HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-01-17, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1952 The Wright Specials GRANULATED ag WHITE SUGAR 10 ib, Beg 1.19 FANCY QUALITY PEAS Large 20 oz. Tins 2 Tins 115 FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE Large 20 oz. Tins 2 Tins 29c AYLMER PORK BEANS Large 20 oz. Tins, 2 for 33e CHOICE GOLDEN CREAM STYLE CORN Large 20 oz. Tins 2 Tins 35c 6 Tins 1.00 AUSTRALIAN RAISINS 1 Ib. Bag 23c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Phone 77 Free Delivery TUCKERSMITH Howard Johns 'was elected chair. man and Glenn Bell vice-chairman of the Tuckersmith School Area Board at the annual meeting of the Board held in .Seafamth Town hall, Thursday last. The Board renewed the Accident and General Liability Insurance Policies, The following ac- counts were ordered paid; Miss Hel- en Turner $7.50; Baldwins $3,50; E. P. Chesney $12.00; Waterloo Mu- sic Co. $22.00; Municipal World $3; Hydro Accts. $61.69. The Tucker - smith Ladies Club proposal to build storage cupboards in basement 'of S. S. 4, was given approval. The 1952 School Area Board consists of Chairman, H. Johns, vice Chairman, G, Bell, Trustees, N. MacLean, W. Coleman, Wilmer Broadfoot. The next meeting will be held in S. S. 9 on Tuesday, Feb. 12. BORN WALRS—At Scott Memorial Hos»itnl, on Jan. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walters, Seaforth, a daughter Immunization Clinics The first in a series of immunization clinics for Seaforth and district will be held in the basement of the Seaforth Library—Friday, January 18th, from 2.30-3,30 P.M. Children 4 months of age to school age may be brought to these clinics to receive initial immunization or reinforcing inoculations for Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus, and Smallpox. .4RGE SaECT/1At. 1950 CHEV DELUXE SEDAN 1950 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN 1949 CHEV DE LUXE SEDAN 1949 CHEV FLEETLINE COACH 1947 CHEV SEDAN 1946 CHEV SEDAN, radio, windshield washers 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1937 DODGE COACH NEW CHEV SEDAN (Immediate Delivery) Seaforth Motors NIL HOCKE SEAFORTH MEMORIAL ARENA Big Double Header Saturday, Jan. 19 7 P.M. DUBLIN vs. SEAFORTH MIDGETS 9 P.M. GODERICH VS SEAFORTH JUNIORS mis EA ORTII NEWS TOWN TOPICS HULLETT Mrs. Andrew MoLachlan and Mrs, The inaugural meeting of the Hui - lett Township Council was held on Jan. 7, in the Community hall, Lon- desboro at 11 a.m. The Reeve and ail members of .the Council were pre- sent. At this time the Reeve, Wm, J. Dale called upon the Reverend Stan- ley H. Brenton to address the Coun- cil. 14r, Wre, R. Jewitt thanked Mr, Brenton on behalf of the Council for his address and good wishes. The minutes of the statTutory meeting of December 16th, and special meeting of December 26th, 1951 were read. At 2 p'ti^ the ofnthe Clerk,cil reconvened after beinggguests Cowan and Mrs. Cowan for dinner. Moved by Wm. R. Jewitt and Geo. C. Brown, that we give a grant of $15.00 to the Huron Crop Improve- ment Association., At this time the by-laws were passed setting the salaries for the Township officials; naming the var- ious township officials; authorizing the Reeve and Clerk to borrow from the Bank of Montreal, Londesboro, up to $35,000.00 on approved notes; Road expenditure for 1952 of $40.- 000.00; naming Frank Donnelly of Goderieh as Township Solicitor for 1952. Moved by Tom Leiper, Win. R. Jewitt, that we give a grant of $100 to the Hullett Community Hall Board. Moved by Wm. R. Jewitt and Tom Leiper, that we pay a $5.00 member- ship fee to the Ontario Good Roads Association, also the Rural Munici- palities Association. Moved' by Geo. C. Brown and Wm. Ii. Jewibt, that as there is a very small majority of the Assessment (less than 19 ) of the Clinton High School District in favour of building an addition to the school at the pre- sent time, therefore we petition the Huron County Council to take no ac - James Howe of Cromarty visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Aldington on Mon- day. Mir, John McQuaid spent the week- end in London, visiting his sister, Mrs, James Delaney, Dublin, who is a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, and Mr. Jim McQuaid, St, Columban, who underwent an .operation from which he is now improving. Mr. Ken 'Keating, Toronto, spent the weekend with his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating. Mr. and Mrs. M. Clark and son Bryan, Kitchener, were guests of Misses Wilma and Ablate Seip over the weekend. Miss Gretta Ross leaves this week for Winnipeg where she will spend the winter. Mrs, Geo. Scofield, Detroit, is spending this week with her parents Me. and .Mrs. Arnold 'Case. Mr, and Mrs. Frank White, Lon- don, spent the weekend with rela- tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Don Barber, Kitch- ener, were guests of Mr. and Mire. Joseph Mathews over the weekend. BRUCEFIELD The annual meeting of the Bruce. field United Sunday School was held Thursday evening, Jan. 10 in the Session nwooin of the Church with a good attendance of teachers and of- ficers present. The school was open 52 Sundays with an average attend- ance of 66and an enrolment of 85. Missionary and Temperance instruc- tion were given and Mother's Day, Rally Day and White Gift Sunday were observed, Nine from the S. S. united with the church during the year. 85 dollars was given to the NI, M. during the year, At the Xmas concert, the awards for Church at- tendance and memory work were presented. After a discussion of S..S. matters, the following officers were elected for 1952. Supt., Norman Walker; ass't, supt., Clem Christie; Sec., Wallace Haugh, asst., Sec., Ar- chie Mustard; Treas., Bob Allan; Pianist, Margaret McQueen, ass't., Marion Ross; Missionary Secretaries, Ann Haugh, Shirley Maines; Temp- erance Sec., Jno. A. McEwen; • Lan- tern Operators, Don Ross, Bruce Walker; Cradle Roll, Mrs. L. Wilson, Mrs. A. McQueen; Memory Work, Mrs. W. Haugh; S. S. Teachers, Rev. Mr. Maines, Mrs. R. Allan, Robt. Watson, Mrs. W. Maines, Mrs. F. Boyce, Jno. A. Mcllwen, Mrs. A. Zaphe, Mrs. N. Walker, Mrs. W. Haugh; .Supply Teaohers, Mrs. C. Christie, Mrs. C. Ham, Ann Haugh, Fred Boyce. We hope the year 1952 will see a larger Sunday School in- tent on studying God's Word—Will you be present? a 41 Pontiac five pass. Coupe 39 five pass. Coupe Ford 39 Dodge Sedan 37 Olds Coach 39 Ford Coach 37 Dodge Sedan 2-47 Plymouth Sedans 48 Oldsmobile Coach 37 Buick Sedan 40 Dodge Sedan '47 Ford 3 ton stake with racks 41 Ford 2 Ton stake with racks We have some new Pontiac Cars & GMC Trucks in stock ' and delivery is good on most models RICE MOTORS Our Reputation is Your Guarantee .Pontiac -Buick Dealer GMC Trucks PHONE 799 SEAFORTH VARNA Stanley District L.O.L. met in the Orange hall on Monday evening of this week, the following officers were elected. W. M., J. Watson; D. M., R. Cornish; Chap., M. Bohner; Rec. Sec., R. Taylor; Fin. Sec., J. Aldington; Treas., 0, Dowson; Marshall, H. Penhale; 1st Loot., W. McIlwain; 2nd Leet., F. Harburn. The officers were duly installed by Past County Master, Ben Rath - well. The Royal Scarlet 'Chapter of Stanley will meet in the Orange hall on Monday evening Jan. 21 at 80. Industrial Hockey 3 BIG GAMES Mon. Nile, Jan. 21 7 p.m.—Egmondville "River Rats" vs Winthrop 8.30 p.m.—Main St. vs Wanderers 10 p.m.—St. Columban vs Foundry DON'T FORGET IT'S MON. KITE—JAN. 21st ONLY 25c THE THIRD CONCERT Concert OF THE SERIES At Seaforth District High School Tuesday, Jan. 22 AT 8.15 Artists Minnie McCurdy, accompanist; Mary Syne, pianist; Lawrence Felton, baritone; Beaune, Somer- ville, concert violinist. Tickets are available from students or at the door Adults 750. Students 25c WININMPJa weary SALE WILL END JAN. 26TH otowwwwwwwwwwwwtetovAnn Euchre & Dance Spon.sored by Seaforth Women's Institute HELD AT THE TO BE COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY, JAN. 18th Cards 8.80 sharp Admission 500 Ladies please bring sandwiches Music by iVMurdocll's Orchestra tion on the resolution being present- ed to them from the Clinton High School Area Board to issue deben- tures u• for$285,000.00. t les o Moved by Wm, R. Jewitt and Ar- chie Young, that we do now adjourn to meet February 4th, at 2 p.m. Grants $1115.00, Roads $2025.25, Salaries $29.75, Schools $9.14, Re- lief $10.00, Fire Truck $50.00, Fox Bounty $8.00, Advertising $9.66. ST. COLUM1BAN The monthly -meeting of the C.W. L. was held at the home of Mrs. Maurice Melady, with the pres., Mrs. Win. Ryan opening the meeting with prayer. The minutes as read were adopted. Boxes of candy and treats were reported as having been sent to sick and shutin members at Xmas. Correspondence was then read and the necessary discussion followed. The treasurer's report showed a bal- ance of $599.71. Arrangements were made for holding a euchre and dance on Friday night, Jan. 25th. A vote .of thanks was moved to Mrs. Melady, for .the use of her home, and the meeting closed with prayer, after which luncheon was enjoyed and a social time spent. FOR OUTSTANDING. VALUES Shop in Egmondville SPECIALS FRESH PORK BUTTS LB. 590 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 4 TINS 49c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE LB. 99c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, Large Size. , , .2 PKGES. 490 BUTTER—First Quality LB. 69c PASTRY FLOUR 7 LB. BAG 490 CLAIR HANKY PHONE 72 FREE DELIVERY on Snow -Suits, Station Wag- on Coats, Coat sets, Dresses, Jumpers, Wool Dressing Gowns, Winter Underwear and Skirts DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON OTHER ODD LINES KIDDIES SHOP Next door to the theatre FERTILIZERS Let us have your order this month. It is definitely going to be higher next month. Some analyses may be in short supply. 'We will store it for you until seeding time. Seaforth Farmers Co op Phone 9 YOUR TELEPHONE is one item that takes a emeter part of your budget than it used to. Its coat hasn't gone up as much es most other things. In another way, too, the telephone is bigger value today than ever before. Now you can reach twice as many people as you could ten years ago and mora telephones are being installed every day. 11 you haven't service, we want you to know we're working at it. "Your place on the list is being pro- tected and your telephone will be installed just as soon as possible. COMPARE THESE PRICE INCREASES DURING THE PAST TEN YEARS THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Telephone service is one of today's best buys SPECIAL Pre -Season Sale #27 - 12' SELF-PROPELLED COMBINES - - in perfect condition Flax rolls and pickup lights and rotary screen #26 - 10' SELF-PROPELLED COMBINES - like new lights and rotary screen Model H - I.H.C. Tractor - like new Model "D" CASE Tractor - excellent condition "101" JR. MASSEY-HARRIS Tractor - completely overhauled 70 RC COCKSHUTT Tractor - completely overhauled ALSO Why not guarantee yourself a new machine at present prices on our prepayment plan ? L ' eaf orth : otors Massey -Harris Sales & Service Seaforth 141 Brussels 55