HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-06-29, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 293 1950 cv*Eti D coo* *to SPA\Y/U1Z FANCY TOMATO JUICE PAPER PLATES for Plcnios 20 oz. tins. 2 for 17c 8" 1 Doz. 100 GREEN GIANT WAX BEANS Fancy Quality 15 oz. Tins, 2 for 270 CLOVER LEAF TUNA FISH 7 oz.. Tin 43c AYLMER CATSUP 2 for 35c HILLCREST TOILET TISSUE 3 Rolls 32o 1 Roll FREE A RS E WATER FE SWEET MIX PICKLES , ICE W 16 oz. Jar 25c 1 Ib, cello 39c 'WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR Phone 77 FOOD MARKET We Deliver GREY COUNTY'S GRASSLAND DAY Wed., July 5th Will heldat he A0 WESLEY Mheat 'S HANOVER (Second farm East of Hanover) Higway.. No. 4 Special speakers include: Hon. T. D. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture 'Ea'. Ridley, Chief, Forage Division, Ott... Hon. P. R. Oliver, M.P.P. Dr, MacKinnon Phillips, Hon. w.B, Kinnon Phillips, M.P.F..P.Fnship and Immigration Colin Bennet, M.P.. Medford Demonstrations and display of Hay Malting Machinery in operation and Weed Spraying Equipment — all makes of machinery PROOEEDINGS COMMENCE AT 10 aan. Lunch on Grounds. Convenient Parking Grant W. Sweiger T. Stewart Cooped Asst. Agricultural Agricultural Relt- Repnesentative resentative Grey County Grey County FOOTBALL ETH EL AT ST. COLUMBAN THURSDAY, JUNE 29 7.30 pin daylight saving time D a .N C 1 N i ■ Stratford Casino Every Wednesday Saturday & Holiday Adm. 50c Ontario s Beauty Spot USED Farm Ma 2 ROW SCUFFLER with bean like new M. H. HAY LOADER, 2 years M. H. SIDE RAKE, good condition INTERNATIONAL MOWER 0 Full line of New Machines • Green Cross Weed -No less than Seaforth W. T. TEALL, PHONE 141 pulling attachment, old Massey -Harris in Stock -Mor to clear at cost Prop. SEAFORTH Notice Town of Seaforth All persons in the lldunicipality owning or har- boring dogs must purchase 1950 licenses for same on or before June 30th, 1950. Licenses will be issued from the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the Tax Collector, J. Cummings. After that date summonses through the Court will be issued to the owners or harborers of dogs not having licenses. All dogs must wear license tags. In Stock Teritest, Masonite, Plywood, Gyproc Beaver -Board, Arborite, Tentest Blocks Finishing Lime, Mason's Lime, Spraying Lime • Asphalt Shingles, Cedargrain Shingles, Roll -Brick Siding, Insulated Siding and Roll Roofing Place your order for CEMENT now • INSULATION Loose, 2" Batts, 3" Batts • Lumber, Sash and Doors Storm Sash made to order Custom Millwork Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. "Where Tho Best Costs No Moro" SEAFORTH 47 SEAFORT THIS. SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS 1Vlr. and Bars. J, J, Sims and (laugh. ter hiida of Loudon were guests last ) weak c i tt home of Mr. Lorne Te i a l le Sr. i Mr, and Mrs. L, Lowrie 1 London 0033111 the week endwith Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Moore. Mrs. jellies Grieve has returned from a Visit with relatives in Guelph, Oakville and Brantford. Mrs. 11, 1. Graham of Lockport, N.Y., is spending a week with Mrs. Caroline Porteous, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Grieve have been visiting at Brucefield and Sea - forth while Mr. Grieve is convalesc- ing from a broken ankle, Mrs. Russell Sproat attended the funeral in London on Monday of J D, Buchanan, chief actuary and assistant general manager of the London 141e. Mr, Ed Devereaux and Misses Alice and Joan Devereaux, Toronto, spent the weekend with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Loyette, London, spent the weekend at the home of the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pretty. Misses Dorothy and Frances Eckert, Chatham, are holidaying at their home here. Miss IOdna Jowett of Port Huron, Mich., spent the week end with Miss Florence Fowler. Mr. Anderson Scott is spending a month at Hohnesviile. Mr• and Mrs. Don Eastman and fam- ily spent Sunday at Turnbull's Grove. Mr. and Mrs. T. W, McMillan and Mrs, Gladson Campbell of Toronto visited last week with friends in Cleveland and Bedford, Ohio, and at- tended the Diilte-Pensock wedding. Miss Jean. McMaster left on Tues- day for Texas where she will prac- tise as a nurse. Mr. Ken Keating, Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of his par- ents, Mt', and Mrs, J, E, Keating. Mr. and Mrs. A. Milton and Dudley, Montreal, spent the weekend with friends here. Misses Terry and Jo McIver are holidaying in Toronto at the home of their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, E. S. Coffin. Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Williams, who have been holidaying with Mrs, Wil- liams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc- Kellar, left on Tuesday for Gary. In - Mauna, where .Dr. Williams will intern in the Methodist Hospital. Miss Mary Lou Sills left on Wed- nesday to attend a Leadership Camp at Longford Mills. Miss Mary Crowe, London, spent the weekend at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. 17. Crowe. Mr, Jack Fortune, London, spent the weekend at the home o1 his mother Mrs. Leo Fortune. Mrs. Ruth. Bell, Toronto, visited in town this week. Mrs. J, D. Hinchley, Miss Florence Fowler and Miss Edna Jowett visited in Walton on Sunday. Mr. Ernie Clarke, Chicago, is holt daying at the home of his parents Mr, and Mrs. M. Clarke. Attending cadet' camp at Camp Ip- perwash are George Sills, Bud Zieg- ler, Ron Sutherland, Jim Flannigan, Bob Scott, Donald McKindsey, Don Powell and Floyd McPhee. Mrs. Violet Pangman, of Toronto, spent the week end with relatives in town. Rev. and Mrs. Hugh. Williams of Alvinston visited on Monday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar. 'Miss Lillian Faulkner spent the week end at Galt. Mr, and Mrs. Oke and Miss Mabel Brook of London called on Mrs. C. C. Kafue, on Sunday. The town water is being put into the home of Mrs. Keine, and a new bathroom. Misses Nancy Scolfield and Marg- aret Perkins, Detroit, spent the week end at the home of the fortner's grandparents Mr. and Mrs. A. Case. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aldington were Mr. and Mrs. John Aldington and Margaret Rose of Varna, and Thomas Hay, Cromarty, also visiting the latter's brother John Hay, who is ill in the hospital. Mr. William Ament is in London this week attending the funeral of his brother-in-law Mr. Robert Coates. Miss Mary Margaret Cleary has successfully passed her second year honour course in French and Spanish at Brescia Hall, University of West- ern Ontario, London. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and family of MacTier and Mr. -Arthur Vincent of Brantford are visiting with Mrs. M. Vincent and family. BORN FREEMAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on on June 22, to Flying Officer and Kra. Melville Freeman, Brucefield, a son YODDIhN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 24, to Mr. and Mcs. Roy Vodden, RR. 2 Seaforth, a daughter WEBER—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on June 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weber, Exeter, a son CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson, Mrs. Robt. Lawson, Mrs. J. E. Busby, and Shirley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Willis of Kitchener Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Medd of Sea - forth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'Leitch. Mrs. Clarence Montgomery return- ed last week after spending a few days at Anderson, Indiana and at- tending the graduation of Miss Beu- lah Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johns, LarrY and Kenny of Hollyburn, British Stoker Coal Our predecessor has sold YANCEY STOILER for years and we will con- tinue, It has never been confined to any one ,leaser, but we also sell CAVALIER STOKER that contmancls a higher price by the mines and usually in short supply. '0,11en coal is superior it can and does command a higher price 07 there would be no market, Order Cavalier or Yancey now WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 192M or Box Fara. Store 43 until office is established Columbia, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson, Teacher)) G.ueste :ef Honor--. ,Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jefferson en- tertained the staff of Clinton Public School at their home on June 20th awaited of whenasurprise ow titwo the staff members, Mise Donalda Adams and Miss Bessie Erb whose resigna- tions become effective June 29t1i, Addresses of goodwill were road by Mrs, 'Rag. Ball, while Miss Edna Jamieson madethe presentation. In replying, Mies Adams and Miss Erb expressed regrets at severing their relations with the staff. They also expressed their interest in the con- tinued success of the work of Princi- pal Jefferson and his staff of teachers, Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Adams and fancily of Londesboro spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Dexter. Mrs. James Dale is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Art Bromley in Kitchener. Mrs. John Pepper and family of Hensen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan on Sunday. Messrs. WinJ. Dale and Oliver Anderson were among a group of farmers, from this district who made a motorbus tour in Ohio last week, returning home on Sunday. They vis- ited Malabar Farm, home of Louts Bromfield, during the trip, Several members of the Constance W.M.S. were guests of the Mae Lane Society in Northside United Church on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Curtis of Clinton was the guest speaker. A very enjoyable evening was spent, and lunch was served at the close, Mrs. Clarence Montgomery was on a motor trip to Anderson, Inclianna, last week, where she attended grad. uation exercises for her niece Miss Beulah Wood. BRODHAGEN St. Peter's Lutheran Church Brod- hagen was the scene of an Ordina- tion !Service on Sunday afternoon, The candidate for Ordination was Robert E. Rock, son of the local con- gregation who was the first confirm - ant in the 90 -year history of St. Pet- ers to enter the ministry. Robt, is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. ,Ed. Rock of Brodhagen. He attended Brodhagen Public School, Mitchell High School, Waterloo College from which he re- ceived his Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1947, and this year graduated from the Evangelical Lutheran Seminary of Canada. The pastors officiating at the service were Dr. Rible, President of the Canada Synod of the Lutheran Church; Rev, Heimdrich of Zurich, President of the Stratford Confer- ence; Rev. Stockntann of Tavistock, Secretary of Synod. and Rev. W. Becker, the local pastor. Rev. Heim-- rich ein_rich was the liturgist, and the ser- mon was preached by Rev. W. Becker who spoke on the theme "Divine Love Excells", 1st Cor. 13. 1-13, Dr. Reble was in charge of the Ordina- tion and Pastor Stofkmann administ- ered Holy Communion. At the close of the service Dr. Reble spoke of Pastor Rock's future work as a Board Missionary for the Board of American Missions. His initial assign- ment is 'Geraldton, Northern Ontario. In his closing remarks Dr. Reble urged young men and women to con- sider full time church work. The la- dies Aid of the Church placed bask- ets of peonies and orangeblossoms in the chancel. The white carnations on the altar were donated by Mrs. Sophie Bennewies in memory of her husband who passed away 7 years ago June 2,2. During the service two selections were rendered by the local choir. After the Ordination service on Sunday afternoon guests were pre- sent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Rock from Elmwood, Disbaro, Hamilton, Kitchener, Waterloo, Zur- ich and Tavistock, as welt as many local and district residents. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz on Sunday were Mrs. Melvyn and Mr. and Mrs. John Drake, Kenneth Hinz of Hamilton, Mrs. Elizabeth Morenz of Kitch- ener at the home of J. F. ?meter. Mr. Russell Sholdice spent Sunday in St. Catharines at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Whitfield, visiting his father who suffered a stroke. Frederick George, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Eickmeir (Esther lHillebrecht) was baptized at St. Pet- er's Lutheran Church on Sunday. The sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Mueller and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mc- Gill. Mr. and Mrs. Sant Smyth and Geo. of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diegel. VARNA Malloch—Keyes— A beautiful wedding was solem- nized at Varna United Church at 12 noon on June 24 when in a double - ring ceremony, Rev. Reba Hern unit- ed in marriage Mary Minerva Maude Keyes, Reg. N., elder daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Sherlock Keyes, Varna and Chester Ridgeway Malloch B. Sc., son of Mrs. Chester Malloch of Elstree, Herts, England and the late Mr. Malloch, The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a white slipper satin gown with train, lily point sleeves, beaded yoke with lace insert and peplum, nylon veil with slipper satin insertion and beaded coronet. She wore a pearl and ame- thyst necklace and carried a white bible and white gardenias. Miss Jean Keyes, her sister's only attendant, W070 a floor -length gown of aqua net and brocade with shoulder length veil and carried a nosegay of pink roses. Mr. Douglas Nickerson was best man and the ushers . were George and Donald Keyes, brothers of the bride. Miss Rachel Johnston played the wedding music and Mrs. E. A. Keyes sang 0 Perfect Love", and "I'll Wgllc Beside You", very sweetly. A delicious wedding luncheon was served by the W.A. of Varna United Church. Before the toast to the bride, Miss Hero read eight cable -1 !Tams of best wishes from friends of the groom in England. The decora- tions were orange blossoms, peony roses, white carnations and red roses, ferns and cedar. Guests were present from Baden, Seaforth Windsor, Or- illia Toronto, Bayfield and Pickford, Mich, For travelling the bride donned a navy dress with pink and navy acces- sories and corsage of pink roses. After a trip to Northern Ontario, Mr, and Nils, Malloch will reside at )laden. We Adoptedleer l r 'When should foster parents tell their children of their adoption? Pea! the heart-warming story of Ernest Cady, foster -parent of the three adopted children. who success- fully met and solved this problem. pp head "We Adopted Three" in The American Weekly, ' great magazine �. with this Sunday's (July ..) issua,o- The Detroit Sunday Times. •IfNlI�lWCi9091 ' iew Casino Grandend Dancing Every Night NEIL McKAY AND HIS ORCHESTRA Featuring Kay Jennings, Vocalist MIDNIGHT DANCE JULY 3rd --12.05 A.M. SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT — JULY 1st 3 GAMES 1 P.M. — Parkhill vs. Grand Bend. 2.30 RM. -- Sylvan vs. Thedford Final Game — 0.30 P.M. Between Winners of afternoon Games SPECIAL NOTICE A lot of people find JONATHAN HUGILL a good fellow to deal with when they want a good Used Car. At present he has' • 48 Olds Sedanette • 48 Chev. Sedanette Botit like new • 48 4 -cylinder Ford Coach • 49 Ford r/ ton Pick-up. Both in fine condition. • 1950 Mercury half ton Pick-up (newt • 1947 Chevrolet Cosh Also 1950 Vanguard Sedan (demonstrator). just the slickest full size ear on the road Get his prices on new Austins, Prefects and Vanguards Terms up to 24 months Jonathan E. Hugill Phone 6 on 1367, Seaforth — 34.616, Clinton Or call ou the promises. on Highway, 3 miles west of Seaforth ¢�r A.41,57(5 THOSE ABOUT TO No. 480 - M handsome arrangement of beautiful blond "AVIDORP von- er. Hand -rubbed, highly poIhho., finish, with convenient Bother! auto- matic tray. Safe, -Practical Protection for those PRECIOUS THINGS No.470-a b'ealetiful modern In Naha watoul butt veneers. Hand - rubbed, highly polished find,, with large roomy drawer in base. A SOSHART Cedar Chest provider Me safe, Practical ,onatary (ar her inmate treas. urabier. Let Me rid, fragrance of solid Teams. ceder give complete assurance frees ones damage. Fully covered by Free Moth amur• ecce policy. Every Genuine sOSHART Cedar Chat has rubber•seoled Rd which completely ,eat. us IM moth repellant natural Taseeuee cedar Promo...tor years and yeah b came. ,.. ask about our Convenient "LAY -AWAY PLAN" Box Furniture Store -Funeral Service PHONE—DAY 41 NIGHT 205 W NOTICE It is contrary to the By -Laws of the Town of Seaforth to put garbage and glass of any kind in outdoor or indoor toilets and closets. The Council has had several com- plaints regarding this practice and if continued the services of the Town Scavenger will be denied the offenders. SEAFORTH TOWN COUNCIL AIIIMIlthettathnettharnerefinerelithelthltarether 1