HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-08-24, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1954 OLD SOUTH GRAPE FRUIT JUICE Large. 48 oz. tin 43c TOMATO JUKE (soiled wrappers) 20 oz. tins 3 for.— , , 25c CHICKEN HAODIE urge tin 25c KIPPERED SNACKS, 2 for 23o Chicken Soup, l2Ppkg s. 25o, FLOOR WAX, 1 Ib. ten,.,. 25o WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Phone 77 We Deliver Choice Quality TOMATOES 28 oz. tiny ;,', for 27c AYLMER TOMATO CATCHUP 11 oz. size 2 for 35c WHITE WINE VINEGAR 1 Gal. 45c FLOODLIGHT SOFTBALL GROUP Semi - Finals (BEST 3 OUT OF 5 SERiES) LUCKNOW vs. SEAFORTH BOSHARTS TO -NIGHT AUG. 24th - &30 pm LIONS PARK, Seaforth SEE HUGHiE HALL, ACE NEGRO PITCHER, IN ACTION AGAINST THE BOSHARTS Don't fail to see this outstanding Series ADMISSION — ADULTS 25c Chi1d¢•en under 12 with Parents FREE ATTENTION FARMERS Now Operating New Seed Cleaning Plant COLEMAN ST. SEAFORTH One block east of Victoria Park CLEANING GRAIN AND ALL KINDS OF GRASS SEEDS 1 also buy Timothy & Clover seeds, and pay highest prices PHONE 49 SEAFORTH Louis Lechner view Cash Grand Bend DANCING NIGHTLY. Neil McKay and His Orchestra A Visit With Pope Pius 111 Spend a day in the Vatican with the Pope. Learn what he does for re- laxation, how he spends his day, and what he did before becoming Pope. Read "Holy Year Host", an Inspiring article by the Rev. F. P. EeBuffe, S,. J., in The American Weekly, cele- brated 271 issueine tof Detthis roiSSunday Times. In Stock Tentest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproc Beaver -Board, Arborite, Tentest Blocks Finishing Lime, Mason's Little, Spraying Lime 0 Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles, Roll -Brick Siding, Insulated Siding and Roll Roofing Piece your order for CEMENT now INSTILATION Loose, 2" Batts, 8" Batts Lumber, Sash and Doors Storm Sash made to order Custom Millwork Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. "Where The Fleet Costs No More" SDAFORTH PHOND 47 THE _FORTH N1 WS TOWN TOPICS Miss Mary Crowe, London, spent the weekend with het brother and sister -ill -law, Mr. and Mrs. E. Crowe. Mr, and Mas. John Neilson and son New Hamburg, spent the weekend at the home of the latter's mother, :Mrs, Mao, J. Flannigan. Mr, Walter Barry, Detroit, is spe don ,a few days with Mrs. Barry andMiss Joan Clifton, Toronto, is holi- daying with Miss Carol Chesney; Mr, Ronald Rennie is spending a few days with friends in Sarnia. Miss Mary Ryan, London, spent the weelcend at the home of her aunt, 'Mrs, T. O'Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Dick and Suzanne are holidaying at Tobermory Mrs. Robert Burford and family of Toronto are visiting at the home of her parents Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Dick Miss Clara Pinkney returned on Monday after spending the past week visiting at Burlington, Hamilton, Kingston and Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maloney of Kinkora visited Ma. and Mi's, J. J. O'Reilly and Mrs. Margaret Maloney this week, Mr. James McKindsey, son of Mr, and Mr's. R. R. MoKindsey has accep- ted a position on the staff of the Im- perial perial MBank, London. Miss Frances Fortune is spending this week in Detroit, Miss Ann Christopher, London, is holidaying with relatives in town, Mr, and Mrs. John Farwell, tSt, Clemens, spent the weekend at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kelly. Mr. and Mas. Beverly Christie and Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Dale, Sr., were on a motor trip to Chicago, Cleveland end Buffalo last week. Mr. and Mrs, Grattan Flannagan and family, Hamilton, spent the weekend at their summer home here, Mr, Stan Dorrance, Chatham, spent the weekend at the home of his mo- ther, Mrs. Mae Dorrance. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Anderson, Stratford, spent the weekend at the home of the farmer's parents Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Anderson Father Thomas McQuaid and Bro- ther Joseph of the Christian Broth- ers, Toronto, visited with relatives in town this week. Mr. and Mas. J. J. Sims spent the week with Mr. W. J. Sims. on James Street. Master Ken Thompson spent a week with Billy Holt at Gravenhurst Mr. and Mas. Hugh Thompson and Ken have returned home from holi- daying at the Thousand Islands and Clayton, N.Y. Mr. Robert Hogarth of Stratford called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aldington on Saturday. Dr. F. J. Burrows of Niagara -on - the -Lake was a visitor here last week. ` Mrs. Neil Thompson has returned to her home after holidaying at List- owel and Tara. Miss Nancy 'Scofield, Detroit, is holidaying at the hone of her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold case. Mrs. Ruby Dundas leaves 'Thursday for Belmont where she has accepted a position as school teacher. Mr. D. Nolans of Seaforth 'Motors staff, who has been living on Goderich St. West, will occupy her house in Eg- mondville, Mr. Ed Piercey has enlisted in the forces for Korea and left for Pets - wawa from London on Wednesday. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stephenson and family, and Mrs. Ce- cil Loney, motored to Flint, . Mich., with Messrs, Cecil Loney and Jack Wright, who went on by bus from there to Calgary, Alberta, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Counter, of Toronto, are spending a couple of days with Mrs. Leo Fortune, Mrs. Counter and her four sisters spent their vacation together'• at Grand- view Cottage, at Grand Bend. threshing machine and he and Reece Mr. Harry Kruse of Toronto, has Ferris have started Werk. been spending the past two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson visited with Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm, Oldfield, the latter's brother, John linos, at Wingham. Thos Knox of Londesboro has soil timber in his bush to a Formosa mill and they are busy cutting and truck- ing it. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Passmore and 1VIr. and lee. Ab. Passmore anti fam- ily, Aylmer, Mrs. 3. W.IRivers, seer, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mas. John Passmore, A. very peasant time was spent at the home of Mx, and Mrs, Win. Hyde when Mrs. E. L. Mickle, Mas Jack Faber and Mas, Florence Joynt ar- ranged a lawn }Mende itt honor of their aunt, Mrs, AddisMcLeod of Calgary, who has been spending sometime with friends and relatives in and around Honsall. About twenty immediate rel.. atives attended this gathering. The Hensen Legion sponsored an interesting donkey baseball gale un- der the floodlights at the park, Mon- day. which was largely attended. The teams were "Tuekersmith Touffies" and "Hay Huskies". The score was 0-0 in favour of the donkeys at the end of the fifth period, Hey team as follows: Earl Soldan, Harold Koeh- ler, Donald Mousseau, Ed Corbett, Sandy McArthur, Bill Coleman, Don Flear, H. Ahrens, J. Adkins, Tuckersmith: John Sangster, Neil Campbell, Ross Pepper, Lorne Hay, Rollie Smith, Jim Sangster Jim Ven- ner, Jack Traquair, Lorne'Broadfoot, The Wohelo class of Hensall Unit- ed Church are planning a reunion picnic at Jewett's Grove, Bayfield, on Saturday, Sept, 2, at 2 p.nt, All members of Miss Ellis' former class- es are invited. In case of inclement weather the picnic will be held in Hensall Community Arena, Almond D. McEwen Almond D. MoEwen, a veteran of World Wax I passed away at his home here on Thursday after a lengthy ill- ness, He was a member of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hugon Masonic Lodge and of the Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion. Surviving is his wife, the former Inez Sparrow of Paisley, one daugh- ter, Mrs. Harry Smith, Hensall: four brothers, Dr. John McEwen, Carle- ton Place; William, Edmonton; Ew- an, Sarnia; Earl, Toronto, and one sister, Mrs. Harry Watcher, Grand Prairie, Alberta. Services were conducted Saturday at 2 p.m. by the Rev. P. A. Fergu- son in the Bonthron Funeral Home and interment in Exeter Cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs Geo, Thompson, Donald McKaig•, Morris 'Farquhar, A. B. Rowehffe, Sant Dougall and Thos. 'Stierritt, The floral tributes were very beautiful showing the esteem with which the deceased was held. The members of the Masonic Order conducted the ser- vices at the graveside. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook, Miss Mina McEwen and Ewan McEwan of Lon- don, attended the funeral of the late A. D. McEwan, Saturday. After being confined to his bed for about a year, John R. :Stewart passed away Aug. 22 at his home on the third concession of Usborne township in his seventy-second year. He was a life-long resident on the farm on which he died. Sueviving are his bereaved widow, the former Mae Carmichael, one bro- ther. Duncan Stewart, of Hensall, and two sisters, 'Mrs. Thomas Elder and Mrs. William Elder of Seaforth. Deceased' was a member of the Hensall Presbyterian Chbreh, The funeral service was held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock with interment in the Exeter Cemetery. Miss Helen Dixon of Clinton was a weekend visitor with Mrs. Minnie Sangster and daughters Misses Mar- garet and Norma. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sangster of London spent a pleasant vacation at Port Elgin, Hensall and Galt. Mrs. Minnie Sangster accompanied them to Galt. HARLOCK - A barn dance was held Thursday night at Les Reid's new barn. There WAS a large crowd, Wnm. Knox recently bought a new Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross are holidaying this week at Manitoulin Island and Muskoka. ',Waster Jimmy Murray of St. Marys is spending a few days with his Aunt and Uncle Mr. and Mrs, James 'Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Townsend, of St. Petersburg, Florida, have been visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Ab Whitney and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hamilton of Wingham, left on Sunday for a trip to Manitoba. -Paul Hildebrand, younger son of Mr, and Mrs. Allie Hildebrand is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Nolan and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of London visited the formers mother, Mrs. James Nolan over the weekend. Mrs. Orville Dale has returned to town from a tour of the Western provinces, the northern and western States to southern California. Little Glen Eaton, youngest son of Tim Eaton, underwent a rupture op- eration is Scott Memorial Hospital on Monday. Misses Vera and Velma Haist of Winthrop visited Mrs, Geo. Eaton on Monday. Ma. Bechtel of Kitchener visited his parents, Ma. and Mrs. Gilbert Bechtel. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton, son-in-law and daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Stiner paid a quick visit to Sea - forth. Mr, Hamilton is president of St. John Kinsmen and was interested in Lions pool here as his club intends to build one for the children of St. John. Mr. Hamilton is also chairman of the St. John Chamber of Coin - memo, They left for their ]come in St. John, Friday. Me. and Mrs. Jack Fiehcr and three rhildren who were visiting at the homes of her aunts, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Forsyth send Ma. and Mrs, 3. McLellan, left for -their home in Grand Prairie. Alta., this week. HENSALL Mr, and Mrs. W, E. Heddan, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hedden, Shirline and Sharon, ou'mnmnlr, IerryandTimie,. Port k Da housie were weekend visitors with Mrs. C. M. Hedden and Herb. The Wohelo Class of Hensall United Church is planning a re -union picnic at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on •Saturday, September 2nd at 2 0 clock, All members of ilitiss Ellis' former Sunday School class are In- vited. Bring CROMARTY In a setting of white lilies and roses, at the home of the bride's par- ents, Dorothy Lucille Norris, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Norris. Cromarty, and Mr. Walter Ray Davis,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis of Thorndale, exchanged wedding vows before Rev. W. A. McWilliams of Thorndale. Mrs, R. L. Norris of Ailsa Craig played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her, father the bride chose a gown of lace and white satin. A seed pearl coronet held her finger-tip veil- and she carried a shower bouquet of red roses. She was attended by her sisters, Miss Donna Norris, in blue embroidered marqui- sette and Miss Celia -Norris, wearing pink embroidered tiiaequisette, Mr. Floyd Davis, brother of the grootic, was best man. The bride's mother, Mas. Norris received the guests wearing a gown of dark wine with black accessories and a corsage of mauve sweet peas. She was a eisted by the groom's n10- ther in a navy blue gown with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. For travelling the bride chose a pink dress with white accessories and a corsage of sweet peas. Following a honeymoon to the Manitoulin Islands, they will reside on the groom's farm at Belton. GLADIOLUS BLOOM FOR SALE HAROLD FREE PHONFI DAY — 96 EVDNINGS ^ 860 Stratford Casino DANCING Every Wed., Sat. - Holidays KIPPEN Following en illness of about six days there died on Saturday morning in Scott Metnerial Hospital, Thomas N. Forsyth, in his gist year. He was was answered by 21 members. Min- utes inuses of last meeting were read and adopted, Further discussion on the lite trip took place and it was decided to take it on Sept. 7. This is to be to the Detroit Zoological Gardens. Any t lifelong )Mordent of this community, member finding herself unable to go For many years he was a teacher of is requested to rind someone to fill .H.S. No. 2, Tnelter:ntith and he also her place or contact the president or farmed on the farlu now oeeupied by secretary, if unable to do so, A number of visitors were pre,nt among them a little girl of six, Doris Johns, who sang two solos very ably. "If I'd knowed you were coining I'd baked a cake" and "Chocolate. Ice Cream Cone". The motto "Homes are the greenhouses where the plants of citizenship are started" was present- ed by Mrs. R. Simpson. A•carer from Wilfred Trenceer was read. Current During the service, a nephew Don events were reviewed by Mrs, G. Mc. Bell, sang "Beyond the Sunset". The Lean. A very interesting spelling da Exam the Inca' William Caldwell. He was an active member of St. Andrew's united Church, Kippen. Four years ago they celebrated their fiftieth wedding an- niversary and two years ago Mrs. Forsyth died, She was the former Margaret Cooper. The funeral was conducted from the Bonthron funeral home, Hensall, on Monday afternoon, conducted by the Rev. Albert Hinton. pallbearers were Duncan Cooper, Win, Bell, Morley Cooper Harry Chesney, Ivan Forsyth, and Russell Consftt. Flowerbearers were, Don Bell, James Brown, Robt. Dalrymple and John Cooper Sr. Interment in Baird's Cemetery. }Ie retired from the farm about twenty years ago and had since lived in Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linden and Verna, of Denfield and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter and family of Moores- ville, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Miss Marlene McBride, of Rxeter, spent a few days last week with her cousin, Sharon McBride, Miss Isabelle Alexander of Toron- to is holidaying at the home .of her parents, Mr. and Mas. W. Alexander. Mrs, W. Homey of Exeter, is spending a few days with her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cade - stetter. Mr, and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family visited recently with NIr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson, Chiselhurst. A wedding reception was held at Bayfield pavilion, Mr. and Mrs, Carl McClinchey, newlyweds, were hon- ored by a reception held at the Bay- field pavilion on Tuesday night last. Music for the dancing was furnished by the Desjardine's Orchestra. Dur- ing the evening Mi'. and Mrs. Me- Clinchey were called to the platforms and presented with a purse of money. Donald Dayman read an accompany- ing address and Morley Cooper made the presentation. Carl, in a few well chosen words, thanked the many friends and neighbors. Mrs. Stan Jackson was hostess to the members of the I{.E.W.I. at their regular meeting on Wednesday even- ing Aug, 10. Mrs. R. Gemmell was co - hostess. The meeting opened with the Institute Ode and all repeating the Creed followed by the Lord's Prayer. All joined in singing "Drink to me only with ''ye 'th thine s" The roll call • papers was conducted by Mrs. 13. Caldwell. Mrs. E. Jarrott's side being the winner. A vote of thanks was tendered the hostess and those taking part. The meeting closed with God Save The King. After the meeting Mrs. Angus McLean gave a nylon plastic demonstration. Lunch was served by the hostess and the com- mittee. BORN DE11'Z. -- in Scott Memorial Hospital, on August loth, to Mr. and Mrs. Met,*in Deitz, RR. 1 Dublin, a daughter POWELL•—At Scott Memorial hospital, on August 20th. to Mr, and Mrs, George Powell, RR, 2 Seaforth, a daughter DL'CHARME — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 21, to Mr. and Mrs. George Durhaime, RR. a Dublin, a daughter BROWN—At Scott Memorial Hospital '•n Auc-ust 22nd, to Mr. and Mr.=. Ron -a. Brawn, RR, 2 Seaforth. a daughter WIOYTE--In Clinton Community Hosptal, on Sundes•, Au,ns.t 0", 1, t, Mr. ani Mr,. tV. L. Wtmtc, Aoi14;m Fatm, Hulled Tov:nsltip, a daughter +Mai' Margaret Mc- 9liltanl AdILMIMINISEINEENk POCAHONTAS Olga. the proper Fuel for hot water heating Car on the way, Get year order placed WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 19251 or Box Furn, Store 43 until oRice is established 1000 BINGO PLAYERS AT THE SEAFORTH DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE WANTED Monster Bingo Thursday, Aug. 31st MERCHANDISE & CASH PRIZES LAST GAME 725.0". 18 GAMES FOR 50c hl\t t>7A.H.TSA 1 APARANWVWM AIMAAN m - -.s,�-,•mss>� —,s Gives Perfect Satisfaction "GOLD STAR" -- All Purpose Flour "EXCELLENCE" -- Bread Flour "MAGIC" -- Ontario Wheat Pastry Flour "Just Give Them A Trial" Calf Meal - Dairy Ration - Pig Starter Hog Grower - Hog Fattener - Sow Ration Chick Starter - Chick Grower - Laying Mash Broiler Mash - Hatching Mash iM i Food t71vi;sioct. of SEAFORTH, ONTARIO — PHONES 353 . 354 FAR ERS WE WILL BUY YOUR WI -TEAT, BARLEY, OATS, MIXED GRAIN AND PAY BEST MARKET PRICES