foot; Durham heifer 3 yrs, old, freshened 3 weeks, calf at foot; Durham cow 7 yrs. old, freshened one month, calf at foot; Durham cow 6 yrs. old, freshened 1 month, calf at foot; Durham and Holstein cow due in 1 month; Durham heif- er 3 yrs, old, milking; Jersey heifer 8 years old, milking; 11 steers and heifers rising two years old; 11 steers and heifers rising 1 year old; 2 calves 3 months old; Durham bull ris- ing 1 year. IMPLEMENTS—M. H. No, 30 Row Crop tractor with pulley, P.T.O. lights and starter (2 yrs. old); M.H. 2 row power lift tractor snuffler; John Deere 3 -furrow tractor plow; McCormick -Deering power lift tractor culti- vator: Cockahutt 2 wheel tractor manure spreader (nearly new) ; set of Bissell tandem discs; John Deere side delivery rake; M. H. binder, 7 -ft out; M. H. mower, 6 -ft cut; Buehler rubber tire wagon (nearly new) ; flat rack; 2 drum steel roller; hay loader (drop head) ; set of sloop sleighs; 4 section drag harrows; hay rake; Woods2 unit milker complete with motor, compressor and piping (nearly new) ; M. H. power cream separator, single row muffler; root pulper and motor set of truck Beaten; bean cooker: Gutter; 2 galvanized water troughs; set of breeching harness; horse collars; Moffat Electro pail; electric clipper; coal oireulating heater, forks, shovels, chains and numerous other articles. Peed—Quantity of turnips; barrel of feed =lessee. FARM --At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid the 50 acre pasture farm, being north half of lot No, 12, eon, 4, Stanley twp, The ;above mentioned pasture farm hag a never - failing water supply and en abundance of shade. TERMS—CASH. Terms on farm, 10 per cent down on date of sale, and balance in 80 ;lays. MRS. ANNIE 0, PEPPER, Adminiett'atrlx of the estate, EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Ant. K. W. Colquloun, Clerk. Auction Sale CLEARING AUCTION SALE of dorm ma- chinery, hny and grain et lot 23, con, 1, Turlcersmlth two. nn highway No, 4, 2 rano south of Brnceftold on Monday, April 7 at 1:30 p,m. MAOIIINERY; Ford Tractor, plow, cultiva- tor and eeufflin equipment, 4 -section Dist - mond harrows, dine fertilizer drill, Interna- tionalmnnoro eprendc', 8 -ft, International eultl-paelcer, bean puller for tractor, Massey Herts loader (drop head), Deering mower 6 -ft eut, grain crusher, fanning mill, hag truck, double blocks, farm wagon, 18 -ft hny rack, farm sleighs and rack, quontity oe haled hay, 400 bus, minted arch, Forks, sho- vels, ehana and other aticles. Quantity of household effects. Farm sold, no roservo. TERMS CASH ,TAMES AIKENFIEAD, Prop. Harold Jerkson, Anat.E, P. Chesney, Clerk It Paso Shop in eon ville FRESH COTTAGE ROLLS 45c lb HOLIDAY MARGARINE ...... . . . . ....... • ... , 33c a lb QUICK ROBIN HOOD OATS 5 lb bag 49c FLUFF() SHORTENING 1 lb 29c Nylon Hose, 51 Gauge, 15 Denier $1,19 pr. We appreciate your order early CLAIR HANE" FOR FREE DELIVERY PHONE 72 WANTED POSITION WANTED by married couple, with 2 children .(comes from Holland), pre- ferably ro-ferably on a farm, or poultry farm, around the Township of FIullett. Apply to John Hey. ink, R. It. 1, Blyth, Phone 28 r 5, BITES. FOR SALE Two new Fleury-Bieeol tractor dlsos In stock. Reduced in price. BASIL O'ROURKH, Brucefield. Phone Clinton 618 r 21. FOR SALE Red Clover seed, power cleaned, apply to HERMAN AXTMANN, lot 21, con. 10, Me- Killen. o-Killen. Phone 848 i, 21, Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOOI<, IMPLEMENTS and House- hold Effects. Thursday, AI11'il 10, at 1 p.m.,. at Lot 28, Con. 1, Logan Twp., 2 miles west of Mitoboll on No. 8 Highway. CATTLE — 8 grade Durham cows recently fresh, with calves; Hereford cow with twin calves; brindle cow, milking ; Durham heifer to freshen in May; 4 Hereford helfers 2 years old; 8 Iiereford yearling heifers Poultry - 150 Sussex bens 1 year old, IMPLEMENTS — Ferguson tractor &- Plow (new) ; 14--11 binder; McCormick mentor • Int- ernational hny loader' (drop head) , M -1i side rake; dump rake; hay Pedder; diamond har- rows; spring tooth cultivator; stiff tooth cul- tivator; tandem disk; 13 run grain drill; M -H fertilizer drill ; Int. manure spreader; steel roller; M -H corn seuffler; walking plow, Viking mann separator; milk pails, rubber tired wagon; 16 ft. hay rack, gravel box ;. fawn sleighs; 1937 Fargo truck (newly over- hauled) ; Stewart clippers; 800 capacity elec- tric brooder; 8 chicken shelters; other chicken equipment; 4 inch tile; snow serener. Quantity of wood, cedar posts, oil barrels; electric fencer; set of steel forms for 0 com- plete stalls, cement stabling: 200 running feet of wood forms, cement mixer; rubber tlred wheel barrow; lawn mower, forks, chains, etc. Harness -2 set of double harness, number of horse collars: Grain— 3r/. bu, of good red clover seed; 300 bu. of Ajax oats suitable for seed ; 5 ton of good mixed hny. Idousehold Effects—Oak dining rooms suite, table, 6 eludes and buffet, kitchen cabinet, enamel cook stove; Quebec heater; 2 burner rangette (new) ; extension table and kitchen chairs, Farm sold, Terms cash. J. W. GRIM, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk Auction Sala or REAIt, ESTATE AND Household Ef- fects:. On Saturday, April 501 at 1 pan. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has been in- structed by the Administrator of Elizabeth Davis, late of the Twp. of Hibbert, spinster, deceased, to offer for sale; Parcel 2—Lot 20, Can. 8, Hibbert Twin, 9',1 miles west of Statin on county road, 100 acres. good clay loam lard, Well drained, ap- prox. 5 acres hardwood bush. 114 storey brick house, modern oil furnace and 3 -piece bath, hydro, water pressure system, large bank barn with straw shed, stabling for 75 head of cat- tle. Water in barn, litter carrier, steel stan- chions, drive shed, hen house and pig pen. Parcel II --Lot 26, Con. 7, Hibbert Twp., 100 acres good clay loam land in grass,- ep3rox. 6 acres bush, good water supply. windmill, large water tank. Household Effects --Doherty kitchen range, cherry oval extension table, 3 kitchen chairs, 2 arm chairs, sideboard, glass cupboard, flat top writing desk. 4 reed seat occasional chairs, 2 Windsor chairs, 4 small small tables, 4 rocker's, 2 walnut occasional chairs, Mason & Risch upright piano, day bed, chest of drawers, 2 complete bedroom suites; Beatty 4 burner electric stove, dishes, bed linens, other articles. Terms, chattels, cash. Real Estate — 10% down, balance in 00 days. Restive bid, For further particulars ap- ply to Administrator, Crown Trust Co.. Lon- don, Solicitor Alvin Sillery. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer Executors Sale OF THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MRS. DUNCAN JOHNSTON will be held in Walton on Friday, April 4th, at 2 p.m. heisdining chairs, kingTessera chairs and stands; chairs; 2 couches, sideboard, easy chair, din- ing room extension table; China cabinet; an- tique bureau ; antique cupboard ; antique clock; dishes; clock suitable for office or school; Quebec heater; several odd tables; step ladder, meat saw, broad axe, quantity of coal and wood. Numerous other articles. 14 ft. 1141" gale. iron pipe; pomp lack, threshing pump; Jomesw°y oil broader. Terms sash Mrs. E. Johnston and Mrs. H. Bolger, Executrices. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer CARD OF THANES The family of the late Samnol Mafrido wish to exer0ss their•r sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to the many friends, neighbors and rela- tives for their acts of kindness shown Mr. McBride since bis Blume while at home and in hospital, and messages of sympathy in their resent sad bereavement, for the *mai- MI floral tributes and to all those who helped in any way at the funeral. Special thanks to Rev, Pitt, Rev. Snell and organist and choir of Goshen Ohuroh and to those who sang a duet. I wishtoexpress my sincere thanks and appreciation to my many friends and neigh- bors for their lovely cards and treats while a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, also Dr. Stapleton and Dr. Peever, my epeolal nurses, Miss Leona Holland and Mrs, Jean Orondorf. MRS. JACK FLANNERY. THURSDAY', AI,R14 3, 1952 Tt1L1 114A150it•aFl isifi"WS.., Snowdon Bros„ Publishers Authorised as Second Olass mall, Post 011ier Dept„ Ottawa BOX ,Juxu rat 'i rnir ° I would Iiko to express my eppreolation to all those who were so kind to me during my illness. Thanks to the W.M.S. members of Klppen Church, and the Kippen Woman's In- stituto, also the Women's Auxiliary of the Legion. MRS. ELDON JARROTT. Mr. Thos. Ferguson wishes to express his sincere appreciation to his many friends and neighbors for their kindness in sending cards and treats; also special thanks to Miss Drone: and oaf, also Dr. Gorwill and Dr. McMaster for their kin:Mess while a patient in Scott. Memorial Hospital. FOR SALE Red Clover seed. Good quality. Apply to OLARIONOE MONTGOMERY, Phone 841 r 81 Seaforth. FOR SALE A quantity of clean timothy seed. Apply to GEORGE TAYLOR, Walton, Phone 880 r 21. WANTED Grass wanted for 16 head of cattle. Apply to Phone 55 r 2, Dublin. l:,t storey frames Rouse Ls to covered sid- ing, newly painted, 8 rooms, 3 piece bath, furnace, hydro attached to water tank, cist- ern, garage, new roof and painted. Good garden, raspberry, and strawberry patches. House on Sperling, St. Possession• arranged. For further particulars apply at The News Office. FOR SALE 1000 bushels mixed grain. Apply to ZACK RYAN, Seaforth, R, R. 5, Phone Dublin 46r5. FOR SALE 1950 Ohev. Coach in good running shape, good tires, heater,. new battery, muffler, eta., cheap; also 2 new 16-600 six ply tires. Call Phone 8504, Seaforth, OLIVER ANDERSON Aberdeen ArgteObullls A2 E 19 months old ; top quality, priced right. STEWART MIDDLE - TON, 608r3 Clinton Kitchen set consisttiing of buffet, table, five leather upholstered chairs. Phone 6038 WANTED Grass land wanted for twelve head of cattle 15 1-yeat'-olds and 7' 2-yesr-olds). Phone 01x16 Dublin Red Clover seedforApply HARVEY TAYLOR, phone 860r22, Seaforth TAX RETURNS I an limited for available time this year Please make appointments at once. H. G. MSIR, Dominion Bank Bldg. FOR SALE In Town of Seaforth, 6 room house, barn, garage, hen house and 5 acres land, Hydro all over. Apply to Seaforth News WOOD FOR SAL AApP E to Cecil Loney. Phone 532R, Seaforth FOR SALE Modern six -room bungalow with 4 -piece bath, East William St. Possession July lst. Modern 2 -story dwelling, Sperling St. Well situated. Early possession arranged. In llgmondville trh storey dwelling, 3 bed- rooms, double lot writ,. barn, possession with- in one month. 14; storey 7 room frame modern dwelling, garage, on James street. Brick dwelling, Goderieh street, immediate possession Comfortable 6 room dwelling in Winthrop, 1/8 Here of land with small fruits, early Possession Frame dwelling on Victoria Street with all modern, conveniences. Possession arranged. M. A. REID, Seaforth AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for ail occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 5911 W JOHN E. LONGSTAF? Optometrtst Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours 9 am . 6 pm. Well, 9 - 1130 Sat. 9 am to 9 pm MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phono 90 - Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforlt1 SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm to 5 pm, daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTR, ONT. Officers — President, John L. Malone, Sea - forth ; Vice -Pres., Sohn H. Me1wing, Blyth; Manager & Seo.-Treaa„ M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Director's—E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth: Chris Leonhard;, Bornholm; Robt. Archibald, Seaforth; John H. Mo8wing, Blyth ; frank McGregor, Clinton; William 5. Alexander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. Agents—J. E. Pepper, Brumfield; R. F. Mo1ereher, Dublin; WillIam Leiper, Londea- boro ; 7. P. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Balser, Brussels. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post off eMaes. .,rm� Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates - in first -Class Companies sossonsrmosimmssons FOR SALE 7 Room House with 3 Pc. Bathroom, in good condition. Two Lots. Fruit trees, rasp• berry and strawberry plants. Prompt pos- session can be given. Garage. E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE) AND REAL ESTATE BROKER SEAFORTH 0111111111101. We screen it Stove Coal Alberta Coal Nut Coal Pocahontas Coal Buckwheat Coal Stoker Coal Hard Coal Briquettes �} WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784-, Seaforth FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 26; 24_ samples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont _ MMIIIIMPLIMEMIEMM ' RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radlo repatra to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 847R, Seaforth HORSES WANTED Disabled or useful work horses: Apply to W. 0. GOVENLOCK, Oleic House, Seaforth ROO 05' `G# 1950 Chev Special Sedan 1949 Chev. Deluxe Coach 1949 Chev. Deluxe Sedan 1949 Ford Custom Sedan, extra Clean en low mileage 1949 Plymouth. Sedan 1946 Chev. Sedan, radio, window washer, extra good 1939 Plymouth Sedan Above all Reconditioned -84' Guaranteed ALSO SPECIALS — ' 1939 Dodge Sedan 1938 Dodge Sedan 1937 Olds Coach 1937 Studebaker Sedan 1936 Ford Sedan 1932 Ford Coach (good) 375.00 345.00 325.00 125.00 125.00 126.00 Seaforth -Motors DUBUQUE'S COB CORN For Sale ,; We still have a limited quan- Pc, titytf Feed Corn. So order as soon as possible an.d avoid disappointment. This corn will be delivered to your farm. Prompt service. - SEAFORTH FARMERS CO.OP PHONE 9 rl °' "The World's Finest Anthracite" WILLIS DUNDAS 363.T - Office 192 M • Residence BRODHAGEN Maple syrup making is in full pro- duction in this vicinity. At the Palm Sunday service, April 6, the class will receive the right of confirmation, the service beginning at 10:30 a.m. The class are-: Dorothy Regele, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Regele; Maureen Hinz, daughter of Mr. and Mss. John G. Hinz; Joyce Querengesser, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Querengesser; Helen Bauer, daughter of Mrand Mrs. Rudolph Bauer; Joanne Beuermann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beuersnan; Nancy Mogk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herold M'oglc; Fath- er ,Schmidt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd. Schmidt, Brussells; Heidi Buri, .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Buri' Ralph Weitersen, son of Mr. and 'Nies. Leslie Wietersen; Lloyd Beuerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beuerman; Donald Wolfe, son of Mr, and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe' 'Carl Buuck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Buuck; Gary Sholdiee, son of Mr. and MTS. Russell Sholdice; Donald Miller, son of Mr. and MTs. Mervin Miller. soresismswasaosiosemossossneW .R112=111.171121111 1--60-ft. 7": FOR endlSAess belt, like new, Phone Hensel' 6701.91 Treat the family to '0003 shim; Tito''