HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-08-24, Page 1HURON G A U N T Y'8: LEADING NEWSPAPER
The Sea
81 a s ear
Congratulations are extended to all
eh* members of the Merry Maidens
Garden Club by your leaders, Mrs.
W. Haugh and Mrs. Jim. Hillehrecht,
• Since Achievement Day is Aug.
29th we know all girls are busy com-
pleting their record books which
should contain minutes of all meet-
ings, story of all garden operations
describing different phases, a club
story telling the difficulties and joys
of gardening; all recorlls completed,
;signed by parent and handed to Mrs.
W. Haugh by Aug. 25.
The following questionaire should
be included on separate sheet the
names of your favourite six easily
grown annual flowers, and twenty
hest liked vegetables.
A special invitation is extended to
the mothers and friends of Club
members and to members of any Wo-
men's Institute to attend Achieve-
ment Day being held in Seaforth
High School, Tuesday, Aug. 29, espe-
cially the afternoon session beginning
at 1:30.
Shot through the head by a .22
,calibre rifle bullet, Ray Stewart, 19,
was found in a barn on the farm of
A, Mustard, RAR. 1, Varna, Thurs-
day'afternoon. He died shortly after
the arrival of Dr. A. Addison, Clin-
Coroner Dr. E. A. McMaster, of
Seaforth, who investigated, said the
shooting was self-inflicted and no in-
quest will be held. '
Stewart had been working in the
barn, storing grain. When a group of
other farm workers returned with
another load, they found him lyingin
the grain, a .22 calibre rifle •beside
The victim is survived by his 17 -
year -old wife, the former Betty Niv-
ens of Dungannon; his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Stewart and one
brother and a sister, all of Dungan-
After investigation, the body was
released for burial to the Brophey
funeral home, Goderich.
A private funeral was held from
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Stewart on Saturday and was
conducted by Rev. S. Hayward. The
pallbearers were Paul Caesar, Harold
Glenn, Reg. Hamilton, 'Leonard
Good, Ted' Mills and John Durnin.
The flowers were carried by cousins.
Interment was made in Dungannon
At St. Peter's Church, Bathurst
St., Toronto, Fr. Stone united in
marriage Hazel Agnes, 'daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson to Melvin
Fenton, only son of Mrs. Mabel
Pratt and the late Mr. Pratt of
Barrie. The bride wore a wine gabar-
dine suit •with black accessories. The
couple were attended by Mr. and
Mrs. Alex McSorley of Toronto. They
left for Montreal and points East. On
their return they -will reside in Tor-
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin A. Hilden,
Walton, announce the engagement of
their younger daughter•, Margaret
Edith to Peter Martin Dunlop, Sea -
forth, son of the ]ate Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Dunlop..The marriage to take
place early in September.
The bus routes for the new term
for Scaiorth District High School
Area are announced this week.
Principal L. Pltunsteel and bus con-
tractor Scott llabkirk have spent,
much time in laying out the routes
to suit the convenience of the great-
est possible number of pupils.
There is prospect of 250 pupils
enrolling at the high school on open-
ing day, Tuesday, Sept. 5th, an in-
crease of thirty pupils over opening
day last year.
Miss Shirley Love, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James Love, Tucker -
smith, is in Scott Memorial Hospital
as result of a fall from a horse at
the farm of her 'brother-in-law and
sister, Mr, and Mrs. William Dolmage,
Hallett, on Sunday, when she broke
a hone in her foot. Miss Love was
on vacation from Hamilton Hospital
where she is a nurse -in -training.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray B. Holmes, of
Seaforth, announce the engagement
of their daughter, Margaret Elaine,
to Arnold Mercer, Jr„ son of Mr.
and Mrs.. Arnold :Verner; Zurich;
marriage to take place in Seaforth
early in September.
Mr. William Murray brought into
The News Office this week a potato
novelty from the garden , of Mr.
James Hulley', Egmondville. There
were six seed balls in a single cluster.
These look like tiny green tomatoes
and are sometimes mistaken for "to-
matoes growing on a potato plant".
As a rule not more than one or two•
seed balls will be found on a plant,
Mr. Murray says, and he never re-
members having seen cluster of six
Sometimes new varieties of pota-
toes are developed from these seeds.
tin •
(During the railway strike, mails
will be received and despatched from
Seaforth Post Office as follows:
Mail closes 20 minutes before
schedule time.
Trip A-9:58 a,m. Daylight Time.
Received from London
Received from Stratford
Despatched to Clinton •
Despatched to Goderich
Trip B-4:22 p.m. Daylight Time.
Despatch to London
Despatch to Stratford
Receive from Goderich
Receive from Clinton
Rural mail as usual.
Only first class mail accepted.
The avail is being transported by
Prize winners at the second bingo
at the Community centre on Thursday
night were as follows. There was a
gond turnout and the next bingo will
he held on August 31st. The entire
proceeds go towards paying off in-
idebtechtess on the community centre.
1st, 85,00, Geo. Eaton and Carol
Glew: and, fowl, Mr. E. 0. Hall, Lan-
don; Ord, ham, Mrs. James Barry;
4th, 85.00, Carl Knight; 5th fowl,
Mrs. Barney ;Hildebrand; 6tis, haat,
Frank Skinner, Mitchell; 7th, $5.0Q,
Mrs. Henry :McIver, Mrs. Peter Mc-
Grath; 8th, fowl, Mrs, Walff, Sea -
forth: Oth. ham, Mrs. ,Tames Nolan;
10th, 85.00, Glen •Staffen, Jaynes
Kerr: 11th, few], Mrs. Theron Bet-
tles; 12th, luim, Mrs. Wnt. Manley,
Walton• 11th, 35.00, Garnet Mc Cline
rev 14th, fowl, Mre. Heckman,
Stratford; 1 th. ham, Donald Moy-
bur:16th. fowl, Mrs. Geo, Hilde-
brand: 17th, ham, firs. Geo. Hilde-
brand; 18th, $25.00, Forrest Whit-
tard, Brussels,
On Tuesday evening about thirty
ladies met at the home of Mrs. T. J,
Richardson in Egmondville and pre-
sented Mrs, Ruby Dundas with 11
table lamp prior to her departure for
Belmont, Ont„ on Thursdgy, where
•she will teach school, The address
was read by Mrs, W. F. McMillan,
presentation was made by Mrs, A.
C. Routledge. Mrs. Dundas .made a
suitable reply. The evening was spent
in playing contests, and• lunch was
served.' Everybody wished Mrs, Dun-
das all good luck in resuming her
profession of, teaching.
Prior to the denarture of two of
the Robert Bell Industries Ltd, em-
ployees who at•e leaving tete firm, a
presentation was held on Friday at
Clayton Horton presented Jack
Wright with -a club bag and Lewis
Nigh presented Emmerson Durst with
a smoker stand, Robert Smith read
the address.
AA few clays previously a club bag
was presented to Mr, Cecil Loney
who with Mr. Wright has left for
the West.
Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Sparks of En-
terprise visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Herbert fbr a few days.
Rev. and Mrs. Walter •Becker,
Kathleen, Dorothy. •Gordon and Da-
vid and Mrs, Becker Sr. are holiday-
ing in Port Elgin.
Miss Betty Rock has been visiting
friends in Chesley and Mildmay,
Ma's. Vincent Dettmer and Van of
Wingham spent a few days with Mrs,
Mary Dittmer,
Miss Maureen Hinz has been holi-
daying: at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Carlton at Niagara 'Falls,
New York.
Miss Margaret I3odgert of Exeter
has been holidaying with het aunt
and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hod-
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Malone, Ruth
Ann and Harold and Mr. Adam Fuhr
of Tavistock; Mr. and Mrs. Jack.
Graham and Paul* of Newry with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. S. Riehl 'on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scherbarth and
There is a difference between a
railway strike in 1950 and one which
took place on the old Grand Trunk
Railway in 1905. Mrs: Charles Eg-
gert of :McKillop recalls that she was
on the staff of the Milverton post
office when the 1905 strike occurred.
"There weren't any cars or trucks
in those days," Mrs. Eggert told the
News this week. "No mail moved dur-
ing the week or more of the strike."
Seaforth Bosharts played the first
game of the softball semi-finals at
Lucknow, Tuesday night, Lucknow
.winning 18-5. The return game is
here this Thursday night.
Last Thursday night Ttttk Br'oda's
softball team played a close match
with Seaforth Tlosharts, the score 'be-
ing 3-2 for the visitor'S.
Union Services
Union Services, Sunday, Ana. 27
at 11 a.nt. First Presbyterian Church
and Northside United in Presbyter
tan Church. Rev. D. A. MacMillan in.
charge. Sermon Subject "Christ or
Caesar " A cordial welcome to all,
Egmonclville United' Church '
RRev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A.; B.D.
10 a.m. Sunday School.
11 am, "Ripe Religious Experien-
formed the ceremony and sang rite
Nuptial Mass. Mrs, Wm. Tint pre-
sided at the organ, Miss Julia Flana-
gan, Seaforth, cousin of the le,
was soloist, wearing a gown of efty
blue nylon over taffeta. She sane
Schubert's 'Ave Maria' st the of et -
tory and 'On This Day' during the
signing of the Register.
The bride who was escorted down
the aisle by her father, wore a gown
of white slipper satin, with semi -of] -
the -shoulder neck-line edged with e
frill of Chantilly lace and topped
with nylon net yoke. The fitted bod-
ice was styled with alternate tiers Of
satin and Chantilly lace extending
over the hips to the hero -line. The
gown was completed by a Cathedral
train. Her veil of double silk illusion
net was shirred to a white satin Juliet
cap trimmed with lilies of the valley,.
She carried a bouquet of red roses
and baby's britath tied with satin rib-
bon. Miss Margaret Flanagan, Dub-
lin, was her sister's maid of honor,
with Mrs. Louis J. Looby, Dublin,
sister of the bride and Miss Ursula
Krauskopf, London, sister of the
bridegroom, as bridesmaids, and dim-
inutive Mary Margaret Flanagan,
niece of the bride as flower girl..
All attendants wore identical
gowns in blending shades of ice blue,
morning glory blue and mist blue
nylon over taffeta, with nylon yokes,
puffed sleeves, shirred bodices and
frilled skirts. All wore matching
headdresses and long gloves. They
carried nosegays of pink roses tied
with pink and blue ribbon. The little
flower girl wore a floor -length gown
of heavenly blue chiffon taffeta,
matching headdress trimmed with
flowers and carried a nosegay simi-
lar to the other attendants.
The best man was Mr. William Mc-
Cormick, Detroit, nephew of the
bridegroom and the ushers were
Lorne Flanagan, Dublin, brother of
the bride, and Charles Krauskopf,
Detroit, brother of the bridegroom.
A dinner was served at the Royal
Hotel, Mitchell, to about 60 guests.
Later a reception was held at the
home of the bride's parents. The
bride's mother received the guests in
a navy blue dress of tissue faille
and was assisted by the bridegroom's
mother in a navy blue ensemble.
Each wore a corsage of pink roses..
For a honeymoon trip to Midland,
Detroit and Cleveland, the bride
chose a gabardine suit of port shade
Earl and boy friend of Detroit with and matching accessories of burnt
Mr. and •Mrs. Wilfred
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bennewies, gold and corsage yellow roses.
Guests were present front Kitchen-
er, St. Clements, Stratford, London,
Detroit, Cleveland and Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Krauskopf will reside
in Dublin.
Clayton, Robert and Mrs. Chas.
Ahrens spent Sunday in Niagara
Falls, N.Y. visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Carlton.
Mr. Glen Miller is employed at
Mr. and Maes. Dalton Hinz visited
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osborne in St.
Thomas on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mogk visited
Mr. and Mrs: Cannan Mogk'in St.
Thomas on :Sunday.
Cemetery Decoration Services will
be held at St. Peter's Lutheran
Church on Sunday afternoon at 3
o'clock, Rev. Martin Stockmann of
Milverton will be guest speaker.
Mr. and NIrs. John G. Hinz and
Winnifred spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Carlton at Niagara
Falls, N.Y.
The Luther League took charge of
the Sunday meaning service at St.
Peter's Lutheran Church. Those tak-
ing part .were Edgar Elligson, Carl
Vock, Gwen Rock, Joanne Rock; and
a male quartette, Edgar Elligson,
Glen Mogk, Calvin Diegel, Carl Vock,
Miss Betty Jean Hinz was organist.
Ralph Weiland and Harry Weiland
of Toronto are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. ,Henry Weiland. •
Kenneth McNairn is spending a
week in Toronto with his aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hew-
Joan and Blanche Racho are visit-
ing with their sister, Mrs. Wilmer
MacGregor in Kippen this week. •
Karen and Jimmy Hewlett of Tor-
onto have returned home sifter
spending the, past month with their
cousin, Ken McNairm.
Miss Carolyn Webster of Detroit,
who spent the past month with her
aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. James
1 'IcNairn, has returned home.
Mr .and Mrs. Alex Finnigan and
family ere spending their vacation
with Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Finnigan.
Mrs.MTcNeil of Erskine, Alberta,
visited last. week with het cousin,
Mrs. C. Haugh,
Allan, Neil and Peter' Haugh and
Bob :'\ilea are attending summer
school at Goderich.
Rev. and Mrs. Stanway attended
summer school last week and Mrs.
Stanway acted as nurse for the girls'
camp. -
Miss Mary Broadfoot of Bi'ueefielcl
and Miss Elizabeth Townsend of
have returned after
spending a week at Goderich Summer
School Girls' camp.
Mr. Thomas inch, London, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mies, Fred
Mrs, William Lyon has returned
after visiting her sons, Dr. Kirk
Lyon at Leamington, and Dr. Arthur.
1,yon, Windsor.
Mea Allie Wilson of London has
been visiting with Mrs, Frank Wood
and Mrs, Chas Vodden.
• air. and Mrs, Don Napier of De-
troit have been visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Brunsclen.
There will he no church service
this Sunday. The following Sunday
the Rev. S. H. Brenton, who has been
holidaying hi the West, will be baek
and church ser'vices'will be as usual
. on SSeptember. 3rd.
The altar of. St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin, was adorned with pink and
white gladioli on Saturday, August
1:9 for the marriage of Mary Helen,
eldest daughter of ?ii'. and Mrs. Wm.
Flanagan, Dublin, to fir. James
Philip Krauskopf, youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jame:, Ktausknpi. Dub-
lin, Rev. J. B. Ffoulkes, D,C.1,, per-
Mr. and Mrs. Hooey, Kincardine,
with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jordan.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hart, Landon,
with Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Dillon.
Wilfred Murray, Toronto, with his
father, Dr. S. A. Murray.
Mrs. McGrath, Galt, with her sist-
er-in-law, Mrs. Fred Eckert.
Mrs. A. M. Looby and Miss Mary
Beale at Clinton.
Misses Dorothy Ann Costello, Pa-
tricia Costello, Teresa Feeney and
Ir. and Mrs. Gar Smith at Turn -
'Bull's Grove.
About thirty ladies attended a ny-
lon plastic demonstration at the home
of Mrs. Wnt. Smith,
Mrs. May Dorsey, Detroit: sirs. J.
Counter, Toronto, and Mist,: Camilla
Williams, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs.
D. McConnell.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dalton, :Michael
and Kathleen, Kingsbridge, with Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Benninger..
Mrs. Palmer, Clairmont. with Mr.
and .Mrs. H. Pugh,
Mr. and Mrs Louis Krauskopf, Mr
and Mrs. Charles Krauskopf. Mr. ane
Mrs. Robt. McCormick and San:
William and Bobbie, Detroit., Mi:.
Helen Krauskopf and Mise Ursell
Tir:tuskopt', and Jerome Nicholson
London, Mr. and Mrs. l'at Turns
Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. . Ch, rh. Strubh
In -meld and Charles 3ie D.nd. Kiteb
ener, Mr. and Mrs, Dan • I 1 ut igt,n,
Sttatfnid, Mrs. tint Flanigan ant
daughter. Julia, Si•al'urth, •:11 attend
AP dose 2 tFo lave
'see Viler ailegs
of 44
�011 GIFT
BL A •
—10 kt. gold-filled top, stainless
Guildite bock, 17 jewel precision
movement $49.75,
NANT" — 10 kt.
gold-filled top,
stainless Guildite
back, 17jewel pre-
cision movement
CENT" -14 Id. white gold
case, two diamonds, 17 jewel
precision movement.... $150.
Jewellery Gifts
Fine China
I VGS. lOi!
ed the Krauskopf-Flanagan wedding
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tyndal and family,
South Porcupine, with Mr. and Mrs..
A. Whetham and Mr. and Mrs. Chas,
Mrs. Gene Giroux and Mrs. Glover,
Thorold, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cost-
ello. Rev. Donald Benninger, C.S.B.,
Aquinas Institute, Rochester, N.Y,
and Mrs. K. Benninger, London, with
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger.
Mr. and Mrs T. J. Moiyneaux at
Thorold. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Klink-
hamer in Windsor.
Jack Klinkhamer is spending twit
weeks in Chicago.
•Mrs. H. Pugh held a nylon -plastic•
demonstration at her home on bion -
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith and family
of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs,
Laurence Dillon.
Miss Barbara Holland, Toronto is
on vacation with her parents. tilt.
and Mrs. Geo. E. Holland.
Miss Bridget Costellr., bliss Rota
Murray, Ronald Butter, and .Joseph
Malone at Niagara Falle. -
Mr and Mfrs. Ilarvev- Mintzer and
•"n. Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs.
John Nagle and \\'m. Denteels
Mrs. Dan t`o.etelln et Landon.
Hawley, Sec,-Treas.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Austin Blair of
Alexander, Manitoba, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Misses Doris and Margaret Broad -
foot of Toronto are visiting relatives
in McKillop and Hibbert,
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Adams and
family of Holland Centre, visited
with Mr, and Mrs. John McClure on
Mr. and Mrs. Hodge of Meritton,
Mrs. Lauehnain and Mary of Niagara
Falls. N.Y., visited with Mr. and Mrs.
E. Haase '
Mr. Andrew Montgomery of Brant-
ford is holidaying at his 'home.
Mac Montgomery and Donnie
Dodds are away at camp.
Mr. and Sirs. Doug ruddy. Toron-
to excel Mrs. Catharine Davidson,
Listowel, called on Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Davidson, Sunday
\\'tniltrop i' nn t, ri:, 1 «etre•
Lo,seriptions ` , d tic "1 -i.nO.
Additional c,n caber Iola; 1 1
• ., ^ , 1p , e 1 -
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hent :,e.imon s5,00 • Allen t r,
:;10.00': Bili hInnt lute•.•,(' It..
i::: A. NI 'Master S1 .tt0, W. t'.
+L Dural, "f Seattle,
\\`a h has • returned Monte after
sint.t. .c•itit Mr. and Mi: Thomas
iiia- and ether friends. She was
the :ocn,va Theresa MeMaon of .t.
i',.li l.tan tool this. wahet rst visa •lr i .tai, for the. \V ,t when
pais sears old She Is n n
,rad,t:uu+ .d ,pent two ,.v.,''ks va
a' n -b 't r. itml 1I:.. L:ttiis
.,.'p t
Jl 1. 1, 1 l :, t side
I•. M!.s. juriu,s Tla.•ic. St.
Huron County Council, 1950
From lett to vi ht;
'FRONT ROW -0, Orr, Tf. Gowdy, I' h'ianienn .T al...sans A. D.
Erskine i'i'a'easurerl, 0, Johnston tWar.Irm), N. \C, :hiller
(Clerbi, TR, 13, t'ousins, A. J. Sweitzer. -
SECOND ROW M. Johnson, A. W, Kerslake, E. Campbell, D.
Beuermann, 14, S. Snyder, J, D.'Seca:roft, 13. Johnston.
THIRD ROW ---F. Silas, E. Elliott, H. C Iktn,r G. ti, t ndsrwood,
A. Nicholsnu. AV". i. Iin1,' Ins G. Elliott iltil
L'OURTH I1033'- R .1. Ilakr.t. R', peon:, 0. Mil) e•ei,l, i Webster.
W. Morritt, E. H. Strong, E. Lawson, i1. 1, griitlest, 3.
Sheardown (Caretaker').