HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-02-14, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1952 TILE SEAPOIVIII NEWS The Wright Specials COMPARE these Prices & SAVE MONEY CLARK'S PORK & BEANS, large 20 oz, tin 2 for 310 CARNATION MILK, Large Tins 6 for 95o PEANUT BUTTER 15 oz. Jar 310 TOILET TISSUE 10 Rolls 99c PURE BLACK PEPPER Glass Shakers 310 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 18 oztins 3 for 39c CREAMY COCOANUT WATER ICE WAFERS 1 ib bag 39c FACE TISSUES CHUBBY BOX 2 Boxes 35c SAV1D ON THIS SPECIAL OUT OF RESPECT FOR HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE THE SIXTI- THE STORE WILL REMAIN CLOSEI) ALL DAY FRIDAY WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Phone 77 Free Delivery E3ORN PTJLSIFEB,—At Scott Memorial Hosp- ital on Feb. •l0:th, to Mr, and Mrs. Henry Pulsifer, Seaforth, a daugh- ter. SOUTHGATliI—At. Portage la Prairie, Manitoba; on Pei). 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Southgate, formerly of Seaforth, a slaughter • Attention Hydro Consumers UnIer orders -from. the Hydro. Electric Power Commission of On- tario, your Commission .must• now employ the most stringent .method of_collection.,---. By this we. mean DISCONNECTION of service for. overdue accounts. Your account is due WHEN REN- DERED; prior to the twenty-third of the month you receive a TEN PERCENT DISCOUNT. After the twenty-third you will receive dis- connect notices which are effective five days hence. Your co-operation in paying your account before the twenty-third will save YOU money and the in- convenience of DISCONNECTION. Seaforth Public Utility Commission TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Aldington, Mar- i,aret and Frankie, from Varna, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aldington on Sunday 1 Mr. Percy McIntosh of Regina, Sask., 'who has spent a month visit- ing at the home •of his sister, Mrs. James Pretty of Seaforth, is return- ing home this week. Mr. John Currie is undergoing treatment at St, Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr, Ken Larone spent the week- end in Chatham. Miss Mary Lou Sills, Brescia Hall, London visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sills over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs, Keith Smith. and family, Toronto, with Mrs. Smith's father, Mr. Thos. "Lane, over the weekend. Mrs. Geraldine Eekert and Miss Gerry, Bawkesville, spent the week- end at their home Here, Miss Evangeline Reid, London, spent the weekend at the home of her uncle, Mr. M, A. Reid. Mr, and Mrs. Allen Dale and fam- ily of Owen Sound, have moved into Ma's, S. Dundas' residence on Jarvis Street. Miss Mary Margaret Cleary, Lon- don, was a visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. Cleary over the weekend. Mr. Bruce Frieday, Kitchener, spent the weekend with his parents Mr, and Mrs. H. Frieday, Mr. Joseph Sills, returned to his home in Baltimore, after spending a few days with his brothers, Mr, F. S. Sills and Mr, C. P, Sills. Miss Anna MacLaren of Toronto out the weekend with 'her parents Mr. and Mrs, Wm. MacLaren. Mrs. Hartley Lofft of Montreal is the guest this week of her father, Mr. T. A. G. Gordon and Mrs. Gord- on, 14Ir. Gordon has been 111 with a cold. Mr. Jack Caldwell has taken a po- sition as junior in the Dominion Bank. Mr. Neil Beatty spent the week- end eekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Eastman have leased the 'property of Mr. Clarence Walden on Louisa St. CROMARTY The W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. T. Laing, Mrs. K. McKellar presided and led in devotions. The president, Mrs. Thomas Scott, con- ducted the business period and read a chapter of the study book. Mrs. L. Soradahl presented the topic. "The Preoions Promises of .God". Mrs. Ib.• Duncanson read an ad- dress, and presented Mrs. T. L. Scott and Mrs. Sorsdahl with life membership certificates. The Ladies' Aid meeting follow- ed, with Mrs. Houghton presiding. Several items of business were dealt with. It was decided to help iri furn- ishing gowns for the choir. A lunch was provided by the hostess. Mrs., William Hamilton' has retiirn- ed home from the hospital and is re- ported. much Unproved. Her sister, Miss -L. Ballantyne, Reg. N., Exeter, is spending a few•days with her. Cromarty farm fawn held a . eu- chre and dance in No. -6 schoolhouse Friday' evening. Angus McKaig and Joe Ellam provided the music. Prizes were. won US Douglas McKellar, Ot- to Walker, and Mfrs. A. Ross. John Cuthill, Winthrop, with Mr. and Mrs. ' Thomas Scott, Sr. Mr. and Mrs, William Binning, Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken - Mc- Kellar. WALTON Margaret Stevens, president of the Junior Women's Institute con- ducted the February meeting for which the theme was "Chinaware". Leona Johnston gave a talk on the different ldnds of china and Mar- garet McArthur and Flora Turnbull gave a demonstration on table set- ting. Town of Seaforth Tax Pre-Pajmeut Receipts for 1952 THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH WILL PAY 4 PER CENT PER ANNUM UP TO AUGUST 31, 1952, ON ALL PREPAID 1952 TAXES Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. Wilson TREASURER TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Car owners are requested not to park cars on roadsides in the Township during the winter in order to facilitate snow plowing operations. The Township will not be responsible for damage to parked cars as a result of such operations. E. P. Chesney, Clerk 48 Pontiac Sport Coupe 41 Pontiac five pass. Coupe 39 Dodge Sedan 37 Olds Coach 39 Ford Coach 37 Dodge Sedan 647 Ford 3 ton stake with racks O. Ford 2 Ton stake with racks Wo have some new xis good on most nadels s in stock 49 Chev. Fleetline Sedan 40 Dodge Sedan 47 Plymouth Sedan 48 Oldsmobile Coach 37 Buick Sedan RICE MOTORS Our Reputation Is Your Guarantee Pontiac - Buick Dealer G MC Trucks PHONE 799 SEA FORTH BRICK ARRIVES FOR NEW SEAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL Several truck loads of brick have been unloaded this week at the site of the new Seaforth public school at the west end of Market street. A power shovel has also been brought in. Indications are that an early start will be made in the construc- tion of the new building. Huron County Health Unit CLINIC POSTPONED The immunization clinic scheduled for Friday, Feb. 15th has been changed to FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd This will be held in the basement of the Library Building, Seaforth, from 2.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. PLAY "CALM YOURSELF" By Winthrop YPU In The Brucefield Church TUESDAY, FEB. 19 At 8.30 P.M. Sponsored by Group 2 of the W. A. Admission 50c and 25c Euchre Party At St. James Parish Hall THURSDAY, FEB. 21 8.15 P.M. - Everybody Welcome Admission 35c There will be Lunch arasmwrameareatowarsemareamemsair Valentine Euchre & Dance Dublin Parish Hall THURS., FEB. 14 Sponsored by the Catholic Women's I.oagtic Good Music NCE Sponsored by the Win- throp Hockey Club THURSDAY, FEB. 14 Good Music EVERYBODY WELCOME Ide, Grant Chesney is convalescing from an attack of pneumonia at the home of his sister, Mrs. Clarenee Dewar. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Willis, Kitchener, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson. LADIES' GUILD The February meeting of the La- dies Guild was' held on Tuesday in the parish hall with 14 members an- swering the roll call, The president, Mrs. Raymond Nott was in charge and meeting opened with scripture reading by Miss .Galbraith, the 23rd Psalm. Special prayers were read by the president, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison, The minutes and treasurer's report of the previous meeting were adopted as read. After correspondence was read items of business were discussed, It was de- cided to have a white elephant sale on Friday, April 26th. Plans for the annual bazaar and tea were begun, also arrangements for the next. Lions Club banquet. The next meeting will take the form of a shower for the apron booth in the bazaar. After the collection was received and dedicat- ed, meeting adjourned with the ben- ediction by Rev. Wm, Jones, - INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Monday night scores: Main Street 6, Winthrop 5. Bell Industries 1, Egmondville 0, Columban 8, Wanderers 6. Final Standing W L T pts Main Street 10 0 0 20 St. Columban 7 8 0 14 Winthrop .. 4 5 1 9 Wanderers 4 6 0 8 Bell Industries 1 6 0 8 Egmondville .. .. . 0 9 1 1 Tuesday night sudden death game: Wanderers 7, Bell Industries 2. Play offs Main street will, meet Winthrop; St. Columban will meet Wanderers next Monday night in playoffs in a best of three for semi-finals. LEGION HOCKEY Bantam Series Rangers defeated Black Hawks by the score of 7-0. Carter led the seor- ers with 3, Matthews 2, McNairn 1, Dalrymple 1. Charlie Dungey gained 2 assists, In the other bantam game Red Wings defeated Maple Leafs 15-2. Murray had 8 goals to his credit, Mo - Padden 6 and Walters 1. Williams scored 2 for the losers. Next Saturday morning the play- offs get under way with Red Wings meeting the Maple Leafs at 9 a.m. and Rangers playing the Black Hawks at 10 a.m. This will be a sud- den death playoff with the winners meeting the following Saturday. Pee Wee Hockey Bruins defeated Canadians 7-6. Reith 2, Albright 2, Hoggarth 2 and Wright 1, were the Bruins scorers. Larry Dale scored all 6 Canadian goals. Next Saturday Canadians vs Bruins. Pee Wee Hockey Milverton 4, Seaforth 1 A team picked from the Saturday morning hockey travelled to Milver- ton last Friday, going down to defeat 4-1, with Paul McMaster getting the lone Seaforth tally. Jim Scott the Pee Wee Manager is arranging for practices and claims he will capture the Pee Wee title in Goderich this year. NORTHSIDE W.M.S. A meeting was held Wednesday Feb. 6 in the church parlour of Northside United Church to organ- ize a Young Women's Missionary Society. The hymn "0 Master of the Waking World" was sung followed by a prayer by Miss A. Lawrence. Mrs. Roy Lawson, who conducted the meeting, gave a short summary of the work done by the W.M.S. Mrs. E. H. Close, Mrs. R. Savauge, Mrs. D. A. MacMillan and Miss A. Lawrence each spoke a few words e11111111.111IMII EUCHRE St. Thomas Parish Hall THURS., FEB. 14 8 p.m. sharp • Lunch Auspices of Social Club dmission 40c Everyone Welcome Cribbage Tournament In St. Thomas Parish Hall Wednesday, Feb. 20 At8P.M. Lunch served. Everyone wel- come Admission 40c Auspices of the Social Club A PLAY "Calm Yourself', Will be held in Constance United Church Friday evening, March 7 3.30 p.in. Presented by Coven Church YPU, Winthrop Everybody Welcome CIVIC NOTICE Day of Mourning Friday the fifteenth day of February, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifty-two, has been fixed for the obsequies of His Late Majesty King George the Sixth, our Royal Father of Blessed and Glori- ous Memory, and The Administrator of the Government of Canada by Proclamation has appointed and set apart Friday the Fif- teenth Day of February as a Public ,Holiday to be observed as a day of General Mourning by all present throughout the Dominion of Canada. Civic Memorial Service A Civic Memorial Service will be held in NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon The service will be attended by municipal officials, the Canadian Legion, members of other organizations who will parade to the church led by the Seaforth Highlanders Band. The parade will leave the Town Hall at 2.30 p.m. Citizens are urged to attend the memorial service. E. A. McMASTER, Mayor God Save The Queers 1 about their experiences in W.M.S. work. After a short discussion it was decided to organzie a new group and the following officers were appoint- ed: Pres., Mrs. Chas. Pinder; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. N. Schneider; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. G. Ferris; Sec., Mrs. Lou Bailey; Treas., Janie Mof- fat; Pianist, Mrs. Peter Dunlop. The first meeting will be held on Mon- day, March 17. A delicious lunch was served by the committee in charge. The Busy 'Housewife's Beauty PIan Homemakers, your housework and beauty care can go hand in hand, See pictured, in this Sunday's (February 171 issue of The American Weekly, with The Detroit Sunday Times, Sally Young's eight steps to take to help you stay attractive while doing your daily household chores. Get - Sunday's Detroit Times. Tractors and Farm Equipment NTERNAT ONAI. HARVESTER Trucks Refrigera- tors ef igera- tors Buy now for less at our Stock Reducing Sale of New and Used Equipment 1 P.T.O. drive Baler with wagon hitch and chute 1 8 -ft. Power Grain Binder 3 Ensilage and Forage Blowers 2 Tractor mounted Cultivators 2 7 -ft. Tractor Field Cultivators 3 81/2 ft. tractor field Cultivators on steel 10 81/2 ft. tractor field Cultivators on rubber 1 1 -horse Scuffler 6 15 -disc Fertilizer Drills 37 Sections Smoothing Harrows 110 Sections spring tooth Harrows 1 Milking Machine 7 Hammer Mills 3 Horse drawn Mowers 10 7 -ft. Power Mowers 3 2-fufrow tractor Plows 1 Fertilizer and Lime Sower 20 Tractor Manure Spreaders 2 Manure Loaders 4 Electric Washers 4 Refrigerators 1 Home Freezer 2 Tractors—Super A, C 12 60 -cycle Electrio Motors • Electric Drills, Tires & Tubes. • Paints & Oils, Etc. Used Equipment 3 Bean Harvesters 1 6 -ft. McCormick Mower 1 Coekshutt Manure Spreader 1 6 -ft. McCormick -Deering Grain Binder 1 7 -ft. Massey -Harris Grain Binder 1 Oliver Tractor on rubber tires. 1 W 30 Tractor on rubber tires 1 10-20 Tractor on rubber tires 2 W 30 Tractors on steel 1 Fordson Tractor on steel - 1 • #4 Corn Cultivator JOHN BACH, Seaforth