HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-10-05, Page 3THURSDAY, QCTQRER 5, 1950 T:mm SEAFORTE. NEWS a ayfi® PrizeBII SCHOOL Shield won :For ear by S. S, No. one Miller, Teacher, ve eSpoints. No.8ar4 r., S.S. No. 10, Singing, non-competitive, r., Jr., S.S. No. rrn.) 5 (Porter's ad 10. School demonstration, ive, !Bayfield Sr., 1 5, 4, Varna Need naming in, Jean McGregor, ell McGregor, School Display, No, 1, Bayfield Display Crafts, .S. 1 and 11. Hand sewn cloth skins, Elaine Grainger, er, Joan McClinchey, argaret Howard. Hand sewn pot :r, Valorie'Cameron. Cloth or 'Oilcloth enzie, Anne Ostrom, laine Grainger, ancy Webster, Dressed doll, 'hand Catkins, Mary verett. .. DEPARTMENT second 11, 3 and contest,Ruth Elaine non-competitive, holder, Margaret Grainger, e (;1�i Fair s yy•� Winners lr1 S consecutive 1, Stanley, Miss for highest ay. a field p Jr. i- i6,,Bnon y 1, 5 and 14, Ba field 1, 11 (Go erieh Hill), 4, Varna non-compet- Jr. S.S. No. 3, 1, 10. Jack- Ruh McGregor, Grainger. S. Sr. and Jr. Bayfield Sr.,•Jr., apron, Marion Nancy Web- Sheila Soper, Mary Grain- toy, Doreen Mc- Sheila Soper, Howard, sewn, Rosalie 'Christine Dressed doll, hand sewn Patsy Scotehmer, Margaret Howard, Joan Mcleod, Jean McGregor, Helen Mc- Leod. Plasticine Model, Judy Couillard, Edward Broadfoot, Linda Couillard, Jim Cameron, Joan McGowan, Ron" a1dPiW ielucut out (freehand) Robert McClymont, Nancy MclFarlane, Allan Lightfoot, Wayne Watkins, 'Anne Everett, David Ostrom, Flour and Salt "Model, Jack Wat- kips Ruth MeiFarlane Katherine Me- Gregor, Neil McGregor, Viola Light foot,Marie McFarlane. Junior scrap book, Donald McKen- +zie, Joyce 'Greer, Jane McFarlane, Wlaiuo estop, Joyce Bell, Wayne Hobby scrapbook, Elaine Grainger, Olive Aikenhead, Pats Seotchmer, Shirley Brandon; Gera Clark, Don- ald Bell, Woodwork model, Maine Grainger, Stanley Telford, back McGregor, Frank 11111, Kenneth Faber, Douglas Armstrong Poem Book, 'Margaret Howard, Jean McGregor, Marie McFarlane, Viola Lightfoot, Ruth Jackson, Neil McGregor. Illustrated Poster, Jack MeGregor, Margaret Howard, Joyce Peck, Mar- jorieDawson, Ruth McFarlane, Kath- erine McGregor. McGlassopaintg,gHowe d Donald g Margaret, 'Merry Mack, Joan McClinchey, Jack Wat- kins, Bill Pilgrim. Glass painting, grades 7, 8, •Doreen McKenzie, Joan McLeod, Catherine Powell, Arnie Ostrom, Sheila Soper, Shirley Brandon. Print first verse, Anne Everette, Elaine Weston,Gerry Wallis, Rose Marie Telfor, Bennie Sturgeon, Steve Scothiner. Writing, grade 2-4, Nancy McFar- 'lane, Bobby Caldwell, Doray'Cliggper- ton, Bobby Faulds, Jane MdFarlane, 1. Joan Rathwe 1, Grades 5-8, Margery Webster, Anne Ostrom, Mariam Makine Ruth Jackson, Sheila Soper, Alice Caldwell, Andrew Nursery ase, Valerie grades y,'Elaine Weston,Ann Everett, Valerie 'Cam - iron, uth 'McClinchy. y _ ,aldrMoOlin Gregor, Ruth1io14IciFarlane,Jeanarolline Lightfoot, Ronald Taylor, 'Ruth Jack- son, COLLECTIONS Named leaves, grades 2-4, Valerie Cameron, Donald 'McKenzie, Allan Hutchings, Wayne Watkins, Viola Lightfoot, Allan Lightfoot. Named leaves, grades 6-8, Margaret Howard Jean McGregor, Neil Me- Gregor, Katherine McGregor, Joan McLeod, Doreen McKenzie, 'Collection of weeds, Neil MCGreg_ or, Jean MoGregor, Katherine Me- Gregor, Margaret Howard, Nancy McFarlane Marie McFarlane. Small table bouquet, lades, 2.4 q , g' Donald McKenzie, Joyce Greer, Howie . Scotchmer, Mary Elliott, Benny Stu/- geon, Patsy Dowson. Small table bouquet, grades 5-8, Shirley Brandon, Nancy Webster, Stanley Telford, Merry Mack, Lola Chuter, Margaret Howard. FRUIT, G Boats Be{ Marie 1'ilcd+'a; Marlene Mc Oarrots, StanleyTel McFarlane, g Carrots, s Marlene Mc] mer, Garry 'Murray Mac Spanish Mary Gram JaneacMcGre rga et, e • Muivay MeL Potatoes, Taylor, Stan MoGregor, 8 Telford •corn Grainger, Ge ser, Geo, Tel Pop corn, Grainger, Re McClymont.. Best head of Greggor, Kath McGregor, 1 'Clark, Elaine Sheaf of Gregor, Jack ger, Ann We Sheaf of Mary Grainy McGregor, A Imanse. Sheaf of 1 RAIN & VEGETABLES rvaSwitzer, Joyce Greer, rlane, Edward liroadfoot, Lachlan, Ina Taylor. Kat h e r i n e McGregor, £ord, Garry McAsh, Marie Margaret Porter, Mar - hart, Edward Broadfoot, i'arrlane, Charlene Scotch- McAsh, Barry Taylor, Lend. Onions, Elaine Grainger, ger, Margaret Howard, ]ane, Marie McFarlane, gar. A.O.V., Shirley Brandon, allis, Joyce Greer, Ron - hey, Jean McClinchey, eod. Jack McGregor, Barry ley Telford, Katherine hirley Brandon, George Grant Keys, Elaine raid Clark, Berva Swit- ford, Stanley Telford, Mary Grainger, Elaine bert McClymont, Joan Sun Flower, Jack Me- erine McGregor, Jean ei1 McGregor, 'Gerald Grainger. Wheat, Katherine Mc- McGregor, Mary�Grain- stlake, Elaine Grainger• Oats, Jack McGregor, er, Elaine Grainger, Neil Al Westlake, Susanne arley, Elaine Grainger, Mary 1Grainger, Jean McGregor, Jack McGregor, Ann Westlake. Plate of 5 apples, Bill McClinchey, Jean McGregor, Gerald Stirling, Ber- va Switzer, Robt. McClymont, Alex Ostrom. Plate Edward lroadfoot, Robt. h rleylCBrandon, Jack MdGregor, Elaine Grainger, Gerald Stirling. "Hom -madde DOMESTIC SCIENCE Poweri, Mary Grainger, Margery Dowson, Gerald Clark, John Wise, Ruth Mc- Farlane. School lunch box, Doreen McKen- zie, Maly "Grainger, Elaine Grainger, Margaret Howard, Malcolm 'Clark, Marilyn Potter. BakinHowarrd,gJean McGregor, Nancy Web- ster,, Joyce Bell, Shirley Brandon, Mare McFarlane. HORSES Agricultural—Brood mare, Fred Roney and Son, Louis Taylor. Foal Fred Roney. Gelding or Filly; Fred Roney and 2nd. Gelding or Hilly in 1947, W. J. Dale and 2nd; F. Roney and 4th. Heavy Horses—Gelding or Filly foaled in 1949, W. J. Dale. Gelding or Filly foaled in 1947, W. J. Dale and 2nd. Percheron—Louis Taylor, Gelding or Filly foaled in 1947, T. J. Mc- Michael and 2nd; Bruce Grigg and 4. Single pony in harness, Joe Corey and 2nd A. WFitherington; Tandem, W. J. Dale. Single Roadster in har- ness, Jake Broome, Bob Kirkby, J. R. Burns, R. J. Duckworth, Single Hack- ney or Carriage Horse, Ed. Schrader and 2nd. Hackney or Carriage team, IN DEMAND BY.. u ForEveryPu Every ore Users HE ose CHEVROLET TRUCK SALES PROVE IT — beyond a shadow of a doubt! Every day, more and more operators, Targe and small, are making their truck choice Chevrolet — for every gob. Now more than ever before, Chevrolet is the leader in popularity — in sales — right across the land. And no wondert For the reason Chevrolet Trucks lead in sales is simply that Chevrolet Trucks lead in value all along the line! Better than ever before, they're more powerful and more versatile. They're built to A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE pay bigger dividends ... finish runs sooner ... keep fuel bills low, :maintenance costs down. See your Chevrolet Truck dealer now — get the full story on the leader — Chevrolet Trucks. SEAFO'iTH MOT RS BUILT IN CANADA • PROVED IN CANADA FOR CANADIANS'' Ed. Schrader. Belgian or Pereheron team, T. J. McMichael, Bruce Grigg. Agrieultural team in •harness, W. J. Dale, Fred Roney. Heavy Draught team W. J. Dale. Exhibitor coming longest distance, F. Roney. Best matched team, Bruce Grigg. Best heavy draught team, W, J, Dale. Special prize for 8 year Agricul- tural, F. Roney and 2nd, Judge, Tom Leiper, DAIRY CATTLE Heifer, under one year, H. 0. Tay,. for .(Walton), Ed. Dunn (Bayfield). Jersey—Bull, over 1 year, Thos, Rathwell, Irvin Trewartha and 3rd Bull under one year, Irvin Trewartha, Cow, in calf or milking, Thos. Rathwell and 8rd, Irvin Trewartha and 4th. Heifer, 2 years or milking, I. Trewartha and 4th, Tilos Rathwell, and 3rd. Heifer under 2 years, Irvin Trewartha and 4th, Thos Rathwell and 3rd. Heifer under 1 year, Irvin Trewartha and 2nd, Thos. Rathwell and 4bh. Herd 1 male and 2 females, Thos. Rathwell, Irvin Trewartha and 3rd. Jersey heifer calf shown by boy or girl, Ron Trewartha. Dairy Cattle Special for best type heifer, Irvin Trewartha, Best Dairy Herd, Thos. Rathwell BEEF CATTLE 'Shorthorns—Bull calved in 1950, A. 11. Warner, Aberdeen Angus—Bull, calved in 1949, Bull calved in 1950, Cow or heifer calved in 1948, Klopp Bros. Heifer calved in 1949, Klopp Bros. and 2nd. Herd, Klopp Bros. Herefords—Bull calved in 1949 John McGregor (Hensall). Bull calved in1950, cow or heifer calved in 1948, heifer calved in 1949, heifer, calved in 1950, John McGregor and 2nd. Herd, one male and two females, John McGregor. Best showing beef cattle, John Mc- Gregoi. Best baby beef, John McGregor. Best beef herd, John McGregor, Klopp Bros. SHEEP Leicester—Rani, 2 shears or over, Wm. Pepper (Seaforth), D. A. Gra- ham and 3rd. Ram shearling, Wm. Pepper, D. A. Graham. Ram lamb, Wm. Pepper and 3rd, D. A. Graham. Ewe, 2 shears or over, D. A. Graham and 3rd, Wm. Pepper. Ewe shearling, Ewe lamb, Wm. Pepper and 2nd, D. A. Graham. Lincoln—Ram 2 shears or over, A. D.' Steeper, Ailsa Craig. Ram Shearling, A. D. Steeper. Ram lamb, A. D. Steeper and 2nd. Ewe, 2 shears or over, A. D. Steeper, Snowden and Grainger and 3rd. Ewe Shearling, Ewe Lamb, A. D. Steeper and 2nd. Oxford—Ram 2 shears or over, Ram Shearling, Ram Lamb, Ewe, 2 shears or over, Ewe Shearling, Ewe Lamb, 0. McGowan. Dorset Horn—Ram, 2 shears or over, Ram Shearling, Ram Lamb, Ewe 2 shears or over, Ewe Shearling, Ewe Lamb, P. E. Deering and 2nd, 0, Mc- Gowan. Special Prize— P. E. Deering, D A. Graham. Wm. Pepper, A. D. Steep- er, 0. McGowan. Best showing long wool, A. D. Steeper, Wm. Pepper. Best showing short wool, P. E. Deering, 0. McGowan. Market Lamb, Snowden and Grain- ger. PIGS Yorkshire—Aged "Bear, A. Ii. Warner. Brood sow, A. H. Warner and 2nd. Boar littered in 1950, A. H. Warner. Sow littered in 1950, A. 11. Warner and 3rd. Elmer Webster. Tamworth—Sow littered in 1950, Snowden and Grainger and 2nd. Market Hogs.—Best pair bacon hogs, Elmer Webster. SPECIAL PRIZES The T. Eaton Company, pen of 3 Bacon Hogs, Elmer Webster. Canadian Oil Companies, Best Boar, A. H. Warner. Murphy Bros., best Swine Herd, A. H. Warner. Judge, W. R. Lobb. POULTRY American Breeds, Jersey Black Giants, C. Fred McClymont, Clifford Pepper; h. F. McClymont, ckl. and p., F. McClymont. New Hampshire Reds, C., CIifford Pepper; h. ckl., Clifford Pepper, F. McClymont, p., Clifford Pepper and 2nd. Rhode Island Reds—h., F. Mc- mont; ckl., Snowden and Grainger, Clifford Pepper, p., C. Pepper, Snow- den and Grainger. Rocks, Barred. Utility, h., F. Mc- Clymont, C. Pepper; ckl., C. Pepper, F. McClymont. Rocks; Barred, Exhibition, c., Ivan McClymont. Rocks, white, Utility, h,, C. Pep- per. ckl. p., C. Pepper and 2nd. Rocks, white. Exhibition, h. p., Ivan McClymont and 2nd; ckl., Ivan McClymont. Wyandottes, white, Ivan McCly- mont. ekl. p., C. Pepper, Ivan Mc- Clymont. Asiatic Breeds—Brahmas, • light, c., C. Pepper; h., Ivan McCly- mont and 2nd; ckl., C. Pepper, L McClymont; p., C. Pepper and 2nd.. English Breeds. Dorkings, Silver Grey, ckl. and p., C. Pepper and 2nd. Orpingtons, buff, c, Ivan McCly- mont; h. Ivan McClymont and 2nd; ckl, and p., C. Pepper, Ivan McCly- mont. Sussex light, c., C. Pepper; h. Ivan McClymont, C. Pepper; ckl and p„ C. Pepper and 2nd. Mediterranean Breeds, Anconal, h, Ivan McClymont; ckl and p., C. Pep- per and 2nd. Andalusians, c., Harold Penhale; h., H. Penhale and 2nd. Leghorns, brown, utility, c, h, ckl. p., Ivan McClymont. Leghorns, white, c., C. Peppper; h., Ivan McClymont, C. Pepper: ckl, and p, C. Pepper and 2. Minorca ,s black, c. h., Ivan McCly- mont; ckl„ C. Pepper; p. Ivan Mc- Clymont, C. Pepper. Water Fowl—Muscovy Ducks, old, H. Penhale. Pekin Ducks, young Clif- ford Pepper. Bonen Ducks, old and young, Edward beeves, Bantams, A. V., c, h, D. A. Graham and 2nd ckl., Mrs. Jno., Howard, Mrs. Harold Penhale; p.,.Mrs. Jno, Howard, Lonis Taylor. Pigeons, A. V., c, h, ekl, p., Irvin Trewartha, John Wise. Guinea Fowl h., Clifford Pepper. Judge, Lloyd O'Brien.