HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-09-14, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1950 THE SE. -..FORTH NEW, !D P0,,' HILL -CREST TISSue, LARGE ROLL 3 rolls --32c, 1 roll FREE CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 2 tins 21c SEEDLESS RAISINS, 1 Ib. 16c Silver Leaf Sliced Pineapple , 20 oz. Tin 29c AYLMER TOMATOES Large Tin 2 Tins 29c Royal York Orange Pekoe bTea OAK LEAF CORN 16 oz, Tins. ..., 3 Tins 23c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES COOKING ONIONS 2 Large Boxes 430 10 Ib, Bag 36c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Phone 77 We deliver KIPPEN EAST The September meeting of I€ippon East W. I, will be held on evening of Wednesday the 20th at the home of Mrs. Ivan Iforsyth with Mrs. Charles lEyre as co -hostess. This is communi- ty activities and public relations meeting. Roll call will be, name a member of parliament and where from, Lunch committee, Miss M. Sin- Clair, Mrs. W. Kyle, Mrs. W. Tre- meer, Mrs. Campbell Eyre, Mrs. Gemmell, BORN BM= — At Scott Memorial hospital, on September 7th, to Me. and Mrs. George $ruse, Seaforth, a son CAM' BELL—M Scott .Memorial Hospital, on on September Oth, to Mr. and Mrs, Ben, 'Campbell, Seaforth, a daughter P AI11Np1X — At Scott Memorial Uosni. tal, on Sentember 6th, to Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Feeney. RR. 2 Dublin, a slaughter BOOT—At Scott Memorial Hospital, so Sept.. i3th, to Mr. and Mrs. Bertal Boot, RR, 2 Seaforth, a daughter McKillop Fair AT S.S. #6 SCHOOL Tuesday, Sept. 19th Contributions are still pouring in for the McKillop Fair. The President, Stanley Uillen, Viee President Louis Bolton, and Board of Directors are making great preparations, The Brodhagen Baud has been engaged. Free transportation to the Fair from the Royal corner, Seaforth, has been arranged by bus. Suitable pens will be provided for all stock. It is expected that our members Mr. McLean and Mr. Pryde will give addresses, also Reeve Beuermann and others. We expect the Maple City shows, ferris wheel, etc., from London. Cactus Mac has been engaged by the committee. A dance will be held In the evening, the music to be provided by the Desiardine Orchestra. A draw for a bicycle will take place iu the afternoon. Parking space for cars. Booths, afternoon and evening. Good prizes will be given for best Decorated Boy's and Girl's wheels, same as last year. STANLEY HILLEN President F. T. FOWLER Secretary i ATTENTION FARMERS Now Operating New Seed Cleaning Plant COLEMAN ST. SEAFORTH One block east of Victoria Park CLEANING GRAIN AND ALL KINDS OF GRASS SEEDS 1 also buy Timothy & Clover Seeds, and pay highest prices PHONE 49 SEAFORTH Louis Lechner In Stock Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyprdc ' Beaver -Board, Arborite, Tentest Blocks Finishing Lime, Mason's Lime, Spraying Lime • Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles, Roll -Wick Siding, Insulated Siding and Roll Roofing Place your order for CEMENT now INSULATION Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts Lumber, Sash and Doors Storm Sash made to order .Custom Millwork Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. "Where The Best Costs No Moro" SEAFORTH PHONE 47 TOWN TOPICS Miss Mona Bennett is spending two weeks vacation in Jonquiere, Quebec, with Miss Brigette Descheno, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Eastman and family spent the weekend at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dunlop have returned from a: honeymoon spent in Northern Ontario and have taken up residence in their new home on Jarvis Street. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Evans cof Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Arnold 'Westoott, 'Mrs. Fred Willis was the lucky winner of a $50.00 bingo prize at Palmerston last Friday night, Mrs. James Besse has accepted a position on the staff of the Bell Tel Miss Lorna 'Ellis spent the last two weeks visiting in Midland, Ont. Miss A. C. Lawrence R.N. is in Toronto this week attending the Do- minion Board of the Woman's Miss- ionary Society and the .General Council of the United Church of Canada. Mr. Stanley Dorraiice, Chatham, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Dor- ranee. Miss Mary McGrath, St, Thomas, visited last week with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, M. McGrath. Miss Rhia Hills, 'Toronto, Apent the week end with her mother, Mrs. J. Hills. Mr. and Mrs. 'Stewart Geddes, of London were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E. Geddes. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Murray are holidaying in Boston, Mass. Mr. Donald Hillis, Toronto, spent the week end at his home. Miss Mary Boswell, Miss Yvonne Bolton and Miss June .Snell are leaving Tuesday to attend Stratford normal school. Mr. Walter Boswell, London, was a week end visitor at his home. itIr. and 'Mrs. Paul •Robitaille, of Montreal, Que., are visiting friends In town, Mr. aped Mrs. Reg. C. 'Natter - worth have returned home from a trip ',to Sault Ste. Marie and points North. Miss Theresa Maloney, Kitchener, visited last week with her grand- mother, Mrs. Margaret Maloney, !Messrs Donald and Bill Munn visited over the weekend with their parents Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Munn. Miss Mary Ryan. London, spending two weeks' holidays with her aunt Mrs, Thos. O'Laughlin. Mr. Andrew Calder, Sr., slipped off the verandah last week and broke his leg. Miss Alice Daly attended a Con- vention of the Catholic Women's League in Kingston last week. Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, spent a few days with Tler mother Mrs. R. Kennedy. Miss Ellen Ryan, West Lorne, is visiting with friends in town, Mr. Bud Smith, who spent the past few days in New York City, has re- turned to London to attend the Uni- versity of Western Ontario. CONSTANCE • ;The Constance Mission Band met in the classroom of the church on Sunday, Sept. 10, 1950. We opened with the Mission Band Purpose fol- lowed by hymn 453. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, by Janet McGregor. Mrs. Dale read the Call to worship. Then hymn 404 was sung. Laurel Dale took the col- lection which amounted to 70 cents. The scripture lesson, 23rd psalm, was read by Muriel Dale. The Bene- diction was read, next was the Roll Call with 14 present. Hymn 426 was sung, then Marilyn Taylor and Laur- el Dale gave out the papers and the World Friends. We closed with the Lord's Prayer. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Philips were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mehany and son, Dr. Robt. Mehany •of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Appleton and family of Toronto. Miss Jean McMichael spent a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Philips, also visited relatives in Clinton. Miss Donelda Adams of Centralia, Mr, and Mrs. Kelso Adams and son Gerald and Mrs. A. W. Norden, of 'Goderich, were guests for turkey dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams on Sunday , Mr. and Mrs. StewartChambers are returning home to Toronto this weekend after spending two weeks vacation at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. F. Phillips and fam- ly also spent a day with relatives and friends in Flesherton and Maxwell, Ont. WI NTH ROP 'The W.M.S. and W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Win. 'Somerville en Wednesday, 'Sept. 6th. Mrs. E. Toll presided, The theme of the meeting was the "Spirit of the Cross". The Worship Service on Japan, as given in Missionary Monthly, was followed. The poem written by Kagawa was Group 1 of the W.A. of North Side United Church HOME BAKING SALE at Mr, Rice's Garage, Goderich St. at 3 o'clock Saturday, Sept, 16th EVERY BUSINESS Is the expression of the think- ing of the person who runs it. It is your business to get "blue boat" - WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 192M or Box Furn. Store 43 until office is established HANDSOME AND PRACTICALLY INDESTRUCTIBLE ! STAIN -PROOF, MAR -PROOF COMPOSITION TABLE TOPS SIZES - 76" x 36" OPEN 48" x 36" CLOSED 68" x 36" OPEN e Choice of Red, Blue, Grey, Yellow Styles include the Duncan Phyfe Concealed Leaf Table Large Table for as low as......... 32.00 Chairs to match, from $6.95 uh ox Furniture Store--FuneralService OFFICE 43 NIGHTS 595-W or 18 read by Mrs. Wm. Dodds. The Jap- anese hymn, "Holy Spirit We Humbly Pray", was sung by Dorothy Dodds. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. T. Settles. Mrs. Wm. Spadden led the meeting in prayer. The 1st chapter of the new study book on Japan was given by Mrs. Win. Church. Miss Ethel Dennis brought a very wonderful report to the meet- ing of the Branch meeting held at Sarnia. Mrs. Livingston closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by__Circle 4. 'The W.M.S. are having a special meeting on Thursday, Sept. 14 in the church when Miss Dorothy Dodds and Miss Lorraine Smith will give their experiences at the School for Leaders at Alma College. This is an open meeting and all are cordially invited. STAFFA Brait—Norris Decorated with Gladioli and ferns, Staffa United Church was the scene of a pretty wedding recently, when Margaret Rebecca, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Norris, Staffa, became the bride of Mr. Anthony August Breit, Windsor, son of Mr. and Mrs, Otto Breit, Port Credit. Rev. A. H. Daynard officiated. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor -length gown of white nylon net and lace with fitted bodice, sweetheart neckline, and lily -point sleeves. Her matching veil was caught to a pearl headdress. She wore pearls and carried a bouquet of hydrangeas, dahlias, and sweet peas. She was attended by Miss Lois Fell, Staffa, as maid of honor, in maize flowered nylon net over maize taffeta; her cousin, Miss Aud- rey Elliott, Staffa, as bridesmaid in white flowered nylon net over blue taffeta; ,and her sister, Miss Ethel Mae Norris, Staffa, as bridesmaid,, in white flowered nylon net over pink taffeta. .All wore pearls and matching headdresses and carried bouquets of asters and snapdragons. Mrs. Henry Harburn, Staffa, played the wedding music, Mr. Ernest S. 'Templeman, Staffa, sang "0 Perfect Love" and "I'li Walk Beside You." Mr. Robert I. Norris, Staffa, brother of the bride, was best man; and the ushers were Mr. James D. Norris, Staffa, brother of the bride, and Mr. John Breit, Port Credit, cousin of the bridegroom. A wedding luncheon was served at the home of Mr. Richard Balkwill, Staffa, grandfather of the bride. The bride's mother wore a dress of delph blue marquisette with black accessories and corsage of pink roses. Mrs. Bradt was dressed in wine crepe with black accessories and cor- sage of white roses and carnations. Luncheon assistants were Miss Bes- sie Erb, Sebringville, Miss Margaret Kemp, Mitchell, and Misses Marion and Ruby Kries, Toronto. McKILLOP REGELE—TAYLOR A quiet September wedding took place at the home of Rev. Robert Lederman, Listowel, when he offi- ciated at a ceremony uniting in mar- riage Mary Luella, daughter of Mr. Thomas H. Taylor, .Goderich, and the late Mrs, Taylor, to Mr. Harry Wilfred Regele, son of Mrs. Charles Regele McKillop township, and the late M'r, Regele. The bride was at- tired in a gabardine suit in delphin- ium blue shade with navy accessories, Her corsage was of American Beauty roses, The couple were unattended. They left later on a trip to the West Coast. They will reside on the bride- groom's farm in McKillop township. Stratford Casino DANCING Every Wed., Sat. - Holidays PLAN TO ATTEND THE THURSDAY EVENING Fall Fair Entertainment In the Seaforth & District Memorial Centre Bingo Musical Program MIAMOICY MANUFACTURERS & MERCHANTS DISPLAYS Thursday, September 21 -- 8.30 p.m. Admission 25c 006116026 tice Far e s We are buying WHEAT for immediate delivery® Best prices paid this week® Give us a call. Let us have samples. We will be buying from now on. Feed Division of Exeellene';,> Flour Mills Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO — PHONES 353 - 354