HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-08-31, Page 5THURSDAY. AUGUST 31, 1950wisesarommelowara T1ii l Al+yOkiTII NEWS� � si rAtillie.rcx^W"'a$'i..TiZiR =' ,"r .. i51i' • IIJ y w s STRAWBERRY JAM 40c 21 oz, Jar STOKLEY'S TOMATO JUICE 24o 43 oz. Tin RED SIRD MATCHES 3 Bose. 21c FILLED COOKIES, 1 Ib, .,290 KERNEL CORN QUAKER OATS 1 lli. DUX 32c SOCKEYE SALMON 43c i_ lb. Tin 86c 2 Tins AYLMERpEAS, choice quality 20 oz. Tins 2 for 330 TOILET TISSUE 20 oz, tills. 2 for 26c 2 rolls 26c ORANGE JUICE — LARGE 48 OZ. TIN 49c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Phone 77 We Deliver DANCE ! in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth MONDAY, SEPT. 11 Music by Don Robertson & • the Ranch Boys Sponsored by the L. O. L. of Seaforth Admissiofl 75c H.F.A. Semi -Finals FOOTBALL HOLSTEIN AT ST. COLUMBAN FRIDAY, SEPT, 1st 7,S0 p Lakeview Casino Grand Bend Midnight Dance Sept. 4th - 12:05 a.m. Last Dance of Season ! (No Dance Monday Night) w,,eaaa ..s.aoa 1JAPtd►l�tT�!►Tr14.+"' 0 McKillop Fair AT S.S. #6 SCHOOL Tuesday, Sept. 19th An Extensive Prize List totalling around $700.00 -Amusements and Sports Many Special Prizes Refreshment Booth in charge of Leslie Byerman, Ralph Davidson and Allan Campbell A demonstration of motor -driven toy airplanes STANLEY HILLEN President F. T. FOWLER Secretary TOWN TOMOS Miss Liu b al a Wright ht r' spends;a 0 few days with Miss Lona Ellis in Kitchener. Mr. and Urs. Clarence Walden have returned from 0 motor trip to -' Northern Ontario, Mi. and Mrs. Harry Rion and fam- ily visited with 11r•s. Frank Storey ou Sunday, Miss Jessie Finlayson .visited With friends in Z\'inglram last week. .Mr. Orden ?1eCornriek of Toronto spent the past week with his aunt, Mrs. L. C. Richards and sister Miss Olive McCormick, Mr, and Mrs. Willis Dundee were holidaying at Port Carlin'; last week and enjoyed the lake cruise on the Segoma, Mrs. A, Van Evera and Mr, Roger Van Evera of Brantford, visited Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Westeott over the weekend. Rev. and Mrs. Rae Allan of Ala- meda, Sask., have left after a few days visit with Mrs. Allan's sister, Mrs. Sam McClure and Mr. McClure and other relatives. The visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Russell Dallas and family were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fisher and Gerald of Godevicii, and Mr. and Mrs, James Schultz of St. Peters- burg, Florida; Mrs, Ida Jackson and Donald of Hensall; and Mr. and 'Mrs. Carl McClinchey of Kippers and Mr. Jack Meadows of Hamilton. ,Mr. Ronald. Pullman has enlisted in the Korea Brigade and left last week front London for Petawawa. Mr. and Mrs. K. Chambers, Bobby and Billy, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. T, Coward, St. Marys. Mr, Donald Scott, Toronto, visited last week with his mother, Mrs, H. R, Scott. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Davidson and .daughter Karen, Hamilton, spent a few days this week with friends in town. Miss Shirley McPhee, who spent the summer in Sarnia, has returned to her hone here. Mr. and 'Mrs, Ed. Caskanette and family, Woodstock, spent the week- end at the home of the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kelly. Master Dennis Nolan, London, is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. Ann Nolan. Mr, Lorne Goudie broke his arm on Thursday last while working at the farm of Arthur Henderson, Mc- Killop. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Aubrey and family, Nakina, are visiting with the latter's father, Mr. Bert Cluff, Mrs. J. Flynn, Toronto, visited this week at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. Bannon. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Coffin have re- turned to their home in Toronto aft- er spending their vaeation at the home of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Peter McIver. Miss Dorothy Smith, Hamilton, spent the weekend at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith. Mr. Joe Sills has returned to his home in Baltimore, Maryland, after holidaying at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sills. Mrs. Wm. Orren and son Kim have returned to their home in New Mexico after spending the summer at the home of her parents • Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Manion. Mrs. Ferne Sholdice and daughter Elizabeth re- turned with them. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor and daughter Barbara, Mrs. E. Murray and Mrs. -P. W. Riley, visited this week at the home of the latter's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Cart Forwell, Pres- ton, were visitors on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Nott, Miss Sally' Nott returned home with them after spending the past week in Preston and Toronto. bliss Gwen Pellow, Preston, visit- ed Sunday with Miss Nancy Nott. Misses Wilma and Abbie Seip spent a few days in Kitchener and Toronto. • Mr. E. B. Goudie, who was con- fined to Scott Memorial Hospital for a few days, is able to be out again. Mrs. Russell Sproat spent the weekend in Kitchener and Guelph. ATTENTION FARMERS Now Operating New Seed Cleaning Plant COLEMAN ST. SEAFORTH One block east of Victoria Park CLEANING GRAIN AND ALL KINDS OF GRASS SEEDS I also buy Timothy & Clover Seeds, and pay highest prices PHONE 49 SEAFORTH Louis Lechner Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproc Beaver -Board, Arborite, Tentest Blocks Finishing Lime, Mason's Lime, Spraying Lime Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles, Roll -Brick Siding, Insulated Siding and Roll Roofing Place your order for CEMENT now • INSULATION Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts • Lumber, Sash and Doors Storms Sash made to order Custom MIllwork Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. "Where The Beet Costs No More" SEAFORTH 47 BORN Looey – At Scott Memorial Hospital, on on August 26, to Mr. and Mos, Clayton Looby, Dublin, a daughter MILLER — At Scott Memorial Hospital, nn August 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Miller, StafFa. a daughter BRUCEF1 ELD Ronnie Johnston is spending his holidays with relatives at Hollyrood. Mrs. J. Berry, who has not been enjoying good health for the last few weeks was taken to Seaforth hospit- al last week. Mr. Andrew Petrie, Miss Violet Petrie and Mrs. Robt. Allen spent a few days last week at Dorset with their brother Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Petrie at their summer cottage. Miss Petrie will remain with them until she returns to take up teaching in Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. Wm. Douglas who suffered a stroke last T'hiirsday is still confined to his bed. Mrs. C. H. 'Haugh and Roger and Mr's. J. McIntosh of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Will Kirk of lletroit and Mrs. G. Hess of Hensall visited with Mrs. C. Haugh- during the weekend. The latter three also visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Allan. Miss ,Marlene Haugh and brother Peter, who spent their vacation here, have returned to Toronto. Mr, and Mss. Walter McEwen of Woodstock visited with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs, J. McEwen over the weekend. Mr. Ross Stanway is attending th. Toronto Exhibition this Week, CHROME TA LES HANDSOME AND PRACTICALLY INDESTRUCTIBLE ! STAIN -PROOF, MAR -PROOF COMPOSITION TABLE TOPS SIZES — 76" x 36" OPEN 48" x 36" CLOSED 68" x 36" OPEN o Choice of Red, Blue, Grey, Yellow Styles include the Duncan Phyfe Concealed Leaf Table Large Table for as low as Chairs to match. from Box Furniture SioreF OFFICE 43 32.00 $6.95 up neral Service NIGHTS 593-W or 1S DUBLIN The following account refers to a former resir4 nt of Dublin, Miss Betty Hanley. Smythe—Hanley Pink and white Gladioli formed the setting in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hanley, 497 Rushton. Rd., Toronto, on Saturday, August 19 when Rev. R. Stuart Johnston of Calvin Pres- byterian Church, Toronto, solem- nized the marriage of Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Liam J. Hanley, to Mr. Howard Stan- ley Smythe, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. John Smythe, Toronto. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an ice -blue taffeta gown with a pearl studded matching net veil held by a halo. She carried a shower of white gardenias and a white Bible. The streamers held pressed leaves of shamrock, ivy and heather, grown on the hills of County Antrim, Ireland. Mrs. Thom- as McMenemy attended the bride, wearing blush pink net over taffeta with matching strand picture hat and carried roses, cornflowers and gladi- oli. The flower girl was diminutive Jean Elizabeth Hanley, niece of the bride wearing pink sheer and carried a nosegay of roses, carnations and gladioli. Mr. William Hanley, bro- ther of the bride, was best man, and James Hanley Sr, and James Hanley Jr. were ushers. The bride's mother received, wearing• navy crepe and lace with corsage of red roses and stephanotis. The bridegroom's mother assisted in black sheer with corsage of tea roses and stephanotis. For travel to the U.S. and Western Ont., the bride chose a pink suit with navy accessories and corsage of roses and cornflowers. Mr. and Mrs. Smythe will reside in Toronto. NORTH McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Regele of Sudbury'called on friends and rela- tives in McKillop on Sunday. Miss Pearl Regele of Clinton spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edward Regele. Bernice Glanville spent a few days with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Noble McCallum. Mr. 'George Underwood spent a day last Week visiting in Walton, children, London, with Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher. Mr. arid Mrs, Wm J Stewart are on vacation at Toronto, St Thomas and various points, Miss Mary Beale spent last week vacationing in Stratford. Mr. and NIrs. John Kunz, Chicago, and Mass Camilla Williams, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. D. McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Van Horne, Hensall, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Louis Matthews, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. M. 3. Nac•le. Mr. 0. McCormick, Toronto, called on friends here. Rev. Vincent Eckert, C.S.B. Aq- uinas Institute, Rochester, N.Y. is .vacationing with his mother, Mrs. Theresa Eckert. Frank Nagle. Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson and Mr:. and Mrs. John Nagle. Mrs. Jack Cleary, Chatham, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Miss Joan Evans returned with her. Mrs. Jim Newcombe and son Jim- my returned to Halifax, N:S. after spending two months with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton. Miss Marie Nagle in Toronto. Mrs. J. V. Ryan, Stratford, with Mrs. M. Shulman and Pat Maloney. Mr. and Mrs- Hugh Benninger, Rev. D. Benninger, C.S.B. and Mrs. K. Benninger attended the ,Recep- tion at Sacred Heart Convent, Lon- don, when their cousin, Miss Grace Sharbuck was received into St. Jo- seph's Community. She was aformer graduate of Dublin Continuation School. Mr:. and Mrs. Joseph Meagher and GLADIOLUS BLOOM FOR SALE HAROLD FREE PHONE DAY — 96 EVENINGS — 366 H'. and Mrs. Harold Tomlinson, Anna and ]'Iaryon at Ippernvash. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Eckert and son, Timmins, are spending a week with relatives here. Mrs. Teresa Eckert in Rochester, N.Y. Stratford Casino DANCING Every Wed., Sat. - Holidays 1000 BINGO PLAYERS WANTED AT THE SEAFORTH DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE onster Bingo Thursday, Aug. 31st MERCHANDISE & CASH PRIZES LAST GAME $25.00 18 GAMES FOR 50c BINGO STARTS AT f P r: 5 5 5 vagasamcessarnasazasreamoreasztsmagmermic xc n Iiur Gives Perfect Satisfaction "GOLD STAR" -- All Purpose Flour "EXCELLENCE" -- Bread Flour "MAGIC" -- Ontario Wheat Pastry Flour "Just Give Them A Trial" Calf Meal - Dairy Ration - Pig Starter Hog Grower - Hog Fattener - Sow Ration Chick Starter - Chick Grower - Laying Mash Broiler Mash - Hatching Mash Turgeon Grain & Processed Feeds Feed Division of Excellence Flour Mills Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO — PHONES 353 - 354 FARMERS WE WILL BUY YOUR WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, MIXED GRAIN AND PAY BEST MARKET PRICES