HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-06-29, Page 8TII:l SEAFO Be Ready far thelioliday WITH THE SUMMER CLOTHES YOU NEED s CRISP, COOL TUB FAST Cotton Dresses Ladies' Swim Suits Eye catching and tan provok, ing, new style swim sults In plain, flowered or print patterns In all the best shades 3.95 to 8.95 7.95 Chambrays with eyelet trim. Bright cheok wovens, new waffle weave cottons, and ever popular spuns in soft cool shades of grey, pink, blue, yellow, green, and contrasting skirts on white tops. Sizes 11 to 44 --- Special 7.95 Special! SUN DRESSES Gay prints or coin dot print sun dresses, many with bolero Jackets to match. Size 12 to 20 and 40 to 52 in stock 2.98 BE COOL IN A "T" SHIRT or SPORT SHIRT Plain shade, multi -striped or two•tone "T" shirts in soft Egyptian combed cotton. They're smart for holiday wear, and need no Ironing Sizes S, M, L & OS 1.00 to 2.95 COOL! ANKLE SOX Wools, mixtures, nylons or rayons In a myriad of shades and patterns. Throw away the garters and be cool in ankle sox at 59c to 1.25 Lastex, wool, or boxer style swim shorts in all the papular shades Sizes 30 to 46 2.50 to 4.95 MEN'S SUMMER SLACKS Cool tropicals, or spun "woodwinds", popular gabardines and twills in shades of fawn, grey, brown, green and blue. Save your suit and be cool in slacks for summer. Size 30 to 44 6.50 to 13.95 STORE CLOSED SATURDAY, JULY lst - OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 10 PM STEWART BROS. 'Unloading four ears this week Place your order now WILLIAM M. HART Phone 784 Seaforth !,,,nnln11,*11111,ntn„1,11,111„„llll1,IIIIII a 11111, I Il1111111 m,atm' DON BRIGHTRALL GENERAL INSURANCE Auto Wind Health & Accident Life - Fire - Burglary - Bonds Good Companies - row Rates PHONE 299 SEAFORTH oll„nnll",If,enmalla,,,,,ainl„W meal,I/II n)II„1101'III HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Simpson, Bill and Bobbie of Detroit spent the week- end with the latter's mother, Mrs. L. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook spent the weekend at their summer home, Grand Bend. Mr. Wm. Gramm and son of Lans- ing, Mich. were recent visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gramm. Mrs. Stevens, who has spent the past two weeks with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Blackwell, returned home. Miss Shirley Flynn, who recently underwent an appendix operation in Clinton Hospital, returned home much improved. Messrs Lloyd Buchanan and Bill Carlisle of London spent the weekend at their homes here. Mrs. Bowden ofDx to e r was a a weekend visitor with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. J. Far- quhar, Mrs. 3. C. Cochrane of Seaforth spent the weekend with her brother Mr. John MacBeath who is seriously Mrs. Ross Peebles of Linwood, who has Sven guest of Mrs. Jack Peebles for the past two weeks, re- turned home. Mr. Jack Peebles of London spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Don Evans and child- ren of Waterloo are holidaying with Mrs. Evan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Maclaren. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peebles spent the weekend with relatives in Lin- wood. DUBLIN On Friday evening, June 16, the pupils and members of SS. No. 11, Logan, assembled in the schoolroom to honor their teacher, Miss M. An- gela O'Reilly, who is leaving after five years' service. Several t ables of ra ' pr og sive euchre were played, at the end of which lucky prizes were distributed by Mrs. Oliver Banner- man. Miss Joyce McEwen read an ad- dress of good wishes .and Miss Jean Broughton made the presentation of HURRY that KILL ti ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS oxo. H. DOUCETT, Mtnhler�. EWS a lovely tri -light floor hemp on be- half of the members of the section. Miss O'Reilly graciously thanked the donors and wished her pupils and successor good luck in the future. Lunchwas served by a group of ladies and a social evening of danc- ing followed to the music of a record player provided by Mr, Leonard Par- tridge. Following is the address. Vicar MissO'Reilly: We, the Pu- pils and parents of S,S. No. 11, Lo- gan, find it very difficult to express our feelings at this time. You, since coming to us, have endeared yourself to all of us by your kindly interest in our community and Your faithfulness in all school enterprises, The standard of our school has risen second to none in the township, and needless to say, we, as parents are Proud when your pupils attain such high standing, We trust your future life will be a very happy _one, and that in years to come, you may look back upon the years spent in our midst as joyous and profitable. We ask you to accept this gift as a token of our esteem and pray 'God's richest blessing may rest upon you in the years that lie ahead. Signed on behalf df S.S.•No, '11, Lo- gan. A very pretty wedding was solemn nized at St, Patrick's Church, Dpb- lin on Saturday, June 17, when Mary Anna, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Givlin, McKillop twp. was united in marriage to Mr, Den- nis J. Nolan, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Nolan. Por the occasion the al- tar was adorned with peonies, iris, and snowballs. Rev, J. B. Ffoulkes officiated at the ceremony and sang the nuptial mass. Mrs. William X,ane presided at the organ, Misses Ther- esa, Geraldine, Patricia and Alice Ryan, and Misses Madeline and Dor- othy ninon sang "Ave Maria" at .the offertory and " On This Day i0 Beau- tiful Mother" during the signing of the register. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor -length gown of white duchess satin with deep lace yoke and bustle effect, and lily -point sleeves, Her full-length veil of illu- sion was held by a halo of orange blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet of pink carnations and white statice with fern. She was attended by her twin sister, Miss Teresa Givlin of Stratford as maid of honor, wore a floor -length gown of vile green taf- feta with matching shoulder veil and headdress. She wore nylon .gloves to match her dress. The bridesmaid, Miss Rita Givlin, Stratford, wore a floor -length gown of pink taffeta with matching shoulder veil and head- dress and nylon gloves to match her dress. Both attendants carried nose- gays of matching combinations of roses and sweat peas. The best man was'Mr. Jim Nolan, St. Thomas, bro- ther of the bridegroom, and Mr. Jim ,Givlin and Mr. Joseph Nolan, broth- ers of the bride and bridegroom re- spectively, were ushers. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the Royal Hotel, Mitchell, and later a reception was held at the home of the bride's par- ents. The bride's mother received the guests wearing a navy printed crepe dress with pink accessories. The bridegroom's mother assisted, gown- ed in a navy figured sheer dress with white accessories. Each wore a corsage of pink roses. The bride- groom's gift to the bride was a chest of silver; to the attendants, china cream and sugar sets; and to the best man and ushers tie clips. Mr. and Mrs. Nolan left on a honeymoon trip to Midland, Toronto and Ottawa, the bride travelling in a gray gabar- dine suit and navy accessories and she wore a corsage of pink roses. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm in McKillop township, Guests attended the wedding from Stratford, St. Thomas, Centralia and St. Columban. ' CARD OF T'11ANTS The Upsintll Family wi h to Meek their muey (muds and neighbors for their kind• nem and sympathy durm5 their recent rad bereavement; thcde, who cent flowers, leaned alts, mad helped in any 'ray; decrial thank, to Itvv. Mr. Campbell and Mr, Whitney HARLOCK Mr. Wm. Knox is not feeling his best at present having got a lot of teeth out. We hope he will soon be O.K. again. Master Melvin Knox is feeling somewhat better again having been laid up for a few days. Mrs. Ernest Knox and Myrtle spent Sunday afternoon in Londes- boro with the former's father and aunt Mr, Fred IShobbrook and Mrs. Stanley Carter. Mrs. A. W. McEwin�g' spent a few days in Barriston on her way home from the hunters' picnic. Cement Blocks Power made. Steam Cured Immediate Delivery Huron Concrete Products PHONE 684 SEAFORTH POULTRY POINTERS byYour Dr.Salsbury's Dealer JkW Now that your birds are get- ting outside, give them the best possible range care, If pos- sible, avoid using last year's range, Change It to prevent di- eease.Provideplentyofshede,ar d move feeders and waterers once each day. And keep range clean, R5l1WO4AL. TR2ATED BIRDS D0 13MCTTEI2 JJepend on tis for Poultry Service Moore's Poultry Farm Phone 666 r 3 Seaforth STRAWBERRIES Come to berry patch on DOpdnien Pay and get fresh picked berries, WM. RU'I'LEDGE, Seaforth RR, 2. 2't miles west of Seaforth on No, 8 h;ginvee FOR SALE Wood for sale --$4, 35 and 36,00 delivered, Alec chain $aw work done. Phone 07012 L. J. MoNAIRN CUSTOM WORK WANTED kitty baling. Bales loaded, Mso busk raking hay and combining grain, Reasonable prices, C. J. WALKER, Cromarty, phone 1413 Dublin RECEPTION A reception is to be hold in Community Centre, Seaforth, for Mr. and Mrs. Jelin Flannery, t'i'Idey, June 30. Everybody wed. come FOR SALE A few good chunks. 1 Model 1) Tractoron rubber starter and lights, ideal for driving separator. 1 3 -furrow tractor plow. 1 teem mower, ironed, ready for tractor. 10 ft. power binder, would make a good ewather. Custom vatting done with power mower; also 0051003 loading, H. Mcllwain, phone 229w FOR SALE Some chunks, around 00Ibs, CAMPBELL WEY, Walton. 831r5 Seaforth centrad FOR SALE Massey-I•Iarris hay loader, and M-33 binder. ALEX McDONALD, phone 5$6r01 FOR SALE 12 ares mined her, plover and timothy. H. JONES, RR. 2, klensell. Phone 67501 NOTICE BENNEWIES APPLIANOE SERVICE. Electrical contracts wanted. Lynn range burners, oil apace heaters for sale. Apply Jarvis St., Seaforth. Phone 680w• FOR SALE 3 dual purpose Shorthorn bulla, herd as credited. ROP, serviceable age, two reds and a roan. Would exchange for a female, ERN - EST TEMPLEMAN, Stella FOR SALE 1sh storey frame .house in Egmondville, across from the church, one-fifth sere hand, garage, hard and soft water, possession im- mediately. W. A. STANBURY, phone GB$rl3 THURSOe,Y, JUNE 29, 1954 '50'013 STAT?ORTII MOWS Snowdon lima., I'ubllehers Authorized as Beeond Claes matt, Post Office Dept., Ottawa BOX.{# Zif Lima 'i ruirr. FOR SALE By *ender, a field of standing hay on Sea - forth Agricultural Fair Grounds. Contact E. 13. GOODIE, Sec.-Treas. FOR SALE New Idea Machinery, Side Rakes, Hay Loaders & Mowers, See this quality line be- fore buying, NEW IDEA DISTRIBUTORS, Goderich, Ont. Phone Carlow 2821 FOR SALE Cabin trailer, will sleep three, wired for electricity, ice -box, nice cupboards, insulated, very comfortable. Apply to J. T. Me0AULEY, FOR SALE Ford Ferguson tractor and plow, lights and Palley, motor recently overhauled. One Fer- guson 15 spring -tooth cultivator with scuffling attachments. Apply MARTIN MALONEY. phone Dublin 40-22 TO RENT Apartment for rent -above office -recently modernised, automatic heating, garage. Apply nn. J. A. MUNN FOR SALE Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed Postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 0 samples 28; 24 samples 31.00. Mali - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. HORSES WANTED Horses wanted. Wanted to buy, especially big fat horses. W. C, GOVENLOCB'. Dick House, Seaforth BARN SPRAYING Barns whitewashed after T -B test. with new power sprayer. Work done to inspector's satisfaction. Phone Brussels 56r11. DONALD McDONALD, Brussels RR. 2 BARNS CLEANED And whitewashed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1000 lbs pressure. Work done to inspector's satisfaction. Phone Dublin 44 r 9. FRED HARBURN RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 8970, Seaforth NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ELLA J. DILLON All persons having claims against the Estate of Ella J. Dillon, late of the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth, Spinster, deceased, who died on the 9th day of May, 1060, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of July, 1966, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received, DATED at Seaforth, this 9th day of June, 1960. McOONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATES of. Alfred Stafford and Elizabeth Stafford, both late of the Vill- age of Walton in the County of Huron, Laborer, and. Widow, respectively, de- ceased. A11 persons having claims against the Est- ates of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Administrators for the said Estates, on or before the 8012 day of June, A.D. 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto,having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED this 10th day of June, A.D. 1960. William John Humphries and Edward Deegan, Walton, Ont. Administrators. Wool Wanted ALL WOOL SHIPPED TO JACKSON'S IS GRADED IN SEAFORTH, AND FULL SETTLEMENT IS MADE FROM THERE H. M. Jackson Seaforth Phone 3W & 33 Highest Cash' Prices for Dead Stock HORSES $5.00 each CATTLE $5.00 each HOGS .50 per cwt. According to size and condition CALL COLLECT SEAFORTH 15 DA LI,HG& COMPANY C CANADA0 LINiITEG AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595 W 0, A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST, SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adiustabie Hoe pital Bed for rent. ,Agent for Mitohelt Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 JOHN E. LGNGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St, Seaforth Hours 9 am - 6 pm. Wed. 8 - 12.30 Sat. 9 am to 9 pin MARTIN W. STAPLETON DR. F. ROSS HOWSON Physicians and Surgeons Phone 90 Seaforth DR, F. J, R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York 0phthalinie ands Aural Institute, Moorefleld's Tye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng, At. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesdya in each month from 2 to 9 p.m, -65 Waterloo. Street, Stratford. Telephone 26? JOHN A, GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC D. A. McMaster, B.A.,M,D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pm' to 5 pm, daily,. except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and. Saturday only, 7-9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.Y.M., V.S. D. C. MAPLb7SDEN, D.V.M. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. BEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers - President, E. J. Trowertha. Clinton; Vico.-Pres., J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Manager & Sec.-Treas., M, A. Reid, Seaforth Directors -E. J. Trewartba, Clinton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Borpholm; Robt. Archibald, Seaforth; John H, McEwing, Blyth ; Frank McGregor, Clinton; William S. Alexander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Gaderieh. Agents -J. E, Pepper, Br cefield; R. F. Mcliercher, Dublin; Geo. A. Watt, Blyth; J. F. Prueter,. Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named °Riders addressed to their respective post offices. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL,, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office. Exeter, Ontario President Angus Sinclair, R. R. 1, Mitchell Viso -President Milton McCurdy, R. R. 1., Zirkton Director. William 11. Contex, Exeter Martin Feeney, Dublin E. Clayton Cohaahoen, Science Hill William A. Hamilton, Clromarty Agents T. G. Ballantyne, Woodham Alvin L. Barris, Mitchell Thomas Scott, Cromarty Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser, Exeter Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J, Exeter. FOR SALE Modern Cottage, 8 Pc. Bathroom, Hot Water Heated, full basement, situated on Ord Street. Priced reasonable. Prompt possession. E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE BROKER SEAFORTH Phones: Reg. 220 Office 834 FORS ALE Modern Brick dwelling on James St., early possession,. (nearly new with 011 con. venienceo) Six room brick dwelling on West William St., with garage. A framo douhlo dwelling on Centre street with two acres of land Modern brick duplex on West William et, Modern dwelling en Looiea 5t., Seaforth. 111, A. REND, Seaforth wsto NOTICE The Pmohred Belgian. Draft Stallion WEST PINTO SUPREME -5249- Enrolment No. 0017. First Class, Form 1. WINSTON The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion V -E --25920-Enrollment No 4588. First Class, i'orm -1 Renta for 1950 --Mon. & Tues., vicinity of Dungannon Lueknow, Brussels, Blyth. Wed. &Tiles., Vicinity of Seaforth Clinton, Duhtin. Prldny & Sat vicinity of Nippon, Heneall and Zurich Terms $17 to unsure, payable March 1st, 1061 T. Jr.McMICHAEL Prop. and Manager Grade A --Premium No, 181. First Claes Form 1. Enrolment No, 9016 The purebred Black Perelman Stallion 97'. BLAIN MARQUIS Moa. --Vicinity of Seaforth and Dublin. Tues. --Vicinity of Exeter and Luton, Wed. - Crediton and Mt. Carmel, Thurs.-Zurich, Tritlay-Varna. Sat. at home. '500010 52 down; 512 April 1st. 1961. Ali accidents at owners' trek. Phone 3012 IienOa)1 WILLIAM COLD, Prop. and Manager