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The Seaforth News, 1950-10-26, Page 2
BRODHAGEN M. ad Mrs. Herman Leonhardt and boys, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Benne- wies and Ivan visited with Harvey Bennewies in Kitchener on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Bode and Mr, Ken Prestkamp of Hanover and Don- ald Bade of Palmerston, with Mi•, and Mrs. Harry Tait and also called on Mr. G. Mueller. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Miller of Galt with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Miller. Mr, and Mrs. Aug Seherbarth and Mr, and Mrs. Pd. Seherbarth visited relatives in Trenton. Marysville and Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs, Al Miller returned to Detroit after spending the week with Mr, and Mrs. Henry E. Diegel and other relatives. Miss Ordella Wolfe spent the week- end with her mother, Mrs. Chas. Wolfe. Mr, Carl Diegel of Toronto visited with his mother, Mrs. Geo. Diegel, who is very ill, Mr. and Mrs. John Eisler of Sea - forth with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerinan. Mrs, Ida Brunner of Seebachs Hill with her daughter, Mrs, Wm. Diegel and Mr, Diegel. dao. ghterndo f MToronto, witB nMr,g and and Mrs. Geo. and Harold Mogk. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Diegel and Ruth Ann and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Diegel visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Diegel at Hamilton. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sararas and family accompanied by Mr. , nd Mrs. Jack Reid and fancily of Toronto,. were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Caldwell and family. Miss Anna Patterson of Tucker - smith is visiting at her home here. H ENSALL Mrs. Nelson of Goderich spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. Ida Jackson and brother Donald. Mr. and Mrs, Grosser of Toronto visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bonthron. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and fam- ily of Windsor were weekend visitors with the fornier's parents Mr, and Mrs. C. Cook. Miss Betty :Iiekle who is attending Western University in Landon spent the weekend at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L Miekle. Mr, Bruce Glenn of Guelph spent the weekend at the hone of his par - MA TRE! SE,A 'QRT,H NMi;W$ MID AT WALTON Mr. and Mrs, Roy M. Williamson, who were recently married at the Unitti church Manse at Walton. The bride is Kathleen .Ella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Roe, and the groom, Roy Williamson, is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Williamson, all of Walton. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Glenn, Miss Irma Kipfer of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Kipfer of Lucan visit- ed over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer and Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Kipfer, Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Williams and children of Kitchener were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess. Mr, 13111 Mickle left on Tuesday for the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph where he will commence the fall course. At the recent frolic held in the Community Arena, Hensall, the net proceeds were between '$850 and $000. The total receipts were $1848. The monthly meeting of the Even- ing Auxiliary was helde, in the United Church schoolroom on Mon- day night, Oct. 16. Mrs. Bert Horton and Mrs. S. Ralinie were hostesses. The devotional period was given by Mss Gray, the study by Mrs. Lorne Chapman. The Social Commit- tee was Mrs. Harold Elder, Mrs. Hugh McEwen, Mrs. R. Drysdale, Mrs. Milton Lavery and Mrs. D. Kyle,. The roll call featured a collection of aprons and other bazaar items. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Billie and Carol spent the holiday weekend with Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Neeb in Tavistock. Mr, and Mrs. A. Pearson of Tor- onto visited recently with the latter's mother, Mrs. Annie Saundercoek, Miss. Edna Walsh and Audrey re- turned home after spending the weekend at $lyth, The annual Thank -Offering meet- ing of 'the Arnold Circle ltivening Auxiliary was held in the school- room of Carmel Presbyterian Ohureh. on Monday evening, Oct, 16. A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr,, and Mrs. Rudy Petzke on Friday night when a num- ber of neighbors and friends gather- ed in honor of their daughter Edna, bride -elect. Contests were directed by Miss Ellen Bell and Miss Eleanor Wenner after which the bride was res nt p e ed with a number of beautiful gifts. The accompanying address was read by Miss Eleanor Venter. The bride expressed her sincere thanks and refreshments were served, Dear Edna:—It is with pleasure that we gather here this evening to honor you prior to your approaching, marriage. You have always been will- ing to lend a helping hand where- ever needed. 1VIay your troubles be few, your joys many, and may your ship of matrimony have smooth sail- ing all the way. As tokens of our friendship, we ask you to accept these gifts. Signed on behalf of your Hensall neighbors and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Cook of Lon- don were weekend visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. Catharine Devlin. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and Don- na of Blenheim spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Rigby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case returned home after spending several clays in London owing to the illness of the latter's father, Mr. J. Reid. The Women's Missionary Society of the Hensall United Church met for their October meeting' with the Presi- dent, Mrs. W, B. Cross presiding. Mrs. Geo. Armstrong was in charge of the devotional period assisted by Miss Katie Scott, Mrs. Anna Walker, Mrs. N. J. Paterson and Mrs. James Horton. Mrs. E. Geiger presented the study on Japan, on the theme "Japan begins again and bhe United Church again enters Japan". Mrs, A. Clarke contributed a vocal solo accompanied by Mrs. T. Sherrit. The Baby Band and mothers will be entertained in the church schoolroom on Oct. 25. Avrangements were made to attend the sectional tweeting at Grand Bend nn October 10. 0 ... and it takes time to train a tank crew: each man must know his job thoroughly; he must be an alert, skilled member of a fighting team. The Armoured Corps of the Canadian Army needs keen young men today ... men ready to train for a man-sized place in one of its tank crews: tank drivers, gunner operators, vehicle mechanics. Now is the time to report for training ... make Canada strong by acting now! J©hi To enlist you must — 1. Be a Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be between 17 and 29 years of age. 3. Be single. 4, Meet Army test requirements, 5, Volunteer for service anywhere. Report right away to: Wallis House, Charlotte 5, Rideau Sis., OTTAWA, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Begot St., KINGSTON, Ont. No, 6 Personnel Depot, Charley Park, Douglas Drive, TORONTO, On,, No.7 Personnel Depot, Walseloy Barracks, Elizabeth S1,, LONDON, Ont. 52330.0 CflVE F RCE VeliMIPMEOlmai All-Star Rodding Treats You get them when you read the THREE BIG MAGAZINES — The American Weekly, Pictorial Review, and Puck, The Comic Weekly—ex- elusively with Detroit Sunday Times. 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