HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-02-21, Page 2THECaIVert SPORTS COLUMN EIev i'ervw ottu•it (P COURAGE IN the sports world is like Christmas packages, It comes in assorted wrappings, some in gaudy covering, with glittering ribbons, some modestly reserved. Some courage is physical. The late George Iiainsworth, Shut Out King a£ his day, played an entire game for Canadiens one one night with blood dripping slowly down his sweater front. His nose had been broken by a practise shot just before the game started. Ching Johnson played for Rangers with a broken jaw, partially protected by a steel cage that covered his head and face, Eddie Shore played with one ear dangling, his nose broken, teeth knocked out, Some courage k mental. There's the player afflicted with an inferiority complex who rallies his faltering courage and fights not only the opposition, but his own fears and uncertain- ties. 'There's the player who carries on in the face of heart- breaking family tragedy. And all these constitute courage. But you can't measure -physical courage and hardihood as against the less -spectacular but equally gallant trental courage. So we're not going to say that a little fellow named Gerry McNeil, who guards the nets for Canadiens iu the National Hockey League is the most courageous athlete of the !month or year. !'here may be scores of other lads who faced situations cost as bleak, and rode across the barriers just as gallantly, We're not making comparisons. We're merely here to record what we thought was a throat -catching bit of sports heroism, of the quiet fortitude that is the stamp of true valor. McNeil is a sentimental boy. He is an only child, His mother had been ill for a long time, her death was a certainty,' a mere matter of time. This is a plight calculated to unnerve the stoutest ;morale. But game after game, McNeil played, and played well, despite the shadowy spectre of death hovering nearby. The blow came one night just as Canadiens were starting for a two -game road trip, in Detroit and Chicago in turn. But McNeil, sadly shaken by the news, even though not unexpected, refused to leave the team. His face actually tear -stained, he played in Detroit, put up a fine game and Canadiens won, The team went on to Chicago. There he played brilliantly, though in between periods he couldn't keep back the tears, But he scored a shut -out. lle arrived back in time to reach Quebec City and be present at his mother's funeral, a trying ordeal in itself. There was a game in Montreal that very night against Toronto Leafs. The club management feeling that McNeil deserved a rest to recover poise, offered to get a replacement. But McNeil declined, "The replacement knight be hotter than ole, but it might upset the team when we're going well,' he said. "I'll play." And play he did. His mates fought savagely to protect McNeil. Only 15 shots were thrown at him, though Leafs boast the second-best scoring line the League, the Kennedy -Sloan - Smith combine. Canadiens won, 3-1. And when the game was over, it wasn't around the goal scorers that the players gathered. It was around McNeil, shaking his hand, and pounding him on the back, a tribute to courage, to a trouper who had most gallantly upheld the ancient slogan of sport and the theatre. The Show Must Go On. Your comments and suggestions for fhis column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert Hoose, 431 Yonge St., Toronto. CaLvit a DISTILLERS LIMITED AK,HERSTBURG, ONTARIO The Arctic Isn't As Cold As You Think Mention the Arctic, and what do you think of An immense stretch of barren land, shrouded in silence and deep in the snows of ever- lasting winter: Probably, for that is the popular conception. But in reality the Arctic is a friendly land, teeming with life and sound. One northern territory, Greenland, is covered with glaciers. and from it the rest of the Arctic has been drawn by comparison. The geography of Greenland puts it in an entirely different class from the rest of the .Arctic, for farther north a sea of comparative- ly warm water underlies the polar ice and forms a natural radiator which prevents tt-e temperature falling woo low. An explorer named Meehan[ discovered an island five hundred ashes north of the Artie Circle. Here he reporter stumbling across green fields which reminded hips of English meadows. Peary tthe first man to reach the Nath colon descerdiag from the inland ice to the coast, found musk oxen grazing in green and flowered meadows at: id the song of birds and hum of bees. This may give seine idea of the lie existniet in he far North Herds c. c' . ar . wolves roan the 1.,,, gra.slar:.. There are the white and blue polar foxes, the Iemnsings, owls, geese, swans, and cranes. One American geographer, named Ekblaw .gathered over a hundred species of flowering plants in a small area six hundred nsiles north of the Arctic Circle, They in- cluded such common plants as poppy, heather, sedge, bluebells, dandelions, and mushrooms. And what of the snow? The average snowfall of the Arctic is less than that of Scotland, and what there is generally disappears rapidly. As far as the popular concept of intense cold is concerned, Canada established an observatory on an island two hundred miles north of the Arctic Circle to disprove this. Here, the lowest temperature ever recorded was 54 degrees below zero. This is not cold when com- pared to parte of the United States, where the thermometer regularly goes below til; degrees in winter. There is no lack of summer heat, either. Stefansson, the explorer, re- cords a summer spent 75 miles north of the Arctic Circle. when for six weeks the temperature rose to 00 degrees F. nearly every day. Nor did the temperature fall at night, for in that region the son did not set for weeks on end. art try party agreed " he wrote later. "that. we had revel- suffered as n'«ch from cold 55 we did front heat that en:writer." Gains For Communists l a n lahor - unionsare presently c: .f.; themselves 4 -.. i.. c.'e. a. I .: . net to ...- great things .'et' have .: ..,re ...., ..:'e gond sa.:tett ,. t+_.. . cin .geltig os -ions in the C L and t�'... ,....':r .. intto:al-.r 1s...-it::t:'. as. -.:e .r.... e\t' ., 117 ".,'i:l -Aim; roc. ani stratiO-7 ea r: re., ... a i ..� .< s. - c 1,Workers. •3,..... ... ...,,. c. ..h. :.c- tf ...t. . - 1.. , s ..1. r ns.... ti.,. •. norher. total.. ,a .0 C tC. tint. v. t -'.e t, fi - q ' O .. a a'+. :stn s....Z .d F•. .. c...ects most text trrLiz . •u to smash ,.,,.ins n.., litnng wages C,: `n. Again s': One t, ce ..... f -dr v Cana 51.:1 k t: t:, a Se i.st, ,..t e.e,t-re `-eke ahinninittiiy proven': nor a class. ;. . isahont the same wants fent hiniselt at ° e ,.s the rest of the n... t .,.'t t..:ni e.s ..a his Street and in Itne. oi.nreht, Inte air, = ce ".'k„ l+.oirt ti.to nes fees to lie servir.nt t:.e union [iii vent..,., t4c`'S,_" 're wise to stop Inn -owing from tt1',s, C .....:.-hist propaganda ar5cr.5:: 477,'v tte L o ..,.......c gain by t..,.. 1 s of irreSpt sibil.ty a".' ie;srcl_y. ---Front The Franc.::al Past. "Don't You Dare!" -Roger Donahue seems to brace himself for a boost over the ropes as Johnny De Fazio cocks a menacing right hand during their eight -round fight. De Fazio won the decision. Timely Advice; About 9 Used Car in A Ud Buying a used car is a risky business, as countless motorists have found out, to their sorrow. The following tips on the subject, passed out by the Toronto Better Business Bureau, might save some of our readers considerable money, to say nothing of grief. (1) Patronize a reputable dealer, don't buy in a hurry; purchase a car only in daylight. (2) Do not pay attention to the recorded mileage. Look for wear and tear on the upholstery, which is quite often the best guide to mileage and care. Pads on the clutch, brake or accelerator also are pretty good indicators. It takes about 6,000 nines to wear these pads through. (3) Drive the motor about half an hour until the motor is hot. Watch the oil gauge on the dash- board. If the pressure is low when you go along about 25 miles an hour, the bearings may be worn or loose (4) Listen for noises in the gear box and at the rear end where the drive shaft connects up with the back axle. Noise may mean badly worn parts. 151 Test the car on a steep hill. Also try pushing down and letting up the accelerator quickly. This will show motion in the clutch, trans- mission, etc. - (e) After the road test swich off the motor and run your hand over the radiator in front of the fan. If there are cool spots on it, it's a good indication that there will be radiator trouble ahead. (7) If there are more than a couple of inches play in the steering wheel when you turn it with the finger tips it indicates that the steering mechanism is worn or loose. (8) Don't buy a car which is out of line- Check to see that the real wheels follow the sante track as the front ones when the car is moving in a straight line. (9) Watch hydraulic brakes -if the brake pedal gradually oozes down to the floor board when you step on it firmly, it is a sign of trouble in the master cylinder or those at the wheels. Before you sign a contract to purchase, get the foiiowitsg facts: 1. Adettnate description of the car (name, type, motor number, serial number, and year if definitely known) and any ac- cessories to be included. 2, The cash price. 3. The down payment, 4. A description of the property to be traded in, if any, and the trade allowance therefor, 5. Other credit allowances, if any. 6, The difference between the cash price and the aggregate of the down payment and allowances. 7. Description of policy of insur- ance. 8. The amount of the finance 'charges, 9. Total amount to be financed. 10, The number of installment pay - meats. Do not sign a contract to pur- chase a car if you cannot afford to do so. A deposit is generally con- sideration for a binding contract, East Versus West For Curling Honors Arrangements have been com- pleted for curling playoffs in the :Maritime provinces and Newfound- land, according to officials in charge of arrangements for the Canadian playdowns, which ,are scheduled for Winnipeg March 3 to 7. Last year Don Oykr's amazing rink from Kentyille, Nova Scotia, swept through five days of stiff competition without defeat to bring the Maritimes their second Do- minion Championship since com- petition for the Macdonald's Brier Tankard was inaugurated in 1927. In that year a rink skipped by the late Professor :Murray Macneill of Dalhousie University was success- ful in copping the title. Since then, Western rinks have dominated the competition, although in recent years reams from Eastern Canada have been making things tougher every time out. This year the Maritime,- de terminad to demonstrate that Oyl- er's victory was no flake and some exceptionally strong quartets will be vying for the right to travel to Winnipeg, long regarded as the stronghold of Canada's finest curl- ers. ®ePF.flYOUR TICKETS ,OlFOR THE t r YEAR'S MOST EXCITING 3H0 li -s orSI�QStAG !15.040 f " IS@UFA, TORONiTO FRI. M R. 14th t© SAT. MAR, 22nd, 1952 COMEDY, THRILLS AND CHILLS in our finest Show to date 1 BIL�1ICACTS TWO SNOWS D1.61LY 2:15 and 13:'15 pan. Er ening1 and Sat. Afternoons A11 Seats Reserved Reserved Sue e -51.f ft Sex Seats -1140 re wh:r}I.:L.,. be edged General A a •ion Adult# SO tt (,trek, TS: await .o Classified Advertising'.. OA BY CRUMB Il Y early, You Stncount on higher ta- emne it you get your clacks before the 12th or Marsh. here'. what !annulled to Seeks Burly awl 1114 Put Off, leak year, Sack hal hits chicks delivered In Febru- ary. 14111 Waited. 5o0alt; Sack's hens Were laying their bust right through the high Priced Vali mentis, 11I11'i Were still luring a lot of pullet edge when the price broke, Little Wonder that Sack netted 70e per hen more than Hill. Buy your chicks early ' and Purchase chicks with 10.0,P. breeding back of them, Also oterted 01,15110, Nig- dal broiler chicks, older pullets, lurkeY welts. Catalogue, TOP NOTCH CH1CIf SALES Guleiih Ontario CHICKS. Day old and started. Cockerels., punoto.and mixed ns )latched. Write now for full Information ami prices, Hear Hetehery, e/o F'alebfnit Feed, 2855 Dot- feNn Street, Toronto, or 120 Sohn Ilannitou, BUY high producing 01110110 you can't get woe' out of a 0000111 nor can You 501 200 or more eggs Out of a eldehen that VOW :not Una to produce them: We PUP. chased r- chasod over 4000 11.0.1', pedigreed coelt- erels, all from high record hens to tem In our matings. These .Melte will pay oft. the emit may be a penny or two more, but 5 dozen extra eggs 111 40o a d0xen le $2,00 extra. Don't be penny Willa and pound foottsh. Buy quality, Alga started chicks, older pullets, broiler chicks. Turitol' peeks. Catalogue. TWIODDLE 0201025 HATCHERIES LTD, Fergus - Onterlo GALT CHICKS for Immediate delivery, Order from this ad with deposit, All popular breeds, Fine °bloke at rea00nable prices. Non -sexed $10.96 Per 100 and opt Pullets $21.00 end 051 00eherele $8.90 per 100 end up; pullets 821.00 and un. Write for .-opectat prices started. ehlcke, imme- diate delh'erY. Galt Ohlokerlee, Celt, Ont. "OXFORD.' Approved Chicks live, lay and pay, They are the rattan of twenty-four years.dt careful nelectlon end breeding, They have to be good, becnuee we want the very beet kind of chlclts for our own' flocks, -big, vigorous, end earls maturing.- We stress egg abut and uniformity. - Barred Rooks, TVldte Leg- horne. Suttees Columbia Rocks, White Rocks, Hemp x Recite Crossbreds, Reck x Leghoros Crossbreds, New Hemp x Sussex Crossbreds. Write for free folder. The Oxford Farmer.' Co-operative Prod. ace Company. Limited. 484 Main Street. Woodstock, Ontario, CROSS BREEDS ORDER your chicks now for winter and 051105 delivery. Croce breede, Dere breeds, oleo three way cross! All breed- ing stock government approved and blood tested, Write for price to Bonnie Chick Hatchery. Box 256, Elmira. Ontario. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean. Inge Write to us for Information We are sled to answer your geoetlone. De - 30 1 ant Ele tToronto P10110Dye Wnrke Ltmlted. FOS SALE GIVE Your car, truck or tractor a proven ring and valve Job while you drive. Stops piston .eine and oil limning. Pate metallic anti -friction seal on cylinder walls. ringsand valve stems. Licensed under United d Stetoe end Canedion Patents, Price 89.60 prepaid, Beek Sales Company Importers. 281 Palace Street, London. Ontario. 50 ACRE Farm -Good house. 2 barns, gralnery. With hydro, drilled well, 011 paved rand. For further information con. tact: Mathew Gough or Arthur Quinlan, Strathroy, Ontario, 01-710I0E elm•er • honey, 12 tours+ 89] thirties 85.05. Amber honey, 12 tours 87; thirties 84, R. Downes. Smlthville, Ont DESTROY GOPHERS, RATS, 5110E, without endangering with nelson or trap., Simple. Sate, Sure, Information, 81.00. D. Walsh, Garibaldi. E.C. "ARTISTS and beginners" send for our 69 page eetal0gne featuring Artlete' Supplies and Picture Frames. Send 25e In coin to cover postage. Powells, 2320 Blear St., West Toronto. ADVANCED Registry Yorkshire Hones ready for 0err100 875, Bred Gilts 9100. Express prepaid your station. Holstein Bull Calves 1200. Douglas Hart, Wood- stock. SAVE Fuel -No -Draft Storm Windows of Transparent Vinyl Plastic. miens in- stalled by anyone. Order note' -one for every window or storm door. Complete Kit, Size 51 x 72, 51.50 each prepaid. Berk Sales Company Importers. 288 Palace Street, London, Ontarin. HOLDRITE EGG CARTONS Special introductory price on moulded fibre 8 x 4, one 1100en egg cartons. 117.00 Per 1000 cartons or 94.60 per 25000rt0nn, 1'.O.n. 9001'0.HEn 7105E LTD. Brantford, Ontario SEEDS! Try our Always Tender Beet. Send 10e for rumple and free catalogue. Arthur Vevey, York, Prince Edward. Io - land. MCLLEN'S Approved Broad Breasted 'Bronco Puulte aro exceptionally strong end thrifty. Rake excellent Thanksgiving, Christman Dinners, plus subslantlal pro- nte. Available Starch and April, lvnn Mullen, Addison, Ontario. CRESS CAI.LOUS SALVE -Now get relief, Your Druggist sells CRESS. FAIL1! implements and machine ohne heal - nom leading lire of farm mm01110,18,, 00mnlete ismer 01155 and welding egnlp• mens. Box 715, New Liskeard. • STl1DSF00T TREFOIL, Empire Strain, for permanent pastures. Vigorous grow- er on 0001• soil. 01,52 per lb. Smart Fmla>', Dresden. Ontario. RASPBIE'RRY Plants. No. f OOvcrmmnt Certified Stork, Cuthbert, Latham Tay. lar, Viking. 50.00 per 100, expree0 pre - maid. A. It ,Tark,00, Stoney Creek. Ont. N ERICA 1 WANTED - Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa 51.25 Express Prepaid ® FEMINEX • One woman tells number. 170,10 superior' "7E111\TOS" to help enceinte pain, die. tress and 0000,100 trn0lon 000"oWird 013,1, monthly periods 35,00 1'o01001d 10 plain n•wtnner. POST'S CHEMICALS RR9 gC11E171 ST. EAS[` I'illt(1\1'O FOR BALDNESS AND FALLING HAIR any euune or 'nndltloll, lisp THALIA HAIR RESTORER 41151 0,50 (1 1' AR NT101111. or Money Rath In lull II tin ILrhat Diet rlbutarn, 1678 Davie 51-.-•-• Itch ... ItCh t. , 5 Itch ( Was Nearly Crazy ttntli Y lin vexed nr P.M hmmin' amnolntt. It, Inst tenet ( n. D h t r mid Int, World palmier, tl ,, pure, r lief Rend 0, nmdlrallon 010 ,10 n a n 1 combat iron, ..reel ttl'IiDlit tt srd S win 1 but Ins T rah, n !!tido ! vu rr t led ll 1 01 !, tr h Irinl l,ttla,,Iba t Rolf ,er !sea ur soot hne, oherke rep rrd 11,11 „ren 111 its or tar D. tl•)r, I'caV;ttr. i, tt 1.V51)1015 0r extra 31!001101111. ISSUE 8 •- 1952 MEDICAL POST'S I$CZEMA SALVE BANllill the torment of dry some; reek.. Slnntktroubles; 'e Emma east wllodleppol100, Mains, editing, ber'nlns 5000me, aura, ringworm, pimples end athiete'a tont, w111 reepnnd readily to the etadnlese odortime ointment, regardless, 03 haw atuhborg or bopel,so they 0001)5 PRICE !62,00 PER mu POST'S REMEDIES Sent Pae tree° nn Lievoipt nt Pr1c 910 Quern St 50. Corner of Logan, Tnr0ntn 0I't'Oa'1'UNITIEB BOB MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER 1111(4 CANADA'S 8,11111)CN(3 SC89001. Growl Opportunity Leen Dulydreuelnc Plakusnt dignftled IIrOPOoalon, good wages,. Thnudnunde of euceessful Marvel graduates America's Greatest SYetem (lluelrntod Catalogue iI'ree Write er Call MARVEL ILAIIIDRESSINO 50140025 250 Blnor StW„ Toronto Branches; 41 Ring Bt.. Hamilton 72 Rideau Ft., Ottawa BELL RIt1T1sts KNIT MADEto measure dream, Ilneerte, ohlldron's and men's wear represonta. dyes welted to tell direct to the homes. Latest stYiea and - tebrlcs are available. Every garment factory guaranteed. High. , est commissions and bowlers. Write 0110100 Knitwear Limited, Simone, Ont, $10,00 AN EVENING FOR four Spare Time. Suet 8 Easy -free Trial Sales of amazing Patented Auto- matte Refrigerator DeProetero can pay You that. I•Iundredo of hot pronneet0 com- minolon, apish name, eddreau, ter 00A13. AN5'EED PROFIT OPFER, D-Froet.O Matta Corp„ Dept. 84, Newmarket, Ontario. UNWANTED' HAIR PormanentlY eradicated from any part 'et the body with Sam -Palo, the remarkable discovery of the age. Sana Palo contains no drug or chemical and will kill the hair root. 0011 -BEER LABORATORIES 670 Granville St. Vancouver, H.O. EASY TO QUIT SMOKING Use Tobacco Ellmtnetor, a ec(entttle treatment quickly stops craving'''. for tobacco, rids the oystem of nicotine. King Drug Pharmaceutical Chemists (Al- berta), P,0, Box 673, London, Ont. AUCTION SCHOOL LEARN Aucllonoering, Term goon, Free Catalogue, Reisch Auction College, Ma- son City 2, Iowa, America. PATENTS AN OFFER to every I05'entar-Llai of 18. vontlone and Cull Informotlon sent tree. The Rummy Co., Registered Patent Alton. nays. 275 Rank Street, Ottnwa FETHERSTUNIIAt1GH @ (lnmpanY, Pa. tent Solicitors. Eelabllohed 1090. 860 Bay Street. Toronto Rankle, at informa- tion on request SALE851AN WANTED SALES Stimulator Salesmen. Here is am op»Ortenity to make up to 8100,00 a day, 525,00 commission on every $110.011 sale You matte. Tile Is n. golden opportunity ter former "D1011 DEAL" salesmen. Pricing Press, 50,0). Box 74, Station "R", Montreal 10,P.O. AMAZING guarantee, up to 1 y545, styes; free repinoement on men's seeks and Iodise' nylons, enabling you to sell every- one. Opportunity to develop sure Income, No investment required. Group meneger0 Invited. Write for free aides kit. Super - Sox Canada, 18 Torts St., Hamilton, Ont. WANTED FOR. accommodation and salary, Catholic couple as eo0k-general and assistant for mixed farming near Toronto. 'Experi- enced with modern machinery, pigs, poul- try and gardening, 00011 future for right parties. Give age. references and experi- ence. Box 89, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Onntrlo. BOARDING HOMES WANTED COUNTRY homes for Catholic boys, pre- ferably within 100 miles of Toronto and 0031 distance to school. 11111 provide board and clothing for good accommodation and kindly care. Give age, personnel of famIly and references. Box 90, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario. SLEEP TO -NITS:: SEDICIN tablets taken actordiag' to directions Is a cafe way to Induce sleep or quiet the nerves when tense, 51.00 Dru• Stores on! !orSedicin Toronto2. LOGY, LISTLESS OUT OF LOVE WITH LIFE • Wouldn't you like to jump out of bed feeling fine/ Not up to par? ... you may suffer from an upoOt sy0tom. If you are constipated your food may not digest freely -gam may bloat up your etonmch ... all the fun and sparide Boer out of life. That's when you need Carter's Little Liver Pills. These mild vegetable pine bring you quick relief from constipation and so help promote the How of digestive juices. Soon you'll feel that. happy days are here aain thanks to Carter'el Why stay Atwny have than, sunk? Get on band,LitChiy Livere from any druggist, .