The Seaforth News, 1952-01-17, Page 2NECalvert SPORTS COLUMN
E met erfee4a*
• I'M A LITTLE LACE in reporting
this, but it happened New Year's eve, Doz-
ing in front of the fireplace over a good, but
dull, book, your agent was startled to sea
two extraordinary figures emerging from the
wood -smoke.
"Something I ate, no doubt", I offered
as an excuse to soothe a slightly agitated mind. Just couldn't be
no such people."
For one was a very decrepit old gent, who looked to be on
his last legs, the other a very young little fellow, and they were
chatting away.
"Well, things were pretty fine while they lasted", said the Old
Gent, who turned out to be 1951, preparing for his midnight de-
parture. "I probably broke all records in my 12 months on earth"
ou broke a lot of purple with high prices, if that's what
you eau said the little fellow. "Everything was higher than a
.peetil:ttor s idea of a Grey Cup ticket's value,"
For a tune child this little lad seemed to be pretty well in.
formed kin sports topics. "I'm 1952" he annotulred "and 1 know
my stud" he added briskly.
"1# you're so smart," said the shaky old gentleman, who was
phminly on lois last lees, "what are you going to da about things in
your .pal 00 earth? You have a lot of Augean stables to clean up."
"Why all the emphasis on the cess -pools?" asked the moppet.
"After all, if you buy a barrel of apples and find that a couple are
rotten, that's to be expected. Everybody, including the boys in
the writing business, seems anxious to stress the misdeeds, which
are comparatively few, and overlook a lot of the good,clean decent
sport, the real amateurism, the play -for -fun, which is the backbone
of sport, really."
"What do you see for the future?" enquired the Old Boy,
anxiously, "And hurry up. I got a date with a Man With A
"There's a few things to which I'd like to devote my time"
said the youngster.
"Speaking of time, I'd like to see overtime come back into
hockey" quavered the Old Boy. "I think it would add a thrill to
the game, and it would still the clamour of a lot of customers,
who after all, are entitled to what they want. We might get away
from a lot of tie games, that dotted my term."
"What's the matter with tie games?" es?" pertly enquired said Kid
195.1. "Hockey is presented as a 00 -minute game. A boxing snatch
is usually tiered for 10 rounds. A soccer game is 90 minutes, A
football game is an hour. So is a basketball match. 'There's no
overtime in these, so why pick on hockey? \\'ith 70 games in the
big league, there's hockey enough. I got more important things
to attend to. I got to keep an eye ou that hockey player Elmer
Lach. At the rue ice's going when he should be on the shelf, I'll
have to hand him over to 1953. I•eec Rocket Richard breasting
Nets Stewart's all-time League scoring' record of 324 goals, in my
span on this round old earth. I'm getting ready to hear a growing
clamour to change the Grey Cup play-offs so the west ton can
get a Look :it this event. Play it in two games, one in each of the
cities represented is my idea.
I gotta see to it that there's a new heavyweight boxing
champion. Jersey Joe Walcott is a nice old pappy-guy, but adds
no inspiration to the game. That Rocky Marciano would be a
good replacement. It looks like Detroit Wing and Toronto Leafs
in the Stanley Cup final. McGill will finally win the Intercollegiate
football title. The number of heavyweight wrestling champions
will be cut to six. Losing hockey teams will blame television, tie
games, and the weather for shrinking gate -receipts. Minor league
baseball attendance will decrease again. The United States will
win the track -field title at the Olympics at Helsinki. Russia will
find an excuse to withdraw its athletes, but will claim that the
Olympics were first staged in Russia, anyway, and Stalin will de-
nounce the Games as capitalistic exploitation of the athletes. New ::
York Giants will win the National League. The racing customers
will wind up broke."
"You can bet on the last one" came a whisper from the Old
Boy, as he vanished into thin air. "That's one bet you might win."
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Eimer Ferguson, c. o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto,
HERE .. .
Smokey, a
pup, had a run-
in with o
mechanical duck
and came off
second best. The
cluck, a
Christmas gift
Donald Miller,
waddled along
the floor and
right up
Smokey's tail,
chewing away
until it was
enmeshed in
the dog's hair.
Allen Glisch
of the
Animal Welfare
League holds
Smokey and
prepares to trim
the waddler off.
About Electric Hot
Plates And Toasters
Ilt,uilt4 elements in these ap-
pliane,'s are nsually exposed or
seniiexnosol to damage. Ii toaster
coils load up with crumbs, or• if
hotplate coils hecolime trusted with
spiltc.i in,u1. let them heat until all
food. is charred. Then blow or very
g:nt:r brash charred matter away.
\\'i)' toaster exterior with a
d.l:r;t sot:•,.
'.:e toasty':'e iiaye re:not'abte Or
hinge.! ,.rtnnh tray's. Clean thein,
was' -way any clinging grease.
once a week, If the crumb tray isn't
tarn ..aster upside
shake .ake or pat lightly.
Don't-, . rr. c1 in o toaster with
anything to .,move :.11tne;i bread
until yet :..:r pale: the plug from
the Then. when toaster is
rein cc.. -t: lace finger.—never
intit•cs v- f.Hss-----tc, pull cat the
Dan'C is ...,<.,-.i or frosted
yod tss.Jit a clean
Now and then, medical science
has a wonderful way of confirm-
ing what ordinary people have al-
ways taken for granted The In-
ternational Gerontological Con-
gress in St. Louis gave that kind
of back - pat a few weeks ago:
people do get more fatheaded. In
the aged, reported Dr. Oskar Vogt
of Neustadt - Schwarzwald, Ger-
many. most types of nerve cells in
the brain show cavities filling up
with fat. The cells themselves
tight the invasion, resist most suc-
cessfully when the individual keeps
active. Concluded Dr. Vogt: "We
have observed no case in which
overwork was found to have ac -
rel atcd the aging .'1 the nerve
They passed her in the park.
"That's Perry's wife." said Carter
"Thinks time wor'd of her husband!"
"U=ses she?"
"Rather. :lie even believes the
parrot taught dint to swear!"
They'll Get A Thrill On Holmenkollen Hill Ski jumpers from 35
nations twli try their skills on the huge Holmenkollen Ski Jump Hill
when Oslo, Norway, plays host to the Winter Olympic Games this
February. After leaving the lip of the Jump a skier flies through
the air at about 50 MPH, Right under the takeoff spot is a rest.
ouranl from which spectators con watch as the contestants zoom,
Books- about baseball continue to
pour front publishers' presses in
such volume that anybody who tried
to own therm all would need not
only a bookcase with expandable
shelves but a library with walls
built on the accordion plan. A cer-
tain percentage—about the same as
that of the alcohol content in pro-
hibition -days "near bear" --tare high-
ly readable, and among these we
would nullifier those written by Tom
e * e
Mr. Meetly started off. with
"Baseball's Greatest Teams." Then,
in all probability, he figured that
was taking in too touch territory
if he wanted to keep 00 going, so
started to specialize. His second
volume was "Baseball's Greatest
Hitters." Now, just published, is
his third, quite naturally entitled
"Baseball's Greatest Pitchers."
5 * *
Sooner or later, tt e presume, he
will get around to the gatne's great-
est fans, its greatest gate crashers,
and so fort's.
h a 5
However, "Baseball's Greatest
Pitchers" is well worth reading.
What is more, his selection of top
-hurlers is bound to start plenty of
argument among the grandstand
managers, second guessers- and all
the rest of the fans—one of the
prime requisites for a successful
book about the game.
a ..
Before passing on to you Mleany's
list of twenty-five top hurlers of all
tittle we tmtiglit say that, in making
his selections, the author took the
lively ball into consideration. In
fact "all tine" is probably not strict-
ly accurate because, with the ex-
ception of Cy Young and joe MSc-
Ginnity, praacticaIly all those men-
tioned achieved greatness since the
turn of the century. In other words
_lfeany doesn't include the likes of
Old Moss Radbourne, Kid Nichols
and Amos Rusie. Ott the other
hand, the author 'isn't the 'type of
conne.ntator who claims that noth-
ing we have today equals what pre-
vailed a generation or so ago, as
six of his twenty-five are still pitch-
ing or, at least, were doing so last
• a a
So here are ).fr, Ileany's twenty-
five, not rated in the order of their
greatness. but a:pitabetieally:
e a
Grover Cleveland Alexander, Ew-
ell Blackwall, Dizzy Dear.. Red
Faber. Bob Feller, Lefty Gomez,
Burleigh Grimes, Lefty Groves,
Waite Hoyt, Carl Hubbell, Larry
Jansen, Walter Johnson, Bob Lem-
on, Ted Lyons, Christy flat::ew.
sou. Joe McGinnity, Hal Nen•: aus-
er, Herb Pennock, Eddie Plank,
Vic Rasclti, Dizzy Vance, Rube
Waddell, Ed Walsh, Bucky Walt-
ers, and Cy Young.
n r a
As we stated earlier,. Meatty's
choice—anybody's choice, -for that
matter, is bound to cause dissen-
sion and arguments, We can per.-
sonally think of not one but quite
a lot of heavers that we think be-
long up there in the select twenty-
five. Eddie Cicotte, for example,
He may have had, as some allege,
the morals of it louse. But for our
money he could outpitch at least
sever. or eight of Mr. Meany''s boys;
even schen he was trying to lose he
couldn't help winning two games
from Cincinnati in the 1919 World
Series. Then there were hurlers like
Rube Marquard, Chief Bender,
Smokey Jae Wood and several
others we might mention,
rs 0 P
However, yeti can't have every-
thing and "Baseball's Greatest
Pitchers" is a real treat for any
baseball fan, and contains more
thlaa Its share of Interesting and
amusing anecdotes that haven't been
previously told a dozen times—
something quite unusual in volumes
of .this nature. we might add.
* 4 5
Speaking of such anecdotes—and
as this column semis to hate got
itself pre,ty well cluttered up with
baseball already—here are a couple
that we hadn't heard before, The
first concerns the unforgettable
Babe Herman, who probably made
more bonehead plays than any other
baseballist that ever lived, but who
still was ane of the game's great-
est sluggers.
* * a
Uncle Robbie Robinson had the
Babe at Brooklyn, but shipped him
out to Minneapolis, either for sea-
soning or to keep himself from com-
mitting murder, Mike Kelley, the
Minneapolis boss, promptly shipped
Herrman back. "What's wrong with
him?" queried Robinson. "The bum
won't pay any attention to signals,"
replied Kelley. "Every time I give
him the bunt sign he hits one over
the fence.'
* „ *
The other yarn also concerns
Minneapolis, when Donie Bush was
manager there. One of his players
was Ted Williams, now baseball's
greatest hitter—and still a pain in
the neck to any manager. Bush
stood for Williams antics as long as
possible, but finally trent to Kelley,
owner of the team. "Mike," said
Donis, "I just can't stand that fresh
kid any longer. Either he turns in
his uniform or I tie."
D u *
"Done:" said Kelley, putting his
arm affectionately around Bush's
shoulder, "I've known you for over
thirty years and think as hutch of
you as if you were my own son.
But if one of you has to turn in his
uniform, it's you."
New Bearskins
For The Guards
Forty bearskins for the King's
Grenadier Guards are on their tray
to Britain.
Members of :he Prince George,
B.C., chamber of commerce began
collecting the skins a year ago
when they heard the Guards' tailors
were using v-olfhides to make their
busbies. Bearskins, previously used,
were itt short supply.
The Chamber wanted to present
the skins to the Guards' honorary
colonel, Princess Elizabeth, when
she vcas in Vancouver in October,
but the reception committee frown-
ed on the idea.
The Night Watch. In Chicago,
someone broke into Charles Racan-
elli's tavern, took $300 in cash,
$1,000 worth of liquor and his 145 -
ib. great Dane watchdog.
All sr lid pastel er:ours. aattiy
Darned. end whipped cncty, Choke
of colours: Rase, Deep Orem:, Scarce,
Hive, 1,Iauee.
Sires et x *4, Anises. 7 lbs, pair.
Regular Value $10.50
ktati y..ur order tm:nedlateiy to
3 Wiltshire Ave,
Toronto 9, Ontario
..Classified Advertising
AOY 06110Ra
QUESTION? Dees It Moire Sem 10 clock
ordinary ehlolta when Tweddle Choke
have been proven winners. over a period
of time? Don't blame the poor birds 1t
Is much smarter to ohouso Twaddle
Chien* with genuine 11.0.P. Breeding
back of them and callt'et a surefire
bonne of extra profits. We have speetal
breeds for layers, broilers or musters.
Also turkey pottlts, older pullets. Cata-
MEDDLE (1111(111 I[A'o'ConttuaS
RAVED you anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to us for information. Wo
are glad to answer your queotinns, 190'
partlneut H. tul9tor'a Dye Wnrlt, Limited,
783 Yongo St. Tarnnan.
11111W1FOOT 'waggron,. 10mp1re Strain,
for Isrmanent uaatures. Vigorous
grower on may a*H. 51.22 per lb. Stuart
Finlay, Dresden, Ontario
MESS : 11131410N SALVE
For sure relief, Your Dtuggiet sells
RED I1IC11—"The finest strawberry 1
ever tasted,"
S1g racarnaac—nest two crop raspberry.
VALENTINE -*Heat new. rhubarb.
Write Pehno Park Perennial Gardena
Weston, Ont
RECESSED nmmteruus $00
SMART Martha Washington and Rich.
ledge Maintops three-piece bathroom
seta. White $100.00 to $180,00: Coloured
$274.00 complete with beautiful chromed
fittings, Alr conditioning furnaces
$292.00. Special offers to plumbers and
bulldere too. Save many valuable dollars,
buy with confidence and have a Meer
home,' Satlefaction guaranteed. Extra
discounts oft catalogue prices If we
0051113" everything you need for complete
phlmbing or heating instnllatlon. Cato,
togte Includes litho photos of main fix-
- tures, pelves and helpful Installation
diagrams. Select style of sinks, cabinets,
laundry tubs, showers, *loves, refrigera-
tors, Pressure water seldom 011 burners,
septle and oil tunics, ate.. Visit or write
Johnson Mail Order Division, Streets-
vlile Hardware, Streetaville Ont. Phone
HAVE you hoard about Dixon's Neuritis
and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? It gives
good results.
335 Elgin Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid
Five horses were entered in the
third race. Four were quoted at
normal odds, but the fifth horse,
Speed Desmon, was a long 30 to 1.
A mild little man went up to his
bookie and bet $500 on himThe
bookie took it, said then reduced the
odds to 20 to 1,
Pretty soon the little man came
back and bet another $500, at 20 to
1. This time the bookie marked
Speed Demon down to 15 to 1.
Again and again the little man
came back with Ids $S00 bets, while
the odds sank to 10 ... 5 , . , 2 to 1,
and finally to even money.
At this point even the heard heart
of the bookie melted.
"Mister," he pleaded with time
man, "Don't bet any more on that
horse. You're throwing your money
away. Speed Demon can't win."
"How do you know?" asked the
"Because 1 own Speed Detnonl"
exclaimed the bookie .in exaspera-
The little man whistled softly.
"Brother, it's going to be a slow
race," he replied. "I own the other
UAN10111 rho torment ill dry comma minim
sod weepintt elms trnublua. ?natio Eeaemu
Snlye. will Ilei dlnapp01nt 5011.
Itetthtg, aceling, burning oeaomn. 4000,
r•Inewornt, pimples and athlete' it Pont, will
reapmtd reedily to the atahllesa aelorless.
ointment, n4curdless of how al abbnrn OD
bota'loao ttny aeon
ptiicE $2,50 PER JAR
Seth Poet 1,11.11. 1 eterelpl of Pelee
888 Queen SI b1 Carom M Imnon,,
One woman testa another. 'Perste 0u50rior
1''IE0IINI Y," to help alleviate pale, dia.
trees told nervous tension assoCloled with
monthly t cried&,
310410 poslpuld Inpltthl wrapper,
S80 (WHEN 12r, 10501' TORONTO
USE Tubacco Eliminator. a 'scientist*
treatmnot quluitly slope eremite for
Whaeen, olds the ayolom of nicotine. Eine
Drug Pharmareutlel Chemists (Alberta),
P,O. Ilex 073, London, Ont..
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant dignified pr*feealon, good wages,
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Alool'lca'a Greatest System
Illustrated Catalogue Free
Write or Call
058 Elinor St W., Toronto
44 King Sr, Hamilton
72 Rhino n St Ottawa
AN OPFER to ovary Inventor—Lies of in.
ventlono and full tnforn atlnn sent tree,
The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attor-
neys. 178 mink Street, Ottawa
FE'I'HERSTONHA tI(;FI & Dampens'. PW.
tont Solicitors. ltstabnshed 1890, 860
Bay Street, Toronto 0nnldet of informer
Mtn nn renoest
FARMERS; I have many reliable, ex-
perienced men from Holland available
for farm work, stoutly females. Apply
now and bo ready for spring. John
Vellinga, Box 234, Chatham, Ont. Phone
DEALERS WANTED, to take orders for
day old chicks and turkeys for ono of
Canada's largest Approved Hatcheries',
Liberal commission • paid. Peed dealers.
Watkins dealers and Imperial dealers,
matte excellent agents. Send for full de,
tolls. Box 12, 123 Eighteenth St., New
1 Was Nearly Crazy
With Fiery Itch
ttnnt I dtecuvered Dr. D.D. Dennis' omozingly
fast toilet —D. D. D. PmxrlmIoo, World.
05d0ae'frtmueItchingas pence pure,
from cruel
caused by eczema, pimples, mho, athlete's
toot end other itch troubles. 'rr101 bottle, 40o
L1rot application stheoks even the most Intense
itch or money hack. Aek druggist tor D. D. D
Pre0Orlttloa (ordinary or extra strength).
Wouldn't you like to jump out of bed
feeling fine?
Not up to par? ... you may suffer from an
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food may not digest freely—gas may bloat
up your stomach... all the fun and aparkle
goes out of life. That's when you need
Carter's Little Liver Pills. These mild
vegetable pills bring you quick relief from
constipation and so help promote the How
of digestive juices. Soon you'll feel that
b ap0ydaya are here again thonkata Carter'el
Pills. Alwoyas bavo them Carter's
hand Little
frmn any druggist.
ISSUE 3 — 1952
Ontario Ilydro Bonds
Yielding 4.07%
The new issue of Ontario Hydro bonds,
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Province of Ontario. The income from these
bonds is higher than has been available from
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offer as principals—
Province of Ontario Guaranteed
Hydro -Electric Power Commission
4% Bonds, due January 15th, 1967
Denominations: $500 and $1,000
Price: 99,25 and interest, to yield 4.07%
Mail orders receive prompt attention.
36 King Street rest
Toronto 1 Wood, Gandy & Company
Telephone: Etilpirc 4-1321 L ismtited