HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-10-26, Page 4• WALTON The regular meeting of the Woe Aesooiation of Walton United Church was, held on Wednesday, Oct. 18 in the church. Mrs. W. J. Ben- nett, the president, opened the meet- ing by singing two verses of hymn 577 "Come ye thankful people Corrie" followed by prayer. The min- utes of Sept. meeting were read and approved. The treasurer reported $369.16 on hand, A letter of thanks from Grace United Church Flood Committee in Winnipeg to the W, A. for bale of quilts: and blankets. The W. A. to cater to a banquet for Brussels Lion's Club in November. Several items of business were brought before the meeting and mo- tions passed. "Thank -you" cards were received from the sick. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. The regular iiionthly meeting of the W.M.S, was held on Oct. 18 with Mrs. C. Martin presiding. The meet- ing opened by singing hytuln 506. The Secretary and Treasurer's reports .were given. The roll call was ll lie answer- bele Several er l an ti 2 n � lobi 1 i d an- swered with a Thanksgiving prayer, A. report front the Walton A.uxihary was read. An invitation from the Bethel W.M.S. to attend their Au tume Thankoffering meeting on Nov 2nd was extended to our W.M.S. and W.A. There were reports front' sever- al of the offieers. The 8th of Morris Group under the leadership of Mrs. A. McCall then had charge of the meeting. The programs for this meet- ing was entitled The United Church Re-enters Japan through Re-inforee- ments. She was assisted by several members of the Group throughout the program, The meeting closed by repeating the Lord's Prayer in Uni- T SEAFORTH NEWS Collins ! a kin Fr n Thele passed away on Sunday, Oct. 15 in Grey twp., one of ire old est and well respected residents, the late Mr, Franklin Collins in his 91st year. He resided in that twp. all leis life and was active in municipal af- fairs, having served as a member of council for .some years, and was Reeve and Deputy Reeve for a per- iod. He was married in 1890 to Miss Eliza Ross, a daughter of the late err, and Mrs. Robt. Ross of Grey, who predeceased him 8 year's age. He is survived by two sons, Alex and James, both, at home. The funeral ser- vice was held in the Peebles Funoral Chapel, Atwood, on Wednesday with nitermcnt in Pima Centre Conretery and was well attended. :Friends and relatives were present from Listowel, Ethel, Cranbrook, Bu'ussele, Walton and Bluevale. St. 'George's Anglican Guild held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. 'Humphries. Mrs. Humphries was in charge, prayer and scripture was taken by Mrs. Cliff Brown. Plans were made for the annual ba- zaar on Nov. 9, Daring the evening a quilt was put in. The meeting closed with prayer after which the hostess served lunch. HI iiia nn1„1°1nnoun1111111111111111,11111111111,,1n1111111,11,11111,11,111,1111111111"1111,111"11111111111111111111111t11111,11,11111111,11n11 1875 1950 Cavan United Church WINTHROP Extends a cordial invitation to all friends and former members and adherents to worship with them for their 75th anniversary SUNDAY, OCT. 29th REV. S. J. MATHERS, M.A., B.D., of Alma College will be Guest Speaker MORti1Ntl sEnviCE. 11 a,.ut Sermon subject: One Lord;' One Fellowship Mr. Fred Willis :and MI's, Frank Kling fin assist the choir. EV'ENI:NG :SEP,VIt"E. 7.30 p..ni: -: erninn subject, The Key Word of the New Testani.-iii. The Crnubrook Quartette will sing. M i n t, 1, t 111111 o t nn t"1111,1 ttt11 tt n t n"I,111, I n 11,111.11 1.1111 n 111111111111111111111111,1111,11111111111111 I I I I 11111 n 1111 a 11111 a n 1 t t t u 111, RED TICKET SPECIALS FRIDAY A SATURDAY SODA BISCUITS Ginger Snaps McCormick's Salted or Plain 27c lb. SURF, LARGE MATCHES, 3 boxes 21c, MARSH MALLOWS ORANGE JUICE — Birds Eye lb. pkg. 1-g. 24c lb. 37c 36c OIL CLOTH 2 ROLLS ONLY 45 8 54 in. Reg .75 & .S5 yd. 49c & 59c yd. W. T. McASH, Varna Phone Clinton 622261.23 gesEesasemeseresamistielealeleigelleelnee THIS WEEK Rexall Cent Sale 4 BIG DAYS WED. - THURS. - FRID. & SAT. OCT. 25th - 26th ,- ' 27th - 28th Store closed Wed. 1 pm Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Drug Store SEAFORTH ONT. Ws 1mOt Quite C , ristmas, but late Mr. and Mrs, Riley, Londesboro, nand. Yellowing i • ria •e Mr, l ollotuml, their marriage Mrs; Mair resided on lot 34, con. 9, Hullett twp. until 1920 when they moved to I5attenbutry St;, Clinton. For the past six years she has made her home with her son and daughters. Left to mourn the loss of a loving mother are her one son and three daughters: William A. Mair, London; Viva, Mrs. le, H. MacGregor Landes - bora; Margaret, Mrs. J. W. Pitchford, Detroit: Mary, 1Vfrs. William G. Leach, Toronto; three grandsons, five granddaughters, one great grand- son, one brother in South Piainsfield, New Jersey, and one sister in Lon- don. She was predeceased by two daughters, Claire in 1905, and Essie, Mrs. Howard Brutrsdon, in 1988. Mho funeral was held at the Ball and Mutclt Funeral Home, High St. Clinton, on Thursday, Oct, 12 with interment in Clinton Cemetery, Rev. S, H, Brenton officiated. Pallbearers HENSALL were six nephews, William, Jack, Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrolig of Harry and Bert Moss, Wallace and L ''''t visitors with the urte were ret latter's sister Mrs. John MacBeath. Mr. and Mrs. John Tudor visited recently ,with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schaeffer in Goderich. Mrs, Catharine Devlin returned home from a pleasant visit with her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cook. Mrs, Cook accomp- anied Mrs, ,Devlin home and spent the weekend here. Mrs. Jack Corbett, Ross and Con- nie spent the weekend in London visiting with the former's brother-in- law and sister Mr. and Mrs. -Leslie I Adams. Mr. Harold Parker, who has been confined to Clinton Hospital for the past week, was able to return .home on Saturday, I Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fisher, Mrs. Roy Parimer, Windsor, and. Mrs. Thompson of Toronto are spending seine time at the home of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher, ow- ing to the illness of Me. Fisher. Mr. and Mee, Harold Hedden and children of Dresden spent the week- end with the ferases mother, Mrs. Catharine Hedden. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd and daughter of Toronto spent the week- end with the latter's parents, Mr. and lirs, James Smillie. IWohelo Class Members Honored The regular monthly meeting of the Wohelo Class was held in the United Church School room on Mon- day night Oct. 23rd. Mr. Blackwell presided for the meeting which open- ed with the hymn "Jesus Shall Reign". Miss Hannah Pepper read the scripture lesson, Matt, 19: 16-31. Miss Dorothy McNaughton was in charge of the devotional period. Mrs. Dave kyle offered prayer. Final plans were made re the presentation of the 3 act play "Coveralls" by the Elimrille Women's Institute in the Town hall on Monday next Nov. 6 at 8:30 o'clock. Various Committees were drawn up. For the November meeting Miss Gray and Mr. Black- well were named to make arrange- ments. hiss Ellis ably dealt with the topic "The perfect blue print for Happiness'. Passages were read by B. Pepper, Dave Kyle, Mrs, G. Broderick and Mrq Blackwell. Mr James Horton favored with a pleas- ing violin solo, An enjoyable vocal solo was given by Mrs. T. Coates. A humorous reading was contributed by Miss Gray after which Miss Gladys Luker gave a piano solo. The closing hymn was "He Liveth Long". Rev. and Mrs. Rogers directed several games, Refreshments were served by the social committee of which Miss Gladys Luker was convener. During the social hour Mr, Howard Brook, a valued class member, who leaves shortiy to accept a new position in Toronto was made the recipient of a shaving kit, Mr. Blackwell and Dave Kyle doing the honors. Howard ex- pressed sincere thanks to all. The Class members were honored in hav- ing present, Rev Sanderson and Rev. W. J. Rogers. who during the even- ing gave instructive fitting talks. Miss Gray and Mus. Hedden arranged the excellent program. Dear Howard:—Your fellow work- ers in the Wohelo Class would like to take the opportunity to express their appreciation to you and our regret that you are soon to leave us. We wish you to know that we have thor- oughly appreciated the very capable and faithful service you have given to our work. We wish you every hap- piness in your new location and ask you to accept this gift. From your friends and co-workers in the Wohelo Class of Hensall United Church. Miss Ellis, Teacher, Mr. J. F. Blackwell, President, Miss Luker, Sec'y. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Farquhar spent the weekend With members of their family in Toronto. The marriage was solemnized at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Rudy Petzke, Hensel, when' their eldest daughter Edna Ann became the bride of John Edward Atkinson, son of Mrs. Atkinson, Amherst, N. S. and the late Bradford Atkinson. Rev. W. J. Rogers performed the ceremony. 'Wedding music was played by Miss Gladys Luker, who also accompanied the soloist lire. Maude Hedden. Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a gown of black net over pink taffetta fashioned with a bertha collar and beaded headdress, her bridal bouquet was American Beauty, roses. She was attended by her sister Miss Marlene Petzke frocked in black net over blue taffet- ta with -ruffed blue net headdress, her flowers were Talisman roses. Frank Petzke of Toronto cousin of the bride was hest man. For the trip to Kitchener and Toronto the bride wore a gray suit with navy accessor- ies, Mr. and Mrs, Atkinson will re- side in Hensall. Mrs. Lou Simpson is spending a few weeks visiting with relatives in Chicago. The Sacrament of Baptism will be dispensed by Rev. P. A. Ferguson in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sun- day, Oct, 29 at 11 a.m. •Rev. and Mrs. Sanderson of Hurst, Saskatchewan, are visiting at the manse with their son-in-law and gdauguson. hter, Rev. P. A. and Mrs. Fer- A Girl can't help dreaming . . . about the gift that starts the Home! Choose Her Cedar Chest Now Join our Christmas Lay -A -Way Plan PAY LATER Box Furniture Store -Funeral Service P1101111,—DAY 43 NIGHT 896 W Bruce 12iley. Flowerbearers were WIl- Cla Clayton 1Dixon,u GLynntMMair and Chas. Mills. Mrs. Mair was a member of the Presbyterian Church, Londesboro and Clinton, until the time of Union, when she became a member of WeeleY Willis United Church, Clinton. Friends and relatives were present from Toronto, Niagara Falls, Detroit, St. Catharines, London, Goderich and Londesboro. Miss Helen MacGregor, St. Cathar- ines; Mr, and Mrs. W. Leach and Margaret of Toronto; Mrs. J. W. Pitchford, Detroit; Mr. Wm. A, Mair, THURSDAY, OCTO 0 EGENT THEATRE y i r� 1 d AL .k A L,1 i,LJ. � U Now Playing tTADIAN PACIFIC" That's.,Fri. Sur. Starring EANDOLA'II SCOTT JAM: WYA'IT i`ro,e tko routing gorges and the unconquered pt'atties or the great Northwest surges in, epic ,torr of heroic conflict, Photographed In tate scenic granduer el the Ceeeelun Reekfes, Mon. Tues. Wed "STATE FAIR" DICK IPAYM4S with JPEANNE CRAIN The lemons story the whole, world knows and loves is now the Grandest Technicolor ensical the screen bus ever shown. Brought bock l» Popular demand. . Next Thur. Fri, Sat, • "ARE YOU WITH IT" will, DONALD O'CONNOR OLG, SAN JUAN Allem glitter and exeitement•of cerntval Luo. A story' filled with Romance - COMING • "ALL THE KING'S MEN" London, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. F, MacGregor. BRODHAGEN Robert Arthur, infant Son of Mr, anal Mrs. A, Campbell, was baptized at the Sunday morning service. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Young were sponsors. Birth Diegel -- In,Civic Hospital, Nortli-'Bay. Ont., on Wednesday, Oct. 1Stil, to Mr and Mrs. Ralph Diegel of North Bay, a son, John (Jordon' George The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Luth- eran Church catered to the Leonhardt- Beuerman wedding on Friday in the church basement. ' Miss Velma Pon -mane spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fuller near Mitchell. Mrs. John C. Diegel is visiting hi Stratford at the luoine of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kressler Mr. Rudolph Fischer has returned from Stratford hospital after receiving injuries in a car accident and is at the home of his daughter Mrs. Ken- neth Schmidt and Mi'. Schmidt, Mrs. Edwin Scberbarth has return- ed to her ltonio from Stratford Hos- pital. NIr, and MI's. Russeil Sholdice were guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Glenn Diegel, in Mitchell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Rose, Yvonne and Lorraine, of Point Edward, spout the week end with Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt and attended the Leon- hardt-Beuermann wedding on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, John L: Bennewies and Glenn spent over two weeks with their family at Detroit, Windsor and Ruthven. Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Ward and Mr, and Mrs, Harold Paul and family of Stratford, Mrs. John Hinz and son Johnny of Kitchener, with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Tait, ere's a bargain For you I will run a dozen errands ...,take appointments, do your shopping ...stand guard over your safety ...carry you to the side of n sick friend ...save you worry, and effort, and hours ...mike your work easier, your rife pleasanter. How would you measure your telephone's true worth? Its endless convenience. Its life-saving speed in time of need. The steadily -growing nwnber of people it brings within your reach .. , All these things contribute to the sum -total of telephone value. Yet in dollars -and -cents cost, your telephone remains one of the smallest items in your family budget; even a smaller part than it was before the war. Today, as always, your telephone is big value. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA TELEPHONE, or for higher grade of you have our assurance that you Will hove it lust os 4ulck1Y as w YOU ARE de.theWAITING FOR Afacilities. Our continuing goal is to pro - service, want h, We can provide she necessary vide the ked of service to all who w°nt It, when and where they HARLOCK The death of Mrs. William L. Mair occurred suddenly while visiting friends in Clinton on Tuesday after.- noon, Oct. 10. Mrs. Mair in her 84th year was the oldest daughter of the AY I G ARE NOW OPEN FOR WOODS E�.S IN PRACTICALLY ALL CUTTING AREAS IN CANADA s Especially Heavy Demand in Ontario and Quebec CALL AT OR WRITE ¥ .`UR NEAREST NATIONAL, EMPL`;E' ¥MINT SERVICE OFFICE FOR FULL INFORMATION FEDERAL MILTON F. GREGG, Minister, DEPARTMEPf OF LABOUR A, MacNAMARA, Deputy Minister.