HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-09-28, Page 4TINE EAFORTI-I NEWS MAILLOP FAIR lIackney Pony --Stephen Maloney. Pony Coll -1st i e lee Campbell, Jack atenwahll, lien Sit liweie, Showmanship, Lien llc llwain. Pony and Saddle, Marion lIe- llwaiu, Jack 3leIlwain, Stephen S'Ia- loney. Confit Vehicle, iris Ileuet•ntan,.. Babb); Murray', ELlward Campbell. - Horse drawn vehicle Jack il,, nitt. Calque means of travel ---hobby Morray. Beef Cattle- --Donald Moylan, Ca- t1 'rine Campbell, Kenneth Campbell, IRontld Murray. heel 1paul fed1-.-Bob Regale, Jas. Sloan, Gerald Sloan, Pat Sloan. Dairy Calf --'Carl -Snuck, Bob Doerr, Ronald Trewarthat, Louis Mur- ray, Reg. Holstein Calf ----Rob Doerr, Loth; Murray. • Senior Beet, Catherine •Campbell, Kenneth Campbell. sweepstakes, Catherine Campbell. Showulanship, Catherine Campbell, Kenneth Campbell, Louis llttrray. Class 3, Lambs-- Dianne Bolton. Class 1, Pigs—Sow 19 D, Ronald Trewartha, Ronald Truwartha, Gloria Boyd, Bobbie Kerr. - Pigs, 2 mo. or tinder—Gloria Boyd, Jim 31elady, Iris Beuerman, Pigs under 3 mo, --Bob 'Doerr, Carl Buu'k. • l'igs under 10() Ibc—Le•on'Murray, Mae Stewart. Geese ----Jean Scott, Robbie Scott. Leon Maloney, Bobby Betties. Tull 'c_ -Arthur Murray, Duel -- Carl I,un k Gloria Boyd, Freda Hunt Gloria Loyd Dueler nixed --Gloria I1 vl. Peas -Leon Murray. Rents--•13i11ie Walters, Bobby Wal- ters, Janke Axtman, Cleo Bowman. ()nion5--Louis Murray, Ilost Sle- mo , Helen Horan, .Jack Rose. Mela n , Parsnips ---- Bobby Walters, Earl Rook. ('uctullhers—Hart Rock, Marjorie (Cuthill, Millie Campbell. Potatoes Junes Axtman, John 31eClure; Elsie Simon, Beatrice Sie- mon. • Carrots -Bobby Kelly, Marjorie Miller, Barbara Lloyd, Marlene Scher - berth. Beets, small, Grace Siemon, Lois Somerville, Dianne Bolton, Bobby Murray. Phuns — Bleck Glanville, Helen Pette, Jot Murphy, Billie Murphy. .Grapes Mayda Beuerman. Pears— Lloyd Beuermait, Helen Scott, Mary MaeDonald, Ken Mc- Clure• 1 caches John McClure, Ronald Me Clare. Tomatoes—Don Moylan, Helen Pryce, Don Dodds, Paul Murray. Corn—Bobby Kelly, Glace Siemon, Lillie Campbell, Jim Melady, Pumpkins— Billie Campbell, Anne Maloney, Mary Dennis, Joanne Doerr, Cabbage, red—Martell Seherbarth. Cabbage, white—Margaret Boyd, Jim Melady, Dorothy Regele, Marie .Maloney, Citrons ---Shelia Malone, Francis 9'Ialone. Squash Collection, Garry Little, Squash—Jim Palin, Bobbie Palin, Pauline Malone, Patricia Nolan. Apples, Fall—Mary McDonald, Donald Halley, Rosemary Lane, Bar- bara Boyd, Apples, Reinter --Iris Beuerman, Dorothy Regele, Roy McQuaid, Canned I.nspberries, Terry Ryan. Helen i'1ree, Barbara Boyd, Mize- ll:mks—Jean Scott, Bob Bottles, beth McGayin. MaMdriorie Ciorphel, Leslie C aiupbell. i Canned Strawberries, tante, Helen Pheasants-- Elsie Simeon, Pryce, Norene Melady, Mary Mac - 1, n• -I ,1 nie Tr ttarti,a, Susan, Donald, Dorathy Regele. le: n she;e'er, Ronnie T11w trtha, I Canned ne d Strawberries, wild, Betty Beuerman. Drawing—Map of tKi lae Nancy y Melady erry Ryan, Marine Marian Walters, 'Map of Huron—Fay ay Love, Jean Byers, Fergus Belly, Teresa Melady, Map of South Alnerien- -Barbara+ Iloyd, Marlene Scherbarbh, Beatrice Sienton, T tck Melody, Map of C:wad;*--11e1en Horan, El- sie Siemon, Catherine • Campbell, Marie Dalton, Coloured Drawings—Jean Scott, Bobbie Derr, .lune Snaith, No. 4, Me- Killop, Crayon Drawings, Rosemary Lane, Teresa Melady, Nancy Belly, Mary Melady. Plan of Farnl, ,Marlene Scherbarth,, Helen Horan, Bobbie Felly, Gordon Kennedy, Fancy Work and Knitting grade 3, Edith Boyd Marjorie Boyd. 'Grade 4, cross stitch pattern, Cleo Bowman, Jean McLaughlin, • Grade 5, Fancy Work on tea towel, Marjorie Boyd, Katherine. Moylan, Beatrice Siemon, Arlene Diegel. -Grade (i, pillow slips, Margaret Boyd, Joan McLaughlin, Helen Con- nelly. Grade 7, cushion top in wool, Joan Somerville, Margaret O'Rourke, Joan McLaughlin. Grade 8, best dressed doll, Rose- mary Lane, Betty Axtman, Arnie Murray, Veronica Lane, • Pot- Holders, Sandra Doig„Marjor- -ie Boyd. Hand hemmed tea towel --•Melon Pryce, Barbara Boyd, Manion Hunt, Dorothy Regele, Plain Blouse—Elsie Simeon, Betty Axtman. Scart'e with fringe, June Smith, Marjorie Miller, Marjorie Cuthill, Iielen Pryce. Doillie --- Betty Campbell, 'Rose Murray, Helen Watthel's, June Smith Palcing—Art Wright's special was won by Kathleen Scott. M1,. Brad- -haw's afoetal was wan by Betty Campbell. I n :1 'Ci e,varth.a, trt tn, l Fruit loaf, Marion Hunt, •Helen Ca - -(i nn tld Ryan, Fergus Ma- i Canned C h. rrie. Dorothy Regele, P ece. en et--an Seta t, Ii ltln e Sloan. ,tin 1'? ;. e, Mary Dennis, Betty Ilnl',t,it: I u _ns 11ntzi, Harold Campbell. .T.tntai. Don Dodd?, Jean Scott. Corn—Rosemary Lane, Marguerite- Pete- - .T ran Scott, Frimt•is Hunt, .rb, tt, Jean Sena. Rola Htuft. Flowers--Asters—Peter Maloney, Barred Reeks—Gloria Boyd. Mar- Eleanor Keys, Barbara Boyd. Fay l ittle, Mani olds—Jir1 3retady Joe Ma- loney, Bert Dennis Paul Murray, Phlox, June Smttn, Beatrice Sie- mon, Bobbie Betties. Mary Dennis. Fnrenber:•er, Glen Walters, Zinnias—Koren 'Melady Kenneth Fora -as Maloney. Papple, Helen Walters, Sandra Doig, Mod 11d -----Mar; Dennis, Mary Sweet Peas ---,Joan Somerville. Bob - Dennis. Arlene Diegel, 4 t•nold Camp.; bio Betties, Dahlias—Joan Somerville, Barbara Sussex—Mary Dennis, Robert Re-! Boyd, 3larjorie Miller. Rose Siemon. SPAY, EPTEM :R 21, 19$0 Grade 2, Joan Lane, Marion Mel- ady, Jean Hillett Grade 3, Sandra Doig, loan Dalton, Verna Byers, Fergus Felly, • Grade •l, Rosemary Lame, Marie O'Connor, Marjorie Boyd, Bobbie Seott. x 'Grade 0, Joy Santa', 1\otine Talton, Grade 0, Jack ;Melady, Helen Con- nally, Margaret Boyd, Bobby Walt- ers: - Grade 7, Rosenmrie Ducharme, Bobby Kelly, Loon Murray, Wilmer Walters. Violin playing—Fergus Kell~•• Insect Collection -- June Smith, Ilentriee Simon, Grace Stenion, Doo Dodds. Curios—Leon Murray,Leon Mur- ray, Don Dodds, Leon Murray,. Choral Reading, No, 3, No. G, No, (n 'Winner of draw fen biryele---Di-. anne Bolton Best decorated bicycle (boys) ---James Axtman, John Mc- Clure, Andrew Patrick; (girls), IMary Horan, Hackwell, Dorothy Kays. - Beauty Contest—Miss McKillop— Joyce Beuerman, Marion Roach, Iris Beuerman. ;School with most paints von by No. 6. • Cattle Judging tboys) — Kenneth Campbell and Joe Murray (tied), Lloyd Beuerman,. Mac Bolton. tGirlsl —Catherine Campbell and Dorothy Regele (tied). Melady Special --Tied, Joe Mur- ray, Ken Campbell, Mac Bolton, Arn- old Campbell; Lloyd Beuerman, Cath- erine Campbell, Dorothy Regele. Races Boys, grade 1, Paul Malone, Mich- ael Lane. Girls, grade 1, Pauline Malone, Grace Doig, .Jean Hillen, Rosemary Moylan, Eleanor Keys, Boys, grade James Sloan, Harry Ryan, Ronnie Little, Dan O'Connor, Garry Little. ;Girls, grade d, Sandra Daig, Joan Coyne, Betty Murray, Helen Scott, Caroline Diehl, Boys, grade 3, Terry Ityan, Harry Ryan, Don Ryan, Frank Malone, Fer- gus Malone. Girls, grade 3, Tbresa Shea, Patri- cia. Ryan, Joan Lane, Marion Riehl, Luella Moylan. Boys, grade 4, Fergus Kelly, Joe Murphy, Mike Maloney Garry Robin- son, Bill Kerr. - Girls, grade 4, Anes Hieknel), y Margaret Nano'Lell • Dalton. J aan n'1 t. McCarthy, Marjorie Boyd. Boys, grade 5, Ken Maloney, Ron Ryan George Wilson. Gals grade 5, Darlene Robinson. Jean McLaughlin, Fay Lane, Rose- mary Lane, Marion Mellwain. Girls, grade C,; Marion Maloney, Janet Beuerman, Cleo Bowman, Ca- therine Moylan, Claire Malone. Boys, grade 7, Leon Maloney, Bob nettles, Bill Walters, Will Krauskopf, Alvin Byers. tot e Campbell. .Toe. Murphy. Billie ,. �\iuno t. White 1i n'Iss--Robt, Ret*tele. Liar - T yd. i1 1g -hors, liildred P.ya11. White Bread— Curt.in's special, Fergus Kelly, Nancy Kelly, Helen Pryce, Billie Murphy. Bran _Muffins — Marion Hunt, Marie Melady. Lois Somerville, Betty Campbell. Oatmeal Cookie; --Shirley Horan, Elizabeth MeGavin, Helen Horan, n Helen Pryce. Bum: Barbara Boyd,- 3iarion Hunt, Helen Pryce. School Lunch—Elizabeth McGayin, Barbara Boyd, Edith Boyd, .Marjorie Smith. Tarts --Joy Jantzi, Marjorie Boyd, Mary Melady, Barbara &yd. Layer Cake— Joanne Beuerman, :.c r -;:+crt Regele. Gladiolus --Joan Pryee, Marjorie Catherine Moylan, Barbara Boyd, Hy d, Dorothy Keys. Kenneth Miller, Sandra Dote, Gloria Boyd. Georgina Little. ? ...,, e, Ke:: Ryan. P>:.lie Murphy. • i Snapdragon—Bobbie Settles, Joan Angel Cake — Kathleen Scott, Hy'ur:d, Kenneth P pple. Ste- omerci)le, Mary Dennis, Elizabeth Mary Dennis, Margaret* Boyd, Helen 3l:<.o^sec, Garry Little. 131sGat-in. I Pryee.Par: ms — Peter Maloney. Joy 1 Cosmos—Elsie Doig, Jacqueline? Apple Pie; Rosemary Lane, Nancy * rt i Francis Hunt. Carl Buutk. !Davidson, heatriee Siemon, Arlene Kelly, Rose Siemon, Helen Pryce.D, ±s -- Rosemary Lane. Betty 1 Diesel, Lenton Pie, Rose Siemon, Marlene realise pup. no ticket: Pa- Pansies ---George Wilson, Dorothy ,Melady, Margaret Boyd, Helen Pryce. ;sass.. N,•:ar,, iKeys Bill Kerr, Ruth -Montgomery. Pumpkin Pie—Barbara Boyd, Bel- ts. n -- D,rotby- Regele. Su- 1 Potted Plants — Bobbie Betties, en Pryce. n ,. 1e:•. Iris Beaernta1 I Georgina Little, Dorothy Regele, Call Raisin Pie—Nancy Kelly, Barbara �•mvr--Lea'-ard Miner. Jean ;Snuck... Boyd, Helen Horan, Marlene Melady. . Re�c:e. Collectio. leaves, Beatrice Sie- Pie baked by teacher—No entries. s•?nea . Beatrice Sie--mon, Maeda Beuernann, Elsie Sie- Manual Trailing—Lawn ornament, Cle 'den Kerr,.Jimmie Shea, ; mon, Inc Beuerman. Paul SIurcay, Vincent Nolan, Leon 'o- Weeds+—Beatrice Siemon, Joan Maloney. Ronald Ryan. Barley. sheaf. Elsie Siemon, or., Ken- McLaughlin. Elsie Siemon, Grace Sie- Door Stop—Betty Campbell, reth Ryan. R. iia,. _ : retartha. 111071. Wall Bracket—Lloyd Beuerman, Vel :a. ...oaf. Bert Des:;:e, Clen-' School Exhibit, No, 4, No. S Paul Murray, Bobby Bottles, Lloyd Kerr. Writing and Printing, grade 1, Beuerman. 31:a::,o:ds. Barbara Beayd. Bobby Jimmie Melady, Ann Dalton, Stephen Pot Holder Rack --,Betty Campbell, Docs:r Leen Maloney, Pon Dud,•Is. Cronin. Ann Murray. Betty Campbell. T:.rn'Ins. table, Terry Ryan, Bar- Grade 2. Marjorie Smith, Mervin Shell Craft—al-anion Hunt, June :vara Be d, Task Me:ady. Marlene Pepper. Marlene Melady. Marian Me- Smith, Jean Scott, 'Marjorie Smith. La'agh!in, Movable Toy—Paul Murray, Bob- Tn:: 15. field, Stephen Cronin, Grade 8. Helen Maloney. Jean MI- hie Betties. Wayne McMichael, Jack Ryan. Bird House—Bobby Murray, Leon- ard Miller, Bobby Murray, Betty Campbell. Milk Stool ---Rose Siemon, Robbie Seott, James Axtman, Chair—Leon Murray, Pat Sloan. Hammer Handle --James Axtman, Roes Cuthill, Model of Farm Gate—Andrew Pat- ilok, Donald Bully, Don Dodds, Mary MacDonald, Recitations grade 1. Anne Dalton, Anne Murray, Jim 3lelady. 3Isar:•ay. Mary Cro:Sn. planter Meal:,.,. :.nt o r -, B: ?; y Murray.Ma*. if e7143L ear Ker- ne: 'Pepp'.e'• Bert De:... . Betty Ax- ;man. e•y. n/:1 HackJas Ax'ir.ali. Rusty Axtman, I._mt Murray W r:n:• li s,'•r: Revd. .Ta mos Ay., ... Jean 13,ntt 11e11,11e.. Ma- :ore:-;. h 1'1 13: P.. .:.t Boyd, Darlene ;,.,news.. :ell, Nancy Belly, Teresa Melady. Grade 4, Rosemary Lane, Marjorie Cuthill, Gloria Boyd. John Alexander. Grade 5, Beatrice Semon, Dorothy Fnuensberger. Ronald McClure. Ann 3la:a:ley, Grade a. Ka:hemine 31oylan. Helen Conn e::r. Marlette Scherhartlt. Cleo 1',w:ran. Grade 7. Jaa:: 3tnLauohlln Rose Ru -h 3lont,:OMery. Ruse - Du: i::t• de. i•:Marjorie Miser, Ronald F. Bowman, Iris ,,aeon,., EG ENT THEATRE Ji(AI. '7O1Z1 rtxIes. 1 ( 1� Thurs. Fri. Sat. ” PINKY" . Now Playing with Jeanne Crain • William T.umlige n - 3:atel 'brume, e• - ls'llte' Whin* 'Pinky" la an wttregnety nuaanal drama deall„ ea elft on. e wet a the Nevin Problem, A moving story an told with e'l' r and honrety. Don't inns 11. —moo. 'rues Wed, - Adult imterlahunelti la •'rechtilrolni' ONE R1IOK I Acli 1du01' At s P11 "FOREVER AMBER" with Linda Darnell Carnet Wilde Richard GreensHearse 50555,n The Teol,nicolore l -tapestry that la the tory, has nary valuss, "pllest an tr,ll urs dramatic. comical at times and .vividly thrilling ton, twinning to lusty life /lu, rel. thins rind I,erlod—linatand of the 17th Century •,•„- Next Thurs. Fri. Sat. "FIGHTING MAN OF THE PLAINS" with RANDOI.,PH SCOTT ,CANE NIGH HILL, WILLIAMS itlect Jim Dancer, Peace Officer, courngcouo• level -tweeted, quirk ou the draw as he brought tun• and order to the toughest have nn 11, Ohlaham trail COSTING: "THE 916 HANGOVER" Girls, grade 7, Barbara Boyd, Grace Siemon, Ilene Diegel, Audrey Gadkln, Verde Watson. Grade 8, boys, Ray Maloney, Leon Maloney, Cyril Murray, Frank Kraus- kopf, Ronald Murray. Girls, grade 8 Rose Siemon, Joan Beuerman, Barbara Boyd, Marie Manley, Joan lgeLaughlin, Young men's race, Don McClure, George Love, D. Maloney, Vern Godkin, Pat Flannery. Violin Playing, Bobby Kelly. 11112•11.11=1111111•0v 1'I ail 0 d C 11 INSTITUTE Harvest Whirl CARDNO'S HALL Friday, Oct. 6 Music by the Canadian Ramblers of. Station C.F,P.L. London Dancing 9:30--1:00 The Constance United Church ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SL'NDA`i, OCTOBER 1st 11 ani and 7.80 pm Special Music Male Quartette from Seaforth Presbyterian Church in morning and by Mrs. Frank Kling and Fred Willis, of Seaforth, in the evening. Rev. Stanley Brenton, Minister ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Duff's Church McKillop Sunday, October 1 at 11 am and 7.30 pin (Standard Time, REV. WILLIAM MAIN OF TJJ 311E S ROAD Guest Speaker Music by the Children's Choir BINGO Dublin Parish Hall FRIDAY, SEPT 29th Exceiient Prizes TULIP BULBS lt... # 1 Large $1.50. Medium 75o Small 55c PURCELL Flower Gardens Phone 145-R Seaforth ski &$ Ef'G difference hateen yBlG zu/ s � c n e CHANCES ARE you have a lot in common with your neigh- bours. But there is an impor- tant difference between your plans for the future and theirs. There is something special, for instance, about your plans for retiring. You have your own ideas about how much income you'll need to live on in your later years. And you also deter- mine at what age you'll want to start "taking it easy", Likewise, you face different problems in protecting the fam- ily income in case anything -hap- pens to you. With life insurance you can rind security in both of these ways— arranged to fit your own special needs. You have a choke of many different kinds of poli- cies for different purposes. And the services of trained life un• derwriters are at your beck and call to help you make that choice wisely. Nothing but Life Insurance gives YOU this control over your future. So today — and tomorrow -- rely on your own lite insurance to meet your own personal needs! The LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES in Canada and their Representatives WORKING FOR NATIONAL PROGRESS . BUILDING PERSONAL SECURITY 550D IN THE KITCHEN Dash•., -•u, ap,i laundry . c?cca. fresh Tanning tc�!••r hook, E X11 dru.ig^ry .ivat tura the txp, nn 5.:,,55 wat:-r-carrying from the Tamp. TRUCK GARDENERS .4r.. . utimsirak over a _1)1-1? 0 WAT 11 R SySTE:%t s*arca e:! pit,:ty of moisture when needed. IN THE BARN Your cattle and all 1irr.r.::k a r e quicltly wtterc l. saves time and labour .. besides O yy n have FIRE, I'RO- 'SECTION for all your farm buildings. EMCO Fixtures and Fittings You cats easily modernize your kitchen • , . bathroom and ltnunalry , , , enjoy the comforts of living. SEE 113 TODAY for COMPLETE INFORMATION For Sale By Gee. A. Sills r . Sons EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. i.1MITED London - Hammon Toronto • Sudbury - Winnipeg - Vantouver and METALS LIMITECI Calgary fdmonfen - Vancouver EC•52