HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-11-02, Page 6The taste's the test fr teal Can,... Bens buy more Salm than any other brand. NNE 141S , ?attn. akikoOelot Dear Anne Hirst: "What can you do with a husband that is never satisfied? "We've been married 12 years. My hus- hand has nagged me through them all. "I do every- thing he asks me to, and try so hard to please hint. But it is no use. "In all our married life, I have never been allowed to choose my own clothes he always makes me buy what he likes. When it is any- thing for the house, he has to ask his sisters' opinions first; if they like it, he'll get it. He likes com- pany and we have a lot, I'm eon- aidered a good cook and everybody enjoys coating here—but his con- stant nagging spoils everything for me. "He is careless with his clothes, throwing them on the floor or hanging them on doorknobs. Then Le gripes because I don't keep the house straight! I do keep it straight—until he gets home. INTERFERING FAMILY "We have a daughter three years old. We never see eye to eye in correcting her. He thinks I should spank liar for every little mistake. I've tried both ways and find I can do more with her by talking nicely. Then he tells ane how his sisters think she should be brought up! "My nerves are giving way under all this contention, He has to have his way in everything. I have been told he has always been this way, front a little boy. "I never tell my folks how he. treats me; I don't think it's right. You should work things out to- gether. Can you advise me? NERVE -WRACKED" * * * * It is a big job to change a * man's nature after being married 't to him for 12 years. But you '" can try. ' A wife has some rights, after all. It is time to assert yours. Your husband must be made to Convertible into Cash At Par Value At Any Time The "money back at any time" guarantee, annual interest at 23%%i and safety of principal make Canada Savings Bonds an outstanding invest- ment for thrifty Canadians. Interest on these Bonds is greater than interact received on savings de- posits. You can invest $50, $100, $500 or $1,000 by writing or telephoning our Awe, Wood, 'Gundy 8s Company 'Limited 36 King Street Wrest Toronto 1 Telephone: ELgln 4321 ^' understand that you wfll not go * on being treated like a worm. * You intend to use your own * judgment i n choosing y o u r * clothes and the furnishings of ' ' -your hone, And you will not put * up any longer with his family's * interference its the training of * your little girl. '• Promise to tali: things over * with him, cansult'ng his tastes * and opinions. But you will expect * him to listen to yours too, and * weigh them honestly. * Remind him that marriage is * not an outlet for the man's au- * thority. It is a partaiersltip be- * tween two people who love, and * admire each otter --who work * out their problems with good * humor and justice. and who * neither seek nor accept out- * siders' opinions. * Marriage can he the most * beautiful and thrilling adventure * in the world. Yours ceased to be * that long ago: Now you are ask- * ing him to help you remake it * and you depend on Hai to do his * part. * If be will not, then you will * have to decide your own future. * Be tactful and gentle, But be firm. 1 * * Has your marriage reached a crisis? Anne Hirst has helped hun- dreds of couples safely through. Write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario. ROW CAN 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I clean a light fur? A. Mix 1 pint of flour, 1 table- spoon of fuller's earth, and 1 pint of bran. Rub into the fur thorough- ly, then shake well, and rub again with bran alone. Shake the fur once more and follow by brushing ' with a soft clean cloth. Q. How can I stiffen the brush- es of my carpet sweeper? A. Take the brushes out of the sweeper and dip them several times into hot water, to which. a little common baking soda has been added. Then let the brushes dry in the sun. Q. How can I cause the scars from pimples to disappear? A. Bathe the scars with a solu- tion of boracic acid, followed by an application' of zinc ointment. Q. How can I shrink dress goods? A. Place the goods folded in a tub of cold water, to which a few handfuls of salt have been added. After a few hours, hang on the line "tyltitout unfolding. The weight of the salt prevents wrinkles from drying in, and the salt sets the color. Q. What is a good food for persons suffering from nervous di- seases and rheumatism? A. Celery is excellent. It can be cooked with a cream sauce, or just stewed with a butter sauce. Use it 'with salads, steered toma- toes, or stuffings. Q. How can I improve the flavor of applesauce? A. Add a few drops of lemon juice. This is especially effective if the apples have a flat taste. Q. How can I remove Vaseline jelly stains from clothing? A. Moisten the spots with a mixture of 1 part aniline nil, 1 part powdered soap, 10 parts water. Al- low to remain for ten minutes, and then wash with water. Q. How can I add nutritive -val- ue to mashed potatoes? A. Try boiling them in their jackets, then remove the skins, and mash the potatoes until fluffy. What is left over will make ex- cellent potato cakes, Q. How can 1 revive the faded colors in a garment? A. A little vinegar in the rinse water after laundering will help revive the colors. Q. How can I clean marble? A. Pound together two ounces of washing soda, three ounces of powdered pumice, and one ounce of powdered chalk; pass this through a sieve, 'rake a little of the powder and make it into a paste with cold water, rub it over the marble, and when all stains are rotnoved, wash it with snap and water, "He says it's called middle age since that's where it usually shows in the first place." Roomy- Mushroom—Birg;itla Svecteta' proudly displays what must be the g'randaddy of all mushrooms. The youngsters found the king-sized plant in a forest near her home in Ritnbo; Sweden. Authorities believe it to be the largest mushroom in tire world. R NICL S INGERF d/ Gweti.doline P Citirlt.e It's so' quiet in the country r So quiet that every noise .sounds as if it were broadcast through a mi- crophone. • Just dropping off to. sleep last night when three things happened at one and the same lime. A Deisel - engine train blared its way along the track --' might have been heading straight for our bed- room from the sound of It — a four -engine plane flew Pow right over the house. and Bob. drove down the lane with his noisy truck ell ronc, I believe, to help some other fellow, also with a truck, who had slipped into the ditch near our gate. Later there were sounds of trucks in low gear — presumably a. tow -truck pulling the, other fel- low on to the road. So there was plenty of noise for half -an -hour or so, but in the city where there Is noise all the time, what 1' heard would probably never have been noticed at all. But maybe we had' better get ourselves used to, noise because pretty soon there will be Pots of it. YOU see we are right oe, a partly constructed highway and the equipment has already been as- sembled for a paving job. Apparent- ly the surface is to be what is known as "Mit-mix."' Hot mix or cold mix, or anything else they like to call it is all right with us just so long as we get a• highway that is free of dust, dips and hol- lows — which is what we have had for about twenty years, even though this stretch of road has been officially known for that length of time as Ilighw..y No, 25. Believe inc, however great the noise, it is noise that will be most welcome. Well, the year is surely speeding away into the limbo - of forgotten yesterdays. Wonder why time pas- ses so much quicker as we get older? Seems just as if we were travelling in a high-speed vehicle, minus the braises. And it is such a pity to have these lovely days. go hurrying by — frosty mornings, bright sunny days — so different from the weather that was handed out during the time the ploughing match was in progress at Alliston. You would think when so much depended on him the weatherman would be a little more co-operative. Dob was there on the Thursday and he said it rained nearly all the time — and that was one day it was fine down here and we were think- ing happily that he had :truck a good day. When Bob spoke of going to the Ploughing Match I happened to say that that was one event I had never yet been to see. Bob told me 1 wouldn't find anything there that would interest rue. I wonder? Seems t0 ire whenever a large number of people get together in one place there is bound to be something interesting all the time. Maybe some of you ladies who do go to the big ploughing matches might like to tell inc if I am missing out on something worth- while. It would be nice to get a few highlights from a woman's point of view. Sometimes our menfolk don't get quite the right slant on just what is likely to in- terest us, Although I am quite sure that in our younger days if Partner and I could have gone to a ploughing match together we would have had no trouble in find- ing a common interest. I know we would have had a good time and found much that was challeng- ing and diverting. But in those days we were so busy making a living we didn't have tither the time or opportunity to take in such worthwhile events, Now we are older it would be more of an Si,. fort and, we wonder would the game be worth the candle? How mucic easier it is these days for young farmers to get away. With our fast moving cars distance is 11.0' obstacle. Most places are accessible with a few hours driving. And with hydro and milking mach- ines on so. many farms it doesn't take two. or three hours to get the chores done before and after the trip. Certainly there is less help on. farms now than at any time in history — on the other hand fess help, is needed. But I generalize too, much. Because we live in a well -populated district, where pro- bably 9(J% of the farmers have ityi:ro. power and can thus make use of labour - saving convenien- ces, I ant afraid 1 sometimes for- get that other• more isolated dis- tricts still depend on hand power for most of their work,. and coal - oil lamps and lanterns as the only means of illumination to lighten their darkness. But for your conso- lation, let rue remind you that the more. electrical equipment you have around the more there is likely to' be machanical trouble. 1f some- thing goes wrong with the milker and you suddenly have to milk by hand it disorganizes your whole day. Or if your electric washer refuses to function you feel it is a major tragedy to finish your - washing by hand. And now the hydro rate has gone up—so what? That's another thing you don't have to 15 orry about. "Hum Pudding" Theory Of How World Began .4s year ago Nobel laureate Dr. Harold el. Urey advanced the hypo- thesis before the National Academy of Sciences that the newborn earth was- a plum -pudding mixture of iron -nickel alloys and stony stuff. Iron-nickkel alloys sank to form the dense core of the earth, the stony materials rose to form the outer layers. At a recent meeting of the academy lie developed tills thesis: Evidence that the earth was origi- naily a sort of plum pudding comes Irons studies of the structure, of Mars.. which ie. still thought to be a mixture of metal' and rocks, without an iron core, Stony meteorites are such mixtures. The sinking iron core of the earn tend'¢ to speed up. the rotation of the earth, an effect which, says Dr. Urey,. is more than overcame by the braking action of tidal friction. Without assuming the acceleration caused by the sinking core and the stowing down caused by tidal fric- tion, certain accelerations of the sen and moon in 4beir orbits can- not be satisfactorily, explained. If. Dr. trey is rigiit, the study of earthquake waves indicates that the earth has not yet completely sep- arated into an iron core and a stony crust. --- CLASS DISMISSED The teacher was explaining the dolphin and its habits. Teacher: "And, fellows, a single dolphin will have as many as two thousand babies" Pupil: "Goodness! And how many do the married ones have?" Tired Aching Tender Feet Your feet may bo ao tender and inflamed that you think you can't co another aop. Your sheee may tool so 11 they are eettins dad Into the flesh, vee teal Melt all over *Mb the Pain and torture; ynu'0 eve any thing to eat relief. Two or three applications of stoone'a Emerald 011 atter a Cood hot toot bath and 1n 16 minutes the vain and ¢arenas dfa. an/sane. No mallet how discouraged you have been, 14 yon have riot tried Elnoralf Olt then you have something to leant, Gat n ISM 44 -- 1950 New and Useful T Speckled Paint You can now break monotony of a solid -color paint job and avoid using a printer coat at the same time. New paint produces a speckled or brolcen surface and conies lin 16 color combinations—red-grey-white, light blue -dark blue, etc, Can be applied with either brush or spray gun and is available in flat, gloss and semi -gloss. * * * Glass Yacht Made of a composition of glass fibre and resin, new 16 -ft. boat weighing only 40 lb. and molded entirely from one piece opens pos- sibility of mass-producing larger sea -going craft. Simple construc- tion involves layers of glass fibre placed over concrete mold resemb- ling an upturned hull. Another mold is laid oyer top and resin is drawn through the matrix of glass under vacuum. An accelerator added to resin causes it to set after impreg- nation, Unlike wood, hull will not split, crack or warp, Pest- and fungi -proof, material is claimed to have great strength. * * d, Rome Safety A handy fire extinguisher that is inexpensive and easily operated by merely pulling a metal ring and aiming at base of flames, Fire is smothered by 12 to 18 ft. stream of pressurized fluid. Hermetically seal- ed eottaiuer holds 16. ounces of fluid„ claimed' to. stop' gasoline, oil, grease, wood and' paper fires in two to• 1'0' seconds without damage to woodivorkr draperies, motors, paint, etc. '1' * * In a Lather You can get whipped cream in a can without whipping it;. now you can get shaving c� an already lathered. Packaged under pressure in a• five -ounce can, product, "Ri'se," given a quick shave and is equipped with a lock valve, bandy or travelling; container said to. hold, 50 or 60' shaves. Press- a button and lather issues from Bakelite plastic spout. * * * Plastic Mattress Springless mattress core made of air-filled; cubes of vinyl filth recently introduced in plastic field, Product weighs about 35 Ib, Twin• bed size mattress is made up• of 136 cubes. In case of air leakage, single cubes can be replaced, * * "Boilable" Washer First all -Canadian automatic waster is equipped with castors for rolling into kitchen, laundry or bathroom. Washer is yard -stick high and can also be permanently installed. Machine has flexible rub- ber washing sphere with a "human stand" agitator in a steel container With only one control lever to set. Claimed to. use less trot water than other automatic washers; uses seven to nine gallons. Dirty water goes up and out instead of down and through clothes. Nine -in -One Watch Campers, Boy Scouts and all out- door folic will be well equipped with a watchlike gadget worn on the wrist. Devito acts as a. watch, com- pass and barometer; operates as a tape measure, ballpoint pen, sig- naller and magnifying glass; is complete with Morse Code and consteilatihn data. * * 1. Dry Mittens Wet and snow will not penetrate specially treated mittens,. company claims, Fabric is coated' with water- resistant. Vinylite resins; coating won't creek or peel' and, is flexible in cold weather. Said' to withstand ageing and discoloring, mitttens come in cliil'dren's and' adult's" sizes. • * * * * * Battery. Caps Water level la your auto battery corresponds with the water level in new transparent polyethylene caps. When water is low in battery it is indicated on set of rrtebttlar filler cape. * s' * Spectators' Special Rugby fans will go for this ver- satile article—a cushion, seat cover and rug. all in one. A zippered case of water- and abrasion -resis- tant Vinylite plastic with a shoulder strap for easy carrying compactly holds a rug and acts as a cushion. Take the rug out and rase can be a seat cover. 0 Ouidea Brush No more scraping paint front. window panes and mouldings, com- pany claims, when new paint -brush guide is used, Made of lightweight alumiaunt, gadget fastens to flat olds of brush and protects glass from paint run-off. And the RELIEF IS LASTING For fast relief from headache get INaTANrxrra. For real relief get INSTANTINE- For prolonged relief get INsTANTINEl Yes, more people every day are finding that INaTANTINE 15 one thing to ease peva fast. For headache, for rheumatic pain„ aches and pains of Bolds, for neuritic or Tnpaineuralgic pain you cats, depend Oa Xa sTANrINE. rte bring you quick comfort. 11NSTANTINg is made litre a pres- cription of three proven medical ingredients. A single tableri usually brings Enna t relief get 'astatine today andalways kannit handy 712 -Tablet Tin 25 Em,amicol 4e-Tabta4 sotife 691E WaUp ItT WARM Heb Every MORNING Think of the fay of having Your home WARM every MORNING when You wake up tesardless of the weather. This remarkable WARM MORNING Coal Heater heats ail dor and night without refueling, Complete with Automatic Drag Regulator ea shown at loft, fltiti YL m®amine COILS. tilEturE6'i You need start a fire but once a year. Holds 100 lbs. of coal. Holds fire several days on closed draft. Amazing patent- ed interior construction gives greater heat at less fuel cost. Burns any kind of hard or soft coal, including Alberta Coal, briquets, or wood. Your home is WARM every MORNING regardless of the weather. The only heater of its kind in the world. More than a million in use. Ask your dealer. Write for free folder, Mnnnfnendred and Olstributed br, BOON-sa"RACIIAN COAL CO. LTD. Dominion Sgnnre Building, Mont- real R. Que, Montreal Trust 111(10.. Toronto. Ont. - Power Bldg.. wla- elpeg, Manitoba. -a011 hast in4 Ave., Vancouver, R.C. Prattle Diotribatore: UNITED GRAIN OROWERS, LTD. Protect Your Home and Auto holm FIRE! "FIREKILLER" • ECONOMICAL • CONVENIENT e DEPENDABLE • NO MAINTENANCE e NO LEAKAGE • No DANGEROUS ACIDS •O POISON GAS. e t4o EXPLOSION RISK A CARBON DIOXIDE DRY CHEMICAL Price $3 OO postpaid • FIRE -KILLER COMPANY OF CANADA 5042 Roslyn Ave., Montreal, Que. Waclosod and money order. for Send Wire -Killers to (Hare) a ADDRE55 ,,„. PRoV