HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-10-26, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOi3ER 26, 1900 WSEK SPECIALS END HO - SAVING VALUE FRESH GROUND COFFEE 1 Ib. Bag CARNATION MILK Large Tins 6 for SLICED SIDE BACON Rind off. A lb, pkgs. 330 1 Ib. 810 650 1 WHITE CAKE MIX 1 CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX 2 pkgs. 49c JIFFY PIE CRUST pkg. 29c 890 GOLDEN CREAM CORN 20 oz. Tins. 2 for.. 27c FIG BAR COOKIES 1 Ib, 290 SEEDLESS RAISINS... 2 Ib. 33c TIDE is in DIRT IS QfiTT GIANT PKG. 65o LARGE PKG. — 28c With Coupon WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Phone 77 We deliver NEW & OLD TYME BRUSSELS TOWN HALL FRIDAY, OCT. 27 Music by Mac Scott & His Chuck - Wagon Gang Dancing — 9,30 to 1.,30 Adm. 75c SEAFORTH JUNIOR FARMERS AUTUMN BARN DANCE in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth THURS., NOV. 2nd With Don Robertson and the Ranch Boys FROLIC AND FUN FOR ALL Dancing 9.30 to 1.00 Schneider -Orpheus 'Choir 45 MALE VOICES APPEARING AT BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH Wednesday, Nov. 1 at 8.30 pm ADMISSION Adults 50c Children 25c Four vital steps to security (with something important in common) 2. Owning your' own home builds security two ways. It allows you to make a sound investmentthrough regular savings, and it brings freedom from hous- ing worries. Hundreds of thousands of Canadians now own their own homes, built with the help of life insurance dollars. 1. A steady job is the foundation of security. And job -security can be in- creased by showing initia- tive — the quality which, surveys prove, makes workers most valuable. Life insurance dollars, in- vested in industries and public works, create many new lobs each, year 4, Life insurance protects you and your family as you build security in all these other ways. It helps to provide income for your retirement. And it guaran- tees your dependants an income in the event of your death. Thus by owning life insurance you take your most vital step to security! 3. Cash resources, such as savings accounts and Canada Savings Bonds, promote security by pro- viding funds for emergen- cies. Ancl it is important to save regularly. Life insur- ance helps you save sys- tematically — for family protection, retirement and other future needs. Here's to your future! In all these ways, life in- surance helps you and yours to find greater security. Today 5 million Canadian life insurance policyholders are helping themselves and each other to face the future with increasing confidence I. The LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES in Canada and their Representatives WORKING FOR NATIONAL PROGRESS , .. BUILDING PERSONAL SECURITY L.150D n Stock Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproc Beaver -Board, Arborite, Tentest Blocks Finishing Lime, Mason's Lime, Spraying Lime Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles, Roll -Brick Siding, Insulated Siding and Roll -Roofing Place your order for GEMENT now•. INSULATION Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts • Lumber, Sash and Doors Storm Sash made to order ' Custom Millwork Seaforih Supply & Fuel Ltd. "Where The Best Costs No More" PHONE 47 SEAFORTH TFIE SEAFORTH _ NEWS TOWN TOPICS ,... Mrs, Will Stoddart spent the week- end in Port Huron visiting her friend Mrs, Myron Matthews. INIr, and Mrs. Cecil Adams and daughter were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Adams, Miss June Snell, Stratford, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Snell. Miss Helen Devereaux, London visited with her parents, Mr. ancd Mrs. J. L. Devereaux over the week- end, I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bingham, Hamilton, were weekend visitors at the hoarse of Mrs. Ross Sproat,. Mr, Kenneth Eaton, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton. Mr. James McItindsey, London, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr.. and Mrs. R. R. McKindsey, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ennett, Sarnia, and Mr; and Mrs. Thos. Mel- ady, 'Dublin, were weekend visitors at the -home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eckert, Mr. Ronald Sills, London, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Sills. Mr. Joseph Matthews is a patient in the Scott btemoial Hospital, suf- fering from an attack of pneumonia, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Anderson, Strat- ford, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Anderson, Mrs. Jas, McCluskey, Stratford, is visiting with her sister and brother- in-law, Mrs. J. Eckert and Mr. Eckert Miss Margaret Kelly is visiting with friends in town. F. 0. Howard Cartmill of Sum- merside, P.E.I. spent. the weekend. at the home of Mrs, Thelma Brugge(. IMr. and Mrs. Iien Dougherty of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herald Lawrence.. Mr. William Hatcher of Newfound- land is visiting his daughters, Mrs. Jack Moore, Mrs. Ed, Pearcey and Miss Laura Hatcher. Mr. and (Mrs. Wm. Campbell spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Leo Cole at Russeldale. (Don't forget the turkey dinner at Northside United Church on Nov. 7. SPORT SHORTS Every night in the past week there has been a (hockey practice in the Seaforth Community Centre for local players and for teams from the towns around this area. The first hockey game is to be on Wednesday night of this week bet- ween Clinton RCAF and Atwood. There will be public skating on Friday and Saturday nights this week BORN MaCLIIRE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October Seth, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McClure, RR. 1 Walton, a son ECI{ERT — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eckert, RR. 1 Dublin. a daughter BALL—To Mr. and Mrs.. Stanley Ball, Au- burn, a daughter, Brenda Marlene, in Clin- ton Public Hospital, on' 0ht. 18.. BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Carman Mogk, St. Thomas, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mogk. Mr, and Mrs. George Wesenberg and family of Brussels and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Leonhardt and Laurene of Mit. shell with Mr: and Mrs: Chas. Ahrens on Sunday. Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mrs. Jim Doyle, Miss Violet Diegel and Miss Bessie Wilson, all of Toronto, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Diegel. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Elliott, Dick and Pat, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Leonhardt. Mr. and Mrs.Norman Wilson and Janice of Neustadt, Miss Clara Meyer and Henry' Meyer and John Cowan of Egmondvi l le Church IS HAVING A BAZAAR AND [-SOME BAKING SALE Saturday, Oct. 28 IN CARDNO'S HALL DOORS OPEN AT 3 O'CLOCK THE OPENING Euchre & Dance Sponsored by Seaforth Women's Institute will be held in CARDNO'S HALL FRIDAY, OCT. 27 Euchre starts at 8.30 sharp Admission 50c. Ladies please bring sandwiches. Lucy Lunch Prize Music by a good Orchestra INVIOVONVINIAIVANIMANWVVI HULLETT Branch of the Federation . of Agriculture Are holding their ANNUAL MEET ING In the Community Hall in Loiidesboro, on Wednesday, Nov. 1 8.30 pm The guest speaker will be. Mr. Gordon Bennett, Hutson County' Agricultural Rein'esentative, There will be a Short Programme, followed by a DANCE, with music by Murdock's Orchestra. Admission' to Dance, 50c for Gentleinen, and Ladles please bring lunch ARTHUR GRAINGE President W, lir. GOWER Secretary, Kitchener with Mrs, Mary Meyer. Mr. Harvey i3ennowins of Kitchener with (tie parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennewies. Mr. and Mrs, John 0, Binz, Maureen and Wlnnifrod, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs, Don Barber, Guelph. Mrs. John G. Hinz was the lucky winner of a case of Wagstaffe's Janis, pickles, etc.; her name' was drawn at Loudon, Elmer D. Bell, K.C. announces that Mr. C. Van 'Laughton, L.L.B., will bo associated with the law firm in Exeter. Mr. Laughton graduated from Dalhousie University, Halifax, this spring azaar IN THE BASEMENT OF FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SAT., NOV. 4th Sale starts at 3 o'clock . Afternoon Tea Horne Baking, Aprons, Fancy Goods, Candy, White Elephant Booth Everyone Welcome NOIRE Turkey Dinner AT NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH, SEAFORTH TUESDAY, NOV. 7 5.to 8 PM Admission $1.50 Children, 12 years and under, 75c NOTICE Commencing Wednesday, Novem- ber lst, the Creamery and Locker Storage will close at 12.0 and remain closed each Wednesday afternoon until further notice Seaforth Creamery OCTOBER 1950 nada ' ?V 6 I GDSdxe rs'i ,16(9' min Sew3 Seaforth Lions 21st Animal Seaforth Memorial Are TUESDA:, • 3ist CHILDREN'S COSTUMES PRIZES FOR Boy's Character Girl's Character Boy's Comic Girl's Comic Three Prizes in each event Judging commences at 8 pm FREE CANDY FOR CHILDREN IN COSTUME MAJOR DRAW - - NEW CAR OR TRACTOR Buy your tickets from any Seaforth merchant, (member of the Lions Club or Agricultural Society, or at the Frolic OUTSTANDING ICE SHOW Stars of the Kitchener Skating Club in a fantasy on ice Added Attraction — HOAG and HILLIER • Comedy Sensation on ice FREE SKATING FOR ALL FOLLOWING PROGRAM Cash Prizes Games of Chance a a n c i n M Music by Wilbee's Community Centre Orchestra on the beautiful, floor. Tickets 50 cents each DON'T MISS IT ! CHILDREN FREE