HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-10-12, Page 8TSE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSQAY, OCTOBER 12, 1950 FALL HATS by o BILTMORE o STETSON Choose your new fall tone hats now from these two popular makes. Welt edges, bound edges, snap fronts or hombergs In newest brown, grey blue and gabardine tones. All are silk lined for fall wear, in deluxe qualities. See them noW! BILTMORE HATS 4.95 to 7.50 STETSON HATS 6.95 to $10 itfA OR/G/]NAL. i/V SPRING V WINTER ✓ FAI,t sEASON 49.50 Here's the coat all men have been waiting for. — The all season coat with the zip -in lining. Warm enough, with lining, for winter, zip it out for fall or spring. These coats Dome In flne velour or covert cloths in fawn, blue or teal shades that look smart in any season. Linings or insulation lines, quilted satin with full Light- ning Fastner Zippers. Size 36 to 44 49.50 Stewart ros H ENSALL ,The W. A. of Chiselhurst United Church are holding a home -baking sale in the schoolroom of the 'United Church, Hensall, on Saturday, Oct. 21st at 3 p.m. - Mrs. Horsman of Ridgetown spent :he weekend with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. H. Scene. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth and family of Detroit spent the weekend with Mrs. Voth's mother, Mrs. Louis :Simp- son. Successful and largely attended an- niversary services were held in the Chiselhurst United Church on Sun- day, Oct. 1. In the afternoon, Rev. H. J. Snell of 'Exeter, the guest speaker, spoke impressively on the text "Show us the Father and it Sufficeth Us". The choir with Miss Gladys 'Luker presiding at the piano presented as an anthem "Praise the Lord from the Heavens", solo parts being taken by Mrs. Hy Horton and Mr. Geo. L. Wren. Mrs. Pearl Passmore and Mrs. Milton Lavery of Hensall rendered two beautiful duetts, "Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd", and "Did you think to Pray". At the evening service Rev. W. J. Rogers preached a stirring message entitled "The Love of Christ". Mrs. L. Coates of Hen- sall provided two touching solos "Open the Gates of the Temple" and "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer". The choir offered the selection "Thou art my Shepherd". The Church was profusely decorated with autumn flowers. Very generous collections were received. Besides soloists the choir was very ably assisted by Messrs Benson Stoneman. Geo. T. Wren, Mr. and Mrs. Hy Horton and Mrs. W. J. Rogers of Hensall. WINTHROP The W.M.S. held their Autumn Thankoffering on Tuesday, Oct. 3rd at the home of Mrs. W. Dodds. Mrs. E. Toll presided: The theme of the meeting was, "Christ'sDisciples bring Light". The theme hymn "Holy Spir- it" was sung. The meditation was given by Mrs. E. Toll and Mrs. Rus- sell Bolton. Mrs. L. Bolton led the meeting in prayer. The scripture les- son Psalm 96 was read by Mrs. W. Dodds, Mrs. Livingstone brought an inspiring thanksgiving message to the meeting. The 2nd chapter of the study book was given by Mrs. Wm. Church. The roll call was answered by 21 ladies wjth a verse on Thanks- giving. The Missionary Monthly sub- scriptions are due. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. Lunch was served .by Circle 1. WINTHROP U. P. U. The organizational meeting of the Winthrop Young Peoples' Union was Daily Rerninder® OCTiOBER 1950 °Pon/5', -erg-al- lie RN& c/' 4idelia OA/VADA SAV/A/68 BIQifos code ,fie wrz zM )1e/ft-wee . d it .1:" ... •-may ' /tia,(if f4 f4 1:14.//f?!/ti qpe erittic, Ca4/a/a 4-eat/a:Ty SBW9 held in the basement of Cavan Unit- ed Church on Sunday, Oct. 8. Rev, H. E. Livingstone outlined the purpose, organization and objective of the Young Peoples' Union and directed the meeting. The nomination and election of officers followed with the following elected: Pres,, Dorothy Dodds; Convenors: Christian Fellow- ship—Betty Montgomery, assistant, Roma Johnson; Missions—Earl Me, Spadden, assistant, Irwin Johnson; Citizenship—Eric Anderson, assist- ant, Don McClure; Culture—Lor- mine Smith, assistant, Marjorie Mc- Clure; Recreation—Arthur Bolton, assistant, Harry Johnson; Secretary- Treasurer—Leslie McSpadden, assist.. ant, Mac Bolton; Vice Pres,, Ross' Mc., Clure; Pianists—Lorraine Smith and Dorothy Dodds. A motion was moved and seconded that a Y. P, Programme Annual be ordered( carried. Meetings will be held on the first and third Sundays and second Tues- day of each month. The fee of 250 will run until the end of 1951. The next meeting is to be held on Oct.22. McKILLOP A successful anniversary was held at Duff's United Church, McKillop, on Oct. 1, with Rev, Mair of Thames Road as guest speaker. Anthems were sung by the junior choir and solos by Mrs. Robt. McKercher and Mrs. Ross Gordon, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Johnston at the organ. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Gordon•McKenzie on Oct. 5. Meeting opened with Mrs. Eldon Kerr in the chair. Scripture was taken by Mrs. John Hillebrecht. Roll call and minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Mrs, Ken, neth •Stewart took the business part of the meeting. Prayer was taken by Mrs. David Shannon. Miss Annie Lawrence gave the highlights of the Dominion Board Conference held in Toronto a short time ago, which was very interesting. Thanksgiving read- ing was given by Mrs. Leslie Pryce. Prayer by Mrs. R. 1M. Scott. Mrs. Jas. Kerr took over the 'meeting. It was decided to have a turkey supper in the church on Thursday, Oct. 19. Meeting closed with the Lord's Pray- er and a delicious lunch was served. IN MEMORIAM BENEDICT HOLLAND --I,, sad and loving' memory of our deer Denny, who died ' eleven Years ago, Oct 001' 193e. Heppe and smiling, always content Loved and respected, wheteier he went; To a beautiful life, tteme a maiden end. He died es he lived, every one's friend, —Never forgotten, by father, mother, bro- thers end sisters CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all My friends and Toiw- tives for the lovely cards and flowers wit6l0 a patient in Sesforth Hospital; also to think Dr. Brady and Dr. McMaster, also all the aursea AMANDA I00EGY FOR SALE A. Suable has two 5.60 x 18 in. tires; two 6,00 x 20 in. tires, Call at Fred Hurst Service Station. WANTED A home for an elderly lady, in Seeforth, Apply to The Seaforth News LOST A female Scottish terrier. Anyone knowing whereabouts please phone 851r14 . Seaforth, Reward. FOR SALE A quantity of eider apples. Apply to A. GACI{STETTER, Hensall FOR SALE 100 New Hampshire pullets 6 months old, laying. HARVEY TAYLOR, 850r22 -Seaforth FOR SALE Cedar poste for sale. Phone Brussels 30-23. MRS. TELFORD SELLERS, 11,2 Bluevale. FOR SALE One 10% inch Massey Harris grain grinder. 2 year's old. Phone 657r41. JOHN SINOLAIR, Kippen, FOR SALE 20 choice Yorkshire Mira 7 weeks old, Apply STANLEY JACKSON, phone Seaforth 668r8 FOR SALE 70 Sussex X R.I. Reds, pullets, 5 months old Also t'la acres corn. Apply to T. APPLEBY,. phone 836r24 Sesforth FOR SALE White enamel Beach range, reservoir, high oven, six lids, deep Are box, burn wood or coal. Water front can be used if desired. LEWIS TEBBUTT, Jarvis St. Phone 209w FOR SALE Leicester rams, one yearling, two ram lambs, one purebred Tamworth sow, bred, one purebred Yorkshire boar, serviceable , age. Apply to WILLIAM R. PEPPER, Seaforth RR. 2. Phone Clinton 615x21 FOR SALE 200 Pullets ready to lay, Red te Rock, ROY WILDFONG, RR. 2 Walton, Ont, KIPPEN FOR SALE The congregation of St. Andrew's gravel fora my pit -Ken Mcsh Pherson, Dublin United Church here will observe their ; 17 r 24 annual anniversary on :Sunday at 11 FOR SALE a.m, and '7:30 p.m. The guest speak- I i oung York sow, with litter of seven pigs er will be Rev. G. Moore of Knox 2 weeyks 024 Annie to FRANK MALONEY. United Church, London. Special mu-' George et, Seaforth sic will be furnished by the choir FOR SALE assisted by Mrs. Nediger of Clinton Ron top desk, bed springs and mattress, at the morning service, The Grand tablas, nail chairs, sideboard, stoves and other Bend Quartette will assist at the household effects. Phone 64w evening service. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones visited NOTICE on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon z win not be responsible for any seri, Westlake near Bayfield, other than my own, •after Oct. 11, 1950. Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter end family 1 W' A. McOLURE, RR. 1, Blyth of Mooresville and Mrs. J. Linden of daughter, -'Mrs. John Bray, Thames Denfield visited recently with Mr. I Rd., four sons, John, Hibbert; James Mrs. Ben Smillie and sons of Tor- at home, Gordon, Hibbert, and Archie onto were recent visitors with the of Wallaceburg. Mr. Hoggarth was a and MTs. A. Parsons. I member of Cromarty Presbyterian fornmer's niece and nephew, Mr. and0Church. A funeral service was held Mrs. Bert Peck. 1 Monday at 2 p.m. at the family home, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott have Hibbert, with Rev. Mr. McWilliams of moved to their new residence former- Thorndale officiating. Interment was ly owned by the late T. N. Forsyth. !in Staffa Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter and j The pallbearers were Thomas Hay, Gail Ann and Mr. John Thnmerman Frank Allan, James Bowe, Nelson spent Sunday with relatives in Hamil- 1 Howe, Walton Kerslake, Andrew Mc- Lachlan. The next meeting of the Kippen East Women's Institute will be held Saturday, Oct. 21 at the home of Mrs. W. Bell. Mrs. W. Kyle will .be co -hostess. This is the short course on Home Furnishings. Meeting is called for 10 a.m. A good attendance is requested. Roll call is "Something I need badly in my home". Dinner is pot -luck. Friends and neighbors met at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Cameron I on Thursday night for a farewell party before leaving for the city. 1 Cards were played, prizes being won by: first ladies, Mrs. G. Slavin, low, Mrs. C. Eyre; men, Mr. T. Taylor, low, Mr. A. Hoggarth. Mr. and , Mrs. Cameron, Douglas and Linda were called forward. Mr, N. Pfaff read the address and Mr. F. Slavin presented them with a coffee table. Douglas Eyre and Douglas McGregor presented the children with china mugs. Mr. Cameron thanked all and hoped they would come and see them in their new home in London. Lunch was served. Mrs. Bertha Pollard of Constance was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Dayman, also Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Johnston and children of London. Miss Anna Patterson wasthe week- end guest at her home in Tucker. smith. HULLETT The regular monthly meeting of the Hulled Township Council took place Oct. 2nd in the Community hall, Londesboro, at 8 p.m. The Reeve and three members of the Council were in attendance, The minutes of the special 'meeting of Sept. 18, were read. Motions—.Tom Leiper and Geo. C. Brown, that the minutes of August 28, and special meeting, Sept. 18, be adopted as read, Carried. At this time the Assessment roll for 1951 was presented to the Council. Brown and Young, that we accept the assessment roll for 1251 and hold a Court of Revision on October 27 in the Community hall, Londesboro at 8:30 p.m., carried. At this time one of the ratepayers approached the Council re fencing. After careful de- liberation the Council nominated the Reeve to report on same. Brown and Leiper, that the ac- counts as approved, be paid, carried, Leiper and Young, that we' do now adjourn, carried, Accounts: Roads and bridges, $1042.84; Insurance $44.211 lAdver- tising $8.541 Municipal Drains $143.- 98; Court Dues x$8.17; Salaries $90, CROMARTY Robert G. Hoggarth died at his home Lot 21, Con 11 Hibbert town. ship Saturday morning after an ill- ness of two months. He was born in Hibbert 88 years ago and was a farm- er all his life. He was married 54 years ago at Cromarty to Isabelle Mc- Kellar who survives him. lie spent all his life in the Cromarty district, where he was well known and highly respected. He is survived by one CONSTANCE ' The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society and Wo- men's Association of Constance Church was held at the home of Mrs. G. Brenton on Thursday, Oct. 5. Mrs. Lorne Lawson opened the meet- ing with singing hymn 113, Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison, min- utes were read and adopted. Prayer by Mrs. D. Millson, hymn. 27. Mrs. Millson was appointed delegate for the sectional meeting to be held in Winthrop on Oct. 11. The November meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Millson. The new slate of officers will be brought in at that meeting nominat- ing committee being Mrs. Ross Mac- Gregor, Mrs. C. Dexter and Mrs. F. Riley. The thankoffering meeting is to be held in the church on Wednes- day, Oct. 25, Mrs. S. Brenton • to JJe the speaker. Duff's, McKillop. and Tuckersmith Ladies' Club to be the I guests. The scripture lesson, Matt. 5 was read by Mrs. James Hugill. 'Christian Stewardship reading by 1 Mrs. Addison and temperance read- ings by Mrs. C. Dexter and Mrs. Durham, instrumental by Mrs. Addi- son, reading by Mrs. Mcllwain, the Golden Rule. A pleasing feature was the pre- senting of gifts to Mrs. Ethel Ste- phenson and Mrs. Leo Stephenson prior to their leaving our midst. Ad- son and Mrs. P. Riley. One verse of "God Be with You till we Meet dresses were read by Mrs. D. Mill - Again" was sung and Mrs. Lindsay closed the meeting with prayer. BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs, Walter Litt of Sebring- villa and Mrs. Geo. Prueter of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Preuter on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Alf Riehl and Doreen of Toronto and Mrs. Wm. Riehi1 of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. S. Riehl. The Voice OF Temperance A motorist drove up to a liquor store, He said to the vendor; ' "I want a gallon of liquor and I want you to pour it into the radiator of my car." The vendor carried out this unusual order. Then he asked his customer, "And what do you want for yourself " "I don't want anything"—answered the motorist "You see I have to drive this thing," ..—Advt, 5kinnymen,women gain 5,10,151bs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thritll Bony limbs Olt out; ugly hollows 611 091 body loses tie sickly, ' Urgenole" loch. Thousands praise Oetror, weight -blinding ton10. Enriches blood: aids appetite, digestion, gofood gives you more po nourlehmenl, puts Bare boned, Dont fear getting too fat. stop when you ranch Welghtyou.desire. Intrbduetory elm only 600. Try Oahu Tonle Tablets for newpounds, new Dor, vim and vitality, today, M all drugging, OUR OFFICE Is now open in T. Pryde's Memorial Office FOR BLUE COAL, ETC. Phone 363 J Res. 193M Office Hours 9,30 - 12 2 - 6,30 WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 3633 NOTICE. Court of Revision Township of Tuckersmith Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision on the 1951 Assessment Roll of the Township of Tuckersndth will hold its flrat sitting in the Town Hall, Seaforth, an Tues- day. October 24th, at 10 AM for the purpose of hearing eppeale, E, P. CHESNEY, Clerk Help Wanted Experienced stenographer for manufacturing office. Ap- ply in own handwriting, stat- ing experience, qualifications, and salary expected to Box No. 127 c/o The Seaforth News THE SI,A7r onTFi NEWS Snowdon Bros,, Publishers Authorized lie Second Claes mail,. Post Office Dept.,. mtawa. Help Wanted Huron County require two Domestics for the Huron County Home, Clinton, Ontario, Good wages with board and lodging provided. Successful applicants can commence work immediately. Please contact Mrs, MEMOIR E. Jacob, Matron, County Home, Clinton, Onix 4rio, N, W. MILLER County Clerk Goderich, Ontario FOR SALE Thirty Hemp & Rock pullets, laying. EARL LAWSON, phone 841r12 Sesforth FOR SALE A corner building lbt on North Main street in Seeforth. Phone 68 or apply to MRS. J. W. FREE WANTED TO RENT Apartment or house, unfurnished, in Sea- ford:, immediately. Phone 183W Seaforth FOR SALE Coal Heater in good condition. MRS. Tilos. PHILLIPS, phone 63 Seaforth EDWIN BENNEWIES Electric Wiring and Repairs. Oil Heating Appliances -860 will convert your present range into convenient oil burning efficiency. Easy terms, Convenient monthly payments, Phone 680W, Jarvis street. Seaforth FOR SALE Kendex Nylons. Guaranteed against every- thing. Free replacement if they run, snag or tear within the guarantee period. Place your order with SUSAN BENNEWIES, Jarvis St., Sesforth. Phone 680W FOR SALE Collie puns, good heelers. WILFRED O'ROURKE, phone 87r5 Dublin FOR SALE Healthy well raised ]eying pullets. MOORES POULTRY FARM, Phone 666r2 Seaforth FOR SALE Viking raspberry canes, $5.00 per 100. MOORES POULTRY FARM, phone 666r2 NOTICE Up to $6.00 each for Dead or Disabled Horses, Cows, Hogs, at your farm. Prompt Service. Phone Collect Wm. Sproat, Sea - forth 655R 2. WILLIAM STONE SONS, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in isttp 6idsamplesn 25d 24ampleenvelope$1.00. price - Order Dept. T-74• Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. COAL We have in stock STOVE NUT ALBERTA STOKER BUCKWHEAT WILLIAM M. HART Phone 784 Seaforth Power made. Steam Cured Immediate Delivery Huron Concrete Products PHONE 684 SEAFORTH Highest Cash Prices for Dead Stock , HORSES $5.00 each ,CATTLE $5.00 each HOGS .50 per cwt. According to size and condition CALL COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 DA LINO $1 COMPANY t,CANAbA»' LIMITED BOX 3guuftat rrt t r AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595 W, 0. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital oapital Bed for rent, Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 ,JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours 9 am - 6 pm. Wed. 9 - 12.30 Sat, 9 am to 9 pm MARTIN W. STAPLETON DR. F. ROSS HOWSON Physicians and Surgeons Phone 90- - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmia and Aural Institute. Aloorefleld'a Tye, and Golden• Square throat hospitals London, Eng. At ' Commercial h 8Inchmontrom 2 to 4p.m.-6Waterloo Street, Stratford.:, Telephone 267 JOHN A. GORWILL, 13.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm to 5 pm, daily, except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday. and Saturday only, 7-9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. D. C. MAPLESDEN, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 VETERINARIAN T. R. MELADY, D.V.M.,V.S. Main St., Dublin Phone 80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. • HEAD OFFICE -- SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers President, E. J. Trewartka, Clinton; Vice -Pres., J. L. Malone, Seaforth: Manager & Sea -Tress., M. A. Reid, Seaforth Directors—E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; 3. L. Malone, Seaforth: S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robt. Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; William S. Alexander. Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. Agent,—J. 5 Pepper, Brucefleld ; R.-5'" McKorcher, Dublin; Geo. A. Watt, Blyth; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels. Parties desirous do effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective poet office,. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Bead Office, Exeter, Ontario President Angus Sinclair, R. R. 1, Mitchell Vieo•Preeident Milton McCurdy, R. R. 1, Kirkton Directors William H. Coates, Exeter Martin Feeney, Dublin E. Clayton Colquhoun, Saiance Fite William A. Hamilton, Cromarty Agents T. G. Ballantine, Woodham Alvin L. Harris, Mitchell Thom. Scott, Cromarty Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Frazer, Exeter Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Sea'forth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J, Exeter. FOR SALE 8 Room, 135 Storey Frame house, with 3 Pe. Bathroom, Garage, situated on Chalk St. Prompt possession can be given. 7 Room (louse, 3 Pc, Bathroom, Hob Water Heating, Hydro, Garage, two lots, situated on Centre St. Prioed'reasonable. Prompt pos. session. E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND RISAL ESTATE BROKER SEAFORTH Phones: Rae 220 Office 384 FOR SALE Frame dwelling on victoria Street with all modern conveniences. Possession arranged. Frame dwelling in Dublin; immediate Dos, session Prams Cottage, with furnace. garage. Im- mediate possesalon Modern dwelling on Loutoa St, Seaforth. M. A. REID, Seaforth RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 847R, Seaforth HORSES WANTED Horses wanted. Wanted to buy, especially big fat horses. W. 0. GOVENLOOK, Dick House, Seaforth BARNS CLEANED And whitewashed•following'2,13. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1000 lbs pruseurq. Work fd44r to rifion, Phone Dublin PRIM tAIBl%N