HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-10-19, Page 4aillIENEBBUZIEffenaggr WALTON A pretty wedding took plaeo at file .L'iuitod "lival1 n ta,c Walton, u n Saturday afternoon ()et, Ilth at 2 p.m, when Kathleen Ella, eldest daughter of Mr: and. Mrs. Lorne Roe, ,Illyth, woR united in marriage to IHov Milliken Williamson, son of i1i', and Mrs. Thomas Williulnsuu, Wal- ton, Rev. Gordon Hazlewood offici- ated at the double -ring ceremony, The bride loakeli charming in a fhoor-length gown of white -slipper satin fashioned with a fitted bodice and sweethoart neckline. The gown with chantilly lace and seed pearl trimmings, featured long lily -pointed sleeves, A coronet of seed pearls held her veil of illusion net. She car- ried a bouquet of red roses and wore the bridegroom's gift, a double strand of pearls with earrings to match, Miss Marjorie Roe acted as her sister's bridesmaid. She wore 0 gown of green taffeta with match - mg headdress and mittens and car- ried a bouquet ,of yellow ruses. Mr. Lyle Radio of. Dublin was grooms- -Man, A wedding winner followed at the home of the bride's parents. whey the id , . table e bz ill l e was with a three-tier wedding cake, White and pink streamers, bells and aut- umn flowers completed the decora- tions. For travelling the bride chose a navy suit with navy accessories; her suit being identical with the groom's. Amid showers of confetti and good wishes, the young couple left 00 a motor trip to Northern points. On their return they will re- side on the groom's farm near Wal- ton. The bride's gift to the brides- maid was a silver cake plate, The groom's gift to the beat man was a leather bill -fold, HARLOCK Miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Toll on Thursday evening, Oet. 5th where about fifty ladies gathered in honour of Kathleen Roe whose mar - tinge to Roy Williamson took place T}Ii7 BWORTH NEWS , at the United Church intinse, Wel- ton, last Saturday. The evening was • ,pent in ;„dudes, contest and a read- mgentitled "Po ul ti lei i t d pp zz;, Cron read by Mrs. Toll. An appropriate address ,Seas read. by Mrs, Thos.. Kirkby and as doeorated wagon, heavily loaded � with gifts, was dl'aWll 111 by little Di- anne Kirkby. After displaying the 1 gifts Kathleen thanked nll and in- viten{ them to come to leer mother's howe on the following Wednesday tc see iter trousseau and things, A I lovely luncaddrh was served.. The follow - (in is filo Dear ICatlalecn;---dn honor of your t approaching Marriage, your friends and neighbours have gathered here this evening to spend a social time to-gether and to extend to you our heartiest good wishes. We are glad you are not going too far away and that we shall see you often, May you live long to enjoy the many good , wishes we shower on you, Advice is not always good but at least it. is i free. So, when the bread is heavy or, i if the cape should fall, be ready with a simile for that's the best of all. We're so • glad that you and Roy will soon be man and wife, We know that you will always try to make the ;best of life. So please accept these little gifts, for each •of them will do to symbolize the friendship, that we all hold for you. Signed on behalf of your neighbors and friends. LONDESBORO The October meeting of the W.M. S, will he held in the schoolroom of the Church on Tuesday, Oct, 24 at 2 o'clock. The guest speaker will be Mrs, (Rev.) Washington, Auburn. This is the Autumn Thankcfferingl meeting. The Mission Circle and the Woman's Association are invited to I be present, also all the ladies of the congregation. Lunch will be served, Group 8 will he in charge, The Mission Band will hold their meeting on Sunday. Oct. 22 at 10 o'- clock in the basement of the church, Roll call to be answered by paying the subscription for the "World RED TICKET SPECIALS FRIDAY • SATURDAY TAPIOCA JIFFY PIE CRUST Five Minute 11c pkg Mother Jackson's 23c JELLO CLUB HOUSE PEANUT ,,..........3 for 25c BUTTER .. 16 oz. 35c Now in stock BIRDSEYE FROZEN FOODS VEG. FRUITS ORANGE JUICE FISH BATH TOWELS, reg. 65c, only 49c pr W. T. McASH, Varna Phone Clinton 626r 23 COMING NEXT WEEK Rexall One Cent Sale 4 BIG DAYS WED. - THURS. - FRID. & SAT. OCT. 25th - 26th - 27th - 28th Store closed Wed. 1 pin Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Drug Store SEAFORTH ONT, t>— about the gift that starts the Home ! Choose Her Cedar Chest Now Join our Christmas Lay -A -Way Plan PIiOYE--T A1` ; i• HT ;, c W THURSDAY, OCTO11.11 (i 19, I959 Friends". Sir. L. amt Mrs. Whitely,, •Goalie; Mrs. Orpha Riley and Merle Riley, Toronto, were the guests 'of their cousins, ?dr, and Mrs. Roht. Young- biut, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Chas Voddon spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Geo.. Mrs. S. H. Shobbrook has returned having spent the past week at the home of her daughter Mr. and Mrs, Norman Radford. Parkhill, visit Mrs. witEmanuel their11cous n�s,,MDe- troit,r dayC. Wat, son and other friends on Sun - Mrs. Alice Gooier'Auburn is visit- ing with Mrs, Lillie Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prest, Mrs, E. Crawford and Johnston, visited with friends in Brussels. Church serviees and Sunday School will he held as usual on Sunday next. Oct, 22nd. Several from this appointment at- tended the Anniversary services held at Burns' Church last Sunday. • DUBLIN The Ladies' Guild of St. Mary's Church held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Moore, Mrs, A. Whetham, the presi- dent, was in charge. Prayer and scrip- ture lesson was given by the Rector, Rev. T. Dale Jones. Mrs. Wm. Smith gave a Thanksgiving reading. After business platters were disposed of the ladies spent the afternoon quilt- ing. An invitation was accepted to visit St. Thomas' Church 'Guild in November. Lunch was served by Mrs, Moore and assistants. Mr, Jack Sparkam, Hamilton, with his sister, Mrs. Gar Smith and Mr. ;Smith. Mr. Joe Meagher, Lethbridge, Al- bertawth friends here. Mar,, and Ivfrs. Frank Krauskopf, Tillsonburg, with his mother, Mrs. Katharine Krauskopf, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Cleary, Chat- ham, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. CONSTANCE Mrs. Earl Lawson and Mrs. Wil- liam Webster of St. Helens, returned home on Monday after spending• the past few weeks at the home of Mr. Bert Ferris at Provost, Alta. Also visited Miss Florence Taylor at Ed- monton. Mr. and Mrs, E. F. Warren of Lon- don and Mr. Reg. Lawson and Mr, I'Iarl Lawson visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor. Mi', and Mrs, Wm, Jewitt and family arrived home Thursday after spending the past six weeks on a mo- tor trip through Manitoba and Sa- skatchewan. We are sorry to hear of the death of Mrs, John Mills, who died at the honk of her daughter, Mrs, Buttle, at Parkhill on Tuesday morning, Funeral services will be at Blyth United Church on Thursday at 2 p.m. Mrs. Mills was formerly a resident of Kinburn, 'Miss Norma Dexter is at present a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital having undergone an operation for appendicitis on Monday. Members of the Junior Bible Glass of the Constance Sunday School held a social evening on Thursday at the hone of Mrs. Frank Riley and pre- sented Bill Stephenson with a wallet prior to moving to Seaforth. Guests at the home of Mr„and Mrs, and ErnestAdamsz Sunday,Mr, n E o1 z Mrs, Oran Butson, Mr. d Mrs. Ted Charlton and Peggy of London; Mr, and Mrs, Kelso Adams and 'Gerald, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDon- ald, McKillop, and Miss Donelda Adams, Centralia. WINTHROP Cavell Church will honor its 76th anniversary on Sunday, October 29 when R. S. J. Mather, president of Alma Ladies' College will be guest speaker, A turkey supper will be held on Wednesday evening, Nov. 1. Advance sale of tickets, Watch for ad next week. Rev. S. H. Brenton of Londesboro occupied the pulpit of Cavan Church last Sunday, while Rev. H. E. Living- stone took anniversary services at Burn's Church. The W.A. and W.M.S. are invited to Burns' Church Thankoffering meeting Oct. 2Gth. Mr. A. McMullen of Harriston, Ont. was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hawley on Sunday. Mrs. Garnet Taylor and Dorothy of Staffa visited with Mr. and Mrs. John McClure. Will they ever strike oil in your back yard? An exciting thought, isn't it? But of course you know the odds are hopelessly against your being that lucky. In fact, you don't expect life to hand you even a very small fortune on a platter. Or do you? Take old -age benefits, for instance. Undoubtedly many older people really need help But no over all security plan is going to provide all the come you and your family will ever need in the future. Things just aren't going to be that rosy. Five million Canadians. among whom you are prob- ably one, want and expect security and independence in their later years. And they are planning for it now, in a way that suits their own individual and family needs. These far-sighted men end women are enjoying more of the good things of life than ever before. and at the same time protecting their loved ones )lax' and building secur- ity for their old -age with life insurance. Surely you want to help build this kind of future se- curity for yourself and your family. Nearly 5 million Cana- dian life insurance policy- holders are doing it now ! The LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES in Canada and their Representatives WORKING FOR NATIONAL PROGRESS . . BUILDING PERSONAL SECURITY EG ENT T Jill R I r . t � 1 1 UL A 1Yoly ialViying u—”— VAN: JOHNSON' 'JOHNHODIAE" In-"flA'I"tLBGROUND". This is the.way tt wax, '0,11 13 what I:he moo 11 W, 11,111{,, fell and did: Through die cold, dark fomridden ,nlecry of the da)'ewie in !winnow, key point hi the Bottle of the Bulge. Mon. Tues. Wed - RICHARD WIDMARR LINDA DA1tNLLI, in 'SLATTERY'S HURRICANE A wildly exciting Daa,na of how Brava Airmen risk 'holt. Ilvtn to trzrc Lilo mum of a Great Hurricane. Next Thurs. ,Fri, bat. JEANNE CRAIN 01011 HAYMI:H in "STATE FAIR" Brought back by Popular demand, A picture worth eceluls over soil ova,' Aydin. Coating "CANADIAN PACIFIC" (Uoh)i•)'�� 1 GEO. SILLS & SONS PLUMBING HARDWARE HEATING SKATING! HOCKEY! Play the C.C.M. Way Already the Community Centre has a fine sheet of ice available for the winter season. Call in and see our fine selection of equipment made by experts Skates Sticks Gloves Pads :: Pucks Quality Goods with Quality Service l You Are Cordially Invited to Attend the Seventy -Third ANNIVERSARY SERV/CES OF THE NOR-THSIDE UNITED CHURCH Sunday, October 22 DR. R. T. RICHARDS of London WILL BE THE SPECIAL GUEST MINISTER ROWWWWWVINVINt MORNING SERVICE 11 A.M. Sermon—The Christian and the Church Dr. Richards Anthem—"Beside Still Waters" Hamblen Baritone Solo "0 Loving Father" Mr. Jas. Sims EVENING SERVICE 7 P.M. Sermon—The Sin of Moral Indifference Dr. Richards Anthem—"Evening Prayer" , Humperdinck Anthem — "Goin' Home" Dvorak REV. D. A. MacMILLAN MINISTER Music under the direction of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Stewart • ANNIVERSARY FOWL SUPPER TUESDAY — NOV. 7th 5 TO 8 watch the papers for further Announcement s YOUR COMMERCE BRANCH Keystone of Main Street The towns of Canada are pleasant places. Our town has a character all its own but any Canadian feels at home here. There's our bank, for instance ... a branch of The Commerce, You'll find one in most towns. And there's our bank manager. He's a professional man. He's learned from many towns like ours. So he knows how to give the kind of service that comes only with long acquaintance. I ?"1.4 .}..ilill11.11„1111111111111V, Yes, our Canadian towns are pleasant places ... and the men and women at yotrr Commerce branch are good people to know. The Canadian Bank of Commerce "The Commerce" Lorne Id Bouchard, A.R.C,A. 131,60A