The Seaforth News, 1950-11-30, Page 8, Highest Cash Prices for ,i Dead Stock HORSES $5.00 each 4 CATTLE $5.00 each HOGS .50 per cwt. ► According to size and ► condition 4 CALL COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 dRr CJS THE $ -`A ORTI1 NEW$ `PHURSD AY, NOV, 30, 1950 TFI17 S7-"A1e0#i.TkT NIUWS Snowdon Bros., Publiehera Authorized as Seoond Claes mai!, Fort Ofrico Dept., Ottawa THE MOST POPULAR. y'�y�4`�� +rwi ,lJ GIFTforHIM FINE QUALITY priced at 2.98 3.95 4.95 .L1 Forsyth, Arrow, Tooke and Van Heuser makes in favourite Atff whites, plain shades or nea$ stripes. Fused or Windsor collars,. single or French cuff styles. Sizes 14 to 18. Each shirt Christ- l • mas boxed 2,98 to 4.95 44 SMART XMAS NECKWEAR Is When in doubt, give him a smart tie-- ,, . Bold panels, plain shades, paisleys, or ,,ryyyP screen prints in all the best fall shades 1.00 to 2.00 VIYELLA Flannel Gowns 16.95 Soft, woven in England Viyella flannel gowns, make a perfect gift. Plain shades with contrast- ing plaid trim as sketched in wine, blue and brown. Sizes, small, medium, large and over- size 16.95 s; STEWART BRO$. THE CHRISTMAS STORE FOR MEN e R WI -HTE MUFFLERS A FAVOURITE GIFT Fine crepes, spuns, pure silks or wool knit in popular pure white. Each muffler gift boxed for him at ,,pp�►���.y�y�};�yy��..�y 1.9 5 yto. 3.50 d cics`.. t•, ieosure pian a`ICH LAY' 1°41 rist blas AT SAVAUGIE'S Jewellery - Gifts - Fine China Seaforth • OF Electrical Equipment IN STOCK THOR WASHING MACHINE THOR AUTO MAGIC THOR GLAD IRON HOME FREEZER SHALLOW WELL PRESSURE SYSTEM Treat the family to one of these Machines at a Special Discount Seaforth Motors HULLETT The annual meeting of the rate- payers of the Township of Hullett was held Nov. 24 in the Community hall, Londesboro, for the purpose of nominating a Council for -the year of 1951. As of the proclamations posted up in the seven polling sub- divisions in the township of Hullett. The nominations for Candidates took' place between the hour of one and two ,o'clock in the afternoon. At two p.m. the Clerk closed the nominations with the following Can- didates being nominated: For Reeve William J. Dale, pro- posed by William Govier, Thomas P. Millar. For Councillor, George C. Brown, by John W. Armstrong, Gordon Rad- ford; Thomas Leiper, by R. Rees Ferris, Alex Riley; Archie Young, by James McCall, John Young; William R. Jewitt, by Oliver Anderson, Hew- and Armstrong. This being all the nominations the Clerk handed the meeting over to the ratepayers. On motion of John W. Armstrong and William R. Jewitt, Geo. W. Cow- an was elected chairman of the rate- payers meeting. The Clerk went over the Auditor's report for 1949. He then gave a statement on the re- ceipts and expenditures up to Octo- ber 31, 1950. The Reeve, Mr. Wm. J. Dale was then called to the platform to ad- dress the ratepayers. Mr. Dale dwelt lightly on the affairs of the Town- ship. lie explained he would leave them to the Road Superintendent and the Council. He then dwelt. with the affairs of the County. Ile explained that he had with him statements from the various committees. He stated that he would not go into then all thoroughly as it would take up too much time, However he would answer any questions he could that the ratepayers desired. He thanked his mover and seconder for his nom- ination for another opportunity of serving the ratepayers, He thanked the ratepayers for their confidence in him by giving him an acclamation for 1551. He then wished all the compliments of the season. Mr. Len Caldwell, the Road Super- intendent was then called to the plat. form to give his report on the work in the township, Mr. Caldwell gave a report on the expenditure on the roads and bridges up to October 31, 7050, He explained the major work that had been carried out. He stated that he would leave the minor work to the Councillor's in charge of the various divisions. He wished all the compliments of the season. FOR SALE Dressed turkeys sad geese for Xmaa, well finished. Apply to M1tS, GEO, COLOLOUGH, RR, 1 Clinton, phone 806111 FOR SALE Shorthorn buil, 11 months old, or would exchange for heifer. Apply to JOHN Mc. COWAN, phone evetiags O66r8 Seaforth. Central FOR SALE 010re Jewel, all enamel kitchen .range, Te. servoir, warming closet and enamel shelf. Coal and wood grates. This stove is in A.1 shape. To see this range call at D. A. MOFFAT, Rin, '3 $ippon FOR SALE 6 room 2 storey. frame house x9th sun Perch. covered with roll brick siding, hydro, water, and good garden, '101 the village of Walton. Apply to CLIFF BROWN, Walton. Phone 19112 Brussels FOR SALE Two Shorthorn bulls, pear servioeable age, from 0 good milking dam. Apply to W, 0. MONTGOMERY, RR. 4 Welton, Phone 884r4 Sdaforthl FOR SALE Meanly Range, deep fife box for coal and wood, copper reservoir, in A-1 condition. Also Westinghouse electric iron in A-1 condition. J, HOLLAND, St, Cohnmban. Phone Dublin Odra 'FOR SALE Honey for sale. Offering balance of 1050 crop of White Clover and Light Amber Money. WALLACE ROSS, Apiarist, Seaforth. Phone 136 J WANTED A few Hereford heifers around 760 lbs. Will pay better than market price for good ones. Also a beef type cow to freshen soon wonted. Apply at The News office FOR SALE 1949 three ton Ford tractor and 21 -foot semi -trailer, Also house in village of IClppen. Immediate possession. For particulars write Box 1, xippan, or phone 074x12, Hensnll, Ont, • The Council were then called on in turn. Mr. Geo. C. Brown, Mr. Wm. 11. 'Jewitt, Mr. Thos. Leiper and Mr. Archie Young. Theyall gave an ac- count of the work tat had been done in their divisions of the township. Mover They all thanked their over and seconder for nominations. They all thanked the ratepayers for their con- fidence in returning thein by accla- mation for another year. They wish- ed all the compliments of the season. Mr. 'Geo. Carter was then called to the platform. He spoke briefly on the change of assessment. He explained the change as of the new system un- Hamilton, oat de CARD OF THANKS Luther Semens wishes to thank the many friends and neighbors for ninny acts of kind ness and srmpathy during his bereavement.: also for the dowers and those. who loaned' oars TENDERS WANTED Walton Community Hall Tenders will be received until noon,' Sat. urday, December 2, for sanding and finish - Ing the floor of the Walton Community 11011. Tar particulars BIENNETT Walton Phone 82.4 Brussels WANTED Chili's sleigh in good condition. Apply et News Office FOR SALE JA Sinai!, S. cook L k stove, tow , Quebec style, Apply to CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the peo)ile who sent me flowers,. fruit and cards. while in the hospital, MRS. RO8S T}IOJNT,T, FOR SALE Boy's suit, blue, with 2 pants, size 14. May be seen at SCOINS CLEANERS , ,", ui rat th rni,r,r AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 45 Night 595 W G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos. pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St.,Seaforth WANTED TO BUY Hours 9am - 6 pm. Wed. 9 - 12,30 Pian warted, Upright piano wanted, must Sat, 9am to 9 pm be in good condition. Apply at The News Office MARTIN W. STAPLETON WANTED Wanted to buy a studio couch in. good shape. Apply at The News Office STRAYED Jersey steer, been gone about two months, from lot 16, Con, 12, MoNillop. Anyone know- ing whereabouts please notify CARL DAL- TON, 48r9, Brussels FOR SALE McCormick -Deering 10-20 tractor on spuds, in good working order. Can be seen at Fergus Horan's, lot 4. con. 8, Me.Killop, or imply to FRED ECKERT, Dublin HOME WORK WANTED Typing done at home any time - letters, statements, reports, manuscripts, or what have you 7 Phone 507 W, Seaforth. JEAN HILDEBRAND. WANTED Wanted to boy all kinds of disabled horses, either thin or fat. W. 0. COVE/MOCK, Dick House, Seaforth. FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 26; 24 samples 21.00. Mall - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Go., Box 91, r the County Equalization. Mr. John Armstrong was then call ed to the platform. He complimented ' the Council on their work of the past year. He was pleased with the way they had handled the various prob- lems that they had to face during the past year and wished them success in the corning year. The representatives to the School Areas were then called on. Mr. Ar- thur Grange, of Goderich, and Mr. Oliver Anderson, of Seaforth. They both gave an excellent report on the work of their schools which was re- ceived very favorably by all. Mr. VanEgmond of Clinton was not able to be present. Mr. Ross McGregor gave an excel- lent report on -the Scott Memorial Hospital of Seaforth 'which was well received by all present. The Candidates .all subscribed to the Declaration of Qualification and took the Oath of Allegiance. As of Candidates nominated, I declare, of Candidate nominated, I delelare, Wm. J. Dale, Reeve; Councillors: Geo. C. Brown, Wm. R. Jewitt, Thos. Leiper and Archie Young elected to office for 1951 by acclamation. On Monday night, Nov. 27th, the Fireside Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs., Bob Dalton with 25 adults in attendance. After listening to the broadcast about "The Country Doctor": 2 discussion groups were formed. We feel fortunate, living in a community where there are adequate doctors and two hospit- als so close, but we believe there is a shortage of dentists. We think the day of the country doctor living in a small village is a thing of the past. With hospitals, doctors and nurses so expensive, some think the western provinces have better systems for medical care than Ontario. The following were winners for progressive euchre: - Most games and most lone hands, Mrs. George Hoggart and Hugh Campbell. Con- solation -Miss Fern Dexter and Har- old Storey. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.. Jamieson, *'blue coal';? 006 SOLID fUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT Phone 363J Res. 192M WILLIS DUNDAS Office Hours: 9.30.12 2.5.30 COAL We have in stock STOVE NUT ALBERTA STOKER BUCKWHEAT WILLIAIV M. HART Phone 784 Seaforth DA LING .& COMPANY F,CANADA, LIMITED Opportunity Sale of 35 Scotch SHORTHORNS At Community Park Barns CLINTON Tuesday, December 5 From the herds of JOHN OSTROM, VARNA CLIFFORD H. KEYS & SONS, VARNA ROBERT M. PECK & SONS, KIPPEN McKINLEY'S FARM AND HATCHERY, ZURICH ROY F. PEPPER & SON, SEAFORTH Auctioneers: William O'Neil, Denfteld; Lincoln White, St. Marys; Edward W. Elliott, Clinton For Catalogues, write Clifford It hays, Varna, or John Ostrom,, Varna Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Dar, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural hnstitute, Moorefield's Tye, and Golden Square throat hospitals. London, Eng. At Commercial hIotel, Seaforth, third Wednes,lya In each month from 2 to 4 p.m. -53 Waterloo Street, Stratford. Telephone 267 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC B. A. McMaster, B.A„M.D., Internist 1'. L. Brady, M,D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm to 5 pm, daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7.9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. O. TURNBULL, D.V,M., Y.S. D. C. MAPLESDEN, D.V.M„ V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 106 VETERINARIAN T. R. MELADY, D.V.M.,V.S. Main St., Dublin Phone 80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers - President, E. J. Trewartka, Clinton; Vice -Pres„ J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Manager & Sea-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth Directors -E, J. Trewartha, Clinton ; 3-, L. Malone, Seaforth; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris t,BoEwgolArchibald, Seaforth y h H. McinByth;Frak McGregor, Clinton • William S. Alexander. Walton ; Harvey Fuller, Godericb. Agents -J, E. Pepper. Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin ; Geo. A. Watt, Blyth ; J. F. Prueter, Brodbagen ; Selwyn Baker Brussels. Parties desirouao effect insurance or � transact other busif,ess, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter,Ontario President Angus Sinclair, R. R. 1, Mitchell Vise -President Milton McCurdy, R. R. 1, &irkton Directors William H. Coates, Exeter Martin Feeney, Dublin E. Clayton Colguhoun, Science Hill William A. Hamilton. Cromarty Agents T. G. Ballantyne, Woodham Alvin L. Harris, Mitchell Thomas Scott, Cromarty Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Frazer, Exeter Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Scafordh Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J, Exeter. FOR SALE 6. Room, 1742 Storey Frame house, with 3 Pc. Bathroom, Garage; situated on Chalk 8t. Prompt Possession can be given, 7 Room House, 8 Pc, Bathroom, Hot Water Heating, Hydro, Garage, two lots, situated on Centre St. Priced reasonable, Prompt pos- session, E. C: Chamberlain INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE BROKER Phones; Rea. 922Er0AFORTH Office 384. FOR SALE Frame dwelling on Victoria Street with all modern conveniences. Possession arranged. Frame dwelling in Dublin ; immediate pos- session Frame Cottage, with furnace,, garage. Im- mediate posaeesion Modern dwelling on Loupes St„ Seaforth. M. A. REID, Seaforth RADIO REPAIRS repairs ,t inexpensive o£ radios, guaranteed TERradio Y S RADIO IMAM, Opposite Dick House, phone 547R, Seaforth BARNS CLEANED And whitewashed following T.B, teat. Brand now sprayer ennoble of 1000 lbs pressure. Work done to inspector's satisfaction, Phone Dublin 44 r O. FRED HARBURN NOTICE Up to 95.00 each for Dead or Disabled Horses, Cows, Hogs, at your farm. Prompt Service, Phone WILLIAM 'Wm, t'SONS, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont.