The Seaforth News, 1952-01-17, Page 8FREE ETA PANTS WITH EVERY CAMBRIDGE MADE -TO -MEASURE SUIT DURING JANUARY Come on, you "hard to fit" men, and get yourself one of these famous Cambridge Suits, and get an extra pair of trousers thrown in absolutely Free. There's a grand choice of English woollens of all types to choose from and none are reserved. -Every cloth in the range goes into this sale. Have your,suit tailored in the style of your choice with EXTRA PANTS FREE • 57.50 67.50 69.50 77.50 FOR COAT, VEST & TWO PANTS • If you don't want two trousers, we'll reduce the above prices by 20% wuunamuumuuwuw.nneuunanau,aanaanuaa„nn"1111111.11,uu,,,a„saai,ununnaunanum,wu, SAVE ON BOYS COAT REGULAR 11.95 to 14,95 TAKE 'EM AWAY AT 7.95 We don't want to pack these away for next year so come and get them at; this bargain price. All wool coat, legging and cap sets in 1 to 4 year sizes in fawn, blue, brown and green. To clear at 7.95 SETS u,,, 111111.11111 iiaa,iii.1111111,11111.1111111.111.1110111111111111l1 lllllllllllll 1111 llllllll lllllllllllll 2 llllll ,,,,11,11"„nn,a,apae,.a.a,,,e,n,,,sau,an,,,,,,,,,„a,saanneu,,,, a,111111.1111111111 a Stewart Bros. THE SEAFORTII N1W S TO RENT House to tint an Jarvis street, Close up town awl modern connvenienees. News Otto FO R E 0 window sash w(hSgleess. 2 ft. 6 in. is. 2 ft. 9 in, Will sell cheap. Phone Seufor•th 379. (1, A. SMITH FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet largo size porcelain mum oied top 26.48 inches in good condition.. MRS. JAS. HENDERSON • FOUND Pound on North Main Street on Friday n pair of gleams, Phone 2887 TO RENT Two-bedroom house for rent. All conveni- ences. Aipitiy DR. McMASTER showing all obligations met and a balance on hand. IIx the absence o the S. S. Treas., Miss Norma Dext- er, Mr, W. R. Jewitt gave the re- port. Mrs. Ross MacGregor gave the report and Mrs. L+'ar1 Law- son the W. A. report. In the absence of the Mission Band leader, Mrs. Frank Riley, Mrs. Earl Lawson gave the Band report. Mr. 'Charles Dext- er, the Bible Society report. Mr. Brenton gave general and statistical review Of the year's work. All re- ports were adopted with thanks. • Mrs, Geo. Addison was appointed organist. Alvin Dodds and Geo. Ad- dison were re-elected to the Board of Stewards; 'Charles Dexter to the Session Board A pleasing feature of the afternoon was the presentation of a beautiful table lamp to Mr, W. R. Jewitt, church treasurer, ex- pressing in a small way to Mr. Jew- itt our appreciation of his services in the church, Moved by Mr. Addi- son that the meeting adjourn, and Mr. Brenton closed with prayer. There were 23 members and a number of 'children present at the Friendly Few Farm Forum at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jew- itt on Monday night. The topic was 'Is there enough Farm Credit?" The findings of the group were given by Grace Riley and Muriel Dale, The remainder of the evening was spent in euchre, prizes going to Mr. Frank Riley and Miss Grace Riley. Conso- lations to Muriel Dale and Doug Ri- ley. This was followed by lunch, rounding out a very pleasant even- ing, Next meeting will be held at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Bill Dale Sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buchanan in the death of her father, Mr. Harry Dollimer of Toronto, and we desire to express sympathy to Mr. 'Clifford Jamieson and family 'of Kitchener, in the death of Mrs. Jamieson. Mr. Jamieson was a former resident of our 'community, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams, 'Lon- desboro, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter. Tailors OFFER A 2OYo DISCOUNT ON MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS - TOPCOATS - OVERCOATS AND LADIES TAILORED SUITS THREE DAYS ONLY' Jan 17 I. 19 THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 952 FOR SALE Ten choice Suckers 8 weeks old. HAROLD 11UGILL, phone 6160 Clinton FOR SALE New & iThed Milkers. Lovell M. McGuire, Wingllam, llh, 460M, Surge Dealer. "Service with satisfaction", Parts carried at Itoweliffe Motors. Seaforth, HOUSE FOR SALE 7 roomed 2 -storey frame house, near Public School, 4 piece bath, built in cupboards, new furnace; running hot water, garage. Box 127, Tlie Sea - forth News FOR SALE 10 storey 7 room frame modern dwelling, garage, on Tames street, Brick dwelling, Goderielt street, immediate possession Five room frame dwelling., In Egmondville, wlComfortabled 68 room well. gown Winiate throp. 1/3 acre of land with annuli fruits, early poeeession Cottage with bath, on Railway St., poo' cession arranged. Frame dwelling on Victoria Street with all modern conveniences. Possession arranged. Frame dwelling in Dublin; Immediate pos- session Other properties also listed M. A. REID, Seaforth For the first time in their history Tip Top Tailors offer you this grand discount on all their made -to -measure garments during Jan. 17 -18 -19. .... It's their normal slack period but this big sale will slow delivery to 6 weeks - so you'd better be thinking about Easter on these sale days and get your order in now. Ladies Here's your chance to get that tailored suit you've wanted at a great big discount .. no cloths are reserved - the complete range goes on sale for three days only. Pick from gabardines, serges, flannel worsteds, English worsteds, tropicals, etc. - - - and what's more - WE GUARANTEE A FIT. HERE ARE THE SALE PRICES CLUB TIPTOP FLEET ST. 39.60 45.20 54.80 50,95 58.70 70.65 37.40 42.80 51.60 11.55 13.70 16.00 Men's Suits or Coat Men's Suit 2 Pant Ladies Suit or Coat Trousers, Skirts or Slacks HIBBERT Financial Statement USSS No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, McKillop and Hibbert. Receipts - Bal. 'on hand Jan. 1/51 $ 2644.01 Provincial grants 6901.08 Tax Levy 8867.80 Bank Loans 4000.00 Refund from books re- turned 8.26 Stewart Bros. CONSTANCE The annual meeting of Constance United Church was held Monday af� ternoon Jan. 14th in the basement of the eh1irch. Rev. S. H. Brenton was in the chair and opened the meeting. It was decided to close the books each year at the end of December. Mr. W. Rt Jewitt, treas., presented an excellent report of the finances, Expenditures - Cost of instruction Instruction Supplies Administration .. Plant Operation Maintenance Auxiliary Agencies Tuition fees to other Boards Capital Outlays Temporary Loans Bal. on hand Dec. 31/51 22,421.15 $ 9416.96 968.58 381.30 2253.86 659.07 276.37 24.00 675.73 4105.95 3659.33 22,421.15 Auguste Ducharme, Sec,-Treas. CARD OF THANKS Fre. Patrick Williams and family wish to express their eiueetu thanks to friends acid neighbors for their sympathy, doral tributes and kindness shown them during th011 50 - cent sad bereavement in the death of Mr. willian,e Card of Thanks Mrs. Hartman Huisser and Mrs, Charles Pinder wish to express their sincere thanks to tributes aandrrkind kindness sho sympathy mm Yon themed during tboir sad beroavernont CARD OF THANKS Aar Conant wishes to express his sincere thanks and appi'ocietlon for the many acts of kindness' extendedto him while a patient in Clinton hospital and sine returning horn, for and relatiives. treats to andsits from nurses in Clintds on Rospitnl and else the Hensen Hooker Club CARD OF THANKS To the Electors of McKIIIPP I wish to thank all who went to the pcenl;aeleetion pelted nee in the. JERRY DOERR FOR SALE Man's overcoat s ze 42, worn only "a few times, Apply at the News Office FOR SALE usednshortmtlme. size oil burner stove, lust V11.0019 HULLETT The Burns' 'Church annual meet- ing was 'postponed until Tuesday af- ternoon, Jan. 22nd. Mr. John Reid and Miss Averil Reid of the Peace River District are visiting his uncle, Hugh ,Campbell, of Walton and Geo, Carter, Londes- boro. The Fireside Farm Forum met on Monday night at the home of MT. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, 26 present. The 'two discussion groups had op- posite •opinions on the questions on Farm Credit, but agreed it was a disadvantage to give a young man unlimited credit, but that if a young man had not sufficient credit he was handicapped. Prize winners were most games, Mrs. Mansell Gook, George Carter; lone hands, Mrs. Geo. Hoggart, Geo. 'Carter; consolation, Miss Joyce Jewitt, Art Hoggart. Next week the group meets at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dol - mage. WINTHROP The Sunday School annual meet- ing was held on Jan. 8. Rev. H. E. Livingstone opened the meeting with prayer. Wm. Dodds was appointed chairman, and Robt. McClure, secre- tary. The 'secretary's report was read and adopted. T. Blanchard, treas., gave the annual report show- ing a successful year. The officers for 1952; Supt., Win. Dodds, ass't., Leslie McSpadden; Sec., Robt. Mc- Clure; Treas., T. Blanchard; Lib., G. Blanchard; Cradle Doll, Mrs. F. Johnston; organist; Mrs. F. John- ston; ass't„ Joan ,Somerville; Teach- ers ,Class 1 -Mrs. W. Dodds, ass't., Mrs. Les Pepper; Class 2 -Mrs. A. Alexander, •ass't., Mrs. G. Blanchard. Class 3- T. Blanchard, ass't., Mrs. Robt, Doig. Class 4 --Mrs. G. •Smith, ass't., Mrs. J. Boyd. Class 5-111/rs. R. Bolton, ass't.,Betty Montgomery. It was moved tat the assistant teach- ers take the class the fourth Sunday of each month. G. Blanchard, leader for a men's class. Temperance, Mr. W. E. Hawley; Mother's Day, Mrs. Wim Church, Mors. A. ,Somerville, Ir- is Byerman; Rally Day, Mrs. K. Bet- ties, Mrs. A. Alexander, Mrs. Living- stone; Easter Service, The Y. P. INCOME TAX RETURNS Income Tax Returns male up 1061 Forms on hand Phone for appointment Hensel' 688 ring 16 'Dublin 14 ring 12 THOS. D, WRDN OROMARTY 7626 #1 Only Three More Days To Take Adv ntage of Our J NUAR STORE - WIDE 'SAL 20'50% Discount Sale Ends Saturday, Jan. 19 Baldwin Hardware TIER S'i9AT'0RTB NEWS Snowdon Oros.. Puiellsherc Autherreed as Seopnd laerwlmail, Post caner 401 -IN E. LONGSTAFG Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Soatorth Hours 9 am - 6 pin, Wed. 9 . 12.30 Sat. 9 am to 9 pm MARTIN W, STAPLETON Physician and surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seafo$h 1 SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A„M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm to 5 pm, daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday only, 7.9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable Good Equipment MAKES A GOOD FARMER BETTER Buy now for less at our Stock Reducing Sale of New and Used Equipment 1 P.T.O. drive Baler with wagon hitch and chute 1 8 -ft. Power Grain Binder 3 Ensilage and Forage Blowers 4 Tractor mounted Cultivators 3 7 -ft. Tractor Field Cultivators 3 81/2 ft. tractor field Cultivators 3 1 -horse Scufflers 4 15 -disc Fertilizer Drills 40 Sections Smoothing Harrows 70 Sections spring tooth Harrows 1 Milking Machine 7 Hammer Mills 3 Horse drawn Mowers 10 7 -ft. Power Mowers 3 2 -furrow tractor Plows 1 Fertilizer and Lime Sower 18 Tractor Manure Spreaders 4 Electric Washers 5 Refrigerators 1 Home Freezer 3 Tractors - Super A, 0, & W 6 12 60 -cycle Electric Motors • Electric Drills, Tires & Tubes. Used Equipment 3 Bean Harvester's 2 2 -horse Corn Cultivators 1 6 -ft. McCormick Mower 1 Cockshutt Manure Spreader 1 6 -ft. McCormick -Deering Grain Binder 1 7 -ft. Massey-T-Iarris Grain hinder 1 Oliver Tractor on rubber tires. 2 W 30 Tractors on rubber tires 1 10-20 Tractor on rubber tires 1 W 30 Tractor on. steel 1 Fordson Tractor on steel JOHN BACH, Seaforth VETERINARY SURGEON J. O. TUIINBULL, D.V:M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers - President; E. J. Trewartke Clinton ; Vice -Pros., J. L Malone, Soaferth j Manager & Seo Treas., M A. Reid, Seaforth Directors -E. J Trewartbs Clinton; T. L. Malone, Seaforth; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robt. Archibald, Senfortb ; John H, MoEwing. Blyth ; Frank McGregor, Clinton ; William S. Alexander, Walton Harvey Faller, Goderioh. Agents -3, B. Popper, Brumfield; R. F. MoKeroher, Dublin; William Leiper, Londes- boro; J. F. Pruetor, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels. Parties desirous to effect ` insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All hinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies FOR SALE 7 Room House with 3 Po. Bathroom, in good condition. Two Lots. Fruit, trees, rasp- berry and strawberry plants. Prompt pos- session cant be given. Garage. 5 Room House, 3 Pe. Bathroom. Modern Kitchen. Excellent condition. Good Barn. Sit --.x 2n uated on George St., priced reasonable, with possession April 1st E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND REAL, ESTATE BROKER SEAFOB=H We have in stock: Stove Coal Alberta Coal Nut Coal Pocahontas Coal Buckwheat Coal Stoker Coal Hard Coal Briquettes WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784, Seaforth CORDON WILSON ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: 29 or 567 Seaforth FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 25; 24 sampled 51.00. Mail - Order Dept. 2-74, Nov -Rubber Co.. Box 91, Hamilton, OnL RADIO REPAIRS Quick. inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Diek House, phone 147R, Seaforth HORSES WANTED Disabled or useful work horses. Apply to W. C. GOVENLOCI{, Dick House, Seaforth Just a Reminder We can take your order this month 1.25 per ton less than list price. Pay May 1st Fertilizer will increase in price in February "Don't say I didn't warn you". WM. M. SPROAT Phone 655 r 2 *'blue coal RV R 1HE SOLID "The World's Finest Anthracite" WILLIS DUNDAS 303 .9 - Office 192 M - Residence TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders received until Feb. 15th for ten cords of 12" hardwood to be delivered to S.S. No. 1 Hui - lett, before Aug. 30th. ROSS MeGREGOR, Sec'y, Seaforth R.R. 2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ROBERT GOLD - MAN, deceased. All Persons Having Claims against the estate of Robert Coleman, late of the Township of Hibbert in the Coun- ty of Perth who died on or about the twelfth day of October, 1951, are re- quired to file particulars of same with Thomas Laing, Executor, of Cromarty, Ontario, by the 26th day of January, A.D, 1952 after which date the es- tate will be distributed, having re-,,, gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL and LAUGHTON Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor.