HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-02-07, Page 8vvY F 7 f 7 Y 3 Bug FOR Friclay&Friday&Saturday FIRST QUALITY REGULAR 1.75 �. Com. ,UG NYLONS FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY 1.19 Friday and Saturday, Feb. 8th and 9th, are the days to pick up these first quality, ultra sheer, 51 gauge, 15 denier Nylons at a big big saving of 56c per pair. They're new spring tone shades and all come with duoflex heel for smoother fit. The maker's name is withheld on account of this severe reduction. --- Stock up now for Spring at this bargain price. - Friday and Saturday only 1.19 air Sizes 9 t0 11 Sizes14 2 to 14 CHILDREN'S SKIRTS .00 EACH Plaids or plain shades in pure wool or alpine cloth skirts for girls. All are neatly tailored and come in a nice range of shades. Sizes 2 to 14. All are greatly reduced to clear at Special Bargain Rack Some are women's winter coats, others Any Article are girls coats and legging outfits — and included are some children's one piece snow suits. — Just a lot of odds and ends to clear out at the ridiculous price of I■ 00 EACII STEWAR S THE S ;AFQRTiz NEWS WANTED DOMESTIC HELP Apply to Superintendent SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Seaforth FOR SALE Building lots for sale. App1 1.27A, Seaforth News, QX 1 FOR SALE Modern 4 -piece bedroom suite $50, Also vacuum cleaner, table lamps, small tables, record player, fernery stand, cabinet radio, kitchen dispenser and dishes, Roy Vodden, RR2 Sea. forth. 851.14 FOR SALE Window glass; 2 cook stoves, good as new; corner cupboard; flower pots, water pipes. 2 cistern pumps;, 2 heat- ing stoves; linoleum; 2 commodes; few white dinner plates. Clarence Reeves. WANTED Salesman with knowledge'' 2 Ford Products. Apply in person at Daly Motors, Seaforth FOR SALE Fannie house on West William street, Three bedrooms, bathroom, furnace, garage. Apply at Daly Motors FOR SALE Durham calf, week olcl• Also New- comb piano in good condition, price $175. George Colclough, Clinton rrl. Phone 805r31 Hesk; the scripture reading by Mrs. Wm. Hamilton, Mrs. John Riley gave the Study Book chapter on the topic "The French Protestant of Quebec." Mrs. Geo• Carter and Mrs. Jim Scott gave readings. Mrs. Carter presided for the busi- ness period; 31 ladies answered roll call by paying membership fees. The roll call for Feb. will . be answered by each •one donating new or used lin f ar. Mrs. J clothing and ootwe Scott was appointed to take Mrs. Bill Knox's position as Group 1 leader. "Thank-You's" were received from Mrs. Brenton, Mrs, F. Way, Mrs. J. Leiper, Mr. Gordon MacGregor, Mrs. Bob. •Govier, and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Fangrad. The regular Feb. meeting will be postponed one day to coincide with the World Day of Prayer on Friday the 29th. The Supply Secretary will order $20 worth of naw material to be us- ed in making layettes and articles of clothing for bales. A lovely supper was served by group 1 ladies. On Feb, 4 the Fireside Farm For- um met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt with thirty present. Broadcast was discussed. In many in- stances the farmers cannot control the prices they receive for their pro- duce because it is perishable, and all too often the farmer must sell for badly needed cash. However the new marketing scheme and the increase in cold storage plants have been ben- eficial in assisting the farmer set his prices. Second, we believe there never is an actual surplus of pro- duce; and what is needed is better distribution so that the hungry peo- ples .of the world niay be fed. We be- lieve that the farmers should form marketing boards to take care of sur- plus. Production in one line could be cut down if a surplus in that line were apparent Third, if prices were more stabilized farming would the a safer occupation. Prices should be set so that farmers and manufactur- ers would not have to sell below the cost of production. • The prize winners at euchre were, most games, Mrs. Robert Jamieson and Mrs. Harvey Taylor. Lone hands, Mrs. Bert Hoggart and Miss Norana Dexter. Consolation, Mrs. Wes Hog- gart and Mrs. George Carter. Next week we meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hoggart. HULLETT Jan. 31. Group leader, Mrs. Bill The Burns' W.M.S. met at the Knox, was in charge for the worship home of Mrs. Nelson Lear on Thurs., service. Prayer was given by Mrs. E. ANTE BOOKKEEPER Se;:forth Lumber McKinley Farms & Hatchery Producers of CANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS Your enquiries are solicited. WRITE OR PHONE AND ASK McKINLEYS REGARDING YOUR CHICKS FOR 1952 COCKERELS, PULLETS and UNSEXED Phone 697r11 Hensall. R.R. 1, Zurich FOR SEASONABLE ESSENTIALS Shop in rnoodville Buckley's Mixture, Buckley's Cinnamated Capsules. Buckley's Stainless White Rub specials LB. rF90 BREAKFAST BACON 2 TINS 250 CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP CARNATION MILK, TALLS 6 TINS 95c BATH TOWELS PER PAIR 89c TO CLEAR, WINTER WEIGHT SHIRTS 20% OFF CLAIR °HAM 'Y FOR FREE DELIVERY PHONE 72 CARD. OF THANKS FOR SALE Two storey frame house, Mnhrt., Mrs. ' Carl MoClinchey, Khnen, four bedrooms, three piece botNh,orth living roomS, wishes to express her sincere tliallks' den, kitchen, built in cupboards, hardwood and appreciation to her many n •orfsm1tpracend dow 9541s, full basement, hot friends, neighbors and relatives 'for cards, treats, letters and flowers while FOR SALE a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Janesway oil burner brooder stove, 600 London, and also special -thanks to capacity. GEORGE McARTHUIt, BRs Walton. Rev. A, Hinton and others who called Phone Brussels 18-18 oil me THURS AY, FEBRUARY 7, 1952 '21380 SHAVORT13 NBWS Snowdon lh'os., Publishers Authorized as Sec o n Oleso , alt, Post Offioy 1En ural in t i In Memoriam WAKEFIELD—In loving memory of a clear mother Elizabeth Jane Wakefield who passed away suddenly Feb. 401, 1948: She bade no one last farewells, She said goodbye to none, —Ever remembered by husband, son-in-law, daughter, granddaughter FOR SALE 10 chunks about 165 lbs.; also 10 chunks, 75-85 lbs. Phone Clinton 614 r 12. Angus Brown, Seaforth RR3 FOR SALE 8 pigs 12 weeks old: R. J. Andrews, RR3 Seaforth. 056r3 FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet, modern, new con- dition, reasonable. Robert Watson, Seaforth FOR SALE Two quarters of good young beef. Roy Lawson, 667116 Seaforth POSITION TION WANTED Dutch boy in Holland, single, 20 years good worer, experienced would work on farm in this district, Apply to H. Van Rooijen, Scott's No. 3 Farni. FOR SALE Three Terrier pups; also one calf. Jean Nixon, phone 661r4 WANTED TO RENT OR BUY Good pasture land with adequate supply of water. Write particulars and price to Box 127, Seaforth News. Auction Sale OF CATTLE AND MACHINERY. At Lot 9, Con. 1, Twp.of-Tuckersmith, r/.r mile east of Seaforth, #8 Highway, on wed., Feb. 12th, at 1 o'clock sharp CATTLE -5 Jersey cows six years old, 9 Jersey cows 3 years old—some fresh, balance due in Feb. and Mar. These cows from choice Registered goodkcondition c1680,-7001 lbs. 7 heifers, 3 steers 400-450 lbs.; 2 Jersey hoif- ers, 5 young calves, PIGS -92 chunks about 76 lbs. possession MACHINERY—McCormick Deering milker, gyve room frame dwelling in Egmondville, Wino line. 2 double unite, nearly new ; Woods with barn. and good well. Immediate Dose n. electric grain grinder, practically new ; Cock -w; Comfortable 6 room dwelling in Winthrop, dhutt drop head hay loader, neMcCormick 1/8 acre of land with small fruits, early possession Cottage with bath, on Railway 86., poo - session arranged. Frame dwelling on Victoria Street with all modernconveniences. dwelling in Dublin; oimmediate ion arranged. maiden Other properties also listed M. A. REID, Seaforth FOR SALE New & Used Milkers. _Lovell 13. McGuire, Wingham, ph, 4601VI, Surge Dealer. "Service with satisfaction" Parts carried at Rowcliff0 Motors, Seaforth. AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 695 W G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTII Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos. pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell' Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM, STOGIE AND MACHINERY. At Lot10, Con. 12, Hullett Twp., DA miles , north of •Londesboro, try miles oast, on Wed., February 20th, at 1 o'eloek sharp HORSES—Gregelding 10 ysers old, roan {naso 10 years 03:1d OATTLE—G Hlstein cows due time of sale to April 1st; Holstein heifer, pasture bred; Durham heifer, pasture bred; Polled Angus lerk heifer, pasture bred; Poled Angus cow bred Aug. Mb ; • Guernsey cow 8 years old, Past- ure bred; 6 Durham cows, pasture bred. Rog. Durham bull 3 years old; 6 calves 1 yea. old (Holstein & Durham) ; 2 Polled Angus calves; 8 Durham calves. These calves could be finished as Babies. Durham heifer 700 lbs, (fatI. PIGS -Tam sow ; 2 Berk &York 1 sows car- rying ry(ng third litter; 7 Tem chunks; 10 weaned Digo. HENS -276 New Hampshire & Leg- horn hens MACHINERY — Geo. White $]j6 Thresher (new 1961) 24x42; Hart Parr 3 plow tractor on rubber, recently overhauled and in excel- lent shape; Massey Harris 8 bottom plow (new); 10' cultivator, nearly new; McCorm- ick Deering 7' binder; McCormick Deering Frost & • l rid rake.; Harris o mower; Massey maiv Massey Harass hay loader Wood dumb rake; M y Oliver 2 row corndstuffier; Massey Harris re dice fertilizer drill; Massey Harris manure spreader; 3 sec. harrows; 10" grain grinder and speed jack ; • Woods milking machine, 2 unit; walking plow; 180' drive belt (new); rubber tired wagon and sliding rack; set sloop sleighs; 2000 ID scale,. colony house 10x12; 2 rain shelters ; new - Buckeye oil brooder; 2 coal brooders; electric McCormick Deering cream separator; set Stewart clippers (now) ; set breeching hatnese; single harness. Forks, shovels, hoes, chains and numerous small items. Quantity mixed grain, about 10 tons; about 26 tons cut hay. Terms cash. PROPERTY -100 acres IN Lots 9 and 10, Con, 12, Twp. of Hullett, brick house, bank barn 45x90 with cement addition 15x40, hydro, furnace, house insulated, all workable land, spring creek, 804 Lot 11, Con. 12, Twp. of Hullett, 50 acres, all freshly seeded. About 30 acres workable land, some small bush, spring creek. Properties will be offered at sale sub- ject to reserve bid, if not sold previously. WILLIAM KNOX, Pron. Harold Jackson, CA Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, FOR SALE 1'A, storey 7 room frame modern dwelling, garage. on Tames street. Brick dwelling, Goderich street, immediate Deering side rake; rubber tired wagon, hay rack and ensilage box. Massey Harris 7' bind- er. 10 tons mixed hay. Renfrew 600 ID power separator, used 2 months. 1051 Willys Jeep Half ton Pickup, 6000 miles. Frigidaire electric stove, 4 burner. large size. Terms cash GORDON HORNER, Proprietor I2, 2'd Chesney, Olerkoneer VARNA The annual meeting of the Library was held in the twp. hall on Monday evening, the 1951 board was re- elected for another year. The annual meeting of the Varna branch of the Red Cross was held on Feb. 4th, Mr. Geo. Reid was elected chairman and Miss Rachael Johnston as ,Sec.-Treas. A canvass of the com- munity -will be made at a later date. The United Church held its annual meeting in the church on Tuesday, Jan. 29th. Good reports were given by the Treas., the W.A.; W.M.S. and the Sunday School. Lunch was serv- ed by the ladies at the close of the meeting. The many friends of Mr. Tom Rathweil were pleased to hear he has returned home from the Clin- ton Hospital. CONSTANCE The Friendly Few Farm Forum met Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley with a good attendance. The topic for dis- cussion was "What sets Farm Prices". The 'discussion was entered into very freely by the members after which progressive euchre was played. First prize went to Mrs. Verna Dale and Mr, James Flynn. consolation to Mrs. Bill Dale and Mr, Earl Lawson. Lunch was served. Next Monday night the forum is at the home of Mr, and 14lrs. Verne Dale Notice to Car Owners Township of Hibbert Car owners are requested not to Park ears on roadsides In the Township during the winter in order to facilitate snow plowing operations, The Township will not be responsible for damage tt, parked cars as a result of such operations. THOS. D. WREN (Pork of the Twp. of I•hbbcrt Cromarty Flt, #1. JOHN E. LONGSTAF= optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours 9 am • 6 pm, Wed, 9 - 12.30 Sat. 9 am to 9 pm MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 - Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth ,,,,,,1,,,,11,1m,,,,aelealeaa,aateneemenn,uunl„eW,,,aa,,.,, aaea papa,nen,,,,,a„a W,,,,,,,,,,,,,l,,,l„ 1111114 NOTICE RE TELEPHONE TOLL CHARGES NOTICE is hereby given that application has been made to the Ontario Municipal Board for authority to put into ef- fect as from Feb. 15, 1952, the following toll charges, which are in conformity with standard rates already in effect for similar distances elsewhere: Sta. to Sta. to Sta. Pers. to Pers Pers. to Pers. Between Sta. Overtime 3 minutes Overtime 5min's DUBLIN & 5c for each SEAPORTS .10 addit. 3 min. 20c + 5c DUBLIN & 50 for each 5c for each MITCHELL .10 addit. 3 min. 20c + 50 addle. min. Should you wish to present any substantial argument in favor of or opposed to this application, you may do so by addressing a letter to Miss M. B. Sanderson, Secretary, The Ontario Municipal Board, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. To receive attentoin your letter should be mailed not later than the 9th day of February, 1952, and the Exchange and Number of your telephone should be clearly stated therein. If you desire further information in reference to the he need for increasing the telephone rates, you may apply e undersigned, either personally, by telephone, or by letter. McKILLOP, LOGAN AND HIBBERT TELEPHONE CO. LTD. MATT MTJR,RAY JAS. E. McQUAID President Secretary -Treasurer a a,, n,„a r,,, I, n o n a, G a n n n„„„„au,, a u n u m a n i a, I a N n, m, n, a u, a u a„„Muhl lu, n, a u a, q, U m, b❑ 1„,, Um n n",.; 5c for each addit. min. SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.;M.D., Internist Po L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm to 5 pm, dally, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Sa£urday only, 7-9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seafortb Phone 106 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, 0/42. Trewartka. Officers — President,E. J. Malone,L.Seaf rth Man Clinton;; & Sec. Tr S. p Manager &2ea.-Tress., M. A. Rei, 5eafort� Dlreetore—E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robt. Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEwing, Blyth Frank McGregor, Clinton; William S. Alexander. .w„,,.—"•.' Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderieh. Agents — J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McSeroher, Dublin; William Leiper, Londes- boro J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Bake,, Brussels. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact other business,. will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices, 1950 CHEV DELUXE SEDAN 1949 CHEV FLEETLINE COACH 1949 CHEV FLI]ETLINE SEDAN` 1947 CHEV SEDAN 1946 CHEV SEDAN, radio, windshield washers 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1951 New Chev Sedan (Immediate Delivery) Seaforth Mayors aleftaareaeMaSsaiferate Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAPORTS ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies FOR SALE 7 Room House with 8 Pe. Bathroom, in good condition. Two Lots. Fruit trees, rasp- berry and strawberry plants. Prompt pos- session can be given. Garage. 5 Room House, 8 Pc. Bathroom. Modern Kitchen. Excellent condition. Good Barn. Sit- uated on George St., priced reasonable, with possession April 1st E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE BROKER SEAFORTH We have in stock: Stove Coal Alberta Coal Nut Coal Pocahontas Coal Buckwheat Coal Stoker Coal Hard Coal Briquettes WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784, Seaforth CORDON WILSON ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: 29 or 567 Seaforth FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) malted Postpaid in plain sealed envelope with Price list, 6 samples 25; 24 samples 81.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nor -Rubber Go., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, Opposite Dick House, Dhow) 3471 Seaforth HORSES WANTED • Disabled or useful work horses. APIA), to W. C. GOVENLOGK, Dick House, Scaforth *'blue coal': THE SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT "The World's Finest Anthracite” WILLIS DUNDAS 363 .0 - Office 192 M - Residence INCOME TAX RETURNS Income Tax Returns made up 1051 Forma on hand Phone for appointment Henaalt 588 ring 16 Dublin 14 ring 12 THOS. D. WREN CROMARTYRR1 USBORNE & HOBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President Milton McCurdy, RR1 Sirkton Vire.President Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Directors Harry Coates,Centralia E, t ee�f2Cl11011 MClayton hieenY16Dubin . - Angus Sinclair, REI Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne, RR1 Woodham Alvin L. Harris, Box 35, Mitchell p, Roes Houghton, Cromarty Solicitor, W, G• Cochrane, Exeter SecretaryTrea0urer Arthur Fraser, Exeter