The Seaforth News, 1952-03-20, Page 4TOWN COUNCIL
Continued tram Page 1
4.. letter from the local Health of
Animals office, signed by Dr, J 0,
MacLennan, veterinary, created dis-
cussion, and council decided to refer
it to the town solicitor and also to
notify the party concerned to keep
the gates closed. The letter is self-
The. • following letter from the
Health Q Animals Division, Depart -
emelt of Agriculture, Canada, dated
from the P.O. Building, Seaforth,
111crch 11111, wee read:
This will confirm my intervit:W with
you on Monday. March 10th, Wherein
T brought to your attention the see•
tion of the Animal Contagiaus Dis-
eases Act. dealing with Feeding
Swine, which reads Rs follows;
"Unless special permission in writ-
is first obtained from the ti
ary Director General, no person shall
feels to swine or permit swine to have
aet'eas to or to be fed on his own pre
miser, or on the prenttses of aniy other
person, corporation or municipality,
any garbage, raw or cooked composed
of any of the following namely, treat
scraps, offal, kitchen waste, fruit or
vegetable refuse, or other matter edi-
ble by swine, and which has been
obtained elsewhere than on the prem-
ises where fed, or from any hotel or
I pointed out to you, in my inter-
view. that the swine owned by Mr.
John Regier, whose premises are ad-
jacent to the Seaforth Garbage Dump,
and the Town lane leading to the
Dump, were gaining entrance to the
Seaforth Garbage Dump via the lane.
The purpose of my interview, and
confirming same by this letter, is to
inform yon of the regulations relating
to feeding of garbage to swine.
I understand from our interview,
that Mr. John Regier is actually auth-
orized by the Town of Seaforth ,to
supervise the Seaforth Garbage Dump
in question.
I would draw to your attention that
the swine owned by Mr. John Regier
are not to be allowed, under any cir-
cumstances, access to • the Town
Dump. In that ..Mr. Regier owns the
swine. and is, in addition, engaged by
the Town to supervise the Dump. it
is felt that the Town of Seaforth may
be partially responsible to see that
•this owner's swine do not have access
to the Seaforth Garbage Dump, and
laneway leading thereto.
This matter was discussed with Mr,
B. F. Christie, of the Property Com-
mittee, and your solicitor. P. D. Mc-
Connell, at the suggestion of Mr.
Christie. Your truly,
J. C. MacLennan, Sub -District Vet-
School Board Requests Town
Extend Utilities
The following letter was received
from. Mr. Fred Willis, chairman of
Seaforth Public School Board, elated
March 17th:
On previous occasions when the -
Public School Board lies met with
Council regarding the new School
building, verbal discussions were held
regarding the provision of utilities
services and necessary repairs to the
west end of i\Iarket Street. On these
occasions tate Board were of the op-
inion that they could expect full co-
operation in their requirements.
The Board would now respectfully
request the following installations at
the earliest possible date:
1. The 1 inch water main on the
North aide of Market Street be ex-
tended west 10 the point as shown on
the new School blueprints. with a hy-
drant installed as shown.
:'.. Tic- wiring service be installed as
also shown 1t1 the Schood blueprints.
We world also respectfully request
the following be completed before the
5eptentber 1909 School term:
caI A sidewalk be constructed on
the north side of Market. Street, from
the Sperling Street corner to the
School sidewalk. as shown on the
1h1 The present sidewalk on the
south side, of Market Street from the
Sperling Str.JA Miller. 1011. be re
paui.d anis widened if possible.
—10l- Market Street Mud 1'i hr re-
501faced and improved --- especially
That portion from Sperling Street west
TO the end 17f the street.
Trusting the above requests will be
The treasurer's report showed
prepaid tax receipts of $8400, to.
The report of the finance commit-
tee was as 'follows;
jean Hildebrand, $5.00; The Ont-
ario Municipal Board, 8102.` 0; Re-
lief, $40.02; R. Miller, $14,40; J. A,
Westcott, $8.00; E. Miller, $10,20;
81. Drager, $8.50; 0, Loney, $23.75;
Bell Telephone Co., $17.45; Huron
Expositor, $103.15; 13r. America
Ass, Co„ $7,50; Commercial Union
Ass. Co., $22,80; E. C. Chamberlain,
$180,40; Watson & Reid, $423.08;
M. McKellar, $4.24; Treas. of Ont -
aria, $477.92; D, I81. Wilson, $170.00;
H. Maloney, $100.00; A. Bushie,
$183.33; Relief,180.32; W. M. Hart,
$30.40; W. Anent, $209,97; Public
Utility Cant„ $39.28; Seaforth
Plumbing and Heating, $3.00; Miller
Wilbee, $21.82; Can. Nat'l
\Ays, $20.18; Rice
Twp. of Tnckeismith $30.00 Daly
lllotbrs, $25.08; Biekle-Seagrave,
$17,225,00; Treas., Public Libravy,
$400.00; Seaforth Lumber & Fuel
$1100.00; County of Huron, indig-
ents, $4.50; M. E. Clarke, $8.58; E.
Larone, $83.80.
The St. Patrick's social .held in the
basement of Duff's United Church
was a grand success, with a large
crowd in attendance. Program con-
sisted of musical numbers by the
following: Guitar selection by Mich-
el Glutzen and Barry Hoegy; Alto
horn solo, Herb. Kirkby; cornet solo,
Doris Johnston; vocal solo, Sheron
McNichol, and Joan Johnston; piano
solo, Miss I. Watson; cornet duet by
June and Audrey Haekwell; piano
duet by Clair Rockwell and V. Wat-
son; vocal duet by Cora and Peta
Van Vleit.
Play, "Mail Order Hat", Cast in-
cluded Mrs. W. Turnbull, Mrs, Ray
Houston, Mas. James Smith, Mrs. J.
Van Vleit and Mrs. Evert Perdue.
At the conclusion of the program a
dainty lunch was served by W. A.
of the Church.
NIr. and Mrs, Don Gray of Strat-
ford with Mr. Joseph Haekwell.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Rutledge of
London with Mrs. M. Humphries.
Mr. Bert Kelley has 'been engaged
with the Dennis Bros for the Spring
and Summer months.
Mr. Arthur McCallum, who is a
patient in Seaforth Hospital, is pro-
gressing quite favorably and expects
to be home soon.
The Women's Association of Wal-
ton United Church held their March
meeting in the church on Wednesday
March 12th. Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull
presided. In the absence of the sec-
retary, Mrs. Bert Johnson, this re-
port was given by Mrs. Silas John-
ston. Mrs. Holman, the treasurer, re-
ported 3258.26 on hand. It was de-
cided to drop the recipe book for
the present and get mien dars.°East-
ter lilies for the church at Easter to
be given to the shutins. A motion to
send for 30 packages of cards. Let-
ters were read from the sick for
flowers and boxes sent to thein. The
meeting closed by repeating the Miz-
pah benediction.
The Gleaner Mission Band of
Duff's United Church met Sunday
morning for their March meeting,
42 members and 3 teachers attended.
The meeting opened with the sing-
ing of hymn 255, followed by all
the members repeating the Lord's
Prayer. Mrs. McCall, our leader, and
seven members took part in an East-
er • service. Audrey Haekwell read
the minutes of the last meeting and
Jerry Achilles seconded thein. This
was followed by sentence prayers.
The topic was given by Mrs. McCall
and hymn 111 was sung. Thank -
offering envelopes were given out
and are to be brought to the Easter
Thankoffering meeting. Classes were
then formed. Hymn 243 was sung
followed by all members repeating
the Mizpah Benediction.
Mrs. John Ritchie
Funeral services for Mrs, John
Ritchie, 75, lifelong resident of Grey
Township were conducted at the
family residence there 'Tuesday, at
2 p.m., by the Rev. M. Thomas, and
interment made in Brussels Ceme-
giVoll your favorable consider itior 1 ter,. She was one of the oldest mem-
and that the Board may look forward' bers of Duff's Church, Walton.
Surviving besides her husband,
John Ritchie, are three sons, Clif-
ford, Grey; James, "London; Ken-
neth, Seaforth; two daughters, Mrs.
Cecil Lydiatt, Blyth; Mrs. Walter
Shortreed, Walton, and one brother,
W. 3. McAllister, Ayr.
The pallbearers were: Donald Bu-
chanan, Andrew Turnbull, Hugh
Johnston, Martin Baan, John Bruce,
and Jim Williamson.
The flowerbearers were: Claire
Veich, Douglas Ritchie, Bert and
Frank Lydiatt.
her Monne at Grand Bend after a
pleasant visit with her son -11141M
and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mrs, Edna Corbett and Mrs. Oath -
aline Devlin of London, were recent
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Archie
MacGregor and Donald.
Mr. Jack Harrison, assistant ac-
countant at the Bank of Montreal
stere for the post two years has been
transferred to Bank of Montreal at
Watford. Jack is a native of Kincar-
dine, is married, with one daughter
Patsy, aged two.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert :Simpson of
Kirkton visited recently with the
letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm,
Mrs. Edison Forrest and° infant
daughter returned home from Clin-
ton Hospital on Saturday.
Dr. Gilbert Jarrott, Stratford, Dr.
York and •�ttofNow o
n J 110
i a
Etta Jarrott of Toronto spent the
weekend with their mother, Mrs.
Catharine Jarrott,
On March 17th the. Fireside Farm
Forum met at home of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Addison with 27 adults present.
The broadcast was on the Causes of
War, We believe chief causes :are
Greed, Desire of Power, Overpopu-
lation, Injustice, Selfishness, Desire
for money by Munitions Manufact-
urers, and when there is poverty and
hunger people are dissatisfied and
listen to promises of better living
conditions and agree to war.
We believe the main things to do
to prevent war are; Endeavor to
create a friendly feeling among na-
tions; Christianize the World, feed
the hungry, prepare for war as a
check to aggressive nations, and na-
tions should learn to give and take
to preserve peace.
The recreational committee for
next week is Mrs. Janes Howatt,
Ferne Dexter and Betty Addison.
The committee in charge of the final
Party is. Don Buchanan, James Jam-
ieson, George Addison, Mrs. HarveY
Taylor, Mrs. Mansell Cooke.
Prize winters, most games, Miss
Norma Dexter and Mrs. Oliver An-
derson; lone hands, Mrs. George
Carter and Art Hoggart; consola-
tion, Mrs. Wesley Hoggart and Mrs.
Harry Tebbutt. Mrs. George Hog-
gart invited the group to her home
for next week when sandwiches, :pie
and ice cream will be served.
The late King's funeral will be
shown Monday, Tuesday, Wednes-
nesday, with the show "Right
The management regrets this
was incorrectly announced previ-
Mrs, Mary Dittmer who has been
confined to Stratford Hospital for
'the past month with a broken hip is
now recuperating at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, Henry A. Benneweis,
Mr. Henry Hillebreeht, who has
been 'confined to Seaforth Hosp1ta4
with heart trouble forover a
e • is
is recuperating at the Ill of h home
brother John, Seaforth.
Mrs, Chas. Leouhardt of Mitchell
visited with Mrs. Wm. Mueller,
Mrs. Milton Rock spent a week
with Mrs. Sophie Bennewies and Mr.
and Mrs, Elmer Tuffin in Toronto.
Mr. Rock spent the weekend in Tor-
onto, and Mrs. Rock returned home
with him,
G, ;1 written ]reply along with the rte
tart] of the blueprint supplied. at an
early date. Yours truly.
F. E. Willis, Chairman Public
School Hoard.
Councillor Sillery recommended
complying with the School Board re-
quest. Reeve Sills said he did not
think it fair that these additional
costs he assumed by the town. The
water train is now 25 feet on school
property he contended, and why
should Separate School supporters
be asked to pay for further putting
the main into the new public school,
Councillor Close said to leave it as
it is. A [notion by Councillors Crich
and Daly was passed that "This
council does not consider that they
San extend the six-inch main on
Market street as requested by the
Public School Board, and that the
existing fire hydrants provide ade-
quate protection and that sidewalks
and roadways will be given further
Contract Barky
We arc' again contracting
acreage age for the Canada Malt-
ing Co.
Seed will he available at our
Seaforth Farmers Coop
Mr, Bill Mickle of the 0.A.C.
Guelph, spent the weekend with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle.
Miss Isabel Alexander of Toronto
visited during the past week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Alexand-
Mrs. Albert Morenz returned to
To be held in Walton
Community Hall
Music by Western Five
Seaforth Lions Club
Rural Relations Night
Friday, Mar. 28, 7 p.m.
Seaforth Community Centre
Speaker: Hon. Milton F. Gregg, V.C.
Federal Minister of Labour
Tickets, $2.00 each, may be
had at 'Baldwin Hardware, or
Homer Hunt. Only 200 are
available. Deadline for secur-
ing tickets is Mar. 22.
Rural Relations- Night is a
real opportunity for the man
of the household to have a
night out.
BERNARD — In Dr. Meyers' Nursing 51ome,
Brussels, on March 14th, to Mr. and Mrs,
George Bernard, R11.4 - Walton, a son
We have a fav 10 -ft Packers left from
Last fail delivery. These can be purchased
nOW at old prices.
Also. 2 -10 -ft. Spring Tooth Cultivators.
Will have Tractor Spreaders and Dios
Harrows arriving April 1st.
Order Now and avoid disappointment
Seaforth .R11 5
Phone 40-12 Dublin
Fourteenth Annual CARNIVAL of the
Stratford Figure Skating CM
APRIL 4th and 5th 8.30 P.M.
Prices $1.50 and $1.25 All seats reserved
m.,o,.,,I„000,I„I MAIL. ORDER APPLICATIONmesi aalllmicomeme
To 'Waldie's Hardware Tiluolose idlitmpod
Market Place, Stratford Self Addressed Envelope'
Please find enclosed Money Order or Cheque. (add Exchange')
for $ for seats at 31,5e;
seats at $1.25•
For Mr. and Mrs. Don McClure
In the Seaforth Community Centre
Good Orchestra
Field Crop Competition
The Seaforth Agr. Society are
again sponsoring Field Crop
Competitions in (a) Clinton
Oats and (b) Grain Corn.
Those wishing to become
members please contact im-
mediately, Allister Broadfoot
Robert McMillan
or Russell Bolton
'"", G E N T TH E AT R,.
Burt Lancaster Dorothy McGuire
Mister ase plays Cupid far the Secret Service and the IJniced Nations. 'rho Money
was counterfolt but their love wall genuine. —.,_—,
Next Man. Tues. Wed. RIGHT °B4OSS.
June Allyson Dick Powell
A Prize Fight drama combined with tense Romance, See the curl who admires one
man but loves the other
____. MIXT TRIM,1151. SAT. _�. TnomsncOLOn
Richard Widmarlt Walter
First Show starts at 7 PM
The great story of the War ih the Puelac, the unsung heroes of World War 11 who
fought to the last fox hole _,,,,—__-„...—___.,..,...
At Last! Save Gas!
Fowler -James
"Gas Add -Miles”
In a series of test runs it has been proven
that if your car is in fair running condition the
FOWLER -JAMES "ADD -MILES" can save up to
1/3 of the gas normally used.
What a Difference
It Makes !
We have also found that
the pick-up of the car is not
altered in any way.
The starting of the car is normal or better in
any kind of weather. We guarantee you a saving
up to 25% of gas. If not satisfactory we will
refund your money.
Priced $4 - ¶7. Write for information.
Mitchell, Ontario, or
159 Catherine St. W., Hamilton, Ont.
Date wanted for: April 4 Cl or April 6 []
N1uue Address
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i' `1
The infantry
machine gunners
The Canadian Infantry Soldier is a vital
part of our expanding defence forces. In Korea
he has built a wonderful reputation for his
courage and ability. Wherever he goes, the
Canadian Soldier has a way of winning friends —
of impressing both friend and foe with his outstanding
training and soldierly qualities.
The Infantry Machine Gunners are an integral
'part of the Canadian infantry regiments. With their
heavy and accurate fire power, the Infantry Machine
Gunners have time and again in Korea proved how
extremely important they are in attack and defence.
Play your part in Canada's most important business today, defence.
You are eligible if you are: 17 to 40 years of age, (tradesmen
to 45), physically fit and ready to serve anywhere.
Apply fo the nearest Recruiting Depot:
No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont.
No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Begot Street, Kingston, Ont.
Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St, W., Toronto, Ont.
No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Elizabeth Street, London, Ont.
Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main Street West, North Bay, Ont.
Army Recruiting Centre, James Street Armoury,
200 James St. North, Hamilton, Ont.
Listen fo "Voice of the Army"—Tuesday
and Thursday evenings Dominion Network.
(446 ae