HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-09-14, Page 4i Walton United Church MINISTE']R: REV. R. 11, }JAZLEWOOI), B.A. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, Sept. 24th —11 a.rn. and 7.30 p.m. SPEAKER: REV. T. W. HAZLEWOOP, B.A., B.D. Hunibercrest United Church, Toronto • A Hammond Electric Organ will be installed for the services, e An organ recital of sacred music will be given at 7 P. M. by the organist Mrs. Harvey Brown. WALTON A flower demonstration was given by Gladys Chapman and Eleanor Mc- Cartney. They gave examples of suitable containers and holder's for flowers and they gave the steps in e making are picked to t iwhen the e time ou- quet is arranged. Bouquets for din- ing table or livingroom were exhib- ited by the girls at the conclusion of the demonstration, A committee consisted of Betty Addison, Doris Stevens and Audrey Hulley with Margaret McArthur as convenor. These girls will be in charge of discussion period for the next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Lawless, Di- anne and Murray have returned to •Peterhoro, having spent the summer around Walton. Mr, Geo, Birkby, Burwash, Ont. rimuuteouvr4Ar l i.ORTH N1+Ws. officiated and Miss Mary. Den- nis of Walton played the wedding innate, During the ceremony Misses June and Audrey Haekweli sang "Because" and "Pll Walk Beside You". Given in marriage by her father, the bride looked lovely in a white satin gown fashioned with fitted bodice. net yoke embroidered with pearls, and lily point sleeves. The full skirt extended into a train. A matching headdress, encrusted spent the weekend with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. H. B. Kirkby. areturn- ed - d has Rev. R. G. Hazelwood from a month's holiday at Port Carling in Muskoka and occupied his own pulpit on Sunday last. Mr, Harold McCall of Hamilton visited with his brother Mr, A. Mc- Call over the weekend, • Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Johnston and family have returned to their home in Haliburton after spending their holidays with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Johnston. GRAY—HACK W ELL Early autumn flowers and pink and white streamers decorated the home of the bride's father for the wedding at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon of Bernice June, youngest daughter of Mr. Joseph Rockwell, Walton, to Mr. Donald James Gray, grandson of ReMvs, JaR. esG. A,Hazle ood 150.00 CASH PRIZES! AT THE SEAFORTH DISTRICT MEMORIAL CENTRE "MONSTER BINGO" THURSDAY - SEPT. 14th CENTRE OPENS J PM PLAY STARTS L' PM 18 Games For 50c LAST PRIZE $50.00 . SEATING ACCOMMODATION FOR 1500 PLAYERS 1'.trlcer. Mrs, Gilbert of London is visiting with her son -in law and tluughter Mr. and Mrs. A. Orr. Mrs, John M. Glenn visited recent- ly with Miss Elizabeth •Slavin. Mrs. Wm, Consitt is spending a fewdaysat the home of Mr, and Mrs. Milton Stewart, Soaforth, owing to the serious Illness of her sister-in- law Mrs, Sarah Jane Coleman, Mrs. Art Finlayson of Tucker - with pearls, held her fingertip veil, smith and ritIrs, Iiugh Morena o end site carried a bouquet�of red Dashwood visited recently with their roses. Mrs, Campbell 1S'ay, Walton, mother, Mrs. Wesley Coleman. was matron of honor for her sister. Institute members are reminded She wore a blue satin gown with, of the Exeter Fair. Prizes are being headdress and mittens harmonizing offered for the following exhibits, with her gown, and carried a bou- shell work, fancy cushion, cotton quet of pink roses. Geraldine Dennis quilt, knitted lace, hooked rug (cot - of Walton was flower girl in a pink ton), bring these articles to the pot -- taffeta frock with matching,poke luck supper. The best items will be bonnet and mittens. She carred a , held for exhibit at the Fair. nosegay. Mr, Howard McLaughlin, Evening Auxiliary Toronto, was best man. For travel -1 The first meeting of the Evening ing the bride donned a blue three- Auxiliary,which took the form of a Piece suit, with which she wore navy I pot -luck supper was held in the accessories and a gardenia corsage, school room of the United Church On their return from a wedding trip 1 on Monday night. Sept. llth with a to Northern Ontario Mr, and Mrs. splendid attendance. After a delici- Gray will make their hone in •Strat- ous meal the Pres,,, Lillian Hyde, ford. Guests attended the wedding presided for the meeting which open- from Toronto, Rochester, N.Y.; List- ed with the theme song and the owel, and Stratford. The bride is a hymn "Jesus the very thought of graduate of the Stratford General Thee". Prayer was offered by Rev. spiral. Rogers. Roll call and collection taken. Mrs. .Blackwell read the scripture HENSALL lesson, Ruth, chap 1. During the Remember the Hensall Institute business session Mrs. Pearl Passmore instructed to forward an order meeting which will feature a pot -c- luck sapper, will take place in the for Xmas cards. Further plans were Legion rooms on the Monday }tight made for the annual bazaar which Sept; 18 at 6 o'clock, Mrs, :Beer will will be held in the church on Satur- preside. Please, cups, silverware. day, Nov, 18th. The next meeting v Il be held in the church on Tues - Bring your list of ideas and suggest- day night Oct, 10th. Mrs. S. Ronne ions in connection with the planning and Mrs, B. Horton . be hostesses. Rennie of yearly programs. Fall work must and Gswill Coprnsent the tbeo planned and you are urged to at-, al, Mrs, L. Chapman will give the tend. Study. The roll call will feature a EngagementCcollection of aprons and other items Mr.eand Mrs. Richard Taylor, gSe- for the bazaar. The guest speaker, m neihnrst, announce thegengage- Rev. W. J. Rogers, gave a challeng'- Elizabeth t of their iJohnl Thoy mas Brintnell, ing talk on "Evangelism" basing his son of Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Brintnell,• remarks on the story of Ruth, Orpah Chiselhurst. The wedding will take and Naomi. An enloyaible program place the latter part of September. was presented consisting of the fol - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Redden, lowing numbers: vocal duets, Audrey Bobbie and Jimmie of Dresden spent Walsh and .Marlene Tetzke, accomp- the weekend with Mrs. Catharine anied by Edna Walsh, piano solos, Redden and Herb. ; Mrs. L. Mickle, reading, Miss Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess are heli- vocal solo. Mrs. L. Coates, The Miz- daying at their cottage in the Pah Benediction was repeated after Pinery,;which a period of crokinole was en - Mrs. Edna Corbett spent the week- joyed. Mrs, R. Drysdale and Mrs, end at the home of her son-in-law Redden were responsible for the and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold successful arrangements. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1950 REG ENT IE SI AI.+ OR'1.'L Now PLAYING Thur. Fri. fiat. "THE WIZARD OF OZ" In Technicolor with JODY GARLAND And RAY HOLGER ofiOfland the story, th oreir,0T;fultto "the `-,.,._..ti} ofnheart," tells colorand song•r13oso ethe Ptonsee itLalla Mon. Tues. \edJO OINGIN' In Teeluicolor . " SS and A 1IAIn The second Jolson Maine lo hero at Inst, A brilliant sequel --richt In humanity, clover resourceful story that gets the ROYAL 051)614 of The Calloused-frem- nPulauee Palnr Next Tliiu's. Fri, Sat. "Whenand Willie CORTNe s Marching Home'• with DAN D LVET There are so ninny laughs, with brief Interludes of satire, that the audience is left weak with laughter, The story 10 1e0dedwit1 comedy situations, email town doings. and Army formalities azoi COMING:. "THE DOCTOR AND THE GIRL" meartwaiiimisiam with GLCNN FORD - GLOI 1 DuHAv6N . 'etrARL6S CO SUJl ar death of her brother, Thomas Bar- WALTON rows in his 72nd year. Mr, Barrows Mrs. Rebecca Dennis received word spent last winter with his sister, Mrs. here Dennis from Foremost, Alta., ,of the suddenDennr w♦ E2K1 r, 2® tAl511®lr 851101 110®®®®Q1. THURSDAY - FRIDAY SE T. 2 n, lir q HURON - PERTH REGIONAL SHORTHORN SHOW School Children's Parade Harness Races Pony Races Foot Races Ponies to ride Baby Show TWO FIELD CROP COMPETITIONS SWINE CLUB BABY BEEF CLUB GIRLS GARDEN CLUB DON'T MISS THE THURSDAY EVENING MUSICAL PROGRAM AND BINGO IN COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE — CARDNO'S HALL Grand Stand Performance Bands in Attendance Adult Admission 50c, Children 25c Grand Stand 250 Cars 25c School children in parade—Free RUSSELL BOLTON President E. B. GOUDIE Sec.-Treas. LONDESBORO Mr, Ed Pollard has sold his house to Mr. Bert Allen who will move in shortly. Mr. and Mrs. • Pollard have bought a home in Brussels. j We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Pollard, they having made many Ifriends during their short stay in • Londesboro. And we welcome Mr. and Mrs. Allen to the village and hope they may be Trappy and con- tented in our little burg. Mrs. Dr. Anderson, Exeter, who has for the past week been the guest of Mrs. Wm. Lyon, has returned home. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sampson and babe, Toronto, paid a, short visit with friends here on Monday. Miss Fern Watson, London, spent Monday with her mother. Mr. Eddy Webb spent the week- end with his sister Mrs. J. H. Shob- 1 brook. The Londesboro Masonic Lodge 1 together, with a good number of the Brethren front Blyth and Clinton Masons gathered at the Masonic rooms here, then marched to the United Church on Sunday last where Rev. S. H. Brenton, a brother Ma- son, delivered a very fitting sermon to about 50 of the Masonic Order who occupied the centre seats, the church was well filled. The Altar was attractively decorated with bas- kets of lovely gladiolus. The choir loft was filled and a beautiful an- them was sung. The farmers have been working, almost night and day the past week at the threshing but it has been re- ported in some eases the grain is not keeping in the bins owing to the dampness, and now with rain again Monday night, will be another set- back and more spoiled grain. vICIE®LEE FIENLENIEEE1©E NEMEEN®®IEINEN®®EIEM IMIE 1701 °heir TUCKERSMiTH Tuckersmith Municipal Council. held its regular meeting in the Town hall, ,Seaforth, on Saturday, .Sept. 2 at 8 p.m. Council passed a by-law prohibiting the use of bicycles, motorcycles, etc., on sidewalks in the township. (Township •Engineer S. W. Archi- bald will be requested to report on the Moore Drain to satisfy the complaints of Robert Allen, Elgin Thompson and Emmerson Smith. John Siemon was paid $500.00 on account of the Crozier Drain. The Clerk was instructed to apply for in- terim subsidy on Road Expenditure of $21,795.87 from Jan. 1st to Aug. 31st, 1950. (Accounts passed included Relief $50.00: Roads $8970.98; Hospitaliz- ation, $3.75; salary and allowances $125.00; Postage & Excise $5.00; Unemployment Insurance $17.04 •drains $550.00. Council adjourned to meet Oct. 7 at 8 pmt, 200 Million Dollar Diamond ? If a diamond as large as a baseball were ever found, it would probably be worth about 200 million dollars, But it would benefit only the person who owned it. The amount of money which the life insurance companies in Canada invest each year on behalf of their policyholders is large enough to buy such a diamond! But tris money is in- vested in ways which benefit every Canadian, It is put to work to help build -new schools, power plants, high- ways, industrial plants, homes and many other vitally important constructions. In all these ways it promotes progress and helps create jobs in communities throughout the nation. Thus life insurance works for everyone two ways. It helps raise living standards, And it provides security by building income for old age and protection for families. Today nearly 5 million Canadians are creating this security for themselves and their families the life insurance way! The LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES in Canada and their Representatives 11,414 4° .1( „0,1 WORKING FOR NATIONAL PROGRESS . . . BUILDING PERSONAL SECURITY 1...15C ECUITY` MRS. WILLIAM COLEMAN Mrs, William Coleman died at the home of her son-in-law, Milton Stew- art, McKillop township Tuesday morning following an illness of 20 months, She was born in Stanley township in 1856 and was married there to Mr. Coleman who died in 1908. She was the former Sarah Jane Consitt, a daughter of John Consitt and Mary Jane Peck of Stanley township, Surviving are one daugh- ter, Mrs, Milton Stewart, of McKil- London oand Rev. bFrank rothers, 5. Coleman of Holly, Mich.; one sister, Miss An- Consitt of Hensall, Mrs. Coleman has lived in this district for 85 years. She was a member of the United Church, The funeral will be held Thursday at 2;00 p,m. from the home of her son-in-law, Milton Stew- art, with interment in Mayfield cem- etery, EMCO fixtures and fittings are designed for style and utility for modernizing your kitchen . , , bathroom and laundry, ECONOMICAL, too! Come iti and see how easily you can have modern conveniences and improve the value of your home. SEE US TODAY! FRESH CLEAN RUN- NING WATER in your stables at the turn of a tap. Many prosperous farmers today have installed a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM . . . especially designed to provide run- ning water for the house barn ... stables . chicken house . truck garden and besides it's fire protection for all your buildings. Increased profits ... con- venience . . saving in time and labour are ad- vantages you can have with a DURO PUMP. See us for full information r NOW. • For Sale By Goo. A. Sills & Soon EMPIRE BRASS MFG, CO. LIMITED London Hamilton - Toronto - Sudbury Winnipeg .. Vancouver and METALS LIMITED Calgary . Edmonton - Vancouver EC•54