HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-11-30, Page 6A H IR sir INGERito,Mit sal Gwt�t�t-lo:ne, ty t 1c11+1t,; This has been i very busy week v_,i.0;y in so t ways. We have isited and beep isititig; h:i,ve. lento buying and selling -.-gc:using lust• selves ht prepttratiugl for a very de- finite change in one way of living. '.chis has all come about bec::u.d - son Bob, in a very few day,., i•:ilt be leading north for neer worlds to conquer. After having hien at ]tome, week in and week t:t:t, for five years, being without hint is going to tak a little getting used to. •But then it the wander -lust is ht his blood should we make.a poor mouth and say --"fah no, don't -leave house..-vtie need you!" No, we haven't said. that—but we were anxious for Bob to consider well the step he was ti:king. Fins11;., fie definitely decided that he wanted to mance a move. How Partner and I w IH slake out by ourselves retrains to be seen, When it comes to - long-distance planning Partner is hard to beat but even planning cannot add to the amount of strength it takes to cover a day's work: As we sec it, a wise move for a couple working alone is to cut down on the over- head so that less work and less income is required to /maintain the farm and themselves. How long Bob will he goo; we clo not know. Whether the lure of the land will call hint back again in six months remains to be seen. Incidentally, we have been eery interested 11. the various continents expressed by friends when first they heard of Bob's intention of going away. Not a few of theme have sha- ken their heads ---"Too bad," they said. "you may rind out after you get away that the farm wasn't such a had place after all." Another said —"I don't know that I blame •you for going norti!--there isn't much in .farming fora young fellow these days!" Sometimes one wonders if there will be any young farmers a: all after a wile. \thong ot!te:- things I %vent to the city—staying overnight with daughter -and beeanse Bob was driv- ing me down 1 was even able to take Honey visiting. live- since we got Honey, daughter has been wor. rying me to take her down so she could introduce her to everyone at the house. Now it so happens that. the very person who raised •Honey as a puppy was roosting with daughter for the *inter and I knew she would Iike to see her. How did Honey behave' Just beautifully, She played with the little boys, begged when, she \vas told, made herself quite at home and was happy with eveything a:d everybody. At least she was once she had her way in one little matter. When we first $ot into the car Sob had an old coat on the hack seat for her to sit on. This, 1 o:ecver, did not suit Honey. She was no back-seat pas- senger ... no, sir' But, yet she was afraid to protest too loudly. So she stood up on her hind legs with her nose and front paws ou top of the front seat. Presently she began panting. I didn't think i could take that all the way to Tor- onto. Finally I said to Bob, "Honey isn't used to riding in the back seat —she is panting because she is ner- vouse. Better let her come in with me—she won't be any trouble." So Money carate over to the front scat --and from then on there was no trouble. Site just curled up and %hint to sleep, While I was !n 1oruuto and i,rowsing around a mew book store that was recently opened on Yongc Street, 1 bad rather a funny experi- ence. A salesclerk said to :ne— '•11ave you sects our second -floor di,playi" I told hien I hadn't but 1h:;t I wou1/1 go up atter seeing all ;I'c. was to ,see o; the first floor. I.. oiling to the eaten of ,the floor noticed two people ahead disap- peared all of a sudden. Following it the same dituctiot I presently ound myself in a .snail elevat r alone. Think inp ILi attendant Das . c&t around the corner 1 waited. :soddenly to sty ;rrpri€e, the door;; • lu:,ed and the elevator started 't upward Climb. "For goodness •.take." airs to lnsae.ii:, "this must b,. rule those automatic contrantinus. klo; now what dr, 1 der'" 1 looked at the f.ntsll-buttons---one red and ti black. Was i ,uppo,ed to manipulate any of thene -ii so which sr.c: \Citat vrosld happen if I tmhed the wrou -one' While 1 atai51111 ltatiillethlg the doors flew toesanti' there w,a. •a wotktn.i \.acting to get in. Well, 1 aro glad ,„ sec someone around," I exclaim. ed, "I wondered if I ,ve• going to side around in this thing for the resit of the afternoon!" The .titan laughed, and then er:plaincd the mechanism of the thing. Very Simple, once you know how—but it certainly gives you a queer feel- ing to be phut up itt a two-by-four ho and not know how to open it. Daughter said --"Tient man trust have thought you a biet:!" Maybe hilt need I worryi ISSUE- 48 — 1.95n "Dear Aree Elfish I am in my 40's 3131 n .,3t unbar:: y For 25 years Fre- tn0d to help my bus - baud, and, get Iona to twit drinking. I thoogltt i had --- '1'..n t i l a y V' It tl l; a r 11'o - num with child- rest began to pursrc Vitus "She is after hien un itis job,.: at Itonte. and every tthere h e goes. 1 can't see 11 It it' she thinks she or her children could benefit- for long (if he were free) by taking a niau in -poor ltealtll, nearly 60 -and just the right age to make a fool of hititself! "She thinks 11e is staying with me only out of honor.. That is not true. When I learned of the affair, I offered hits his freedom. I love hunt enough fur that. He refused, saying he loves me and would not want to live without use, - "Them why doesn't 'ht• behave himself"r 1 drink he wouid, if she t ruin t,: let him alone, 1 n,tt't :•te 110W 1 ran -50 on, if itt do,,sirt change. !'leas.' help me. - W O 1t H 1 ER" • THREATEN TO LEAVE * If yon are sit such an unnerved '• state that you cannot endure• this `r any, longer, tell your tIusband so. 1f he will not stot, seeing this woman, you interact to leave him -for good. * I don't believe he will let you * go * It is true that a mean of bis age often takes a last {ting—to e,: prove to himself he can -still at- tract women, or just to snatch '' what nen thrills' while he can.- * He takes no thought of the loyal wife he betrays, nor of the shame ,t she feels at his antics. Of course he is only slaking himself ridi- culons fn the eyes of alt who know hint. but he is blind to * that. It is only his wife who- ': sees. * brought up before the possi- bility of losing that wife, stow- * ever, he realizes all site means to * hien, luso, c,11,1, ilii 1's1. =rr't4ld • int without t n tee:, ' \ tit l t h:O d know In,* deeply you love het; you, olker. i ? frre trim proves it. 111• witi " nit iu it it 1 art: were'. [It Will e -i n i 11 tt t% 4. k levan thin " put.'tt11 t'vt, ti he has tc'" her frankly- that he 11541. t lu Soto I shan d s case f ax• p<'et it loll taret is do.jta., lu,r t am :•11rt' he It tales all a wonlan'4 courage to threaten to leave it wandering husband — but the result is often worth it. Anne Hirst is here to listen to your troubles, and help you end them. Write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St„ New Toronto, Ont. SWEETLY SOLEMN THOUGHT When Marshall Foch visited the {,raid Canyon, the escorting digni- tary htitig breathlessly on the Mar- . sbal's words as he turned to hint after a long .scrutiny of the depths below. "Note," he thought. "I sllalI hear something trortliy of passing along to my children and my grandchild-. rem" Observed the Marshal, "What a beautiful place to drop ones mother-in-law1" Top Drawer Resident ----A heavy run by the stork left the Arlington Hospital without any vacant cribs. Nurses solved the problem in a familiar way—putting dresser drawers into service. Here, tiny Vivian Jeanette Hyde peers contentedly from her dresser drawer "crib." 11 ttle I€s\v'9)?: tr 0 0 it 0 0 O k\ U • ALL PURPOSE Watch her eyes light up when you bake her own birthday cake! And watch, too, how the whole family/ joins in the spirit of the festive occasion when the cake is ,home -baked with FIVE ROSES flour. For that special dessert or party surprise a, feather -light, flavour -perfect cake will always make a hit — and with FIVE ROSES Top -patent All Purpose Flour it is a simple natter to always make a perfect cake. Yours for better horse -baking, YOU CAN SAVE WITH FIVE ROSES There are worthwhile savings for your budget when you bake with FIVE ROSES All Purpose Flour. Miss Harvey, who has tested hundreds of basic food recipes in her own kitchen, prepared the good food shown here: This food was baked under normal home -baking conditions so that the costs can be duplicated in your own baking. If anything, your costs may be lower --- depending on where you live and whether you use some of your Iocal produce. But whether in city or town --- village or farm community -- you can always depend on low-cost, perfectbakitt;2 the FIVE ROSES way. S Director—Five Roses kitchen, dex 6400—Montreal, Tri iffs'Oven1 s1 dt &a ad for your next baking L 1, r L OF Tt \, ' t' ODDS MILLING COMPANY LIMITED