HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-03-06, Page 2THE obvert SPORTS COLUMN
4•ryEeme4' •i'i'✓YOf to
SELECTING BY vote the one con-
t '` eidered, rightly or wrongly, as the out-
standing athlete of the year, male and
female, is a comparatively easy chore, for
the reason that your memory isn't over-
taxed fn making the selection. It isn't very
difficult to look over your shoulder, 12
months back, and name the atand-outs, because they're still
fresh in your memory,
But suppose you get involved in one of those pointless argu-
ments, pointless because unproveable, about who was the greatest
in any one sport over the years, not the year, and then your
lieadaches begin. For instance;
Who is Mister Baseball?
Or Mister Boxing , . , or Football , . , or even Mister (or
Mrs.) Racing?
What name comes to mind first when the talk turns to those
sports—the all-time hero through the years?
No man or group has ever given the answer, but the argu-
meats make the best fuel when the hot stove league opens up the
The greatest navies of sport are not always the finest per-
formers, They do, however, combine ability with the most valuable
asset -color.
Babe Ruth not only bit more hone runs than any other man,
but every move he made was news. Even to his famous stomach-
ache. The Bambino was probably the most colorful figure ever to
hit baseball. Many declare Joe DiMaggio a greater player, and of
course there are legions who insist that Ty Cobb, with his breath-
taking speed on the bases, his deadly hitting, and his daring,
was in a class by himself. And he oozed color, too. To which
the Ruthians retort that the Babe was a great pitcher, a catcher,
a first-rate outfielder and the greatest home -run hitter of all.
Was Jack Dempsey the top figure in boxing's history?
Veteran ring fans insist Jim Jeffries was a better heavyweight
champ, Fitzsimmons a harder hitter, Jim Corbett more skilful,
and undoubtedly that hero of the eighties, the mighty John L,
Sullivan was more boisterous. Yet no one has approached the
gates Dempsey attracted and few have matched the slashing fury
of the colorful Mauler in the Willard or Firpo fights. Who gets
the nod in boxing?
Since the dawn of football, the fans have fought over their
4'avorites, They bring up Jim Thorpe, the Carlisle Indian whose
plunging and kicking are legendary. Jim has made virtually every
all-star eleven listed. But they can't forget Red Grange, the Gallop-
ing Ghost, And in Canada they say that Lionel Conacher was
probably the equal of either, and a far greater all-round athlete
than Grange.
Racing has its immortals in Citation, Exterminator and Sea
Biscuit. Yet most racing fans in America start and finish with
one name—Man o' War. The jockey heroes will be Tod Sloan,
Earl Sande and right on down to Johnny Longden and Eddie
Track and field has produced many great names—Olympic
and world champions. Who comes first? Is it Charlie Paddock, the
"world's fastest human,' or Paavo Nurmi, the inscrutable Finn,
or fleet Jesse Owens, the scourge of the Nazis in the '36 Olym-
pics? Or Clarence DeMar, seven times winner of the gruelling
Boston marathon?
What of golf? Is it Bobby Jones, the only man ever to win
the "Grand Slam" or Walter Hagen or today's Ben Hogan,
Tennis and Bill Tilden, wrestling and Frank Gotch or Ed
;Strangler) Lewis.
You wanna headache? Pick 'em yourself.
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Omer Ferguson, c10 Calvert house, 431 Yonge 5f., Toronto.
How Can
By Anne Ashley
Q. How can I shrink dress
A, Dress goods may be very
easily shrunk by placing it folded
in a tub of cold water, to which a
few handfuls of salt have been
Added. After a few hours, hang
on the line without folding. The
weight of the water prevents
wrinkles drying in, and the salt
sets the color,
Q. How can I render wood
A. Soak it in a `mixture consist-
onsisting of 6 parts boracic acid, 5 parts
ammonium chloride, 3 parts sodium
borate, and 100 parts water,
Q. What can I do when cream
refuses to whip?
A. Try adding the white of an
egg to it. Let both cream and egg
be thoroughly chilled before at-
tempting to whip.
Q. How can I prepare better
A. Use water in which mild
flavored vegetables have been
cooked, for the gravy, rather than
fresh water. A finer flavor will be
the result, and it is also an economy
as the water contains valuable fnin-
Q. How can I remove marks
from stone steps and window sills?
A. Rub with a piece of coarse
sandpaper, After rubbing, dust off
with a cloth or duster, Stone clean-
ed in this way stays white much
longer than by using water.
Q. How can I remove kerosene
spots from cloth?
A. If kerosene has been 'spilled
on cloth, scour the spot with tur-
pentine, then with soap and warm
Q. How can I treat hardwood
floors that have become" scarred
with dark marks from rockers or
furniture casters?
A. Rub the marks with very fine
steel wool, dipped in quite soapy
water. Rinse with clear water, and
then apply a good furniture polish.
Q. How can I increase the
quantity of soup on hand without
weakening it by adding water?
A. Keep a box of bouillon cubes
on hand for this purpose. Add two
cubes to two cups of water, to in-
crease the quantity of soup with-
out detracting from its flavor.
Q. How can I blacken tan
A. Try rubbing the leather
thoroughly with the inside of a
raw potato. Let dry and then
Q. How can I make frosted glass
for a window?
A, Clean the glass with gasoline,
Then cover with white tissue paper
which fits exactly and apply clear
waterproof varnish thinned 25 per
cent with turpentine. The varnish
soaks through the paper, sticking
it to the glias. and thus effecting
a frosted window,
Hippo Swallows Hippo?—lt looks as though Bongo is swallowing
Ills roommate, Pinky, but actually they are both just begging for
t.eanuts in the zoo. Wonder how many bushels it would take to
fill those yawning caverns,
Treat For Dog Lovers — Some of the most outstanding dogs in
Canada and the United States will be seen in the Coliseum, To-
ronto, during the two dog shows being held in conjunction with
the Canadian National Sportsmen's Show, March 19 - 20 and 21 -
22, for the benefit of the Toronto Humane Society, Here Sheila
Watson, with a prized Yorkshire Terrier, gets ready for the big
canine exhibition.
Don't Overcook
Those Vegetables
Fresh vegetables are year 'round
favorites, and especially so this
time of year, and now we like to
make the most of them.
Cook only enough for one meal
unless you plan use of left -over in
salad next day. Reheating reduces
vitamin content. Don't use too
much water when boiling, it also
reduces precious minerals and vita-
Vegetables parings should be
paper -thin, And the best way to
accomplish this it with trick parer
quick too. Don't soak vege-
tables, Prepare just before cooking
if possible, or else keep in 'frig,
out of water with exception of
potatoes, until time to use them.
Start cooking with boiling water,
then add vegetables bringing quick-
ly to a boil. Keep lid tight on pan
to shorten cooking time, save on
vitamins. If you must keep cooked
vegetables hot a few minutes after
draining, set pan in pan of boiling
Vegetables are best when cook-,
ed until tender crisp , . . as a rule
don't cook them as long as you
think you should,
Legalized Robbery
No matter how thin it is sliced,
inflation is legalized robbery.
Selected groups can be protected
against it to some extent by parity
programs or escalator wage claus-
es. But the advantage of these
groups merely make it tougher for
the non -sheltered groups. The cost
of parity supports or wage escala-
tors conies out of the hides of
those on fixed incomes, unorganiz-
ed workers, and stockholders.
As I have said, limited applica-
tion of such protective devices
does not necessarily mean inflation.
It is merely robbing Peter to pay
Paul. But we are asked to believe
that through some kind of financial
skullduggery Paul can be paid
without robbing Peter. The only
source of new purchasing power
in the amounts that would oe re-
quired for this kind of financia'
bootstrap levitation is the govern-
Those on fixed incomes, the un-
organized workers, and the owners
of the tools of industry would still
be behind the eight -ball. The bur-
den of an inflation on the scale
required to suppiy everyone with
enough dollars to keep up with the
rising prices would accelerate the
tempo of currency depreciation and
lorg before its value had reached
zero, the de'.;t would be repudiated.
Thee, at last, would be ter-
minated tit' cycle of deceit and
fraud which began when govern-
ment initiated. and the people ac-
cepted. the policy of public benefits
beyond their willingness to pay. No
sc' time cf currency depreciation
and inflation car disguise the in-
exorable truth of that elementary
fact of eco ,ornic li€r--There is no
Free i-t:n..h.
—Harley L. Lutz,
Professor Emeritus of Public
Finance, Princeton University.
A t ers:an itt - the \Ves.tern Zone
etas worried for fear his fetters to
els ser, in Warsaw were being
read by Com: tsnist aut'1o:i'ies, SO
'ee wrote hint that he was putting
•, e.. envelope a hair which would
c. t if ti:e censor opened it.. His
_..r. replied that there was nothing
:a •or ry a' out, The hair was still
Western. Ge -man now
had r.;e it,i,rn ati'n he wanted. He
had ec.t put a hair in the original
"Genuine" Mermaid
In Goldfish Bowl
Judging from what's in store
for the more than 200,000 visitors
expected to turn out to Canada's
annual indoor show for the out-
door fans, the wily denizens of
forest and stream are in for a
shock come open seasons in the
big battle of brains versus instinct.
Hard at work all winter, in-
dustry has come up with some
bright new gadgets for the tackle
box and gun room plus a few for
travel over land and water.
All these will glitter at the
Canadian National Sportsmen's
Show, coming up for its fifth
straight year at the Coliseum in
Toronto's CNE grounds. Open
season will be March 14 to 22
With new and different enter-
tainment features, though the
perennial Shady, .a trained seal,
will be back, it all adds up to
what Frank H. Kortright, presi-
dent of the Toronto Anglers' and
Hunters' Association, sponsors of
the show, calls the biggest and
best show yet.
Here are a few of the lures that
will attract sportsmen, sport deal-
ers and the general public by the
—A "genuine" mermaid in a
goldfish bowl.
—The latest thing in fish lures;
a dead minnow preserved and
encased in pliable plastic. It's
durable, waterproof and utterly
life -like they say.
—A salon where visitors can
take photographs of models, get
tips on photography, courtesy the
Photo Finishers Assn.
— Mechanical tuna fishing. You
can hook, play and land your fish
under realistic conditions in this
— A British Jaguar model car
which features a "convertible"
top. It converts from conventional
canvas to hard top for cooler
weather driving.
—Worm dope. At 50c, e.g., a
bottle you can drop a little on a
worm. hole and tiie worm will
"come rushing out like mad," ready
for scooping up by the prospective
Along with the complete range
of the latest in sporting equip-
ment, there'll be such other at-
tractions as a talking crow, a dis-
play of antique guns, put on by
the Province of Ontario, and a
four-day dos show, said to be the
biggest in Canada this year. Cana-
da's Army and Nary will be o>at
in force. So will the experts anti
champions with rod and gun, to
demonstrate the proper techniques
for such things as "spinning,"
fishing'e latest innovation.
It's expected that some 178 ex-
hibitors, exclusive of concessions,
Will take about 120...00 square feet
of Poo- cnt,ce in the huit,ting,
Salad Dressing That
Doesn't Add Calories
d eating netts for calorie
conscious perst•n' in the form of a
new dressing recipe that observes
a per,e:n's misl'es to keep their
weight dost n.
illi one-quarter sup salad oil,
one-etrertee ,•t:p C llil sauce, right
dunce can t.dnato satire, 011e
tali'.esp , only die't'd 001011, one
cup cottage cheese (eight ounces).
Face all ingredients in a deep
bowl. Beat to€t,`.u•r with rotary
beater i:ntil stno,Qh. Servs over
lettuce , r 01.,i .;all greens.
ISSUE 10 --
Classified Adve
O M:r CH10K5 far immediate dellVe Y
Order from title ad with deposit, All
popular breeds. bine ebicicn at remionable
Prices. Non -sexed 510.05 per 109 and DPI
Pullets 521,50 and op; coa strels 80.00 per
100 and 0p1 pullets $21,00 and up, Write
tOr glreelul pritea started eh101m, Imine-.
Aisle delivery, Galt Chtctmrlss, Cult, Oat,
CHICKS. DcY old and etiwtntt. Coelserele,
pullets and mixed an batched. Write
saw for full information and prices, 111•aY
Hatchery, e/e Ftdrbnnk Bleed. 5856
Dot:arin Street, Toronto, er 180 John
N„ Hamilton. .
HAVE You anything needs dyeing or glono•
tee Write to us for Information, We
are tied to anowor your quagttnne, Do.
98 t oenl , Parker's
Werke Limited,.
CHOICII 'lover Sandy, 12 fours 801
thirties 0546, Amber honey, 12 flours
117 thirties $4. R. Downes, Smtthv111e.
pESTROY GOPHERS, 115313, i1t100,
without endangering with poison or
trope. Simple. Sate. Sure, infarmattan,
$2.00. D, Walsh, Garibaldi, ILC.
"ARTISTS and beginners" Bend for our
e8 page oatatoeua featuring Arttata'
Supplies and Picture Frames. Send Zea
1n coin to cover pootaeo, Powgllq, 6820
Bloor St., West Toronto.
ADVANCED Registry Yorkshire Hoare
ready tar service 676, Bred Gilts 6100,
Express prepaid your Tallon, Holstein
Bull Calves 2200. Douelee Hart. Wood-
Speofal Introductory price on moulded
fibre 8 x 4, ono dozen egg earten0, 017.00
Per 1000 cartons or '4.50 per 200 carton'',
MOULDED 011311t LTD.
Brnntt'ord, Ontario
FARM Implements and machine shop buol-
nese, lending line of farm machinery,
complete repair shop and welding sato,
ment, Box 728, New Liekenrd,
RASPBERRY Plante, No, 1 Government
Certified Stock, Cuthbert, Latham Tat,
tor, Viking. $5.00 per 100, expre00 pre-
paid, A, B. Jackson, Stoney Creole, Ont,
SEEDS! Try our Always Tender Heat.
Send 10c for sample and tree catalogue.
Arthur Vasey, York, Prince Edward M-
SHETLAND Sheep -dog puppies, sired 111
Int. Ch, Bobbetle, _tock and show doge..
Earn, Morren, Barrio, Ontario,
50 ACRES, 7 roam brlok house. Barn,
62 x 60, Hen House, 20 x 24, Pig Pens,
etc, Good land, water, hue service, L mile
sobool. No. 7 Highway, 12 mile', east of
Peterbora. A. Hall, 2 Indian Raver,
relief. Your Druggist sells CRESS,
PEP Up—Try C.C. and B. Tonle tabloid
for low vitality and general debility, At
druggist. one dollar.
any cause or condition, Use
Back In Full, Thalia Herbal Dletrlbutors,
1678 Davie Street, Vancouver 6, Brltieb
DONT DELAY! Every sufferer of Rim -
moth Pains or Neuritis should try
Dixon's Remedy.
335 Elgin Ottawa
51.25 Express Prepaid
One woman tells another. Take eup,riot
"FE:IIINEX" to help alleviate pain, 41s -
tress and nervous tenelon associated with
monthly periods.
51.88 Postpaid in plain wrapper.
BANISH the torment of dry eczema rasing
and weeping skin troubles., Poet's Eczema
Salve will not disappoint you.
Itching, crating, burning eczema, acne,
ringworm. plmplee and athlete's foot, w111
respond readily to the etalnleee edorlese
ointment, regardteee of how stubborn or
boneless they seem
Sent Post h-ree nn Receipt of Price
080 Queen Pt E Corner o4 Logan,
400N CANADA'Sor411AD1NLO r800005
areal 1latrdrmtstlna
Pleasant dlgnlllod ororoeotan, good wages.
Th560and0 of acumen'. Marvin graduated
Amerina'a Greatest System
Illustrated Catalogue tree
Wrtta or Cull
MARVEL HA1161072ESBING SCr4001,0
265 Moor St. W.. Toronto
44 King St., Hamilton
78 Dldoan et,. Ottawa
Permanently eradicated from any part of
the body With Saca'Polo, the remarkable
dlsaovory of the age. Seca Palo anteing
no drug or chemical and. will 11111 the
hair root.
879 Granville St. Vancouver, 0,0.
Dee Tobacco pllminator, a aclentltio
treatment quickly stops craving for
tobacco, rids the system of nicotine.
King Drug Pharmaceutical Chemists (Al-
berta), P.O. Box 673, London, Ont,
LEARN ASctlorloerinR, Term open, Irree
Catalogue, tlulsch Auction College, Ma.
son City 0, Iowa, America,.
AN OPFER t0 every Inventor—List of In-
ventione and full information tient tree,
The Ramsay Co., Regletered Patent Attor.
neva, 270 Bank Street, Ottawa,
tent Solicitors, Eelabllohod 1850. 850
Bay Street, Toronto Booklet of Informa-
tion on renueet.
SALES Stimulator Salesmen. Sere le ae
opportunity to make ISP to 6100.00 a day,
620.00 commiselon on every 5110.00 pale
you make, This la a golden opportunity
for former 'DISH DEAL" salesman.
Pricing Press, P.O. Box 74, Station "5",
Montreal 10, P,Q,
STAMMERING eclontltIcally. corrected.
Booklet gives full information. Write
William Dennison, 543-L Jarvis Street,
i; SkOty
FRI MAR. 14th
to SAT. MAR. 22nd, 1952
in our finest Show to date
2:15 and 3:15 pant.
Evenings and 5a1. Afternoons
All Seats Reserved
Reserved Seats -$1.00
Box Seats -$1.50
to whirl, must be added
General Admission
AduBs 50c Children 25t
...median Nagano < penmen's !how Dale
Copt. P. the Coliseum. Toronto
Deur She
Please ;end tor.,_„„
Dox Ssot MOGnen 1
ROn, 40,0 tickets tot the ferules ierfermanse nthe Arne,
se, of
enclose, 1400,0 rind n,y 0100 order
cheque 0P S 0t puyntent for these/ tickets,
:Aliormll.P It ltd D011
:Inned.�...... .. .
Addrn.- I