HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-11-16, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1950 F000V4Li RED BIRD MATCHES 3 Boxes 21c LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS 3 Pkgs. 26c GARDEN PATCH GOLDEN WAX BEANS 2 Tins 27c BOWES MINCEMEAT Large Tin 39c SANDWICH FILLED COOKIES 1 Ib, 29c PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz. Jar 32c CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE 1 Ib. Bag 960 CHICKEN HADDIE Large Tin 25c CHOICE QUALITY TOMATO JUICE 20 oz. Tins. 3 for 29c JUICE ORANGES in shopping bag 3 Doz 890 WRIGHT'S SUPERI Phony 77 OR FOOD MARKET We deliver BORN ANDERSON—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Noutmber 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson, Londeaboro, a son (Robert David) FEENEY—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on November 9th, to Mr, and Mrs. Carl Feeney, Seaforth, n daughter VOGELS—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on November 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vogels, RR. 1 Dublin, a daughter •OHAPPEL—At, Scott Memorial hospital, on November 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fillmore Channel, Cromarty, a son ELLIOTT-- At Scott Memorial Hospital, on November 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elliott, RR, 2 Walton, a son THUELL—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thuef, Blyth, a son (still born) EUCHRE & DANCE ST. COLUMBAN PARISH HALL Under auspices of C.W.L. MONDAY, NOV. 20 Euchre at 8..30 p.m. Lunch served Admission 50e EVERYBODY WELCOME TUCKERSMITH On Wednesday, Nov. 8, the Tucker - smith Ladies Club held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Norris Sillery with a fair attendance. After the usual opening the roll call was answered with the "maiden name of your mother-in-law," Several business items were discussed, the main one being the auction sale of quilts, sew- ing, baking and other miscellaneous articles to be held in S,S. No. 4 school on the evening of Nov. 24, a social evening to follow. The slate of officers for 1951 were read and adopt- ed as follows: President, Mrs. Wm. Roberts; vice president, Mrs. Bert Garrett; secret- ary, Miss Lois Crich; treasurer, Mrs, Frank Walters; asst, sec.-treas., Mrs. Frank Falconer; pianists, Mrs. Wm, Rogerson, Mrs, Wm, Pepper; flower com„ Mrs. Walter Pepper, Mrs. Roy Pepper; sewing Walter, Mrs. Warren Whitmore, Mrs, Herman Crich; quilt cont„ Mrs. Howard Johns, Mrs. Alden Crich; social own., Mrs. Wm. Pepper, Mrs, Don Crich, Mrs. Eldin O'Brien, Mrs. Ernie Crich; Press reporters, Mrs. Norris Siilery, Mrs, Jas, Lands - borough. The meeting was closed and lunch was served by the hostess and the members of No. 3 group. NURSES BALL Under auspices of the Nurses of Scott Memorial hospital on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 in Cardno's Hall Dancing 9 to 1 Admission $2.50 a couple Dress Optional • AT BARGAIN PRICES 12' MASSEY-HARRIS SWATHER Cockshutt 80 TRACTOR • M. -H. 81 TRACTOR M. -H. 20 Standard TRACTOR Model S Case TRACTOR Allis Chalmers COMBINE International 5' COMBINE, 2 years old, with. motor M. -H. 10' COMBINE, 2 years old, pick-up, lights, and rotary screen SPECIAL ATTENTION will be given to orders of New Machines for next year's delivery, placed before end of November 1950 W. T. TEALL PHONE 141 SEAFORTH n Stock Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproe Beaver -Board, Arborite, Tentest Blocks Finishing Lime,, Mason's Lime, Spraying Lime Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles, Roll -Brick Siding, Insulated Siding and Roll Roofing Place your order for CEMENT now INSULATION Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts Lumber, Sash and Doors Storni Sash made to order Custom Millwork Seaforth Supply :Fuel Ltd. "Where The Best Costs No More" SEAFORTH 47 THE S]MFORTH NWS TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hoover and Mrs. Jessie Clark of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mau- rice Charette Mr. and Mrs. E. Woodward of Sudbury, who have spent the past month at the home' of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Char- ette left this week for their hone. Mr. and Mrs, Norman MacLean and Anne and .Billy spent the week end in Kitchener. Mr. James Kelley of Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 0. Kelley, Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Williams and son Brian, of 'Gary, Indiana are spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs M. McKellar, Mrs, Gladys Ferguson is on a mot- or trip with 1VI1'. 'and Mrs, Oliver Fer- guson of 'Toronto, to Florida for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bryson McQuirter and family of Midland spent the weekend wibh Mrs, Frank Storey. Mrs. Frank Storey is spending this week in Midland, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hayter and family of Flint, Mich„ spent the weekend with Mrs. Hayter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Finlayson, Mr. and Mrs. Don Eastman spent the weekend at Arthur. Mr, and Mrs. V. 19, Peiffer and two daughters spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoggarth and Mrs. Christina Brown and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grieve, Brant- ford, visited over the weekend with Mrs. James Grieve. Miss Pauline Matthews, Kitchener, spent a few days last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Matthews. Mrs, Margaret Devereaux and Miss Joan Devereaux,Toronto, visited with relatives and friends over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Caskanette and family, Woodstock, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kelly. Mr. "Donald Stewart, Windsor, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Chas. Stewart. Reeve Frank Sills is attending the County. Council meeting held in God- erich-this week. The staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce presented Mr. Wm. Stew- art with a Ronson lighter. Mr. Stew- art has been transferred to Port -EI - gin. Mr. Donald Munn and Mr. Wm. Munn, London, spent the weekend with their parents Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Munn. Mrs. Jacob Wurm is a patient in the Stratford General Hospital. Mr. Ray Pleuf, Montreal, visited with friends over the weekend. Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. It. Kennedy. Mr. Maxwell Grose, who has been on the Provincial Police Force for the past few months, has been transferr- ed to Peterborough. Mrs. Arnold Stansell, Aylmer, is visiting with her sister and brother- in-law Mrs. Ralph McFaddin and Mr. McFaddin. Mrs. John Hotham, Jr., is a patient in the Scott Memorial Hospital Mr. Kenneth Eaton, Toronto, visit- ed with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton over the weekend. Miss Jeanne McIver visited in Kitchener last Sunday with her sister NIiss Margaret McIver. Mr. Allan Ryan, Toronto. spent the weekend with his aunt, Mrs. Thos. O'Loughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Evans, Tor- onto, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westcott. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Scott spent last week at Monetville, N. Ontario, and also visited in Toronto on their way home COUNCIL MEETING (Continued from Page 1) S. Williams, 860.75; E. Miller $60.- 75; 60:75; S. McGregor, $28.50; J. Heffer- nan, 67.50; Canadian Bank of Com- merce, $25.45; Bell Telephone Co., $16.95; Municipal World, 42.01; Treas. County of Huron, Indigents, 813.50; Treas. of Ont., Prov. P., $478.04; Relief, 634.30; D. H. Wil- son $150.00; J. Cummings, 6117.00; H. Maloney, 4125.00; A. Bushie, $125.00; Jno. A. Wilson, $20.00; Rowellffe. Motors, 82.10; NI. E. Clarke, $27.63; Rice Motors, $149.- 90; 149:90; P. J. Dorsey, 41.25; Kerslake's 622.45; Baldwin Hardware, $12.76; Seaforth Farmers Co -Op $11.00; W. M. Sproat, $1:27.80; National Sewer Pipe, 640.49; Canadian Nat'l RY., 811.77; Seaforth Supply & Fuel, $3.- 92; E. Miller, $8.25; J. E. Keating, 64.00; Wm. Ament, '$4.00; D. H. Wil- son, $4.00; P.U.C. Elc. Dept, $30.- 52; Treas. Can. Legion, Seaforth Br., wreath, $14.00; Provincial Treas., Hisulin, $2.48. REMEMBRANCE DAY Editor The Seaforth News,— Is it remembrance day, or is it a day we are trying to forget. We must be trying to forget; or at least, we are trying to keep it in obscurity, when we declare a paltry three hours of November llth for the occasion. What is wrong with us Canadians; why don't we declare the full day a National holiday. If it was not for Armistice in our favour we would not be able to celebrate the 24th of May or the first of July as a National holiday. If we are trying to forget the tears let us make it a day of Cel- ebration, let us have horse races or something. I wonder what a mother thinks, who has lost her son through the war, when we set aside a diminu- tive three hours of 'November 11th for remembrance. Let .me impress upon you that I am not thinking of myself. I served in the ariny, I didn't suffer any inconvenience; I had the choice jobs, and lengthy courses in the Technical Schools of Toronto, ,and Ottawa, and the Nova Sootia Technical College of Engineering and was mustered out with a compara- tively large gratuity. Think of the countless number of innocent child- ren in the theatre of war who lost a I leg or an arm or both and some of thein blind, it is a palling sight. Let - us remember, It is not me or the rest of my colleagues who sat around the gravy table in Ottawa. Think of the boys who served in the fox holes, and those who paid the su retne sac- rifice in a likewise capacity—Let us remember. "VETERAN" EOMONDViLLE Mr. and Mrs, George Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. John Thachuk and children of Tilsonburg, Mrs, Hough- ton of Cromarty Mt and Mrs, Jack Kemp and daughter of Mitchell were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dalrymple. Mr. and Mrs, Wes Hayter and sons of Detroit visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Finlayson. A miscellaneous shower was held on Monday evening for Miss Phyllis Pretty, bride -elect of this month, at the home of Mrs. Alex Boyes, IMr. W. J. Finnigan is in Scott Memorial Hospital with pleuro -pneu- monia. Mrs. R. 'Dalrymple visited 111 Til- sonburg and Toronto this week. WINTHROP The Helping Hand Mission Band of Cavan Church will meet Saturday, Nov. 18 in the schoolroom of the church. Mrs. Fred Hutchings of Cypress, California is visiting with her sister Mrs, W. E. Hawley and Mr. Hawley. Mr. Jim Hogg. Ralph Davidson and John Glanville are hunting on Mani- toulin Island. Miss Lillian Maddest of Milverton is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Ralph Davidson. Mr. John Montgomeryhas return- ed home from Scott Mmorial Hos- pital. John Broadfoot, 81, died Friday at his home near Angusville, Mani- toba, following a long illness, 'Born near Listowel, Ont., Mr. Broadfoob went west with his parents in 1879 settling near Rossburn, later moving to Angusville where he continued to live on his father's homestead. He married Margaret McClure of Sea- forth, Ont. in 1922. Besides his wid- ow he is survived . by his sisters Mrs. Mary Simpson, Silverton; Mrs. James Forsyth, New Denver B.C„ three brothers, Quinton of Silverton Watson of Winnipeg, and Edward of Murrayville, B.C. Funeral service was held Monday at his late residence, Rev. R. Reid officiating. John Cor- mick was soloist. Pallbearers were Cecil Switzer, Albert Berney, Ed. Berney, Bert McTavish, John Mc- Tavish, Scotty Ferguson. ' The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan, Winthrop, niet in the schoolroom of the church on Wed. Nov, 8th. Mrs. E. Toll presided. The roll call was an- swered by 26 ladies with a verse on Unity. We were reminded that all re- ports were to be ready for the Dec. meeting when the officers for 1951 will be installed. The program from the Missionary Monthly was followed with Mrs. Toll as leader. The Scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. H. Rap- son. Mrs. Wm. Alexander gave a reading by Kagawa. Then Mrs. Les Pepper led in prayer. The study on chapter 3 of "Japan" was given by Mrs. W. Dodds. The theme hymn was sung and Mrs. Livingstone closed the worship period with prayer. ANYVVINVUWWWWIRIVIAAANNIAN Reception & Dance For Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald at Walton Com- ' munity Hall FRIDAY, NOV. 17 Music by Wiibee's Orchestra Lunch Counter on floor Everybody Welcome ONSOMMOON RED TICKET SPECIALS FRIDAY # SATURDAY CAKE MIX, Monarch COOKIES, Westons White & Chocolate. Pkg. 330 Choc. Marshmallow 44o ll) SAUSAGE, Sohneiders Country Style. 53c lb PUDDINGS, Jello 3 Pkges. 25c BIRDS EYE Sliced Strawberries . , .. 510 APRICOTS ..,,,,, 20 oz. Tin 27c Terry Toweling 49c yd, GOOD QUALITY 15" Wide Reg. 600 5 Ws TsMCASH, am 1 c Phone Clinton 625r 23 Mrs. Robt. McClure presided for the W,A. Hymn 377 opened the meet- ing. The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. 1,011 gave the finan- cial report of the turkey supper. Lunch was served by Circle 2, McKILLOP 'On Monday evening, Nov. 13th, S. 5, No. 2, McKillop Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMillan with an attend- ance of 12. After the discussion was over under the Direction of the sec- retary, Miss Eleanor Storey the re- maining part of the night was turned over to the social convenor, Miss Mary 'Thompson, when progressive euchre was played and prizes went to ladies most games, Mrs. Bob McMill- an; lone hands, Eleanor Storey; consolation, Mrs. G. B. Dorrance. Men's most games, Nelson McClure, lone hands, Miller Adams; consola- tion, Bill Storey. The next meeting will be held on Nov. 27th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson. We postponed FRIDAY NIGHT ,19.0TCE in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, NOV. 17 Music by Desjardines' Orchestra With all the Latest in Modern and Old Time Tunes ,Admission 50c.. Dancing 9,3d-1.30, Sponsored by Seaforth Agri- cultural Society the meeting for next Monday night on account of the Play in First Pres- byterian Church, so there will be an Forum until the 27th. A delicioru lunch was served. ea fee aicez m dd d • - the money you put into a Government Annuity! Ask your local Government Annuities Repre- sentative, or clip and mail the postage -free coupon below, for full details on the plans available. There's a practical plan to suit even the most modest budget. No medical examination is required. There is no better savings investment open to Canadians than a Government Annuity. Annuities Branch DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR MILTON F. GREGG . A. MocNAMARA .1finiserr Deputy Minister Mail this coupon today POSTAGE FREE Annuieos Branch, 14W 1 Doparfe,enl of Labour, Otlawa. Noose send me COMPLETE INFORMATION eboul Cenadlen Government Annuhies.l 1 ADDRESS - e hl Bus to the Royal Winter Fair Sponsored by Seaforth Junior Farmers and Junior Institute will leave Seaforth (Dunlop's) at 4.30 a.m. MONDAY, NOV. 20TH Return leaves Toronto 11 p.m. Monday (daylight saving time) Fair 43.50 return Any person interested please Phone 656r11, Merton Keyes EUCHRE and NAMa (PRINT CLEARLY) CALL IN AND SEE The Sensation New CHA Pi n Sponsored by the Seaforth Women's Institute CARDNO'S HALL FRIDAY, NOV. 24 Euchre starts at 8.30 sharp • Admission 60c. Ladies please bring sandwiches, Lucky lunch prize Music by Murdoch's Orchestra o FOR ALL MAKES OF TRACTORS Daly Motors Ford Monarch Sales & Service ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 0110, H. DOUCITT, Mlhl+ler