HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-10-26, Page 1The Seaforth News HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL. ?8 JUNIOR FARMERSHOLD JAMBOREE The Junior Farmers held a very eue- cessful jamboree masquerade on Fri- day night last. The winners of the prices were, door prize, Laverne God ficin, best costume, Mona Campbell. The lucky draw Isabelle Caldwell. spot dance, Ed Wise and his partner of the Clinton Junior Farmers. The prize for the Junior Farmer Club hav- ing the most members there went to the South Huron Club. The 'Seaforth Junior Farmer Club is invited to a Junior Farmer dance in and togCl ntoo nrMondayhn ghtht t. 27 Oci. 80th. 'The next regular meeting of this club will be held on Tuesday night Nov. 7, with the topic being on the stabling of cattle and proper ventila- tion. The roll call will be the number of 'Teed Cattle", Parents' Night The parents of the members and anyone else interested in our club is cordially invited to attend this meet- ing as it is the first "parents' night" we have had. STRAWBERRIES IN MID -OCTOBER Mr. William Murray of Egmond- ville brought into The News :Office on ,Saturday a cluster of lovely ripe strawberries and also some straw- berries in flower. He also had a saucerful of large blackberries from a bush in his garden which has been bearing abundantly up till now, C. W. L. EUCHRE A, very successful euchre party was held in St. James' Parish hall on Friday evening Oct. 20. Approxi- mately 33 tables were occupied. The winner of the first prize for the ladies' high was Mrs. A. Close; the prize for lone hands for ladies went to Mrs. A. Bethune, •and Mas. E. Bannon won the consolation prize. Wm. Hart won the first prize for the men's high; the lone hand prize going to Mr, Frank Maloney. Mr. Andy O'- Leary won the consolation prize. Mrs. Cooper won the lucky cup prize. The Catholic Woman's League served lunch at the close of the evening. NORTHSIDE W. M. S. The October meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church was held in the church. Mac. Roy Lawson in the chair, she opened the meeting with hymn and prayer. Miss A. Lawrence was appointed Secy, in the absence of Mrs. Porteous who is ill; The trea- surer gave her report and Mrs. John Finlayson gave the- Christian Stew- ardship report. She included the bud- get for the last quarter and "Love Gift". A temperance reading was given by Miss Finnegan. An invita- tion from the Anglican ladies was accepted for Nov. 10 at 3 p.m. The theme for the worship service was ''N+•- -` "Christ's Disciples bring Light". Hymn "Take my life and Iet it be" and prayer by Mrs. Cuthill. Mrs. Lorne Webster took the reading. The program, The United Church Re- enters Japan through Reinforce- ments" was taken by Mrs. M. Guth - ill's group, those assisting her were Mrs. Harburn, Mrs. Eaton and Miss Lawrence. The meeting closed with hymn "Those whose Almighty Word" and the Lord's Prayer in unison. KENNETH B.-MUIR The infant son of Mr. and Mac. Burton 0. Muir, who was 'born on Sept. 15, 1950, died on Friday. The child was named Kenneth Burton and had not been in good health since birth. Surviving are his parents, one sister Cheryl and one brother, Ray. The funeral was held Saturday at 12:30 from the residence, High St., with interment in M'aitland'bank cem- etery. Rev. D. Glenn Campbell con- ducted the service. SEWING CLUB MEETS Buttons and Bows Sewing Club held their first meeting .of the sea- son for the new project "Working with Wool" at Mrs. W. Haugh's home, The election of officers took place under the leadership of Mrs. R. Chapman. President, 'Gladys Chap- man; Sec'y, Eleanor McCartney; Press Reporter, Ann Haugh; Radio Reporter, Marion Ross. The sewing box contents were named. Wool, its fibre, weave, good and bad points were discussed. The .girls demonstrat- ed how to tell good wool. We did the feel test, the burning test, the chem- ical tests for wool. Northside United Church Ren, D. A. MacMillan, Minister n0 a.m., Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes. 11 a.m., Worship: Sermon Text, Acts 16: 31 11:30 Junior Congregation, 7 p.m., Worship: Sermon Text Matt. 5: 29-30... A cordial welcome to all services.. First Presbyterian Church 10 a.m,, Bible Class and Sunday School 11 a.m,, Sacrament of Baptism: Junior Congregation. 7 p.m., C.G.I:T. Service. Every one welcome, Egmond'uille United Church Rev, A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.A. 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.in„ "A Longing for the Sa- viour". 7 pan., "The Reign of Christ". St. Thomas' Church 10 s.n ., Sunday School 11 a.m., Morning Prayer. 2 p.m., St. Mary's, Dublin Rev. T. Dale Jones, Rector. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1950 FINANCIAL REPORT F OFFICERS INSTALLED HOSPITAL AID REVIEWS OF COMMUNITY CENTRE AT REBEKAH LODGE YEAR'S WORK Following is the financial state- Arthur R D b n, Installation of officers was the iThe following report covers a year meet of Seaforth District Community d S th main: order of business Monday even- commencing Sept. 1949 until Sept. Centre; School, won the o ing, Oct. 23, when Edelweiss Rebekah 1950. 'Receipts- p g Lodge, Seafortheld its regular • The past year proved very sucees- Legion Donation .. 10,000,00 South Huron t h, h ld k'i day on meeting. Mrs. Lillian.i Grummett, No- ful to the Women's Hospital Aid to Public Subsc. 15,160.94 ble Grand, presided. A communica- Scott Memorial Hospital by putting Govt. Grant 10,000.00 concess o h'p tion was read from Pride of Huron forth untiring efforts and meeting Town Debenture 40,000.00 Aft Bolton t topped l e Lodge", "Exeter, asking Seaforth to all<the objectives strived for. Thaav- Feather Party 1,088.11 J confer the initiary degree on several erage attendance at the meetings Sale of Topsoil .... , 110.00 candidates early in December. was sixteen. The first social event Bingos 224.03 the thrid highest pom •Mrs. Mabel Nickerson, D.D.P. and of the year was a tea and reception Opening Nights 1,279,35 for Miss Drope held in the Nurses Rent .2.5.75 man at the match was Lorne Pass- installed the following officers for Residence. This was followed by a Net operating profit 1949 1;634.73 more, Exeter,- who scored 79.2, but the ensuing' year. Noble Grand, Mrs. successful tag day at the fair. During was ineligible for the 1950 branch Evelyn .McLean; Vice Grand, Mrs. the latter part of October the mem- 79,522.91 match championship, because he had Hazel McGonigle; Recording Secre- bers canvassed the town for the an - won a branch match previously. Se- tary, Mrs. Fanny Moore; 'Financial nual •membership drive. A delegate Expenditures- cond-best score of the day was made Secretary, Mrs. Margaret Bennett; was sent to the Hospital Convention Building Acet, 52,500.00 by Bruce 'Aitcheson, R. R. 2, St. ,Treasurer, Mrs. Hilda Hubert; Jr. in Toronto and brought back a most Bldg. Extras 158,50 Pauls, winner of the 18 -and -under Past Noble Grand Mrs. Lillian 'Grum- interesting' report of the meetings Topsoil Acct. 72.00 tractor class; as a resident of Perth meth; Chaplain, ivirs, Annie Harrison; she attended. Since the Aid was so Grading '& Gravel ' 1.386,25 county, he was not •eligible for the Warden, Mrs. Agnes McClinchey; active it was decided to join the Ont - Pipe Acct. 10,402,47 South Huron championship.. Conductor, Mrs, Helen Scott; Color alio Hospital Aid Association. Ice Plant 4;522.00 One of the day's sensations was Bearer, Mrs. Edith Dunlop; Inside At Christmas the Nurses were re Ad. & Printing .. , . , 606.16 the plowing prowess of 16- ear -old Guardian, Mrs. Esther Campbell; .Out- sented with a full length mirrorfor Incidentals 218.96 Ruth Keyes, R R. 3, •Seaforth, who side :Guardian, Mrs. Mary Felker; the residence. Their Christmas table Ex. Cement work 1,193.13 won an open tractor class with a Musician, Mrs. Helen McClure; R.S. was brightly decorated with favours Floor Sanding 300.00 point score of 72.2, and was runner- N.G., Miss Jean Scott; L.S.N.G., and a centrepiece. The patients re Amplifier 475.00 up to Arthur Bolton for the South Mrs: Evelyn Willis; R.S.V.G., Mrs, ceived gifts and treats. A silver mug Insurance 738.00 Huron championship. She is also a: Ethel Boyes; 'L.S.V.G., Miss Mae suitably engraved was presented to Machine Rental 88.40 student at Seaforth High School, Smith. the first baby born in the New Year. 'Trucking 344.86 which a year ago promoted and play- I Gifts were presented to Mrs. Ma- The Aid decided to take full respon- Wages 767.15 ed host to the first interscholastic bel Nickerson, D.D.P., Clinton; Mrs. sibility of the dishes in the Nurses Tile & Drainage 356.00 plowing match ever held in the dis- Peter Dunlop, a' recent de, and dining room and replace them when Tel. & Hydro 347.62 tinct. Mrs. Grummett retiringN e b I 0 necessary. As a result of the euchre Paint & Supplies 678,83 Grand. Guests were present from Mil- and bridge, Legion show, homemade Mrs. Munro (Secy.) 131.53 NORTH HURON W. T. F. verton. Miss Jean 'Scott and her so- candy sales, theatre party, and other Electric wiring 295.51 MEET AT SEAFORTH ctal committee served a delicious donations the Aid was pleased to pre - Signs 147.50 lunch, sent a new case room table to the Draw Prizes 1,826.50 The North Huron Women Teach- hospital at the Annual May Day. Extra land 100.00 ers Federation held its fall meeting DUBLIN May Day was very successful with in the kindergarten of Seaforth Pub- The Altar Society of St. Patrick's many people taking the opportunity 77;691.86 lie School •on Oct, 14, The President, Church held a social evening in the to tour the hospital and enjoy tea Bank' Bal. Oct 21, 1850 .. '1,831.55 Mrs. Agnes Mason was in the chair. parish hall on Monday evening, forty- served in the Nurses Residence. Cards Four delegates, Miss 'Eleanor Ken- two tables played progressive euchre; were sent to the sick and bereaved. 79,522.91 ney, Blyth, Mrs. E. Weber, Seaforth, high score was won by Mrs. Cather- The last activity of the year was the Mrs. Norma Sills, Seaforth and Mrs. the Feeney and Edwin ()Hearn. Annual Penny Sale which everyone Accounts Payable- Agnes Mason, Seaforth were appoint- Lucky chair 'prize went to Mrs. Basil looks forward to. This was a decided Bal. of Bldg. extras .... 1;6'30.98 ed to attend the Fall Conference to Byron, Detroit. In honor of the fif- success. During the year other arti- Bal. of Ice Plant 8,440.00 be held 10 ,Goderich 00 Saturday tieth jubilee of the church the follow- ales such as a toaster, tea pot, table Incidental Accts. 506.60 next. Mac. Elva Ellis gave a report ing prizes were given: first married cloths, towels, and drapes were plac- Seaforth P.U.C., I of the Annual meeting held in the couple in the church present, Mr. and ed in the hospital and residence Water Mains etc. 895.92 Ontario Museum in Toronto in Aug- Mrs. Wm. O'Rourke; oldest couple where needed. ust. On motion of Miss Maude Hart- present, Mr. and Mrs. David McCon- 1 The following is the list of officers 11,473.50'ry the meeting adjourned. Hell; oldest gentleman present, Mr. for 1950: Less Bank Acct. 1,831:55 John Kenney; oldest lady present,1 Honorary President, Mrs. Chas. W. 1. NEWS Mrs. Philip Kenney; the first person Holmes; President, Miss Dorothy Net Deficit 9,641,95 The Seaforth Women's Institute baptized was Mrs. John Murray; the Parke; 1st Vice Pres., --Mrs. A. W. Your purchase of draw tickets and will hold their opening euchre and first couple married this year, Mr. Sillery; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Frank attendance at the Hallowe'en Frolic dance in Cardno's Hall on Friday, and Mrs. Louis Looby and the first Sills (Jr.);'Secy, Mrs. Bruce Mc will help greatly in reducing this de- Oct. 27. Those on the committee are: child baptised tihs year, Linda Nagle, Lean; Treas.. Mrs. Richard Box; ficit. Lunch, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman, Mrs. Stratford. Lunch was served and mu- Buying Committee, Miss Drope, Mrs. T. E. Keating, Chairman. J. A. Stewart, Treasurer. SEAFORTH STUDENTS WIN AT PLOWING Bolton, R.R. 1,Dublin, li a grade 13 student atSeaforth High South Huron tractor- lowin • championship in the annual the farm of Elder Bros.,, in the second concession ofHaytownship. . o e a class ofseven contestants in the Junior Farmer competition at the match, and had point t score among the day's class winners. Best plow- her staff of Huronic Lodge, Clinton, PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWS James Keys; tables and chairs, Mrs. sic for dancing was furnished by the Jas. McDonald, Mrs. D. H. Wilson; Gordon Papple and Mrs. Andrew Delaney -McQuaid orchestra. • Lunch Committee, Miss Alice Reid; Crozier; prizes, Mrs. Alex Pepper; Mr. and Mrs. James Krauslcopf in Cards, Miss Rebecca Shinen; Press Orchestra, Mrs. John McLean; pun- London. Secy, Mrs. Frank Kling. Auditor, The boys of the Public School chers, Mrs. Elmer Cameron, Mrs. El- Mr. and Mrs. Tnomas Feeney and Miss Rena Fennel. went to Blyth on Friday to play soc- don Kerr, Mrs. Paul Doig and Mrs. family with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick 1 At the Rummage sale held in Car- eer and our school was defeated by John Hillebrecht. Feeney. negie Library last Saturday, 3125.95 a score of 1-0. _ Each member is requested to bring Misses Helen and Theresa Ryan, was raised. 1 On Monday we played Blyth at a cake. Sarnia, with their sister, Mrs. Mat- I 1 Seaforth and we won by a score of . thew Murray LONDESBORO i, 4-1. The first goal was scored by KIPPEN ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coyne, Toron- Ron Drager, the second by James About thirty members of the K.E. to 500.with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Aitche-' Mr. Robt. Youngblut, Mr. and Watson and the other two were W.I.met at the home of Mrs. W.Mrs. William Mountain spent a few scored by Jack Mellwain. We willMr. and Mrs. Basil Byrne, Detroit, days and over the weekend at the play another game with Blyth for Bell on Saturday, Oct. 21 for the with his mother Mrs. Mary Byrne. home of Mr. Mountain's sister, Mr.best two out of three games. Later short course on Horne Furnishings". Mrs. Frank McConnell and his and Mrs. Wm. Glover, Detroit. we will play Clinton and other sur- Mrs. W. Kyle was co -hostess. This daughter, Mrs. Edward McGrath at-, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mason, London, rounding towns.short course took the place of the re- tended the fiftieth jubilee celebra- with their daughter and child, De - Grade eight are making masks out I gular monthly meeting. The course Hon of St. Patrick's Church on Mon- troit, visited recently with Mr. Ma-' of paper bags for Hallowe'en. The was in charge of Miss Taggart of a.m. day son's sister, Mrs. W t T. Brunsdon. craft miniature s inGrade wagons.is n.a The MissiTaggart to and demonstst demrted onstrated a� ng- M and nMad c. Oliver Philip Maher iFlanagan and ily, Aub u n,�spent Sunday wit of Mr. . halls are decorated with the masks I ing of furniture for comfort, also for with friends and relatives here. • and Mrs. Chas. Vodden 1 from grade eight. Wouldn't you like suitability to the purpose for which to come to our school? $1 a year fine watch looks FINER with a new h LOUIS HOEGY The death occurred Sunday morn- ing, Oct. 22, after an illness of about one month, of Louis Hoegy, in his 75th year. He was born in McKillop township. He was married in 'First Lutheran Church, Logan township, to Ida Walthers, who survives. He is survived by two sons, Wilfred, South Bend, Indiana and Walter, Detroit, Mich.; by fourandchildren; by three 'btpthers, Henry, Grey town- ship, Fred, McKillop township and William, .Seaforth; by one sister, Mrs. Henry'Weitersen, McKillop township. Louis Hoegy came to Seaforth 31 years ago and was employed by Ro- bert Bell Industries, Ltd. The funeral was on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m., from the G. A. Whitney funeral chapel in Seaforth, with Rev. D. A. MacMillan in charge. Interment was in Maitland - bank cemetery. During the service Mr. Louis Hem- berger sang a solo. The pallbearers were Messrs. R. Smith, R, McGonigle, Fred Cook, Ross Murdie, Louis Hen- berger, James Broadfoot. The flower - bearers were Clifford Hoegy, Grey township; Laverne and Wilbur Hoegy of McKillop; Gordon Kleber, Sea - forth; Walter Klein, Mitchell; Leslie Weitersen, Bornholm. Among those from a distance at- tending the funeral were his sons, Wilfred, of South Bend, Ind., and Walter of Detroit, and nieces and nephews from Elkton; Mich. STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stephenson left on Saturday for a motor trip to Pilot Mound and other points in Manitoba. Mrs. Margaret Erratt of Toronto is spending a few days with her sist- er Mrs. Henry Erratt, Babylon Line. Mr, Elmer Hayter has returned home from Clinton hospital where he had an operation for appendicitis, we hope he may soon be back to his us- ual health. IMn and Mrs. John A. Armstrong spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Kay of Clinton. BRODI-IAGEN The first •Feam Forum meeting will be held et the home of Mr. and Mrs. George and Harold Mogk on Monday evening, Oct. 30th. Those interested are welcome to Attend. Mrs, Chas. Wolfe is visiting in De. theft. e room is used, to eliminate a pieces not essential to the conven- ience and ease of family life. She also gave some very good hints on how to clean polished furniture and ways of preserving it. At noon everyone sat down to a bountifully laden table for a pot -luck dinner. During the noon hour a short busi- ness period was held. Mrs. R. Love was named delegate to the London Area Convention. It was decided the bus trip is to be Nov. 16 to the ice- capades. At the close of the course Mrs. J. Sinclair moved a vote of thanks to the lecturer Miss Taggart and to the hostess for the use of her home. The Golden Jubilee of St. Patrick's Miss Mary Caldwell, London, spent Church, Dublin, was celebrated here the weekend with her mother, Mrs. on Monday, Octeber 23. A Solemn Robt. Caldwell. High Mass of Thanksgiving was of -1 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Whitely, Tor fered by celebrant, Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes, onto, were callers on Mrs. W. T. pastor, Rev. T. A. Roney as Deacon, Brunsdon, Saturday last. Rev. R. Glavin as Sub -Deacon. Rev. Mrs. Howard Partlow, Toronto, John C. Cody, Bishop of London,) spent the weekend with her sister preached the sermon. Other Priests Mrs. F. Wood and other friends. who were present in the sanctuary 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durnin and were Rt. Rev. Monsignor Egan, Mervin visited friends at St. Helens Stratford, Rev. F. P. White, Windsor, on Sunday. Rev. F. J. O'IDrowski, St. Calumban, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Don Napier, Detroit„ Rev. W. I. Corcoran, Stratford, Rev. spent the weekend with Mrs. Napier's E. P. Weber, Seaforth, Rev. P. T. ' parents Mr. and Mrs, Bert Brunsdon. Harrigan, St. Marys, Rev. T. Fogarty, ' Miss Dorothy Little, Toronto, Miss Mt. Carmel, Rev. T. P. C. Donnellan, Frances Lyon and Miss Lois Wood KSoit. nkoraSt., Rev.PahL.icks ChurcT. Phelan, h Kennei- cornr ents over the weekend. of London with their respective par - stone was laid in May 1901 and the I Mr. and Mrs. Lew Govier, Goder- McKILLOP church was official, opened Novem ich, with Mrs. Webster and Jack on' The McKillop Busy Beavers held ler 26, 1900. The first pastor was Sunday. Mr. Herb Oakes of Goder- their organization meeting for the Rev. William Fogarty who died of ich twp. spent Sunday with Mr. and fit t new project, 'working with wool; at pneumonia just one year after the Mrs. Geo. McVittie. the home of their leader Mrs. Leslie opening of the church. Subsequent 1 Mrs. Wm. Doer, Goderich, visited Pryce, with a good attendance. As-, Fstors White,were: Rev F. J.os. O'Drowski and twith theher father, of his sop Wesley odden Office leader, Miss Marie Connolly. the present Rector, Rev. J. B. den on Sunday. Officers elected far the year, Prase- Ffoulkes, D. C. L., Rev. F. McArdle I Congraulations to Mr. and Mrs. sident, BettyCatherine Campbell, Vice Pre- and Rev. F. J. Brieklin acted as Wesley Vodden on their 46th anni- Gdane . kso n Campbell; Press Sec., assistants at various times. The first versary of their marriage on Oct. 26. h Id Nov Jackson. Mrs. Leslie ext meeting. lietP ycteo be 1 couple married in St. Patrick's 1 Mr. and Mrs. John McCowan and Friends and neighbors gathered at Church was Mr. and Mrs. 'John1 family of Porters' Hill spent Sunday Woods, the home of Mr. and Barry Re- ods, Dublin; the first child c ill bapt with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McVittie. gele (nee Luella Taylor) Mrs. on Wednes- daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. of bingo, a mock wedding was sta day night. After euchre and gamesged Joseph Webber; the first deabh was WINTHROP e. by James Horan, Mrs. Les Beuerman, 1R90v1 Mrs. Fergus Horan, Rose Beuerman, William Fogarty in December KI PPHN and Laurene Doerr. Mrs. Irvin Rock read an address of good wishes and the young couple • were presented with a combined china cabinet and buffet. Lunch was served. The show- er was planned by Mrs. Irvin Rock and Mrs. Norman Beuermann, Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Wolfe and child- ren of Logan visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koehler on Sunday. Friende and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and •Mrs. 'Henry Bennewies on Tuesday of last week and presented them with gifts and good wishes before their departure to their new home near Mitchell: Quite a number of friends and rel- atives attended the funeral of the late Louis Hoegy of Seaforth on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock, Diane and Panl visited at the home of Mr. and Mac. John Aiken of Sebringville on Sun day. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. J, Flanagan and Mr, Lorne Flanagan visited with Mrs. Koebel at St. Clements on Sunday. Mr, Thomas Taylor of Goderich visited his daughter Mrs, Harry rte - gale, and Mr, Regale on Sunday. We aro sorry to hear of Billie Kerr, son of Alex Kerr, being in Scott Memorial Hospital. Hope he Mr. R. J. Cooper is spending his will soon be well again. vacation in Nova Scotia and some of Miss Clarisse ;Dodds has returned the Eastern States on a sight seeing home to 'Chicago after spending some trip. time with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. •Mr•. Alf Glazier is recovering after W. Dodds and other friends. 'Miss Lena Graham, Seaforth, is convalescing at the home of her cou- sin, Mrs. Bob Dalton and Mr. Dal- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davidson and family spent Sunday with Milverton friends. Mr, and Mrs. James McClure and children visited with Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Taylor and family, Staffa, en Sun. Mrs,dayR. K. Davidson entertained her neighbors to a Stanley Brush Dem- onstration Monday evening. Mrs. Orr of Goderich was the demonstrator. Miss Dorothy Dodds has returned home after spending the last two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Glendon Christie at Brucefield. The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan, Winthrop, are invited to be the guests of the ladies of Bethel at their Autumn Thankoffering to be held on Thursday, Nov. 2,. it Bethel. his recent operation and will soon be able to resume his duties. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pfaff• of St. Catherines spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Erie, Mr. Andrew Bell is improving after his recent illness and able to be .around again. Mr. harry Caldwell of Carberry, Manitoba, called on his many friends in this locality recently, Mr•, and Mrs. Wesley Green of Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Green of London were guests of Mr, Jonah Green. Mr. John Doig of Grand Rapids,' Mich., is expected home this week to spend a couple of weeks vacation with his mother and sister, Miss Janet. Mr. Silas Green of Thedford, bro- ther of Mr, Jonah Green, passed away bi his 87th year. Interment was in Grand Bend cemetery. E All 91110V Watch Bondi re 1/20th 12 karat gold filled, with foinim, ,loci bock,, Maude by BUL*VA Worlds largest manufacturer of fine watches! Handsome, dependable, outstanding value. Other Expansion Bracelets from 52.90 up SAVAUGES' Jewellery Gifts Fine China SEAFORTH DIES IN THE WEST On October 1 Mr. AlexFarquhar- son passed away suddenly at his home in Edmonton. Alberta. Born in Mor- ris twp. near Walton. He was the son of the late David and Mrs. Farquhar- son. Besides his wife he leaves one son Thomas J. of Vancouver, B.C., and four daughters, Mrs. Alex Bur- gess of Camrose, Alta., Mrs. Leslie Glazier of Vancouver, Mrs. Mannie Kehl of Calgary, ,and Mrs. Ken Sprott of Vancouver, also one brother Ed. Farquharson of Edmonton and two sisters Mrs, Harry Lewis of Van- couver and Mrs. 0. Lauhpian of Ed- monton. One brother Wm. G. Far- quharson of Provost, Alta., passed away early in August of this year. HIGH SCHOOL TOPICS The school has played two rugby games in the past week, in each case being rather on the losing side. Wednesday .Goderich collegiate squeezed out Seaforth High by a close 11;6 score. Seaforth carried the play in the first 'half but Goderich woke up after that. Art Bolton got a touchdown when he recovered a fumble behind Goderich's goal line. Ron Rennie kicked for the other point, Friday, Oct, 20th was an unlucky day. for Seaforth High when they went to Clinton and got a shellack- ing by Clinton Collegiate. Quite a I number of injuries were received by Seaforth. John Laudenbach got a sprained wrist, Don Dale was knock- ed out and 'Fog" Johnstone receiv- ed a sprained ankle. The final score was Clinton 19, Seaforth 9. Rennie scored for Seaforth, with Dressel kicking for the point, The players in this year's football team are: Centre, Beohcly; Insides, Hopper, Duchar•nie; Middles Shaw. Diesel; Ends, Backer, liraquair; Flying Wing, Dale; Q.B., McICind- sey; Half B., MacMillan, Rennie and Stewart; alts., Jacobi/ Johnston, Bol- ton, Blanchard, McMillan, Eyre, Lee, Laudenbach, Flannigan, Murphy. The cheer leaders this year are Marie Armstrong, Carol Chesney', PShialeyatnioie 14IcPBrugghece', . Barbara Wright and There w111 be a girls' basketball game this Thursday night at 7,30 p.in. between the 'Grads and Senior Girls, in the gym.