HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-03-13, Page 4THURSDAY, MARCU 1 E NIT THEATRE d - 6EAFORTH tliiiaur , SAT. 'vn o u,i11 GOES TO THE Rn another Donald comedy hi. Pipet Laurie. Famous k4nn0.a, th0 talkhtg marc, in ututtAtce• Lica caned, h;C. MRX'r MON. TIMES. WED. 1'i St Silt w snarls 7 P.M. Technicolor CAPTAIN 1I011ATIO noaNn1,011 sit, Gregory ,cede. Virginia Mayo, 'through stirghv Action and blaring sen bulbi,. News Heel -- The Late King's funeralNAI er Cupid for the scant, srvRiceg�nd tin United Nations. 'Iheaster ltin ney was counterfeit. plays COMING RIGHT CROSS a TIE SWO TH NEWS Sty Patrick's Social AND CONCERT In United Church basement WALTON FRIDAY, MARCH 14 8.30 p.m. Admission 40c and 20c PLAY "Calm Yourself" Presented by raven Church, Winthrop Sponsored by Group 1 of North Side W.A. Tuesday, March 18 8.15 p.m. Northside Church S.S. Room Admission 6Ue and 21c TUOKERSMITH The members of the C.W.L. ,net at the home of Mrs. Angus Kennedy, for the month, meeting, with the president, Mrs. Wnl, Ryan in the chair. The meeting opened with prayer, and the minutes as read were adopted. One bag of literature had been sent to Missions. The treasur- er's report showed a balance of $79.- 14. Correspondence was read and discussed. Members are asked to bring in good used clothing which will be sent to the needy, also can- celled stamps, to be sent to 11/fissions. Flowers are to be bought for the Altars for Easter, and a donation made to our spiritual advisor, Rev. J. J. :MeCowell. Final arrangements were made for the Easter dance to. be held on April 14. Mrs. Albert Cro- nin •and Mrs. Angus Kennedy, are to audit the books for the yeax'. Mrs. James Carlin, Mrs. John Moylan, and Mrs, Mich. Murray were appointed as a nominating committee. Mrs. Mich. Murray gave a very instructive reading. A vote of thanks was proved to Mrs, Murray, also to Mrs. Ken- nedy for the use of her home. The meeting closed with prayer. Lunch was then served and a social time spent. Progressive Euchre And Lost IT:'11 Walton Community Hall Wednesday, March 19 Lunch will be served and a short musical program will be presented. Sponsored by Library Board Adm. Adults •toe. Children 20e Ladies please bring sandwiches ammemorommowsnomemmemaarommumeammaemoscassmara RESERVE APRIL 16th DANCE Dublin Parish Hall Altar Society Hullett Branch of the Feder- ation of Agriculture Card Party & Dance Community Hall, Londesboro Friday, March 21st Cards until 10 o'clock. Dancing to the music of Pierce's Orchestra. Lunch counter in Hell. Admission Inc St. Patrick's Night fit Looby's Hall, DUBLIN MONDAY, MAR. 17 Mni d,,c h's N. w & Old Time Orth. KIPPEN EAST The March meeting of Kippen Hast W. I. will be held in S. S. #2 school on Wednesday evening, Mar. 1;e at ":30. Miss Helen Turner will be hostess and the members of the Staffa W. L will be guests at this meeting. Roll call, "If I were a shut- in I would like to be remembered by". Staffa W. L will present a half Motu' pregratn. Lantern slides will he shown. Miss Stott, Home Econom- ist, will be present. The topic will be given he Mr. W. 1'. Roberts. HULLETT On March 10th the Fireside Farm Forum met at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson with 27 pre- sent. The topic was on the farmers customers. At present the United States offers the best market for all Canadian farm products except wheat. We should buy from the country to which we wish to export, always exporting first class goods. Farmers should try to cater to the wishes of their customers by produc- ing and exporting the type of prod- ucts which are desired, for example, lean bacon to Britain, The prize win- ners were, most .gatnes, Mrs. George Carter and Jim Howatt; lone hands, Mrs, George Carter and Art Hog- gart; consolation Mrs. Bert Hog- gart and William Jewitt. The group meets next week at the home of IVIr, and Mrs. George Addison. WALTON The organization meeting' of the Cranbrook Happy Floers Garden Chili was held in Cranbrook hall on Mor, 8, The following officers were elect- ed. Pres„ Ann Steffler; 'Vice Pres., Mtudne Smalldon; Secretary, Helen Knight; Pianist, Karen '.Machan; Press and Radio reporter, Mona Clarke. VARNA Lenten services are being held in the Varna and Goshen United Church on Wednesday evenings. The members of L,O,L. 1035 paid a visit to the lodge at Greenway on Friday evening last. The young people of the United Church suet on Monday evening of this week and reorganized a X.P.S. Pres., Ivan MoOlymont; Vice Pres., Marilyn Rowson; Sec'y, Margery Webster Treas.; Frank Hill; Pianist, Sheila -Soper; Assistant, Lola Chuter; Stewardship Convenor, Jean Pitt; Citizenship Convenor, Margaret Mc- Clynlont; Missionary Convenor, Joyce Webster; Recreation Convenor, Ruth Clarke. BORN RYAN --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Mar. Oth. to Mr. and Mrs. Mantde0 Ryan, Ril 3 Dublin. a sou DONALD -Mr, anti Mrs. II. J. Donald !Marl Jamieson) Stifle College, Pa announce the arrival of their Ann, Robert Jamey, et Bellefonte Hospital, Mareh 10. 1952 SPECIALS We have a .few to -ft Packers left from last fall delivery, These con be purchased now at old prices. Aloe- --le-ft. Spring Tooth Cultivators. Will have Tractor Spreaders and Disc Harrows arriving April 1st. Order Now and avoid disappointment V. J. LANE FLEURY -BISSELL ACT. Seaforth RR 5 Phone 46-12 Dublin 09.15@9t Auspices Seafoxth Branch Canadian Legion 18 Games $1.00. - - Al! Cash Every Bingo FRIDAY, MARCH 21st SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Doors open 8 p.m. First game 9 p.m. Admission $1.00 Three Special Games $15 - $25 - $50 VVVISOVVVVVVISVABVIWAY CC ve as! t,Itx FowlerJarnes as Add® i iles" in a series of test runs it has been proven that if your car is in fair running condition the FOWLER -JAMES "ADD -MILES" can save up to 1/3 of the gas normally used. What a Difference It Makes ! We have also found that the pick-up of the car is not altered in any way. The starting of the car is normal or better in any kind of weather. We guarantee you a saving up to 25 % of gas. If not satisfactory we will refund your money. Priced $4 - $7. Write for information. FOWLER -JAMES "ADD -MILES" Mitchell, Ontario, or 159 Catherine St. W., Hamilton, Ont. PHONE 141, MITCHELL liEGV• ST. COLUMBAN The regular meeting of the Tuck- c'r-sit`•, Ladies' Club was held at the 11 rile of Mrs. E. O'Brien on Wednes- •lr,lr. March o with a good attendance, The Ineetimr was opened in the usual manner. Roll 0)x11 was answered with an Irish joke. Mrs. G. Crich and Mrs. 1•', C;'P,!'ien were the winners. Sever- ,' -_"flee topics were discussed. Two ntirrorr, have been purchased and donated to Clinton Public Hos- pit:;l in the past -month. Mrs. Les La.r:'0l1 conducted a contest. Mrs, O'Brien, Mrs, F. Walters and Mrs. Walter Pepper gave readings. Mrs. 'Roberts' little granddaughter, Mas'i- lyn Metcalf of Alberta favored us with a tap dance. The meeting was closed with the Homemakers' prayer. A -delicious lunch was served ny the hostess and tate members of group 2. The April meeting will be in charge of. rrnup 3. Roll call to he answered with "A cure for the Blues". A pen- alty of 5 cents will he imposed on all those who answer "present" so get your cure ready. The London Road Club have ex- termed an invitation to the Ladies' Club to attend a card party and dance to be held in Stanley School on Friday evening, March 21. Keep this date in mind,. The local hockey club deserves a pat on the back for the wonderful game they played against the 13th of Hullet in Blyth Arena last Friday night. considering tremendous odds against them they held the score down to -1-11 for Hullett. We, the St:. Columban School children are having oursecond mi- med penny s'ile on March 21. in the Munich Hall. Imagine being able to get-emethine, beautiful and useful, 11-, this nee, fm• just a penny: ('o+r:e and bring your friend:. 'Watch tl i= papet. nest week for fuller d tail- about Our fenny Sale, Contract Barley We arty again contracting acreage for the Canada Malt- ing Co. Seed will be available at pin' warehouse. Seafcirth Fa>omlers Co op PRONE 9 Vv '7 WV % v ".r" r , , 1 r, 'r '77 /Prif0 / a0 i %%%G % '%G�(//',''�' A �i///4•A' d % ;A i!�//lai %%moi 4•/% % 4 d See for yourself how a Chevrolet truck can cut your costs in every way A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE Check the comparative values of -Chevrolet trucks, and you'll see for yourself how Chev- rolet gives you far more for your money. In design, in craftsmanship, and in every last detail of their construction, Chevrolet trucks are engineered and built to unsurpassed standards of value. SAVES MONEY ON THE JOB Chevrolet trucks save you money over the miles with proven features that eut operating and maintenance costs. Valve -in -Head economy, unexcelledlubrication systems far. reduced engine wear, rugged Hypoid rear axles, extra -sturdy channel -type frames and Fiexl-Mounted cabs, Recirculating Ball - Steering, Synchro-Mesh Transmission, These and plenty of others keep day-to-day costs at rock bottom. RiGHT TRUCK FOR EVERY LOAD A truck for every purpose regardless of your hauling need. Chevrolet truck models are engineered to carry the load and pull the load with frames, springs, axles, clutches, transmissions and engines which provide a wide margin of safety. KEEPS ITS VALUE LONGER It's a tact, chevrniet Truck Sales Leadership fit is du . to the widest customer acceptance in ...1w tura-y Th l means that Ciuwtolel. truck '1 e,iny ,,110)00, trade-in values because of the ir. c sntinuecl pe pal rlty- as used truces. Yes, Oi f tore the tt-tucti:. Chevrolet Trucks are 1 first choice by tsr, CANADA'S truck users buy on down-to- earth facts, not fancy phrases. That's why more of them buy Chevrolet trucks than any other make, What they get for their money is a rugged, sturdy, dependable truck that's designed with the customer's job and payload in mind. Right power — with four great Valve - in -Head engines to choose from ... the 92 h.p. Thriftmaster, 105 h.p. Loadmaster, 114 h.p. Torquemaster and the mighty 120 h.p. Workinaster . providing the his maximum in power with economy. Right capacity — with rugged hypoid rear axles and two -speeds in heavy duty models. The deep, channel -type frames are supported by springs and tires exactly right for the loads to be carried. Chevrolet trucks are competitively prised, and provide exclusive features that give the maximum in performance, safety and driver comfort. Your Chevrolet dealer will be glad to demonstrate the many plain facts which add up to Chevrolet superiority. CT -2126 ON THE ROAD WITH THE GREATEST PAYLOAD S