HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-11-30, Page 4DUBLIN CONTINUATION SCHOOL NEWS Practice for the Christmas con- cert has begun in earnest, When asked what .a certain group of girls. were preparing, a student was told that an angelic charas was in the making, An apt comment was over- heard: "It's going to take a lot of practice to make angels out of that crowd, Our new high powered microseope which was ordered early in the term, arrived last week. (Some weird). We wanted to examine a scale of a gold- fish but we did not have the' heart to kill one of our beauties. We are hop- ing that some of our strong men will not mistake one o£ those ereatures for life size and tackle it, Some of the weird ereatures we discovered caused our "angels" to !tare night- mares, BRODHAGEN Brian Arthur, infant sae of AIr. and Mrs. Ed. Fisher of Seaforth was baptized at the Sunday morning ser- vice at St. Peter's Lutheran Church. The sponsors were Mies Joyce Diegel, Ralph Fischer, Mr, and Mrs. Wilber Hoegy, Mr. John A. Arbuckle returned home from Westminster Hospital, London afafterundergoing. treatment for the past three weeks. Mr. Rudolph Fischer returned to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ken- neth Schmidt and Mr. Schmidt after being confined to Seaforth Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London, Mrs, Robert Gibb and Sharon of Chatham visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smyth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grove and sons. Harold and Robert and Mr. Jack I{oepfgen of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rock for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hinz, Maur- een and Winnifred spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. oDn Barber at Guelph. Mrs. Louise Hinz retcrned to her home after receiving treatment at Stratford Hospital. HURON NOMINATIONS Results in Huron are as follows: Blvth For reeve: William Morritt:(aecl.). For council (all qualified, four to be elected): Lorne Scrimgeour, Geo. Radford; W. Riehl, H. Vodden, Nor- man Hamilton, Lewis Whitfield. For school trustees (two by acct.): Mrs. Franklin Bainton, Mrs. Winona McDougall. Howick For reeve: E. H. Strong (accl.). For council ((all by ace!.): Edward Newton, Emerson Hargrave, Arthur Gibson. For school trustees: East Howick (all by acct.), Alfred Herman, Ar- thur Mitchell, Ira Shaeffer. Goderich township For reeve: Gordon Orr (accl.). For council ( (all by accl.): Edward Grigg, Wilmer Harrison, Clayton Laithwaite, Kenneth :Verner. Turnberry For reeve: G. N, Underwood (quail, John G. Fischer (qual.), For council (four to be elected): Robert A. Powell (qua!,), P. H. Abra- ham (qual.), Herbert Foxton (qual,), A. D. Smith (qual.). W. J. Willets ((mal.), Percy Biggs dqual.). For school trustees: T. E. Powell (qual.), Elgin Kirton (qual.), Bert Holmes (qual.). West Wawanosh For school trustees (both by accll: Wallace Miller, William Webster. Colborne For reeve: Stanley Snyder (accl.). For council (all by accI.): John Keringhame, James Horton, Terence Hunter, Harold Montgomery. For school trustees fall by accl,): Benjamin Strong, Milford Durst, Or- val Blake. Brussels For cnuncil fall by accl,): William Spiers, R. W. Kennedy, Adrian Mc- Taggart, Robert Bennett. For school trustees (three seats, all but one of six nominees with- drew) : Gerald Gibson (acct.(. ST. COLUMBAN Mrs. Gerard Marchand, Tilbury and Mr. Joe Murray, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray. Miss Dorothy Walters, Clinton, at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Con Holland, and Leona, all of London, Mary Lenore of Kitch- ener spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Holland. Miss Margaret O'Sullivan, Guelph, with her mother, Mrs. James O'Sulli- van. Miss Mary Kennedy, St. August. tine, with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Ken- nedy, Miss Kate Lynch with her sister Mrs, Henry Mciver, in Seaforth. The many friends of Mrs. James Doyle are sorry to hear of her re- cent illness. Miss Mona Sloan, Stratford and Joe of Centralia, spent the weekend at their home. DALRYMPLE'S Egmondville have on. display a large assortment of GIFTS for every occasion, ranging from 5c upwards. Inspection invited, Open every day and even- ing until Christmas, WINTHROP Mr, and Mrs. W, 1'l, Hawley and Mrs, Hutchings visited in London on Tuesday with Kra. C. Hawley. Mrs. Hutchings will leave for her home in California some time next week. Mr, Ross Montgomery of Brant- ford and Miss Shirley Montgomery of London spent the weekend at their home. HIBBERT Ribbert Township's nomination meeting was hod in Staffa township stall on Friday, Nov. 24. The follow- ing were nominated: Frank Allan for Reeve: For Council, E. R. Dick, W. Cliff Dow, Edgar Butson, John L. Coyne, Iild. Deering. Harold Pethiek and Andrew Whethain for trustess for School Area No. 1. All nominated qualified with the exception of Mr Deering. Therefore the council for 1951 and trustess will be the same parties who held office for 1950, Mr. Joseph Atkinson was chosen as chair- man. The Reeve and Council outlined the work going on in the county and municipality, ali ty. The meeting closed nd with the singing of the National An- them. BRUCEFI ELD Mr. Petrie A. et to ha s returned rnocl from Seaforth and i hospital psnow conva- lescing at the home of his sister Mrs. R. Allan. Brucefield W.A. held a successful bazaar last Friday, proceeds around $820.00. Services in the church for the last three Sundays have been held in the schoolroom of the church. The audi- torium which has been re -decorated will be re -opened next Sunday, Rev. H. Snell of Exeter will be the guest speaker at both services, special mu- sic by the. choir. Mrs. Lorne Wilson spent the first of the week with relatives in De- troit. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gramm of Caro, Mich., spent a few days re- cently with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gramm. Mr. Thos. Chuter of London, spent the weekend at his home here. On Sunday, Nov. 26 at the 11 o'- clock service in the United Church, Rev. W. J. Rogers used the theme "God Needs You". The choir rend- ered the anthem "Thanks be to God" in which the solo was taken by Mrs, Hugh McEwen, At the evening service a helpful missionary film "The Kyoto Story" was presented to an encouraging attendance. Rev. P. A. Ferguson of Carmel Presbyterian Church ably assisted Rev. Rogers at this service. Carmel Church with- drew evening worship in favor of the filers. Following the showing of pic- tures Rev, Rogers presented these in Chiselhurst United Church. Next Sunday evening, Dec, 3 at 8 p.m. there will be presented in Carm- el Church an outstanding religious film "Second Chance". All are wel- come. The United Church is with- drawing the evening service owing to this event. Rev. Rogers will con- duct morning service at 11 a.m. as usual. Miss Dorothy McNaughton spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. John Selves and Miss Mabel Selves and at- tended the Jacques -Copeland wed- ding on Saturday. 31:-a, Tait of London spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Orville Twitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson and family of London were weekend visitors with Mrs. Ferguson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones, Mr, and Mrs, A. Pearson of Tor- onto were weekend visitors with the latter's mother, Mrs. Annie Saunder- cock. THS 5 +. tWOR'Ti: NEWS Messrs, Ed. Schroeder and (lose Corbett were in Toronto last week attending the Royal Winter Fair. Community night under the 40 - piece of the Hensall Women's Insti- tate was held in the Town hall, Hen- sall, on Friday night, Nov, 24th.:The merciumts on Main St. (south) do - stated the prizes for this event, which was a decided success. All types of card games were featured. The Seamin Orchestra provided mu- sic for dancing, The ladies operated a lunch booth, The following commit- tees were in charge. Those setting up tables ere, were Mr >. Orr, Miss Pyllis Case, Mrs, Middleton, Mrs. W. Sangster. Luneh Committee, Mrs. Kerslake, Mr's. J, Paterson, Mr's. Horton, Mrs Hess and Mrs, Normin- ton. Following are the donors a prizes followed by winner's naive: Goodwin's, Mrs. J. Corbett; H. Keyes, Mr. Fred Beer; Robt, Cook, Mr. 51, Drysdale; A. Clark Geo, Me- Leod; Flynn's Barber Sliop, Mr's. Orr; Dr. Goddard, Jack Lavender; Geo. Hess, Mrs. Lavender; I{osy (Wm. nt Brown; KornerLee), W Elliott's Grocery, Mrs, Chesney; W. Spencer, Mrs. 'Desjardin; Middle - ton's Drugs, Audrey Walsh; Lorne Hay, Kay Bell; Ed, Fink, Miss Gladys Luker; J. Tudor, Thos. Mey- ers; T. Son, Keith V Welsh andVol- land; 'J. Henderson, Thos. Lavender; Kennedy's Baker y, Geo. Hess; Scholl's Grocery and Meat Market, Wm. Fairburn; A. Orr, Mrs. Bev). ham; Brown's Hdwe., Mrs. J. Shep- herd; Benham's, Mrs. Koehler, The spacial Institute prize a table lamp. was won by Robt. Kerslake, Exeter, Mrs, Fred Beer, President, was in charge of the draw and Miss Phyllis Case drew tickets. Hensall stores 'will remain open on Wednesday afternoons, Dec. 6, 13, and 20 and will remain open even- ings on Dec. 21, 22 and 23 for the benefit of Christmas shoppers. Huron Masonic Lodge A.F. and A. NI. had their annual visit of D.D.G. M,A.R. Scott on Monday evening. There was a good representation present from the district lodges. Officers initiated Mr. J. F. Black- well, principal of Hensall Public school. A turkey barbeque concluded the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Middleton and Bobbie visited with relatives in De- troit last week. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Bonthron and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Drysdale spent the weekend in Detroit. STAFFA Staffa Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. C, W. Worden Wed- nesday afternoon with 16 members answering the roll call: "The job I dislike most about the farm." Mrs. Les Butson discussed the motto, "Grumbling spoils more homes than poor cooking,' Current events, pre- pared by Mrs. W. Glanville, were read by Mrs. R. McDonald. Mrs. Wil-' Liam Houghton and Mrs. T. Laing re- ported on the London area conven- tion. Mrs.- H. Harburn contributed an instrumental solo; and Mrs. Alex Sinclair, Sebringville, district presi- dent, was guest speaker• for the meet- ing. Mrs. Bowman, the president, was in the chair for the business per- iod, when it was decided to send a parcel to Denny Institute, Scotland. It was voted to send '$5.00 each to the "Save the Children Fund" and to the blind. It was also agreed to in- vite the Council members and their wives to the annual"At Honie" on Nov. 29. Lunch was served by the hostess. Staffa W.M.S. and W.A. held a successful bazaar and baking sale in Staffa hall this week, the net pro- ceeds amounting to 813. Those in THURSDAY, NOV. 30, 1060 charge were: clothing table, lgrs. Les Butson Mrs. Barbour, Mrs. Bowman; baking, Mrs, Fell, Mrs. L. Worden, Mrs, C Vivian; vegetable and pro- duce, Mrs. R. Vivian, Mrs, Sam Mor- ris; fish pond, Mrs. Daynard, Mrs. Kemp; Christmas cards,. Mrs, Reed; tea table, Mrs. A. Smale, 'Mrs. A.' Jeffrey, Mrs, M. Deering'; candy, Mrs. C. H. Dow. Mrs, 0tlirien was treasurer for the afternoon, ZURICH Nola Mae Bechler became the bride of Mr. Donald James Scott in a cere- mony in St, Peter's Lutheran Church here, Rev. E. W. Heimlich, assisted by the unele_of thebridegroom;, Dr, R. G. McKay, officiated at -the sere- mony. Miss Audrey Heinrich played the Wedding music, and the soloist, Mrs, Harry Hess, Zurich, sang "0 Perfect Love" and "I'll Walk, 'Beside You," She was dressed in apple red crepe. The bride is a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Bechler, Zurich, and the bridegroom is it son of Mrs. Grace Scott, Cromarty, and the late Mr. Russel Scott. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white slipper satin, fashioned with a train. Her veil was of illusion net, e carriedbouquet of red andshe ta ' Sweetheart roses. Miss Grace Bech- ler, Goderich, was maid of honor for her cousinShe wore a gown of pale bine silk taffeta with a shoulder - length veil, and carried a bouquet of yellow Sweetheart roses. Bridesmaid was Miss Barbara Bechler, La Crosse, Ind„ also a cousin of the bride, She had chosen a formal gown of yellow silk taffeta with shoulder length veil, and her bouquet was of pink Sweet- heart roses. Mr, Gordon Laing, Crom- arty, was best man and ushers were Mr. Robert Laing and Mr. Ivan Beoh- ler, brother of the bride. The wed- ding dinner was held at the Dominion House, Zurich, where the rooms were decorated in pink and white, The bride's mother received in a dress of black silk jersey. Mrs. Scott assisted, wearing a dress of wine silk velvet. The couple left on a honeymoon trip to Indiana, Toronto and Niagara Falls, For travelling the bride donned a dress of skipper blue wool gabar- dine, and wore pink accessories and a wine topcoat. On their return the couple will reside on the bridegroom's farm at Cromarty. Guests at the wed- ding were present from La Crosse, Ind., Tiverton, London, Niagara Falls, Grand Bend, Cromarty, Zurich and Goderich. Now! Perry Mason Seven Days A Week! Follow the thrilling exploits of PERRY MASON each weekday in Daily Detroit Times comic pages. For an extra treat, see Erle Stanley Gardner's famous lawyer -detective hero in thrilling color, every week in PUCK, The Comic Weekly, with The Detroit Sunday Times, starting with this Sunday's (Dec, 3) issue. The Voice 01 Temperance On November 28th„ the citizens of Orillia vote on the question as to whether the town is to remain dry as it has been for 42 years or whether it is to go wet with the in- troduction of a liquor store and brewer's warehouse. One of the ar- guments of the wets is that a liq- uor store would help the tourist trade. The answer to that argu- ment is given in a statement sign- ed by 21 district resort operators. "One of the greatest attractions Orillia has, to both the hotel own- ers and their guests, is the fact that it is one of the few towns left' that is not cursed by the presence of a brewer's store." God Save Orillia from the curse.—Advt. AM a NIT THEATRE i SL+ Ax OJ, Now Playing "GOOD-BYE MR. CHIPS" Tbrirs. Prl. Sat Greer Gerson and Robert Donat We are bringing4scek ono of the most cherished ACAP1;MY AWABA Pictures ever made. We behove you will agree "it is a picture to remembot" Mon. Tues. Weil "FOR THE LOVE OF MARY" with Edmond O'Brien -.Deanna Durbin,•.Don Taylor As a hello girl on the Chief Exeoutive's switchboard Miss Durbin's task is to keep cranks, pests and nuisances from herrn connected with the Chief. Prethy+ se - mance, youthful MOW, and pleasant music tt'a ,rade 10 the audience's taste. in Technicolor "CQMANCHE TERRITORY" Next Thur,,Fri, Sat. with Maureen O'Hara and MacDonald Carey Jim Bowie who wrote Western history with a noshing blade or a keifo, end set the Badlands aflame with his oxploita, the strange sage or a hugged L'rentlorsman COMING: "THE SECRET GARDEN" with Margaret O'Sullivan and Dean Stockwell 1 SOMETHING NEW & DIFFERENT GIANT CAR AUCTION Sat., Dec. 2 WEATHER PERMITTING OVER 50 CARS FROM 1950's DOWN TO BE SOLD AT YOUR PRICE All cars winterized and ready to go Late models carry our usual Guarantee Terms — 40% Cash — Balance 18 Mos. Come early - select your car - then drive it - and buy it Sat., Dec. 2nd, 1950 Burns Motors Ltd. Waterlob & York Sts, LONDON • Fairmont 9024 GEO. GARDNER & SON, AUCT1`ONEERS Melia NOTICE All Ex-R.C.A.F. Aircrew who received their wings as Pilots and who would be interested in joining an Active Reserve unit in the Goderich district, write or contact: Chief Flying Instructor, Sky Harbour Air Services, Goderich, P.O, Box 309, Phone 1180, and give the following particulars, Rank upon discharge, number,) present age, marital status, number of complete flying hour's to date, end mention number o'f flying hours (if any), since date of discharge. All persons joining such a reserve unit will receive a minimum of 20 hours flying time and will be paid $100,00 upon completing the course which consists of the mentioned flying hours as well as a series of ground school lectures. There is no cost to members. This will not interfere with one's reg- ular daily work in any way. This course will permit persons to obtain new civil pilot licenses if they desire such. FROM THE WORLD'S FINEST AIRCRAFT TECHNICIANS 11 "®® Ota dao®. Olt' &I D kie #/ Another R.C.A.F. jet is ready ! Serviced for flight by the world's finest aircraft technicians who have checked her over from nose to tail. These are the men whose skill and knowledge keep 'em flying safely. Your expanding Air Force AERO -ENGINE, has openings for AIRFRAME, INSTRUMENT more men immediately and RADIO TECHNICIANS to train as If you are between 18 and 30 and in good physical condition, you can do a service to your country by joining this team of experts. You will be given a complete and thorough training on the latest equipment, under skilled supervisors, and learn a valuable trade in the modern field of aviation. Act NOW Find ort how you can train as a skilled technician in Canada's expanding Air Force, See the R.CA.F. career counsellor at the address in the coupon —• or mail this coupon. Roma! Can Neale mme, arNah1E (Picardmom er'`irlimit PeepG0 8f wua,Qari,,,,, rt 6e Itc seSTREET PDDg5; t).... .................. b/e i„ ,be .a tt .cash,. CITY........................... era/car/ore (by grade and province 'i'ItbkliVCg Force : aGg GA., =;wa