HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-11-02, Page 4WALTON McDonald ----Stevens A pretty wedding took place on October 2.8th at 2 p.m. at the home of the bride's parents,iwith Rev, 11. G. Hazlewood officiatng, when Le- ona Fern, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Stevens of Walton, became the bride of Mr. I%enneth Andrew McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. J McDonald of Grey Township. The wedding was performed under an arch sof evergreens and streamers The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, wore a gown of BAZAAR At Walton Community Hall THURSDAY, NOV. 9 Sale of Home Baking, Aprons, Fancy Work, Candy, White Gift Booth and Fish Pond Supper served — Adults 65c Children under 13-35c Sponsored by St. George's Guild, Walton EVERYONE WELCOME white,li iper satin with lace yoke, 1 , ,e styled with lily -point sh tt c,. iter Veil was hell -length with embroidered edge, and she carried red roses. Miss Margaret Stevens, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, wearing e floor -length gown of powder blue taffeta with snatching headdress, and site q tr rigid a bouquet of bronze mums and roses, Mr. 'Donald McDonald, brother of the gloom, was grooms- man. The wedding music was played by Mies Frances wedding and Mrs. Emerson Mitchell was 'soloist. The groom's gift to the bride was a pen and pencil set, A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, the table being decorated with pink and white streamers With a three-storey wed- ding cake in the centre. The bride's mother wore a wine crepe dress with black accessories and the groom's mother a green crepe dress with black accessories. Guests were pre, sent from Londesboro, Clinton. Sea - forth, Blyth, Brusels and Staffa. The waitresses were Shirley Bennett, Is- abel McCall, Mrs. Dick Marks and Mrs. William Coutts, assisted by Mrs, Harold Smalldon and Mrs. Torrance Dundas. For their wedding trip to northern points the bride wow a grey gabar- dine suit with wine accessories. Upon their return the happy couple will re- side on the groom's farm on the 8th of Morris. Sacred Musical oncert IN DUFF'S CHURCH, WALTON, ON Sunday Evening NOV. 5, at 8 P.M. Under the direction of A. C. Robinson of London Talent from London and the Walton Sunday School Orchestra A Silver Collection will be taken in aid of the Choir Fund Conie and enjoy a good Musical Concert THE SFA+'ORT] NEWS Ilition, don't try it on Ecn, that's our one petition. Now the lour is late so without further ado, we Wish happi- ness, long life, and prosperity, to you. We ask you to accept atese'"gifts from us tonight, and with them our hopes that your future will be bright. On Thursday night a cup and sau- cer shower was held at the hone of ,hiss Isabelle McCall when about 15 girl friends met to honor the bride- to-be. Showers Miss Leona Stevens, bride -elect, was given a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs, 'William Bennett HEIVSALi- when about 100 guests were present, joyedThe ebyl ala by contests anpart of te d a short dance In the Towas en. he low" wn Halls Hene are sall, 00 program. Isabelle McCall then read Friday, Nov. 3rd. The Shamrock Or- the address and Leona opened many chestra will furnish the music. lovely gifts from her friends and Mr. Appleby, chairman of the Leg- neighors, The bride -elect gave a fit- ion Poppy campaign committee stere ting reply. A delicious 1110011 was in Hensall, annouuees that members then served. of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion The address is as follows: As, will be nutto canvass the village on Death of George H. Underwood Funeral services were held on Monday, October 30, at 11 a.m. at the Box Funeral Chapel, Seaforth, for George 11. Underwood, who pass- ed away on Saturday o ilsY in Mem- orial Hospital after a short illness. Interment took place at Waterdawn Cemetery. Rev. H. C Livingstone of- ficiated. The late Mr. Underwood was in his 82nd year, He was born at Lon- don, Ontario, where he was married on April 29th, 1906, to Miss Violet Irvine, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Irvine of McKillop. For many years the deceased was a sect, tion foreman on the C,P.R. He had been retired since 1940 and lived in this district for the past five years, Surviving besides his wife are three daughters and a son, Lillian, at h01110; Mrs. A. Henley (Isabelle), of 'Houst- on, Texas; Mrs. ,Tames Webster ((Vio- let), of Toronto and William, of Is- lington. The pallbearers were Joseph Thornton, Wesley Hackwell, Joseph Hackwell, William Humphries, W. C. Bennett, Alvin Stimore. refunding surplus on Healey drain. Dy -Law No 559, a by-law making provisions for taking a vote of the electors on the following question, • "Are you in favor of the ,Council of the township of Logan approving of and contributing its ratable pro • - portion to an addition to and perm- anent improvements to the Mitchell High School District School at en' estimated cost of $264,000.00?" The Clerk was instructed to adver- tise a Notice thereof in Beacon Herald, and Novels Advocate, a3rates ' d, Vote to be taken (Dec. 4th, final sum- ming upDec. 6th noon. Council passed a resolution in- structing the Clerk to notify the MitchellHigh School oo 1 Distrie t School Board: That this council is of the opinion that the Town of Mitchell does not bear a sufficient proportion of the cost of construction and main- tenance of the High School friends tonight we are gathered here to honour one whom we all hold; dear, We rejoice with you in your happiness now, and hope yen and Ken never have a row,We're glad you'll still make Walton your abode even if you live on another road, We know roc will make a charming wife and hope for you both a happy life; your willing work in choir and Sunday School too, we know you will con- tinue to do, for you are the kind who values such things, and knows what happiness it brings. We know you'll be glad when the play is done and you won't Hen- pecked Henrye ahas alwayson your one am - 11 He is just one of the hundreds who during the clay will drop into the branch bank around the corner. Savings depositors with their pay cheques .. retail merchants with the clay's cash.,. people consulting the manager about loans, others cashing cheques ... it is all part of the daily work of the branch bank. In ten years the number of accounts maintained by bank depositors has grown from 5,000,000 to 8,000,000. This shows how Canadians have come to count on their local banks for a great variety of services. The banks keep pace with the growing needs of the nation, SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK s • ' JOSEPH DUCHARME The death occurred at his residence iu Drysdale on Monday, October '30, of Joseph Ducharnhe, in his Stith year, beloved husband of Mary Jeffrey, and father of Alfred, of Detroit; Jos- eph, of Fielding, Sask.; Peter, of Hay- field; Napoleon Delors, of Detroit; Lawrenoo, of Detroit; Dennis, of De- troit; Willard Francis, of Detroit; Nelson, of Drysdale; Mrs. Leon Be- dard (Celina), St. Joseph; Mrs, rd, ward Corriveau (Bertha), of St. Jos- eph; Mrs. Elsner • Shirkey (Nellie Ellen) Marino City, Michigan; Mrs. Rudolph Etue (Annabelle), of Sea - forth; Mrs. Anton Masse (Hazel), of Goderioh, The funeral is being ]held Thursday, November 2nd, whenre- quiem high mass will be sung at St. Peter's R. C. Church, St. Joseph, at 10 5.01, interment in the adjoining cemetery. Saturday, November 4th. He asks that businesses and households contribute to this poppy campaign 100%. This motley is used locally for one purpose only and cannot he used except in cases where a veteran or his depend- ents Heed assistance. The poppies and wreaths are made by disabled vete', ass to earn a livelihood to care for their families. So wear a poppy in re- membrance of talose who lost their lives in two world wars. Miss Lillian Fulton of Toronto was a week end guest with Miss Hannah Craig. - Mr. Cecil Johnston who has been confined to the Listowel Hospital ow- ing to illness is improving. Mrs. Catharine Devlin is confined .to her home owing to illness.. Ladles Entertained Ladies flight of Hensall Chamber of Commercpe was largely attended when a dinner meeting was held at Breuner's Hotel, Grand Bend on Tues- day evening. The members treated their wives and lady friends to a tur- key dinner with all the trimmings, followed by a picture show in Grand Bend, Mrs. R. H. Middleton gave a reading and lucky tickets were drawn by Mrs.. A. W. Kerslake, Mrs. W. R. Davidson, Miss Jean Armstrong, Mrs, Elsie Case, Mrs. W. 0. Goodwill and Mrs. R. B. Shaddick. The Hensall branch of the Canad- ian Legion are sponsoring a bingo in the Legion rooms on Friday evening, Nov. 3rd. Door prize and prizes of turkeys and chickens. Born -- At Mrs. Hooper's Nursing Home, Exeter, on Monday, Oct. 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Maxwell, Hensall, a daughter. Mrs, Maude Hedden has been con- fined to her room for the past week owing to illness. Death Of John Fisher Mr. John Fisher, a highly respected resident of the village, passed away at his home on Sunday, Oct. 29, fol- lowing a brief illness. Born in Hay Township in 1862, Mr. Fisher spent his early life in Zurich. He moved to Hensall in 1892 where he married Miss Jessie Thomson. He was a loyal member of Carmel Presbyterian Church. Of a quiet, retiring nature, the deceased possessed many out- standing qualities, being a faithful laborer and a kind neighbor and friend. He leaves to mourn his passing his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Lorne Thomson, (Helen) Toronto; Mrs. Roy Parlmer (Mary) ' Windsor, and one son Lester Fisher of Wheatley, and six granchildren, also two sisters, Mrs. Wm. Demouth, and Mrs. Walter Hadley, Port Arthur. The funeral which was private, was held at the late residence on 'Tuesday at 2 p.m. and was conducted by Rev. P. A. Fer- guson. Interment was in Hensall Un- ion Cemetery. Miss Ada Gramm of Adrian, Midi., spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gramm. She was accompanied by Mrs. Gitters, who visited her aunt, Mrs. Meidinger. The Hensall Branch of the •Cana- dian Legion will attend their annual church service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening, Nov. 6 at 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Hess accomp- anied by Mrs. A. Foster and Mrs. Annie Saundercock spent the 'week- end with members of their families in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Billie and Carl visited on Sunday with rel- atives in Lucan and London. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Redden, Messrs 'Orville and Lloyd Redden of St. Catharines were here recently in observance of their mother's, Mxe. Catharine Redden, seventieth birth- day. Mr. Ronald Redden of Brantford is spending a few days with his ;grand- mother, Mrs. Catharine Hedden. Miss Betty Mickle, who is attend- ing Western University, Landon, and Mr. Bill Mickle, who is attending O. A. C., Guelph spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle• The Voice of Temperance Harry Lauder gave this proud testimony "No man can be success- ful and drink". When I started on the stage somebody said "Well it's a great life for dissipation :and drinking." "Well" I said "if there is any success to be 'had through being sober and steady I will get it, and I took a vow that I would not touch, taste or handle strong drink of any description." Harry Lauder won his way to success and then he realized that there was even more need for him, to be sober because he was looked upon as an example.--Advt. THURSDAY, NOVEM GENT A J&lrL+ t'� i �4h #=t i 1. P Tib LAX, OR . Thur. Fri. Sat. "ARE YOU WITH IT" Now Playing with DONALD O'CONNOR OLGA All the glitter and excitement of Carnival Life, A story tiledSAN wiJltUAN Itoniauce. The Academi' Award winning .Picture Mon. Tees. Wed "ALL THE KING'S MEN" BRODERICIK CRAWFO[RD . JOANNE DRU. This filen 15 a thinly disguised version et the Ituey Long empire whish thrust itself into the American scene Next Thur, Fri., Sat. "FRES FOR ALL" ROBERT CUMMINGS - ANN BLYTH. Highly entertaining Romantic Comedy. See what happens when a chemist concocts a substance that can turn water into gasoline. COMING . "MOTHER DIDN'T TELL ME" TOWN TOPICS Ali', Percy Little underwent All op. Mrs, McDonald, mother of Mrs, enation 1n St. Joseph's hospital, To - Fr nk Smale, suffered a severe strokeaolto, and making good recovery. on Tuesday. MA N WORK PLASTERING BRICKS vocamom BLOCKS STONE FOR ANY WORK IN THE BUILDING LINE Materials Supplied Free Estimates SEE Huron Concrete Products SEAFO'HTII LOGAN Logan Council met on October 26, at; 13i'odhagen at the Cleric's office, all members iaeing present, minutes read, adopted and signed. 13y -law 537 was read and passed re- funding surplus on Partridge drain No. 1. A cheque was received from Elms Twp. being Logan portion of surplus en said drain. Bylaw 538 was read and passed twa Preparedness is the surest Prevention of Aggression Serve Canada at Sea Canada's Navy is fighting for freedom abroad —to protect freedom at home. The Royal Canadian Navy needs men today. The Navy's job is a big job—important to every Canadian. You can join us now. Life at sea is a challenge. It's a. man's life and you must be physically fit and able to live up to Navy standards. The need is REAL -The need is NOW -ACT TODAY! Be a sailor. Serve your country and yourself You'll see foreign places and the full benefits of a service career can be yours now. If you are between 17 and 29—have Grade. & education or. better — are a Canadian citizen or other British subject: write to the Recruiting Officer, Naval Headquarters, Ottawa: or write or see in person the Recruiting Officer at your nearest Naval Division, and find out how you can join. The Royal Canadian Navy a 00 CNSW