The Seaforth News, 1952-01-17, Page 1The Seafox
th News
$1 a year
Tuokersmith Council, comprised
of Reeve Arthur Nicholson and
Councillors Alfred Moffat, Wm. Ro-
gerson, Andrew Crozier and James
Doig held their ' inaugural meeting
in the town hall, Seaforth on . Mon-
day. Rev. A. W. Gardiner invoked
Divine guidance. Appointments:
Assessment commissioner, Wm. P.
Roberts; Ausable 'Cons. Auth., Roy
Bell; road supt., Robt. Dalrymple;
clerical asst. to road supt., E. P.
Chesney; fenceviewers, A. Broad -
foot, Wm. Kyle, 'Chas. MacKay;
poundkeepers, Scott Cluff, Leslie
Lawson, John Broadfoot, Melville
Taaquair; stock and poultry valua-
tors, Robt, Tyndall, Andrew Bell,
J. W. 'Crich; weed inspector, W. S.
Broadfoot. Grants of $10 and $25
were made to the Huron Crop Imp.
Assoc. and the Salvation .Army res-
pectively. Geo. L. Falconer reques-
ted council to pass a resolution re-
questing the County of Huron to
raise by debenture issue $285,000
for an addition to Clinton C.I. 'Cam -
oil passed the resolution with rider
attached that the village of Blyth
and Town of Clintgn should assume
one mill additional to their assess-
ment as these anunicipalities were
not contributing a fair proportion
according to the number of pupils
attending. Keith Sharpe and a re-
presentative .of Spraymotor Mach-
ines attended and council are inves-
tigating advisability of purchasing
a machine at -a cost of $1100 for
spraying weeds on roadsides and
for warble fly control, Rate of pay
for labor was set at 70c per hour;
team and mower $1.50. Dr. E. A.
McMaster, Mayor of Seaforth, and
Councillor Sillery waited on council
and requested township share the
cost of cleaning Silver Creek Drain,
Council will make a decision at a
later meeting, re the amount of
contribution. The clerk was auth-
orized to secure advice from the
township solicitors in. the matter of
an insurance claim by Arthur Var-
ley for beans damaged by weed
spraying. Council decided to
change the meeting date from the
1st Saturday in each month to the
first Monday in each month. Accts.
passed included: Election exp $130.-
130:06; grants $35; printing $40.88;
hospitalization $226.50; fire prot.,
$50; fox bounty $4; roads $3540.36;
relief $25; subscriptions $16; Ont.
Mum Bd. $5; salaries $125; postage
$5; rebates Fed. Agri. fees $1.42;
membership fees $20. Council ad-
journed to meet Feb. 4 at 2 p.m.—
E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
An invitation was accepted at
Monday night's meetings . of Edelweiss
Rebekah Lodge to meet with Huron-
ic Lodge, Clinton, at their regular
meeting, Feb. 4th, the occasion be-
ing their annual birthday meeting.
An invitation was received from
Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter, to
attend a members' dance there Jan.
17th. Miss Jean Scott, Mrs. Ann
Henderson and Mrs. Georgine Smith
were •appointed a committee to plan
a suitable affair to commemorate the
40th anniversary of our Lodge, May
12th. A post -Christmas party and
cards were enjoyed following the re-
gular meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krauskopf,
Dublin, announce the engagement of
their daughter Margaret Mary, Wa-
terloo, to Douglas John Moser, son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Moser, 31 John
St. W., Waterloo. The marriage will
take place February 2nd in St. Louis
R. C. Church at 9 o'clock..
Mrs. Joseph Grummett has re-
ceived a letter of congratulations
from the London City Council, as a
contributor to the historical feature
"Looking Over Western Ontario",
which has received an award of
merit from the American Association
for State and Local History.
Northside United Church
Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister
10 a.m., Sunday School
11 a.m., Worship: 'Sermon Text,
Mat. 9: 16.
11:30 a.m., Junior Congregation.
7 p.m., 1Vorship: Sermon Text,
Eph. 2: 8
A cordial welcome to all.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.
10 .a.m., Sunday School
11 a.m., "Jesus' Name".
7, "Human Responsibility"
Seaforth town council, at the
meeting on Monday night appointed
town •officials for the year as fol-
D. H. Wilson, town clerk and
relief officer, $1240 per annum; D.
H. Wilson, town treasurer, $800;
Wm, Ament, assessor, $600; J. F.
Scott, fire chief, $150.00; H. 'Malon-
ey, inspector under Weed Control
Act and Fruit Control Act, $7,00
per month; road foreman, $53.22
per month, caretaker and street
supt. $106.44 per month; McCon-
nell & Hays, town solicitors, at
$100 per annum; Brock, Davis and
Duni and Broughton, auditors, fee,
$500; tax collector, H. Maloney; A.
Bushie, scavenger and poundkeeper
$133,33 per month; fence viewers,
F. Scarlett, Jas. Broadfoot; M,
Turnbull, member public library
board; Dr. E. A. 'McMaster and B.
F. Christie, members :Community
Centre Board; E. Larone, member
:Scott Memorial Hospital Board.
J. E. Keating and Jas. A. Stewart
were re -appointed to the Community
Centre Board for a one-year term.
John 'Cummings was appointed
weigh scale operator, remuneration
to be fees collected.
'Committees were re -appointed the
same as last year. The chairmen are;
Finance, A. W. Sillery; Property, B.
F. Christie; Streets, T, E, Daly; Re-
lief, Reeve F. S, Sills; Fire and
Water, 3. C. Grich;+:Court of Revi-
sion, Mayor McMaster; Police, May-
or McMaster; Park, E. H. Close.
Councillor Crich reported he had
received a letter on Monday that the
new fire truck is now ready for in-
spection by the underwriters at
A grant of $25 was made to the
'Salvation Army_ Home at London.
A building permit was confirmed
to Clarence J. Walden for one -car
garage at residence, North Main St.,
estimated cost $500.
The finance committee was auth-
orized to continue the tax prepay-
ment plan.
The method of collecting the $3
from car owners whose ears are
towed off town streets at night to
aid snowplowing was discussed and
referred to the town solicitor.
A letter of regret will be sent to
town assessor William Arent on his
The street committee report, read
by Councillor Christie in the ab-
sence of Councillor Daly, stated that
breakdowns had caused delays in
plowing streets during the past
month. No contract has been made
yet for plowing and Mr. Jack Rice
is carrying on the work.
The report also stated that Mr.
Ross of Goderich had estimated cost
of making a preliminary survey of
Goderich Street widening, etc., at
$500 to $700. Council decided to
leave this till next meeting. Mr. Ross
recommended a Lucan engineer to
make a drainage survey of the town.
Additional stop signs are needed to
complete the bylaw passed last year.
Thirty-six signs have been erected
and 62 are needed. A No Parking
sign will be put up on the north side
of John Street- from Main St. to the
Salvation Army
Sunday: Directory Meeting 2:80'
P.m; Sunday Sohool 8 p.m., classes
for children of all ages. Salvation
Meeting 7 p.m. A cordial welcome to
all. Corps Officers: 2nd Lieut. I.
McNeilly and Pro. -Lieut. G. Douglas.
An Evangelistic Campaign is to be
held at the Seaforth Corps of The
Salvation Army from Jan. 81st to
Feb. 10th, under the leadership of
Envoy Wm. S. Clarke. Services each
night commence .at 8 p.m.
Envoy Clarke attended the Ont-
ario School for the Blind at Brant-
ford for tan years.
Envoy Clarke plays the piano and
accordian, and renders vocal solos.
The scripture lessons used, he reads
from the Braille edition of the Bible.
The Editor Seaforth News,
Dear Sir,—At this time on behalf
of the members of the Seaforth
Highlanders Band we would publicly
like to express our appreciation to
Mr. E. H. Close who recently re-
signed as leader of our band.
Al has been leader or member of
the band for more years than he
cares to remember, always giving
his utmost and practically eating and
sleeping "band." He is what you
would call a true bandsman.
Through •many difficult years he
has single-handed kept the band to-
gether, especially during the war
years when he lost most of his ex-
perienced players. Never sparing of
energy and often times doing things
at his 'own expense he kept the Sea -
forth band to the forefront and made
it a 'credit to our town. Everywhere
we went our kilted bandsmen drew
loud acclaims and it was largely due
to Al.
To be a bandsman for over sixty
years .means a lot of sacrifice and he
ig.'deserving of our heartfelt 'thanks.
He has not stopped there however,
but has already offered the benefit
of his experience to our new leader,
Mr. Stan :Smith, who will commence
his duties in February.
Naturally, we will miss Al around
the boardroom and on parade but on
the other hand we are glad to see
him take a well earned rest. We wish
him every success and will not say
"Goodbye" but simply "Au revoir"
and many thanks Al. Sincerely,
Frank Sills, Pros. Seaforth High-
landers Band.
Harvey Johnson, reeve of Morris
Township, was elected warden of
Huron •County, at the 'opening ses-
sion of Huron County Council, Tues-
day. Elmer Webster, reeve of Stan-
ley Township, moved that the elec-
tion be unanimous, seconded by
Reeve Dan Beuerman, of McKillop,
The newly elected
warden was born near
Bluevale in Morris, a
son of the late Mr.
and MTs. Silas John-
ston, He moved to
Grey in 1913, and at-
tended school at S.S. 2, Grey and
Brussels Continuation School. In
1980 he married Lela Lawson, of
Walton, and took up farming in
Morris. He has four daughters.
He is president of Huron .Co -Op-
erative Medical Service; vice-presi-
dent and charter member of Brus-
sels Lions Club; past master of St.
Johns Lodge, A.F, and AM., Brus-
sels. He had served in Morris Town-
ship Council for 12 consecutive
years, the last four as reeve.
He is past president of Morris
Federation of Agriculture; Brussels
Fair Board; and is Sunday School
superintendent in the United
Church, Walton..
Warden Johnston thanked the
council for the :honor, and pointed
out that Morris had only had :one
previous warden since its incorpora-
tion in 1902.
W. I.
The following committees are in
charge of the euchre and dance to be
held in the community centre on
Friday, Jan. 18, by the Seaforth
W. I.: Tables and chairs, Mrs. Gor-
don Horner and Mrs. John Hille-
brecht; lunch, Mrs, W. H. Coleman
and Mrs. Elmer Cameron; tallies,
Mrs. 3. Hillebreeht; prizes, Mrs. El-
mer Cameron; punchers, Mrs. Gord-
on Papple, Mrs. E. Kerr, Mrs. Wil-
fred Cameron, Mrs. E. Whitmore,
Mrs, Jas. Keyes. Each member is
asked to please bring a cake.
The Red Cross request that all
crutches which are not in use be re-
turned to the loan cupboard at Mrs.
Moore's on Main Street, as they .ore
urgently needed.
The following is the financial
statement of Seaforth Branch of the
Canadian Red Cross Society for the
year 1951.
Balance of cash on de-
posit Jan. 1/51 . ,
Campaign receipts
General donations
Bank Interest
$ 255,25
Amt. remitted to division $2180.00
Workroom supplies 436.69
Civilian welfare 16.40
Improvement to premises 2.75
Administration expenses 2.84
Cash on deposit Decem-
ber 31, 1961 65.89
Ivy M. Butt, Treas.
Plans were made for the programs
of the remaining portion of the year.
when the executive of the Horne and
School Association met on Friday
evening. Rev. D. G. Campbell will be
guest speaker of the Jan. 15 meeting
at which there will also be musical
The February 19 meeting will be
"Men's Night" when the men will oc-
cupy the chairs and supply the pro-
gram. Dr. C. E. Stothers, superin-
tendent of auxiliary classes, Dept.
of Education, Toronto, will address
the March 18 meeting on the sub-
ject, "The Special Child" and will
show two appropriate films. Around -
round -table discussion will be the feature
of the April 15 meeting; and the an-
nual meeting will be May 20.
Mrs. K. I. McLean was named to
the executive and Mrs. D. R. Stew-
art was appointed program convener
for the remainder of the group's of-
ficial year. The finance committee
plan to arrange events to raise funds
with which to buy a piano for the
new school. Pres. Mrs. W. T. Teall
gave a helpful report of the regional
conference and training school held
in London in November.
Seaforth Lions' Club are holding
Burns' Night in Seaforth Community
Center, Monday, Jan. 28th at 7 o'-
clock. Lads bring your Lassies and
enjoy •Scots' Songs, Quartettes, Duets
and Scots' dances led by the pipes.
This is your invitation—Lassies don't
forget it is leap year—See that Lad-
die brings you out. Guest speaker,
Professor James Scott. Our one re-
quest, let us know you are coming,
and how many, not later than Thurs-
day, Jan. 24th; sooner if possible,
for we must arrange for the number
of plates. Turkey dinner $3.00 for
Lad and Lassie; single plates $1.60.
Phone John Beattie 238W or Clint
Smith, Phone 97 for reservations.
More than 100 members, directors,
and others interested in the work of
the Seaforth Agridultural Society at-
tended the annual meeting Thurs-
day evening, which began with a
turkey dinner in St. Thomas' Angli-
can Church parish hall, served by the
Ladies' Guild.
During the course of the dinner,
community singing, led by J. R.
Spittal accompanied by J. M. Scott,
was enjoyed. Mr, Spittal also contri-
buted a solo. Thanks to the women
whb served the dinner were eonvey-
e.d'`by E, Nott; and R. E. McMillan,
on behalf of the directors, moved a
hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Ben-
nett, Mr. Spittal, and Mr. Scott.
R. W. Campbell was appointed the
society's delegate to the County Fed-
eration. The Baby Beef Calf Club
and Swine Club will again be spon-
sored by the society.
The 1952 Fall Fair dates were set
for Sept. 18, 19.
Directors; Hullett, E. Nott, Oliver
Anderson, W. Glazier; Tuckersmith,
A. Broadfoot, A. Nicholson, A. E.
.Crozier, Andrew Moore, Joseph Dev-
ereaux, jr.; McKillop, Leonard Leem-
ing, 3. M. Scott, R. W. Campbell, R.
E. McMillan; Hibbert, Ernest Tenm-
plenian; town of Seaforth, R. B.
D. H. Wilson and Mrs. J. B. Rus-
sell, auditors.
A directors' meeting followed, at
which Mr. Bolton was re-elected pre-
sident for his third term, and A,
Nicholson and R. W. Campbell were
re-elected vice-presidents, a secre-
tary -treasurer and the various com-
mittees will be appointed at a later
general meeting.
A special feature of the evening
was the presentation of Agricultural
Service Diplomas to two well deserv-
ing workers of the society, William
S. Broadfoot and Elton B. Goudie.
Mr: Broadfoot has been associated
with the society for 80 years, for
two of which, from 1926-1928, he
was president. Mr. Goudie gave un-
stintingly of his knowledge in agri-
cultural affairs to the betterment of
the society for a number of years,
until his retirement late in 1950 be.
cause of ill health.
Elgin Nott read an address, and
the presentations were made by Ar-
thur Nicholson and Robert W. Camp-
bell, vice-presidents. In replying,
both gentlemen said they would con-
tinue to help in every way possible.
Gordon McGavin introduced the
guest speaker of the evening, Gard -
Bennett, former agricultural re-
presentative for Huron County, now
associate supervisor of Boys' and
Girls' Club Work, Toronto.
Others who spoke briefly were
Mayor McMaster, Senator Golding,
A. Y. McLean, M.P.; G. N. Mont-
gomery, agricultural representative.
J. M. Scott showed color films of
fall fairs from 1942 to 1950.
Well, the people in Seaforth this
year can't complain of their hockeY
teams. Not one of the three .teams
has lost a game, and all stand first
in their league.
On Saturday night the Seaforth
Jrs. jumped Exeter Monarchs 14-0,
without the aid of Max Tiderman
and goalie Etter, Muir tallied six
for the locals.
In Milverton the Seaforth Bantam
Beavers dropped Milverton 4-8,
Seoins, Roberton, McFadden and
Scott brought Seaforth to victory.
Funeral service was held on Mon-
day from the G. A. Whitney Funer-
al Home, Goderich St. West, at 1:30
p.m. for Daniel Quinlan, 90, of Eg-
mondville, whose body was found
near the bank of the Bayfield River,
Friday. Mr. Quinlan had been a pa-
tient in Scott Memorial Hospita],
Seaforth, for a shoat period because
of a heart condition and last Thurs-
day had been removed to the Home
for the Aged, 'Clinton. On Friday,
he apparently left his room unnotic-
ed and after about two hours search
his partly clothed body was found
about one-half mile from the home.
Born in Tuckersmith twp., Mr. Quin-
lan worked as a laborer and game
trapper. Only known survivor is one
sister, Mrs. William Nicholson, De-
troit, Mich. Rev A. W. Gardiner of
Egmondville United Church officiat-
ed and interment was in Egmond-
ville cemetery.
The pallbearers were Roy Mc-
Geoch, Harry Chesney, Arthur Nich-
olson, E. P. Chesney, Clair Haney,
Rex McGregor.
On Monday night the Seaforth
Midgets downed the'Milvemton Mid-
gets 7-5 in the arena at Milverton.
The goals for Seaforth were made
by: McMillan 1, Lane 1, Mcllwain 1,
Muir 1, Rowland 3, Assists: Muir 3,
McMillan 1, Rowland 1, Pullman 1.
Four penalties were handed out,
two to :Seaforth and two to Milver-
ton. This makes 4 straight wins for
the Midgets, and no losses. The next
game is •on Thursday night at the
Seaforth Arena at 7 o'clock.
Lineup for the Midgets:
1st line—.Muir, Lane, Rowland;
Defense—Pullman, McMillan (Capt.)
2nd line—McIlwain, MtClinchey,
Taylor; Sub defence—Henderson,
Horton, Murray, Geddes.
tt u-eiLacute„
YOU TOO will be dreamy -eyed over
KING'S PLATE ... silverware with the
artistry of sterling ... old world craft-
manship attuned to modern tastes. So
heavenly beautiful, so heavily plated,
when you see and handle King's Plate
you will
forget all others. It's far
Canada'sfinest quality and value. We
will be proud to show you.
Jewellery Gifts Fine China
the basketball teams, by the County
Health Dept.
The football team's jackets have
On Friday last week in assembly
we were pleasantly surprised by
"Man with Horn" Flannigan, "Slush -
pump" Scott and "Key Pounder"
Rennie. The boys did a fine job.
This week the activities started in
tenth period for all those who wish-
ed to take part in them. Most of the
time the gyri is being used by the
basket ball teams that have started
in training. Other activities are the
Camera Club, typing, and hobby
crafts along with curling on Wed-
nesday for the bays who belong to
the Curling Club.
There has been some talk of new
cheerleaders, who have been work-
ing so hard they are full of aches
and pains. It is funny, we haven't
heard them yet.
This week a free medical exam is
being given to the boys and girls on
Bantam Series
Red Wings defeated Black Hawks
by the score of 11-3. Leon Murray,
"Farmer" McFadden each scored 4
goals, Bili Walters 2 and Gord Kelly
1 were the Red Wing scorers, For
the Black Hawks it was Watson,
Thompson, and McMaster each get-'
ting one.
In the other bantam game played,
Maple Leafs defeated Rangers 12-0.
For the Maple Leafs it was Mason
6 goals, Ron Scoins 5, Pat Sloan 1,
The Ranger scorers were Jim Scott
1, Carter 1, Stapleton 1, Pete Dale
1 and McNairn 1.
Pee Wee Series
Bruins defeated Canadian 3-2.
Reith scored two and Albright one,
for the winners. Larry Dale and Ray
Scoins tallied for the loser's.
Games next Saturday: 9 a.m., Ma-
ple Leafs vs Red Wings; 10 a.m.,
Black Hawks vs Rangers; 11:30
Bruins vs Canadiens.
The second half of the double
schedule got under way on Tuesday
night with -all six teams in action.
As usual a large crowd was an hand
to see the usual line of entertain-
ment which varies at times from
boxing matches to milder forms of
acrobatics—the greatest show on
Earth—for the money. This week
Hiram Shannon and Doc Cameron
did the whistle work and there was
plenty of it on the new icing rule.
St. Columban 5, Egmondville 3
The River Rats took it again from
St. •Columban to the tune of 5 to 3,
although this is a big improvement
over the first affair, the Villagers
are still lacking something—maybe
hockey players. Costello led the Irish
marksmen with two goals, Butters,
Horne and Jordan each beat Rice
for singles, three of these came in
the last period. St. C. spent 16 min-
utes in the cooler, two minutes to
Ron Butters and 4 to Jordan, Cos-
tello and Steve Maloney. John Flan-
nery, Doig and Bill Brown were the
scorers for the Villagers. Penalties
went to McNairn, K. Smith, Barry
and a pair to Carter.
Wanderers 8, Winthrop 1
This game started off fairly even,
the Wanderers were leading 3-1 at
the end of the second but the last
period was too much for the North-
ern entry. This was a fast and fur-
ious game at times both sides getting
their share of penalties. In the first
period Allie Hildebrand and Ken La-
rone beat Haase, Larone getting a
pair. The only goal in the second
was by Glen McClure. Ray Cham-
bers was helped off the ice after his
crash with Tanchuk. Glen Reist set
a new sort of a record in this league
at least by scoring 3 goals in the
first 1i4 minutes of play and got
himself another later in the period.
Arlie Hildebrand scored again in the
third. Tanchuk and Eisler were the
badmen for the Wanderers and Win-
throp penalties were taken by Glen
McClure, Cuthill, Ray Chambers,
Don. McClure, Scott, Strong and
Main Street 8, (Foundry 7
Bell Foundry almost succeeded in
stopping the unbeaten Main Street-
ers in the last and best game of the
evening. This was a cleanly played
game, the Foundry took three penal-
ties and Main St. 4. Goals for Bells'
were scored by Broome, Maloney,
Broome and Eisler one each and a
triple by Ross. Bill Smith couldn't
seen to miss the Foundry net, pick-
ing it for five goals, maybe this new
rule has something to do with his ac-
curacy. Chip Woods, Philips and
Patterson each scored once. This
was a close game all the way but
even pulling the goalie in the last
minute was not enough for Bell's to
win. Penalties were given to Malon-
ey and Broome for Bell's and Al-
brecht, Sills and Wood for the Mer-
Group 1 of the W. A. of Northside
United Church met at the home of
Mrs. J. Ellis with 17 members pre-
sent.. The devotional convener, Mrs.
Ellis, prepared a paper, choosing as
her thence "In the Beginning, God"
and used a poem, "The Threshold of
the New Year". Mrs. G. Pryce read
the scripture lesson. Mrs. S. Garn-
ham presided over the business of
the evening. It was decided that we
continue the use of blue bags in
1952. The February meeting will be
held at Mrs. W. Campbell's home
and will take the form of a bazaar.
Mrs, Close read a poen by Miss H.
Isobel Graham "Don't Worry". The
Lord's Prayer was followed by lunch
with Mrs. Garhnam and Mrs. Barron
assisting the hostess.
The grade 8 class has saved money
from selling Xmas cards for the last
three years to buy a radio recorder:
this year for sure we will have the
Last week the boys of grade eight
made a skating rink in the hack of
the school; we hope the weather will
soon turn cold so we can skate again.
! Sometime in March we are having
an operetta called the Romance of
Registration day in the kindergar-
ten will be held en Friday, Jan. 28.
Children who will be five by Jan. 1,
1958 may be registered any time
throughout the day.
There are several dogs that accom-
pany youngsters to school. These
dogs frighten some of the smaller
children, as well as being a nuisance.
Please see that your dog stays at
Very Reverend Father Thomas
McQuaid, S.F.M., Superior of the
Scarboro Foreign Missions Semin-
ary, Toronto, spent the weekend at
the home of his mother, Mrs. Joseph
McQuaid. Father McQuaid recently
returned from a three months stay
in Japan, visiting the Scarboro Mis-
sion priests who are doing mission,
work in Japan.
Mr. John G. Hinz has been con-
fined to Seaforth Hospital for the
past week, where he has been ser-
iously ill.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. S. Riehl at the time of the
passing of the former's mother, Mr's.
Louise Riehl, in Mitchell, were: Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Harris, Mr. and
Mrs. Redwood of Detroit; Mr, and
Mrs, Chas. Riehl, Dunnville: Mr. and
Mrs. Alf Riehl and Doreen of Tor-
Mr, and Mrs. John 0. Diegel of
North Bay visited relatives over the
Miss Helen Berg and Mr. Milton
Brodhagen of Gadshill with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Meek on Sunday.