HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1952-01-17, Page 4WAALTON The regale'. monthly 'meeting of the W.M.S.of Walton United Ohnrch \t8s held in the Church on %Values day, Jou, 9 with Mrs. C. Martin pre- siding. Ret', her., Thomas thou la. stalled tho officers for the coming year. Hon. Pres., Mrs, F. Brytuts; Pres., Mrs. C. Martin: lst Vice ties., Mrs. it. Johnston; 2nd Vice Pres, Mrs. Tao, AieDom1th 3i'd Vico Pres., Mrs. A. (Mutts; Treas., Mrs. N. Reid; S'ee, Mrs. J. Marshall; Press Sec., Mrs, L. Stevens; Supply Sec., Mrs, Bennett; •Community Friendship ,Sec. Mie. W. Ilroadfoot; See., of Temp. oranet* and Clu•istian Fellowship,, Mrs. t'(. Watson: Missionary Monthly Sec., Mrs N. Schade; Stewardship See., Mrs E, Liryans Literature See., hi(s. 51. Iritis: Associate Helpers See., Mrs. \VC. Bennett; Mission %and Supt., Mrs. A. McCall, Mrs. J. Smith: ilaby Band Leader, Mrs. G. McGavin: C.G.L.T. Leader, Mrs. M. Thomas, assistants, Helen Johnston, Mrs. Geo. McArthur; Au- ditors. Mrs. W. C. Bennett, Mrs. Jno. MeDonald, Hymn 19 was thea sung and Mrs. Martin led us in prayer followed by the scripture reading. The hymn 316 was read in unison. 'Tete were 55 visits Blade to the hospital and shutins in 1951. The treasurer's report was then given by Mrs. Reid. The minutes were then read and seemnied. Mrs. E. Rryans presented Mrs. N. Reid with a life, membership. It was decided to send a halo to Korea. The reports from different :groups were lead and were ver} satisfactory. Five members front the Walton group ;gave the top - on "Freneil Protestant". The meeting closed by uandiug and re- 1leating ilio• 1 oral's Prayer. The monthly n1c5ine of the W. A. u':1' 'te`lei ill t!It` best*tient- Ot the ,... •..•17 on WfdllsSday..:ltt. 9 with \!:s. Turn!`it?! presiding. The minutes n irC tophi :111.5 adopted followed the 11'eas:1:'er'' r'Port. 11. n'a5 theft ,, .. '.111." Plat::'ins for 111e base- - 111:1'-. 1, It %vet. 111.11"e:i s.\:; 11 .11:151 a11.5 'seconded by Mts.le .' \ I..: Mrs. 11107110s.tial.. A. \ P i Nirs. Ritchie and Mrs. bas t!le curtainsand 'Ut 1 t . 3'; vas ted I Il it ' thy 111 1 -1 1t . • ..., \ t 1n till? 1 . .t ih ;,• .e=.;rded :t' Mrs.. ?1r\:' ae'.-'1 Mrs. MYCall and d .alrs..r_ _ `alio the•:. :e .ode`„, 1tit11 ;he' 1`' •:r: t1,fl. yet- +r'Cp .lett yrs .e. the 'c'a^ are f311..nr$. fres 31r \\'211111 Turn1+ :_. \'. Pres.. Mrs. G. Fox; 2nd Vice Pi ec.. BSI's P. 1111511101 ` V: Pres.. Mrs 1. Marks: Sea Mr dohnston. Treas.. I'. T. li'!re.1a:1: Piaulsts, Mrs. H. .1;, .11: Mrs. .1. Smith Flenccr ioimnittee. Mrs. 1 ee::1iI1: Mrs l:. AicJiiC1 ac'1 Manse committee: Mrs. W. Turnbull. Mt K. Kirkby, Mrs. S. Johnston. Mrs. H. Sollars. • • The aith meeting of the Walton W.srliers was held at the ?Tonle of Mrs. W. Hun121hris. on Jan, 1151:1 1.V:11. T11e :eeti`lg «011551 the `a; 'Fr,stc The Snowman Th minutes if the last meeting were tone: and seconded by Rosemarie Fol-! _e1 The next meeting .s to Ise held! or '•:da\ evening, January T _e roll calln 1� 1 o e a -\ ',soh member t•- the name of the I;. ., '*P..... Y2s .. are raxerial.. ard Ilty',r dresser \: meeting. Mrs. of es..y e ace lar TI -IJ St?AFORTH NEWS in the parish hall on Sunday, Jan, 19, Mrs. John Meagher, the 'west's dent, opened the eettgcic pray. or., Mrs. Martin Iiliukhanuner•! the treasurer, gave a report on the 're- mit canvass for subscriptions 'to• the Canadian Register. The minutes of the first exocutive• mooting were given by the seol'etary, Mrs, Earl ilealy, t\tuestionaire forms were re- ceived front the Diocesan Conned of the C.W,L„ these forms, in aid of the establishment of home defence, are to be filled in by all members and forwarded to the Diocesan Re- cording Secretary by March 1. Mrs. John Eckert and AMrs, Ambrose Gil, lin were named to call on the sick; Mrs. Joe Shea and :bliss Rita Ryan to collect cancelled stamps. A very enlightening reading on the Epiph- any was given by M'rs, A. M Looby. A vote of thanks was given her by the President. Mrs, Kelly of Se- bringville, 3rd Diocesan Vice Pres., Was the guest speaker. She spoke on the achievements and aims of the C.W.L. A vote of thanks was given her by Airs. A. 1M. Looby, and sec- onded by firs. D. McConnell. . The following contienors were named: Mr's, L. Bruner, lst vise Pres., Ways and Means: Air's. Wm, Stapleton 2nd vice pros., program: Mrs. P Ryan, 3rd vice press, Educa- tion acid Social Welfare. 1 card party and dance is planned for Feb. 15. The Rev. Pi'..Ffoulkes spoke briefly and elosed the meeting with prayer. Dublin Coutinuntion School News At our 'Monday morning Assembly we were reminded about our New \'ear's resolution, that is, talose of DUBLIN rat :k : Mass nos .,... ... .::�.it J'h'ell. e \p11 ,1.:': 1 'ea:'- z- i vlic•hael and ThontaS. 2e•ttete7,those r, 1... .. C.7:e from Ni 1.1 i :1,1 Bran: 3t .... .ac•.til an. *-war Contract Barley We are alga?.); 'l 1l1ra51t°:n5 :acreage for tllt'C`311ada Malt- ing :moi will 1`e available 3t our \Y...?': isss e.e.. Seaforth Farmers Co op. mom!: Csa'aes..'i Lard.0'sta••ra Rates Seaforttl to ted • ..,.sass. �.....;�....... a ,. . • 71551 us who were brave enough to make one. We should all make the l'esolu' ties to .do our school work more ser- iously. Many of the intentions we were so proud to call our own last fall seem to have been pushed aside, Fershaps we might blame it on the Christmas rash, but we really must renew them" and the time is NOW. The Y.C.S. seem to have some sec- ret plan they are waiting to spring on us. 11 !'a are getting more curious than we can bear. How much longer mast we wait? The Student •Council has made plans for a movie, David Copper - field, We are most grateful for 'their selection, A great story that we al- ready know, is, judging from the in- terest shown in "A Tale of Two Cities", a bigtreat. We Wonder: Was it the cheers that helped you win the hockey aline on Jan. 5th? What happened last Saturday? What boy is 'getting his new snow plough patented? " NORTH McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross and Dorothy and Brenda of Sbaforth were visiting with the former's Walton Community Hall Friday, Jan. 18th Sponsored by the Walton Football Club Music by lien Wilbee's Orchestra Admission 50e mother, Mrs, Win., Ross at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs,. Joseph Thornton, Miss Norma Looming who leas been ill at her hone has resumed her du- ties at S.S. No. 2, Tuckevemith, Me, Carl Ring of St. Catharines spent 44e. weekend at Ms home. Miss Pearl Regele of .Seaforth spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. Wilfred Ross, and Mrs. Lottie Faulds and Bobby of 'Kippen spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Joseph .111101.11011. ane _r' Sale J � continues NYLONS, First Quality 42 gauge „ .., 96c 35 gauge 1.29 51 gauge 1,69 WOOL SWEATERS Short and Long sleeve Pullovers and Cardigans 25% OFF Group of Wool SKIRTS $4.96 Group of BLOUSES 2.69 GLOVES, Angorra 1.59 Wool 69c WINTER UNDERWEAR 30% OFF Carol Lyn Shop FHLJRsn VARY 17, 106 �RE3GTHEATRE -r ENT SL.AI OaGI I� NOW I'5.4YZNG ROGUES OF SH.ERWOOD FOREST John Derek. Diana Lynn. Romance and adventure live igain when 11111, son or Robin Hood and his Merry Mon bring this stirring planta to Serena( 4'<- '"1.II ). it )AI'. '. .. i� !DU '4,. ... . Kathryn Grayson - Bowan) Keel. Americas most beloved i.lusilo and the Triumph or the year. Its delightful mesio. be remembered by all• Beta roles mime Joo N, Xleo n MIXT THURS. k'RI,-Stir. -n03N YGST1:ItnAY ltrodorkk O,'wferd • Judy Ilollibuy The Comedy that was a smash hie on Broadway. It rontelno ono of tho ae3Iotl'a boss nta1Ies -. - COMING - — STAIWI "I' Thornton. family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Manley and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Regele. Seaforth Public School NOTICE Registration for Kindergarten Registration for Kindergarten classes to commence September 1952, will take place on January 28th in the Kindergarten room of the Public School, Registration may take place any time during the day. Pupils to be registered must be 5 years of age by Jan. lst, 1953. D. N. EASTMAN, Principal' ON DISPLAY ATIIDDAY is 'krSIM 'VAL - To- NET'' STYLING illustrated—Chevrolet Styleline Deluxe 4 -Door Sedan PRICED 50 LOW ! A G EKERA1 k)OTORS VALUE Come, see them at our showrooms .. , the most colorful„ captivating and capable Chevrolets the leader has ever produced ... britii ally new for '52 in all theses exciting ways: Gorgeous New Royal-T'ane Styling . . with Bodies by Fisher so ?rig. bright and beautiful that you'll prefer them on sight. Radiant New Exterior Colors A wide and wonderful array of solid tone ce.+1 rs and two-tone color ,x51mlit .:ans. Alluring New interior Colors . , - with upholstery and trim is two totes 'f blue. green or gray to harmonize n itn exterior colors. in all De Luxe soda ... zadps. .models New Centrepoise Power ... bringing amazing 3e1\ '11t.^. ess O'1'0515110. freedom from vibration, and protection from road noise and wheel shock to low-cost motoring. A new, smoother, softer ride ... for both front and rear seat passengers. All these and many other enviable advantages are lours in chis new Chevrolet—and in Chevrolet alone—at the lowest prices and with outstanding economy of operation and upkeep!' Come in ... see these sensational new Chevrolets for '52 and you'll want to place your order now ... for they're your buy of buys —the only fine cars priced so lou'! Extra -smooth, extra -dependable POWERGIide aitb Nen Automatic Choke, gives finest no -shift driving at !mast cosi. (Combination of PowerGlide Automatic Transmission and 105-h.p. Engine optional on De Luxe models at extra cost.( MORE PEOPLE BLIT CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR c-fste, SEAF RTH MOTORS