HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-08-10, Page 1The Seaforth News
A number of members from the
Club attended the second annual
Junior Farmers' Church service held
in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
W3ngham, The minister for this spe-
cial occasion was Rev, Flt. Lt. C, L.
Harding, Protestant Chaplain, Clin-
ton R.C,A+F. Station, who chose as
Itis sermon "The sower went forth to
Sow". The choir consisted of six
members from each club in the coun-
ty, members from this club were Dor-
ot�ty Dodds, Mavis Oliver, Helen
Johnston, Leona Johnston, Erie An-
derson and Don Bell,
When the weather slid not allow the
weiner roast to be held outside as
planned it was held in the auditori-
um of the High School. The mem-
bers of the 'South Huron Junior
Farmers and Junior Institute were
invited to this meeting and a good
number attended. Dancing and games
were enjoyed with music being sup-
plied by the Junior Farmer orchestra,
The wedding took place at North-
side United Church parsonage on
Saturday, Aug. 5th, at 2 p.m, of Lois
Elaine Broome, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert C. Broome,' Seaforth, and
Cecil Elmer Loney, son of Benjamin
W. Loney of Saskatchewan, Rev. D.
A. MadMillan officiated. Following a
wedding trip to Toronto the young
couple will make their home in Van-
A quiet wedding was solemnized
Saturday morning, Aug. 5 at 11 a,m.
at Hoimesville manse with Rev..
Newton officiating when Mary Pearl
Way, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Pepper, Seaforth, was. united
in marriage to Henry Carl McClin-
chey, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm,
McClinchey, Holtnesville. The bride
wore "'Romance Blue" sheer dress
with grey accessories and corsage of
pink roses and lily of the valley.
They were attended by Mr. and Mrs.
Albert McClinchey, Carlow. The
happy couple left for a trip to the
northern parts of Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flanagan, Dub-
lin wish to announce the engagement
of their eldest daughter, Mary Helen,
to James Philip Krauskopf, youngest
son of Mr. and Mrs. James krauskopf
of Dublin. The marriage will take
place in St. Patrick's Church Dub-
lin, Saturday, August 19, at 9:3a.m.
Mr..and Mrs. M. E. Clarke, an-
nounce the engagement of their
youngest daughter, Ethel Mae, to
Mr. Reginald C. Watterworth, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Watterworth
of Glencoe. The marriage to take
place the first week in September.
Tuckersmith Municipal Council
met in the Town hall, Seaforth, on
Saturday, Aug, 5th at 8 p.m. All
members were present and Reeve
Nicholson presided, Hensall Legion
was granted $12.00 for a wreath for
Remembrance Day. Jos. Devereaux
was paid $16.25 for poultry killed by
dogs on valuation of R. W. Tyndall,
Valuator fees of $=.00 were ordered
paid. Balance of payment of side-
walk construction of $531.44 was
made to Ray Hanna, Belgrave. Clerk
was instructed to prepare a By -Law
prohibiting bicycle or motorcycle rid-
ing on sidewalks in villages through,.
out the township. Accounts passed
included: Relief $50,00; roads $5796.-
5790:62• poultry killed $18.25; grants $12;
sidewalk construction $581,44; salary
and allowance $120.00; supplies $0,-
72. Council adjourned to meet Sept.
2nd at 8 p.m,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Monk of Lon-
don, wish to announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Jean Eliza-
beth, to Bruce MacGregor, son of Mr.
and Mrs. William MacGregor, of Kip -
pen, the wedding to take place Sept.
1 at Talbot Street Baptist Church,
London, at 7.00 p.m.
The property of Mr. W. Phillip
Speak situated on Ord 25t., has been
sold through the office of E. C.
Chamberlain to Mrs. Christena Row-
land, who is now in possession.
On Saturday morning, July 29, in
St. Columban's Church, St. Colum -
ban, Rev. William Nigh, 04.B.,
Assumption College, Windsor, uncle
of the bridegroom, sang the nuptial
mass following the ceremony of unit-
ing in marriage Mary Angela, only
daughter of Mr. Louis O'Reilly, Dub-
lin, and the late Mrs. O'Reilly, and
Mr. Denis Hubert Walsh, London,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh,
Seaforth, Rev. F. J. O'Drowski, P.P.,
officiated at the double -ring cere-
mony, and Rev, E. A. Morris, Strat-
ford, was in the sanctuary, The white
altar was adorned with pink gladioli
and blue delphinium, and Mrs. Vin-
cent Lane provided the wedding
music. The guest soloist was Mr. Leo
Stock, Stratford, who sang Schu-
bert's "Ave Maria" .at the offertory,
"Pans ,Angelicus" at the communion,
and "On •This Day" during the sign-
ing of the register. To the strains of
the wedding march, the bride was es-
corted down the aisle by her father,
preceded by the bridegroom's sister,
Miss Jacqueline Walsh, London, as
maid of honor, and Miss Jean Gaff-
ney and Miss Joan Stock, Stratford,
as bridesmaids. Attending the bride-
groom were Mr. John F. O'Reilly,
only brother of the bride, and Mr.
John F. Walsh, brother of the bride-
groom. Mr. Thomas D. Morris, Staffa
and Mr. Andrew Kelly, jr., Stratford,
ushered the guests to pews designat-
ed by white ribbons. The bride look-
ed charming in a traditional tvhite
slipper satin gown, fashioned with a
white nylon net yoke edged with a
bertha of lace, and long lily -pointed
sleeves. Clusters of tiny pearls pin-
ned up the hooped skirt in large
scallops in front, revealing layers of
filmy lace in the underskirt. At the
back the gown fell into a full cathed-
ral train edged with lace. A coronet
of seed pearls held her fingertip veil
of embroidered imported illusion, and
a double strand of pearls completed
her costume. She carried a white kid
prayerbook topped with red Sweet-
heart roses. The maid of honor wore
a sky-blue gown of taffeta fashioned
with a bouffant net overskirt. She
carried a bouquet of pink lilies. The
bridesmaids' gowns were identical in
yellow and pink, respectively, fash-
ioned in nylon net over taffeta em-
bossed with white velvet flowers, and
featured hoop skirts with scalloped
hemlines. They carried nosegays of
pink and yellow Better Times roses.
All three attendants wore wide pict-
ure hats and gloves to match their
gowns. Following the ceremony a
(Continued on page 4)
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Frederickson,
daughter Jean and friend, Mrs.
Croswell, visited this week at the old
home of Mrs. Frederickson's mother,
the former Annie Dorrance, and a
niece of the late Geo. B. Dorrance
of McKillop, also with the •Jeffer-
son's at Clinton, cousins of Mrs.
Frederickson. After a motor trip
through the Eastern States, Ottawa
and Quebec they returned by way of
Detroit to their home in Valley City,
N. Dakota.
Mr. Norman Lamont, of Delhi,
visited last week with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lamont, Mc-
Killop, and returned to his job with
Mr. John Casier, for harvesting to-
Rev. P. Rademahler of Quincy,
Mass„ U.S.A,, a' delegate to the
Youth Education Convention being
held in Toronto, is to be the guest
speaker at the Evangelical Church
here on Sunday at 11:45 Aug. 6th.
Mr. Robt. J. Coghlin of Listowel
was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and
Mrs Charles Eggert.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock were at
Listowel on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richards and
son, Mr, and Mrs. Ken Baker and
daughter, spent Tuesday at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Koehler.
Mrs. A. J. Huether of Morriston,
Mt. and Mrs. Jho. Foreman of -Galt
were weekend visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert.
Little Isabel Balzar of Monkton is
at present visiting with her cousin.
Diane' Reek, •
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoeiy were at
Rostock last Friday visiting Mr,•
henry Eggert who is very ill, and
Mrs. Eggert.
Union Service
Union Services during August,
Presbyterian Church and Northside
'United in the Presbyterian. Church,
Sunday, Aug. 13, 11 a.m., sermon
subject, "Strong Men and Strong
Glturehes." All cordially welcome,
Egmondvilie United Church
10 a,m,, Sunday 'School
11 a.m,, Mr. Colin Campbell, Bay.
Mrs. Eldon Kerr was hostess to
the members of the Seaforth Wo-
men's Institute ' for their August
meeting an Tuesday. Mrs. John Mac-
Tavish, the guest speaker, spoke on
her trip by air to Amsterdam, Hol-
land, The meeting opened with the
Institute Ode, followed by the Lord's
Prayer in unison and the Mary Stew-
art Collect. The roll call was an-
swered by "A place I would like to
travel tot', Canada being a general
favorite. 25 members answered the
troll call. In the absence of the sec-
retary, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman was in
charge of the business, The Institute
was advised by Mrs. Wallace Flaugh,
the convenor of the Garden Club,
that the girls would exhibit et the
London Fair and also at 'Stratford.
Mrs, Alex Pepper expressed thanks
for Mrs. John Hlllebrecht, our treas-
urer, for the box and cards her bus -
band received during his recent i11-
ness. A letter from Mrs, Futcher,
provincial president, on the Canadian
Child Health Association, was read.
It was decided to have Mrs. Gordon
Papple read up on this subject and
present it at a later date. Mrs. Alex
Pepper and Mrs. Elmer Cameron
were appointed to look into details
concerning a booth at the Fair. A
letter on citizenship was read bY
Mrs. Gorden McKenzie. A solo bY
Mrs. Walker Hart, accompanied bY
Mrs, J. McGregor was enjoyed. The
motto "Oh for the gate and the locust
lane and the dusk and dew and home
again" was taken by Mrs. James T.
Scott, She stressed the point of our
appreciation of our homes in Canada
by reading the poem "Our Homes"
by Peter McArthur, Mrs. Gordon
Papple then called on Mrs. McTavish
the guest speaker, who gave a very
interesting talk on her trip by air to I
Amsterdam, Holland, where her son
Ian MacTavish is a pilot with K;L.M.I
Dutch Airlines. She travelled with
the crew composed of Canadian,
American, English and butch crew!
members. They had an uneventful
trip over except for an emergency �
landing at Gander, Nfld. for repairs,
and a stop at Preswick, Scotland, for
the fog to lift. Mrs. MacTavish de-
scribed Holland as a very lovely
country, covered with rivers, lakes
and canals. Instead of supplies being
brought in by trucks as they are here,
they are brought in by boat. Bicycles
also provide a means of transporta-
tion, the people usually travelling in
pairs. She was greatly impressed by.
the flowers in Holland, having not-
iced a beautiful bouquet in every
store window, and at every street
corner a beautiful bouquet could be
purchased for a small sum. She visit-
ed the museum and also a Presbyter..
Ian Church over 200 years old, in
Amsterdam. She also spent two days
in London, England. Mrs. MacTavish
was very much impressed by the
quiet, friendly people of Holland and
was sorry she was unable to spend
more time there. Mrs. Andrew Cro-
zier moved a vote of thanks to Mrs.
MacTavish and also to the hostess
Mrs. Eldon Kerr. Lunch was served
by the hostess and the lunch commit-
The death occurred in Seaforth of
Mrs. James Neville who had been liv-
ing the past year with her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mc-
Millan, about 1 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon, Aug. 9th. Mrs. Neville,
who was in her 81st year, had been
in failing health for some time.
Formerly Margaret Downey, she was
a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen Downey and was born at St.
Columban. Mr. and Mrs, Neville lived
in Seaforth fifteen years before go-
ing to Sarnia thirty-five years ago.
Mrs. Neville was predeceased by her
husband and three sons, John, Eu-
gene and James. She is survived by
three daughters and two sons: Mrs.
Chas. LaPier of Corunna, Mrs. E. Y.
Mulvale of Sarnia, Mrs. J. M. Mc-
Millan of Seaforth, D. J. Neville of
Lima, Peru, and Stephen Neville of
Sarnia, also 23 grandchildren and 3
great grandchildren; also a sister,
Mrs, Wm, Devereaux of London and
a brother, J. L. Downey of Windsor.
The body will rest at the W. J. Cleary
Funeral Home, Seaforth, until Friday
noon and at the Bluntly and McIn-
tyre Funeral Home, Sarnia, prior to
the funeral service which will take
place at the Lady of Mercy Church,
Sarnia, at 9 o'clock Saturday morn-
ing. Interment will take place at
'Sarnia. •
The softball game that was to be
played in the Lions Park •between
Clinton Radar and Seaforth Bosharts
on Friday, Aug. 4th. was called off
clue to ram.
Through the . generosity of Mt.
Weston of Detroit, summering at
Bayfield, the Detroit Breitmeyers,
one of the leading Class "5" teams,
will platy an exhibition game on Sat-
urday, August 12 at 9 p.m. at the
Lions Park. Breitmeyers being a
faetball team, all players will wear
gloves and the pitching will be done
from, the longer distance. Seaforth
will be strengthened by again using
McGee pitching and Pat
Gardner catching,
Honoring Miss Helen Flanagan,
whose marriage to Mi'. James 1'.
Krauskopf, Dublin, is an event of
this month, a miscellaneous shower
was sponsored by Miss Mary E. Mur-
ray and Mrs. William Flanagan, Jr.
and held at the home of )Jr,. and Mrs.
Wm. Flanagan. Approximately 40
young ladies attended to extend good
wishes to the bride -elect. A congrat-
ulatory address was read by Miss
Maty E..Murray and presentation of
a gaily decorated basket of varied
gifts was made by Mrs. Louis J.
1.00hy. The guest of honor made a
suitable reply. Various games were
played and a qUiz contest was feat-
ured. A group of young girls assist-
ed the sponsors to serve a dainty
Miss Margaret Atkinson, Toronto,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo-
seph Atkinson.
Mr: and Mrs, Leonard Steinbach
and son Ronnie, with Mrs. Kathleen
Miss 'Geraldine Dillon, Ingersoll,
with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Louis
(Miss Louise Butson, Munro, with
her sister, Mrs. James Curtin.
Miss Mary Costello, London, with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cost-
$1 a year
Ronson Ligh' er
We are pleased to annount's' that we have a c•unipi('t"
stock of new parts for Ronson Lighters, and eau repair
your Ronson Lighter for you very quickly. Or. if you wish
to repair your own lighter, you may purchase from us the
parts you wish,
Bring in your old Ronson and see how quickly and
reasonably we can put it in first class working condition
'Mrs. Harry J. Dingeman and sons, d
Jack and Paul, Detroit, with Mr. and
Mrs. D. McConnell.
IDr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton and
children, Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. h
William Stapleton.
Fine China
Rev. Wm. Devereaux, Mr. and
tiIrs, Wm. Devereaux and grand-
aughter, Chicago, with Mr. and Mrs.
D. McConnell and Mr. and Mrs, Jo -
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Byrne, Hamil-
ton, with Mrs. K. Byrne and Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Ryan.
Mr. and Mrs. George Coyne, Tor-
onto, with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph At-'
Kenneth Wickens, London, with
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello.
Mr. and Mrs. Tack Cleary, Chat-
ham, with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ev- I
IMr. and Mrs. Frank Stock and son
of London, with Mr. and Mrs. John
George Gettler, Chatham, with
Mrs. A. H. Looby. Mrs. Gettler and
daughter Joann returned home with
' Mr. and Mrs. Leo Holland, Billie
and Stephanie, Mr. and Mrs. Colson, I
Windsor, Mrs. J. V. Ryan and daug-
hter, Mary, Stratford, with Mrs. M.
Schulman and Pat Maloney. •
I 'Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morrison and i
children, Toronto, and Miss Mary
Morrison, London, with Mr. and Mrs.;
'James A. Morrison.
I Mr. and Mrs. Stein and children,
New York, N.Y., with Mr. and Mrs.
0. Whetham.
Mrs. Peter Dill and daughter. De-
troit, with Miss Monica Byrne and i
Mrs. K. Byrne.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend and
children at Manitoulin Island.
Miss Bridget Costello and Miss
Janet Jordan in Toronto.
•Mrs. Catharine Feeney and family
at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Krauskopf,
Mrs. Louis Krauskopf and daughter
Marie, in Toronto.
Miss Sylvia Grant of Detroit is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Norman O'Con-
nor during this past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman O'Connor
and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doyle and
'Patricia, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. McDougall of Detroit
at Sauble Beach near Owen Sound.
A pretty summer wedding was
solemnized at St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin. on Saturday, July 29, when
Miss Marie Louise, eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Evans, Dub-
lin, was united in marriage to Mr.
John Joseph Cleary, Chatham, son of
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cleary, Sea -
forth. The altar was adorned with
roses and bouvardia, and the pastor,
Rev. J. B. Ffoulkes, D.C.L. officiated
at the double ring ceremony and the
Nuptial Mass. Mrs. Wm, Lane presid-
ed at the organ, and Misses Patricia,
Teresa and Alice Ryan sang 'Ave
Maria' at the Offertory and "On
This Day" during the signing of the
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride looked lovely in a gown
styled with Chantilly lace bodice,
yoke of nylon net outlined with shell
pearls, long lace sleeves with calla
lily points over the hands. The full
skirt was of French tulle with in-
serts of Chantilly lace. She wore a
finger-tip veil of French illusion
caught with a bandeau of orange
blossoms and she carried a bouquet
of Better Tyme roses. Her only at-
tendant was her sister, Miss Joan
Evans, Dublin, wearing a lime green
gown of brocaded damask. Her bon-
net headdress and mittens were of
green tulle and she carried a nose-
gay of pale pink roses. The best man
was Mr. Patrick Cleary, London,
brother of the bridegroom, and Mr,
Bill Evans, Dublin, brother of the
bride, and Mr. Jack Fortune, Lon-
don, cousin of the bridegroom, ush-
ered, A wedding dinner was served
to about 60 guests at Fuller's Grove,
Sebringville, and later a reception
was held at the home of the bride's
parents. The bride's mother received
the guests wearing a dress of figured
navy sheer with navy accessories and
corsage of red roses, She was assist-
ed by the bridegroom's mother wear-
ing a dress of navy sheer with navy
and white accessories and corsage of
Talisman roses.
gn r;arpenter.
Mr, and Mrs, P. F. Benn and daug-
ter, Mary, Toronto, alis. and Mrs.
Louis Evans. Detroit, Mrs. Jose h
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McKenzie of
Detroit spent the weekend with rela-
tives here. '
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murdoch of
Detroit spent the holidays with Mr.
and Mrs. John Cairns,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Neil and family
of Glencoe visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Rev. and Mrs. Stanway and Nancy
spent last week in Toronto.
Miss Ruth Scott of London spent
the weekend at her home here.
Mrs. H. Zapfe is visiting with her
daughters in Detroit.
'Mrs. Wm. Swan and 1Vliss 1'.
Swan of Hamilton spent a few days
with Miss M. Swan and Mrs. Ham.
We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Christie
to our village, they have taken over
the McKay store.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Paterson, Mr.
and Mrs, Arthur Dutton of Montreal
were recent visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Paterson.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wiesemiller and
daughters Misses Shirley and Betty
of Edmonton and Mrs. Keith Wise -
miller of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs.
Reid Kirk of Fairgrove, Mich., and
'Miss Hilda McCloy of Flint visited
at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Allan and Mrs. C. Haugh last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGee, Mr,
and Mrs. Doug. Wamsley and child-
ren were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. 'Haugh over the
Mr. and Mrs. Christie, who pur-
chased the stock at Mr. D. McKay's
store, moved to Brucefield the first
of this week.
Mr, Ephriam Clarke received word
that his aunt, Mrs. Barbara Coates,
had passed away Sunday evening in
Shoshone, Idaho. They lived at Kin
burn for a number of years after
their marriage. Her husband, Albert
Coates, predeceased her a number of
years ago.
Recent visitors at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Addison were Mr.
and Mrs. Ewart 'Wilson, Elaine and
Harris, of Fort Frances, and Mr. and
Mrs. Wallgate Tebbutt, and Mrs.
Vine Pickard, and Mrs, Lillian How-
ard and Bobby, all of Goderich.
There will be no Church service at
Constance Church for the month of
August, but S.S. will be held each
Sunday at 11 a,m.
Miss'Margaret Wallace of Bayfield
and Miss Bernice Bean, of Carlow,
spent the last two weeks at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Addison.
Evans, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. John
Evans, Goderich, Mr, and Mrs, Frank
White and Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
Cleary, London, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
J. Cleary and son William, Mrs.
Cleary Sr., and Miss Katherine
Cleary, Mrs. Jean Fortune and daug-
hters, Frances and' Madeline, Jack
Fortune, London, Misses Patricia and
Helen McDermott, Sarnia, Mr, and
Mrs. James Jordan, Toronto, Miss
Bessie Ertl, Sebringville, Miss Jean
Sutherland, Hamilton, Miss Ursula
Krauskopf and Jerome Nicholson,
London, all attending the Cleary -
Evans wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. George Coyne, Tor-
onto, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph At-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krauskopf,
Tilsonburg, and Miss Marie Kraus-
kopf, London, with Mrs. Louis Kraus-
Miss Genevieve Feeney and Martin
Brick, Toronto, with .Mrs, Kathleen
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Zettell and
children, Galt, with Mrs. Mary Mc-
Grath and Mr. and Mrs, Thomas
Mrs, Hubert O'Reilly in London.
Mrs. M. Shulman in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. J. Stewart at
St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dantzer and
daughters, Kitchener, with Mr. and
Mrs. John Nagle and Wm. Dantzer.
Mr. P. J. O'Hara, Guelph; Mrs.
John F. McArthur and daughter
Angela of Sarnia; Rev. Father Nigh
C.S.B., Windsor; Mr, and Mrs. Robt.
Devereaux, London: Mr. John Givins,
London, attended the Walsh -O'Reilly
For the honeymoon motor trip to
Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Muskoka,
the bride selected a dress of pale
blue lace with natural linen accessor-
ies and pink shortie coat and cor-
sage of pink carnations. On their re-
turn, Mr, and Mrs. Cleary will reside
at 107 Joseph St., Chatliatn, Guests
were present from Detroit, Windsor,
Sarnia, Toronto, London, Hamilton,
Goderich, Sebringville and Seaforth,
(Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Elgie and Mr,
and Mrs. Fred Rathwell spent the
weekend with friends in Gravenhurst
and Parry Sound and took in the
cruise on Muskoka Lakes.
Mr, Howard Clark of Winona call-
ed on his many friends in this vicin-
ity recently.
A great many from around the
village took in the wheat -land dayat
Ailsa Craig and enjoyed the outing
very much.
Dr. Sproat of Windsor spent the
weekend with his parents.
Mr. Tom Munroe is spending a few
weeks with friends in Muskoka.
Mr, Wilfred Tremeer is improving
slowly after his recent severe illness
and all hope to see him around soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid and family
also, Mr. and Mts. Earl Sararas and
family of Toronto were weekend
guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Caldwell
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Green of Lon-
don were the Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs, Wm. Green.
The regular meeting of the Kippen
East W. I. will be held Wednesday
evening Aug. 1,6 at the home of Mrs.
Mrs. S. Jackson with Mrs. R. Gem-
mell as co -hostess. The roll call will
he, name a Canadian Poet or author,
and give a quotation from their work.
The motto "Honer are green houses
where the plants of citizenship are
started" will be given by Mts. R.
Simpson. A spelling match with
words taken from the local papers
will he conducted by Mrs. H. Cald-
well. Current events by Mrs. G. Mc-
Lean. Mrs. Angus McLean will give
a nylon plastic demonstration. Lunch
committee, Mrs, A. Finlayson, Mrs.
F. Slavin, Mrs. A. McGregor, Mrs.
R. Upshall.
Mrs, Adam Glazier of Clinton was
a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Dayman, •
Mrs. Susie Straus of New York
and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnston and
children of London are the guests of
Mr. and' Mrs. Robt. Dayman.
Miss Ida Dayman of London spent
a very pleasant weekend with her
paren ts.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell and family
of Kippen are spending a $appy va-
cation with relatives in Toronto.
Mrs, Margaret C. Fell, of Goder-
ich. widow of the late John Fell,
passed away in Alexandra Marine
Hospital, Monday afternoon, July 31
at the age of 84. Born in Downie
Township, near St. Marys, she was a
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Gra-
ham, and resided near 'Staffs before
moving to Goderich 32 years ago.
Mrs. Fell was a member of North
Street United Church, and life mem-
ber of W.M.S. Survivors include one
son, W. J. Fell, Staffa, two daugh-
ters, Mrs. Alex. (Maude) MacDonald,
Seaforth, and Miss Edna Fell at
hone; three brothers, Andrew Gra-
ham, Whonnock, B,C., Duncan Gra-
ham, Haney, B. C„ and James
Graham, Toronto: one sister, Mrs,
.Tean Drewry, Whonnock, B. C., also
10 grandchildren and 18 great grand-
children. Her husband predeceased
her six years ago, also one son, J. T.
Fell, and one daughter, Rosetta,
Funeral service was held from her
home on Cambria Road, Wednesday,
at 2 p.m. Interment took place in
Staffs cemetery, with Rev. C. W.
Cope officiating. The pallbearers
were grandchildren, W. J. Fell, W. C.
Fell, Lorne Fell, Gordon MacDonald,
Ross MacDonald, Leonard Shob-
brook; flowerbearers were Lois Fell,
Joyce Pfaff, Wilfred Tremeer, Doug-
las Shobbrook, Nelson Pfaff,
The August meeting of the Bethel
W.A. and W.M.S. was held at the
home of Mrs. Stanley Hillen. Mrs. L.
Leeming presided for the meeting.
The theme for the meeting was
"Jesus Christ—Teacher and Lord".
After the call to worship hymn 41
was sung followed by scripture read-
ing and the reading of hymn 248 re-
sponsively. The hymn "Fairest Lord
Jesus" from the Missionary Monthly
was sung. Norma Leeming played a
piano solo, after which prayer was
offered. Miss Grace Bartja was guest
speaker, She spoke oil her 8 year•
training at Bible School and of her
call to give service to the work of the
Master iii foreign fields. Shy expects
to go to Ethiopia in September.
Mary Dennis sang a. pleasing solo,
"More about Jesus". The worship
service closed with prayer by Mrs.
Mrs,Boyd conducted the W. A.
meeting. The minutes of last meeting
were read and adopted and roll call
answered by 18 members, The com-
mittees were arranged for the lawn
social to be at the hone of Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Hillen on Aug. 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Govier, Mr, and
Mrs. Earl Gutnt, Kenneth and Fay
spent a day at Niagara Falls.
Mrs. Nellie Watson is with her
daughters this week at Hensel] and
Kippen, Mr, and bit's. Bill Riley and
Mn and Mrs, Sinclair, Kippen.
Mrs, Wm. Lyon is having a pleas-
ant visit with her niece, Miss Marion
Berk, Vancouver, B.0„ and also a
friend from Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. John Nett spent the
weekend at the home of their daugh-
ter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. E.
Stevens, Walton.
Mr. and Mts. Wnt. Griffiths are
spending a few weeks at the home .of
their daughter Pearl, at Guelph.
Mrs. Beacom is spending a week
at the hone of her daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Neil, Kirkton.
Mrs, Lillie Webster and Jack visit-
ed with their cousins at Kintore on
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Manning, Gail
and June, spent the weekend at
Sarnia and other points.
Mrs. Lorne Shobbrook and daugh-
ters, Oshawa. have been visiting
with Mrs. J. S3. Shobbrook for some
Rev. S. H. Brenton and family left
for Manitoba on Monday for a
month's holidays. Mr, Fred Shob-
brook accompanied thein and will
visit friends in .Manitoba.
During the absence of Ibex, Bren-
ton, Dr. Grierson will supply, service
will be held as usual on Sunday at
10 a,m.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Doane. Pt. Col-
borne, and Mr. and Mrs. Alister
Biroadfoot, Seaforth, visited with Mr..
and Mrs. John Scott recently.
Miss Muriel Shobbrook is spending
this week in Paris visiting her cousin
Norma. Vodden,
Mrs. Wesley Vodden is visiting
this week at the home of her son Mr.
Loonard Vodden, Paris,
Miss Mima Melville, who suffered
a stroke recently, has been removed
to Clinton Hospital for treatment,
We are indebted to Mr. Clau•e
Westcott for a comprehensive report
of the Y. P. C. summer convention at
Gravenhurst. This will 'appear in an
early issue.