HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-11-09, Page 2War is Lousy—A.t a l"N prison camp in South Korea, a cap- tured Communist stands patiently while they spray him with I)I)T powder. Other prisoners Ike up to await delousing. Down in Peunsylcania a pair of brothers got the notion that the standard argtunents in favor of keeping chickens in small groups just wouldn't hold water. They figured that if thousands of birds can be kept together out of doors, on the range a similar procedure would work successfully in a laying house. k e * Confident that their idea would work, they built the world's largest chicken house. It is 360 feet long, 60 feet •wide and four stories high. It holds 22,500 chickens, 7,500 in each of three pens. Each pen is a single floor, without partitions. The top floor is used for storage of feed, litter .and other supplies. • * * , To provide adequate light and ventilation rows of windows run the entire length of the house. The building is of wood construction, native oak for framing and yellow pine for siding. Because the broth- ers, Earl Mack and Ray Mack, realized the necessity for full pro- tection against the weather and against Ere, they chose tire -resist- ant asphalt roofing for the roof. The rooting color selected was red —the standard color for all roofs on the Thos. Mark & Sons farm. The brothers -believe that attractive uni- formity of appearance can be creat- ed by using the same color of roof- ing for al buildings in the farm- stead. x :P The ':lfaci.s built the huge struc- ture in order .to. achieve labor-sav- ing efficiency to a degree impossible in small peus. One man and a part- time assistant now take care of all 22,500 birds. k * * The Mack's methods are as streamlined as their chickens' -eggs. 'Watering is completely automatic, and mechanization ,enables feeding and egg -collecting to be done in minimum time. * 5 The water trough is three inches higher at one end than the other, 330 feet away. A continuous flow of water enters the high end and a drain carries off the excess at the low end. :r o , Mash is fed from two hoppers, also 330 ieet long. Theschoppers are filled from an ingenious mash car- eler—a wedge-shaped, sheet metal container about four feet high; with the paint of the wedge down. It is suspended froth a ceiling track that Laugh at raindrops in this Cra- vanette-treated pttre silk scarf, a creation that repels water. When not dressing up a suit it serves as emergency rainy -slay head covering, circles at both ends of the pen to pass above both hoppers. The car- rier holds 800 pounds of plash and is filled from a chute coming down from the' fourth floor, To till the hoppers, a man simply pushes the carrier around the track, letting mash flow out of the point of the wedge' into the hoppers. k * 5 The egg -collecting system saves time, too. Midway between the two rows of nests, which are six feet apart, is another overhead track. A wooden platform hangs from the track. To gather eggs, a man places empty baskets on the platform, Pushing it along the track, he walks along one row of nests, taking the eggs as he goes. When he reaches the end of the pen, he hushes the platform back again, this time re- moving eggs from the other row of nests. P * P To simplify grain feeding, the Mocks built 18 grain chutes in a long row. The chutes are in groups of three—in each group, a chute for corn, one for wheat and one for oats.. The chutes come down from the storage floor. To feed grain by this system a man has only to walk along the row, stopping at each chute to scatter grain with a bucket, �1 tlner Papers Pun Boners Too Frank Advertisement We want you to see the coin- pletemess of our hosiery depart- ment.—Goldsboro News, Automatic Alarm Clock Household goods for sale. Elec- tric rooster.—Van Wert Times - Bulletin. Handy for Hones With Flooded Cellars For sale: Indoor motorboat. Per- fect condition.—Salem Statesman. Comedians Take Note Egg -laying contest won by local man.—Hollywood Citizen. Wanted: DDT The conductor of tihc Civic Sym- phony Orchestra originated the two-day festival. Last year the event was a bug success.—South Bay Daily Breeze. Novel Laborsaver Garden cultivators: Two good used Beagles. -- Mansfield News - Journal. MURDERER GAVE HIS EYES AWAY Two minutes after Michel Wat- rin, a twenty -year-old murderer, was gffillotined at Metz recently, his eyes were carefully removed by surgeons. Within forty-eight hours they had been grafted to an. ex - serviceman who was referred to by the authorities as "Lieutenant X." After Watrin, an accountant, had confessed to the murder of two French taxi-drivers, he was so smitten by bit conscience that he asked the prison authorities if he y might atone by leaving This eyes to a child or to a man who bad been blinded ip the last war, Touched by the man's sincerity the governor agreed, He told the tnur. deter that he could not disclose to whom the eyes would go, but he promised it would be an ex -service- man, So Watrin walked to the guill- otine comforted by the thought that his death would bring sight and new hope to a war -blinded man, Lovely Spring Water There is life and action in a bub- bling spring. There is mystery, such as only small boys know, in the welling up of its transparent waters, visible and yet invisible, pouring out always; but, like the widow's cruse, never emptied. Springs are life-giving; and above all, they are free, earth's open-handed bounty. The spring I best remember is ltigh up on the,side of Buck.Moun- tain, Here a tiny rivulet flows from under a blue -grassy bank into a' bowl dug into weathered granite. Above it spread two great chestnut trees. Back of these, reaching up to the mountain top, there is a long slope covered with deep forest, car- peted with moss and drifts° of dead leaves. To this spring came the small boy to fetch water for the harvest hands, carefully instructed to dip it up from the northeast corner where it was reputedly colder. To the brick spring -house just below it were brought buckets and great crocks of milk and cream, Here, too, was heard the gurgling drum of the churn . , . Beyond the spring -house stood the great wash pots, the foamy tubs and boards with their good smell of soap and cleanliness, At the noon hour, under , the chestnut trees the farm hands, after a deep drink, stretched out luxur. iously while the boy watched the white clouds float overhead tatough the lacy leaves, ear attuned for the dinner born. . He who kneels at a spring to slake his thrist renews his strength as did the ancient Achilles. Modern man may drill deep wells or pipe his water for miles over or under mountains and even across deserts, but the explorer, the pioneer and first settlers must take nature as they find it. To these, waterholes and springs become the most im- portant points of their whole jour- ney.. , . Springs, too, are stnphing places. They locate the cabin of the first settler, and they have played a most important part in the pinc- ing of the cities and towns of all nations.—From "Rocks and Rivers of America," by Ellis W. Shuler. G. Herbert Lash, who becomes director of public relations for. the Canadian National Rail- ways on October 23, 1950. QUEER OCCUPATION Raising moths for a living is slightly ' unusual, but that's how Mrs. Mary Holmes of Brunswick, New Jersey, spends her time. Be- sides regular servings of vitamins and fish meal; the moths get a daily fare of old suits and blankets, A few years ago they digested 74 shits. Mrs. Holmes raises the moths so chemists may experiment with variau s con trot method;. In a recent issue of The Fergus News -Record, Editor Ilugh Temp - lin had some interesting things to say about the game of lacrosse; and we might remark, in passing, that before either we or it went into a decline—you pays your money and takes your choicel—we got more real thrills out of lacrosse than from any other sports we ever attended. P * 5 The article we refer to dealt, specifically, with the question of whether or not lacrosseplayers should be forced to wear more pro- tective armor, particularly helmets. Many* sports followers ascribe the decline of the game front its once - proud estate to its present fairly lowly status to too much roughness; and while admitting that compul- sory helmets might be a good thing, Templin rather pooh-poohs this view, pointing out that the chances of injury in lacrosse are far smaller than in other "bodily - contact sports" such as football or hockey. '5 * * Now we are in no position to' argue over such a matter with anybody from Fergus, one of the few centres where the lacrosse fires.. have been inept blazing brightly over the years, We know that aur own personal enthusiasm for the game began to .become lukewarm away back when R, J, Timing, ASSIFIED A AGENTS WANTAID. MAKE MONEY IN YOUR SPARE TIME Sell Lending body Cosmetics In year keine locality.. Experience not necossary, Wo train you. Write The A. J. McVeigh Co„ 182 Jarvis Street, Toronto 2, Ontario. 0.881 .0588085$ P'ULLETs, 12 weeks t0 tiodwr, heavy breeds, prompt shipment, Edgar Cud - more, Nomall, Ont. "WONDERFUL. livability and growth" that's tho kind of reports We get from customers who purchase Twoddlo Brener Chlolco. Also chicles bred .for layers. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limped, Fel'- gu6, Ontario. BOOKKEEPING ACCOUNTING 000l<IcnismnG and Accounting Service. Irving N, &boom, 20 tinsmith Street, Toronto. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTAILISHED general store and living ,uartero to town 60 miles from Sudbury on Trans - Canada Iltghway Two-storey brick bulldleg, 35' x 80'. Now mining, railroad and tourist trade, Semitice, owner unable to manage. Plana° do not investi- gate unless interested. write Advertloer,• 12 Elgin 51„ S., SudpOrY. uxssi it AND -CLEANING HAVE you anything needs fleeing or clean- ing? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your aueotone. De- partmentlI, Parker's Dye Works Limited. 701 Yong° Street. Toronto, Ontario, FAWNS 4'011 SALE 218 ACHES in Downie Township, all good land, most of 0 tinder cultivation, Good bank bans with water oystom, good drive shod and Moo 0 -room red brick house, near Stratford. J. R. Jackson, Royal Ran1, Sanding, Stratford. Tel, 3208-303701'. Grand Mogul of the Toronto, re. fused to field his teats if Mick- ey Ion, although declared eligible by the league, played for the oppo- sition, and the opposition — the Tecumsehs—rather than lose a fat gate let hint get away with it. * * * But that is too far back in history for any but the oldest inhabitants to recall• Thinking it over, it scents to us that we quit going to lacrosse principally .because they cut it down to broiling size, took it indoors and then tabbed it with the—to us—most reptdsive tag of "BOXLA." * ,P * Still, at that our reason for quit- ting could have been something else. Maybe we were just like the southern hilt -hilly who, when asked why he was wearing' such a mourn- ful expression, replied that he had found it necessary to give up smok- ing, and missed it badly. "Doctor's orders?" inquired his questioner. "Naw," replied the hill -billy, taking dead aim at a nearby stump, 'I just found out that I'd ruther chaw." * * * So possibly the reason for us finding ourselves increasingly A.W.O.L. from lacrosse games was simply because of discovering simething else we'd "ruther do" and had nothing whatever to do with the sport iself. V,e wouldn't know about that. But we do know, for certain, that it wasn't the roughness or brutality of lacrosse which kept us away. * * A However, ,S.o those who think— like Hugh Templin—that compul- sory helmets would be a good thing for the game, the following hoary anecdote might be of interest. It's the one about the Aiabama charac- ter who had been brought up before the Judge, for about the twentieth tune, 017 a charge of wife beating. * * Iris Honour, looking very grim, was just about to pass sentence when suddenly the wife put in a plea. for lenience. "Don't send Ras- tas to jail, Judge," she begged. "lie got his faults, but in some ways rte's the most thoughtful hus- band a lady could have." * * * "How can you talk like that, woman?" thundered His Honor. "Isn't it the truth that almost every Saturday night he comes Thome full of swamp -juice and beats you to a frazzle? IIow can you call a ishan like that a thoughtful hus- band?" * * * "What you says is the truth's own truth, Judge," answered the wife. "Still, in all the years he's been doing that, Rastus has never once put a mark on me where folks could see its" k * ,5 And that's the ,way it is with the sport of lacrosse. Football and hockey are undoubtedly much rougher games. Even a soccer re- feree—in Canada or South America - that is to say—is in parch greater danger of permanent injury than any lacrosse player. But here's the difference. In those' sports they comparatively rarely, 'if ever, put a mark on one another where folks can see it. So pass a rule that the lacrosse boys must wear helmets and see that the rule is obeyed. P '5 * And perhaps—who knows—such a rule alight even be the means of luring more of the rising generation to take up the game. Practically every lad nowadays has a secret dream of winding up either in the movies or in television, and it is even said that some of our athletes on opening the morning paper, take a hinge at Whether the photo- grapher caught their most photo- genic profile before they look at the scoring records. * * * So maybe the boys would cone out for lacrosse more readily if Ulu, were assured that they would finish Gnsearretl and with features intaaL and so escape being always cast, ws,sn tney get to Eallyw ood, as menaces or villains OAR$I 0058 8,10E IBACRES uEollelfl etty.Thle lgodringlayoun,wol tome, Welt dratne0, ham 2 bank barna, 2 drive shed, lovely 7 -room solid b1.1uk house. Thin 1001010 malts an ideal dairy term, present owner retiring. Alto 150 - we farm, West itorra,.5 ranee from e153, $ acres bash, balance good clay loans, new drive shed, good balk barn with elle, hydro and water 150080ei'e 55steM, good 1-etoroy house with now roof.. (rood reason for selling. John Ii. Jackson, Realtor and Iaem'anco, novel Bank stulldine, Stratford. Tei, 3208-3037\V, FOR stilet 10 stereo excellent land; 0 - room Uriah house, all conveniences. Car• age, barn, poultry house. neneh, highway 1: mile. $0,200 full price. Salt semi-rotlrod couple, J, Salter, 'Victoria Harbour, Ontario, 1,011 SALE MOTORCYCLES, Harley Davidson. Nov and used, bought, eold, exolmnged, Large Mock 0f guaranteed noes motorcycles. Ile. pairs by factory -trained mechanics. Bi- cycles, and complete lino of wheel goods, alai Guns, Boots and Johnson outboard Motors) 00011 evening)) untl nine except Wednoedny. Strand Crate 5 Sports, ulna at Sanford, Hamilton. ALUMINUM 1001•`ING Immediate ohlpmont—.010" thick In 0, 7, 5, 0, 15 Coot lengths. Prices delivered to Ontario points on appllaalion. For estim- ator, 0anut ao, literature, ole.write: — A. 0. LESLIE & 00,. L,1511TED 130 COMMISSIONERS STRELr TORONTO 2, ON'r,05110 ASPHALT 515I0(20ES 53,85 Tlleee Intet•loddn/i shingles aro toot one of our many roofing and oep1/nit bargains, 210 Ib. 1300 Shingles 85.251 115 'llteing $4.80 Per 100 swam feet. Thick Insulated Sld(ng; Brick or Ce- dar Grain (Iemlgo, only 50.45 per Malan. 60 lb, red or green Granite Roofing, $2,26. Above prices 0.0.73., Hamilton. Many other bargains In these fnatory seconds, we doubt you eau toll from Met grade. stock, ALU1MINiJ11 CORRUGATED SHEETS, only 88.63 per 100 sq. feet. Delivered Ontario, Quahog and Maritimes. All new stook, 20 gauge, various 51n00 available for 51051pt ohtpment. Send mea- surements for free 00thnntot,, Get yours now. Stook limited. ROBERTlIum.JONESilten,. 0,000110 LUMBER CO. HI -POWERED SPORTING RIFLES LARGE assortment and better values. Write for latest catalog listing various bargain prices, SCOPE SALES CO.. LTD.. 528 Queen Street.' • Ottawa. Ontario. "D" CASE T0AC'root, "S" Cane traetor, "SC" Case tractor, "VAC" Case tractor, Oliver "70" tractor. DR John Deere trac- tor, "V" Case tractor, "C" Casa tractor, Fontana tractor. Apply Elliott's Farm Equipment Limited, Phone 2100 Stirling, Ontario • BALED SHAVINGS FOR SALE --Baled softwood sha\•Ing0, carload lot only, Write Plus Products, P.O. Dax 75, Montreal 3, REG. Suffolk rams, lambs and yearlings of good breeding. C'huchsldo Farm, Lunenhurg, Ontario. RIFLES RIFLES—.803 eat. British Enfield Repeat- ers, 2G" barrel, Nitro -proofed and thor- oughly checked. Expertly reblued, 011 fin- ished walnut stock. Condition perfect, Appearance as new, A fellable hunting rifle for only 587,50. Also 'Modified" 0,111 h Enfield 803 cal. (20" barren, Re- penters 1n excellent condition $27.60; Sa, tlefacti00 guaranteed or stoney refunded. Other types Write for list, With purchase of rifle box 48 cartridges 52,60. Eastern Snorting Emilpnlent C0., 18,10 Ston1< St. Ottawa, Ont. 1.15E15 Measey7larrls Hammer mill Model 21A like new. Also deep well pumps. Reasonable. Allen Garage, 703 Bridge St. Niagara Falls, Ont. 200 3,011805, bank ban 80x68, cement stabled, hog pen, sheen pen, implement shed. All buildings have steel roofs, wa- ter pumped to barn by windmill. Ten acres hardwood bush, 6 -roost hlsul brick house, hydro throughout, it mile to school, 22 miles from Fergus. Price .111.000. (Other farms at various prl'os). A. 21. Hails. Real Estate, Fergus. Ont. 01159EN your meat Mlle. Raise rabbits. Booklet, ,cutch plan, and Pride list, 25e. Carter's Rabbitry, Chilliwaek, B.C. TOUR mete <luldirated for Xmas girls. Artistic cover and 3 pages. 505 for 200. Additional 100—$5.00. anus. paper 03.00 iler 100. Sana poems set to music• 71800ODY MI008' STUDIOS 100 Carlton St., Toronto, Ono. WATER tower, sectional steel. 40 feet and 1,200 gallon enpacitY tank, sound condition. post offer aeeented. Write Rupert. 8.10. 1, Westboro tOltuwa). New n;tn,ranteed HORNET oneauan Chain SAWS with rope otal'lor-•-5210.00 with rewind starter -7270.00. Equipped with 20" or 24" blades and the new Smith Planer Chain. Sales Tax extra if appli- cable. We take trades. SMl'1'31-CALVER Ll31ITED 647 Woolwich St., - (it'ELI'n, Ont. NEW, tmtwrtteetl 34,lropenn nonny seed grinders, 53.05. Importeed records, dic- tionariesand books, In Czechoslovak, German. Polish and tncralnitm. Write to F'. Doim'ek. Dept. "F", 000 Stain St., Winnipeg, T0100 homing Pigeons, trained 200 miles. Andy Dentition, New Lowell, Ont, 01111010 (5101tEREI) LABOUItnitd 1n0y be scares next spring. Apply now and have one for next spring, or sooner. LRA, • P.O. Bnx 883, Ottawa, Ontario. IORDtCA i. Nature's help — Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis, Thousands praising it. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE - Without Calomel—And You'll Jump Out of Bed in tho Morning Rorin' to Co The liver oboold pour out about 2 pinto et bile Slice into your digestive tract overt' dos'. If this bile is not Bowing freely, your food may not digest. It may lust (loony la the digestive tract. Than gas bloats up your 0t0maoh You get constipated, You feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. It taken thole mild, gentle Garter's Little Liver Pills to got these 2 plate of bile flow - log freely to maim you fool up and up, I Got n peekngo today. Effective fn makind bila flow freely, Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills, and at any drugstore, 01EDIOAI, CRESS whor It14510VE10 Lewes no deal's, Your Druggist dens CRESS. NEW, 3 -way wonder tablets builds blood, toned norves fast. Great for olmldo anemia. l'Iolpd. clear pimples, belle, elonrs iho blood strewn. Mattes tired folks alive With pop, Vint, vigor, Rush $1 for trial bcagra Largo t akuaImperial Industries. Money Rex 001, Winnipeg. Dept. X. UNWANTED NAIR Eradleuled front any part or the nods 01'1011 Soon -sero, a reutark'ble discovers of th0 age. Snot -Pel* eo111,11rl8 no 1111.01n. till Ingredient. ant) will destroy the halt root. LO R-llti l001 LABORATORIES 070 Granvillo Street. Yammerer, MO, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANI5II the torment 01 11ry. 00000501 rashes and weeping skin ,roubles. Post's Eon. ma Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, 000120 , burning oeteola. 00230, ringworm, pimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to too stainless, odorless 01nt010nt, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. T'RIC'E 01.00 PER JAR Sent Post free on 55,001pt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 880 Queen St 10, Corner of Lomat, Toronto OCR PURE VEG14TA111,E '0'A110141'S GIVE WONDERFUL RELIEF B- 1 for Catarrh of Stomach, Spinal In- flammation, B- 2 For Rhenmatio Pains. D- 3 Vol' Spinal Exhaustion, Backache. B- 4 For Piles. 13- 5 For hive' and Ifid00y, Gall -Bladder. 11. 6 For Blle, B- 7 For Palpitating Heart. B- 8 For Stomach, and intestinal Clean. Mg. B- 0 P'*r heartburn, Hyper -acidity, 11.10 For Nor'/nos Condition due to Heart Irregularity. will ease Paine and. Promote 81001', Not nar00tla. 0-11 For General Nervous Condition. Ono bottle of our 200 selected pills will bo sent to you, postage free, directly from ratories for 52.00., 1A11T(1L olti4SEARCH LIMITED 2080 nlck0on Street. SILLERY, P.(1. NURSES GENERAL DUTY NURSES Felt 1ted Cross Outpost Hospitals in Ontario. Opitortunitls for advancement. Good working conditions in pleasant sur- roundings, Apply Director of Outpost Hospital Department, Ontario Division, Red Cross, 0E1 Jarvis St., Toronto; or phone MId)vay 8892, NURSERX STOGIE ltASPB1/1tRIE8. IOoverncnent certified). Descriptive list free, w. 3. Galbraith,' "linpledene," Starner. Ont. 0110I00 Rosi, ltnopherry Canes 80.50 per 100—$20.00 per 1,005. Edgar Provis, Ems0aie. Ont, l>t'POIliI'UNITIES FOR 0130,. & t5'IINEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 001100L Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages Thousands of successful Marvel graduates 'America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free • Write or Call 51,11717/ HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 378 [floor St. W.. Toronto Brahes: 4.1 Pfns St.nc, 1)50,11100 72 Rideau St., Ottawa PATENTS AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of In- ventions and full Information sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attor- neys, 273 Batik Street, Ottawa. 0ETIIERSTONIIAU011 & Company, Pa- tent Solicitors, Eetabllahed 1890. 250' Bac, Street, Toronto - 13001,10t of Informa- tion on request. 1'110'rOG1clt7IYY PERFECT PICTURES Studio enlargements, 8 x 10, beautifully mounted -81.25, Coloured. 52.00. Eight ex- posure rolls 25 cents, reproduction negative charge 50 rents. Daily Service, Bax 62, Station D., Toronto. STA.\I PS 60 FRENCH C lonieo all different Send lac requesting approvals. Adana() Stamp, 2028 Main (WWI Vancouver, 11.5'. WAN'I'L'n MECHANIC—L•'xcellent opportunity. l:x- Perienced man to well< on trucks and tractors. Steady employment. Advancement for right man. hovered by Sickness and Accident Insurnnee. Ton Wages. Phone 4750, or w•rtto HANNA'S INTERNATION- AL SALES S 0E111ICE. Gomm. .1'II. ASSISTANT DIETITIAN port large hospital. Attractive living gnarter0. Good hunt's. Blue Cross, pen- sion and liberal +mention Pion. State experience and qualifications Ito Mhos Evans, 10,101:dn Sanatorium, Hamilton. Ontario. tsr, TH r.NOMtRE EDI( �&N1R A SAFE OINTMENT ISSUE 42 - 1950