HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1950-06-22, Page 4e•• TWD sE.WORTB: NEWS 0 W.O,A,A. Iight Sotlbafl GODERiCH 'vs, SEAFORTH BOSHARTS SAT. NITE, JUNE 24th at 8.30 p.m. MON. NITE, JUNE 26th at 8.30 p.m. LUCKNOW vs. SEAFORTH BOSHARTS See Lucknow's Sensational Negro Battery straight from Detroit, Michigan, perform. You won't want to miss them ! At Lions Park - Seaforth Admission at both games: Adults 25c Children over 12 — 16e Attention Town Scale will be closed every Saturday for the remainder of June, July and August from 1 pm on. Arrangements can be made for special weighing by phoning 20. Public Utility Commssion PHONE 100 Progressive Conservative I:eeh Huron Riding THURSDAY, JUNE 29th, 8.30 p.rn. at Clinton Town Hall Election of officers and other business On the platform will be Thos. Pryde, M.L.A., Elston Cardiff, M.P., John Hanna, M.L.A., and Malcolm Pratt, Vice -Pres. W.O.P.C.A. All Conservative supporters cordially invited Young Progressive Conservatives will meet at the sante time GOD SAVE THE KING Excellence Flour Gives Perfect Satisfaction "GOLD STAR" -- All Purpose Flour "EXCELLENCE" -- Bread Flour "MAGIC" -- Ontario Wheat Pastry Flour "Just Give Them A Trial" Calf Meal - Dairy Ration - Pig Starter Hog Grower - Hog Fattener - Sow Ration Chick Starter - Chick Grower - Laying Mash Broiler Mash - Hatching Mash Turgeon Grain & Processed Feeds Feed Division of Excellence Flour Malls Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO -- PHONES 363 . 354 FARMERS WE WILL BUY YOUR WHEAT, ARLEY, OATS, MIXED GRAIN AND PAY BEST MARKET PRICES WALTON The regular meeting of the W,M,S, 1 wits held in the church basement on l ,u • esi. 1 Marshall, our 1 June ll. •.725+ a p dent, presided for thin meetin},. The meeting opened by singing hymn 500, followed by. the Lord's Prayer in un- ison. A bible reading from Hebrews chap, 13 was read by Mrs. A. 'Coutts. The secretary and treasurers' re- ports were read and adopted. Reports were also given by the different of-! fivers. 'Mrs. H. Kirkby—had charge of the worship service and program for the 9tli of Morris group, The worship service opened by singing hymn 271, followed by prayer. Mrs, B. Kirkby read the scripture from Luke, chap, 2. The theme for this Meeting was "People 'Grow, Older". During the program she was assisted by mem- bers of the 9th of Morris group and the Walton group. The meeting clos- ed by singing four verses of "Blest be the tie that binds" and prayer in unison. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Association of Walton United Church was held on Wednesday, June 14th in the church. Mrs. W. J, Bennett, the president, opened the meeting with prayer, The minutes of the last meeting were read and ap- proved. The treas. reported $220,80 on hand. The garden party to be held on the 29th of June with the Clinton Air School as program, Plans were made for the garden party. The meet- ing closed by repeating the Mizpah Benediction. The June meeting of the Walton ,C.G.I.T, was held at the home of the Johnstons. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 378. The scripture was read by Leona, The treasurer's report was read by Margaret and se - Anniversary Services Cromarty Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, JUNE 25th 11 am and 8 pm DST REV. R. G. McKAY, M.A.,D.D. Tiverton Special Music by the Choir vended by Helen, It was moved by Helen and seconded by Doris, that we each try to get a subscriber to the "Church 0ls i � e , it was mov- ed las Doris and seconded .by Ysette that we a haze our picnic atGoderleh. It was moved by June that we have. the picnic on July 8 and seconded byf Margie. A skit on vocations was pre. sented by Helen, Barbara and Mrs, Hazlewood. Helen read a clipping on the O.G,I.T. The meeting was closed by singing hymn 888. The girls then enjoyed some games and contests. Mrs. Tohnston served a delicious lunch, GARDEN PARTY TUESDAY, JUNE 27 VARNA Program by RCAF School, Clinton Supper from.6 to 8. Adm. 75c & 40c Sponsored by Varna United Church STANLEY The'Bronson Line and Blue Water Farm Forum had a very nice...p1icnic in Bayfield on Thursday, June 15, 40 sat down to a delicious picnic supper and a ball game was held after. d4Ir. and Mrs, Herman Johnson and daughter Anna of London spent last week visiting with 44Ir. and Mrs, H. Penhale in Stanley and with rela- tives in iGoderieh and in the town- ship. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL Huron County Council adopted the new 8 -mill tax rate recommended by the finance committee Stratford Casino :Modern and Old Tyme Dancing Every Wednesday Night Admission 50c. Students 25c Regular Dancing every Saturday Night e Coming In Person FRIDAY JUNE 23 DON MESSERAND HiS ISLANDERS Canada's Finest Old Tyme Band and Radio Show Admission $1.00. Tickets now on sale at Casino THURSDAY, JUNE ,1950 REG E N THEATRE 21.:1! Y 1 1 K { i L l U � A 1 NOW PLAYIXE "FRANCIS" Tituus. mt.:;.�'I'. with Patricia Medina - Donald O'Connor - Vasil Tilts The last three days of this wire, novel remedy of a talking Army mule. 01{111(4i un With a dumb 2m1 Loole—to lick the Jain, drive t3 Generals nuts' Mon. Tues. Wed. "COMMAND DECISION" with CLARKi GABLE - WALTER PIDGBON A stirring, strongly flavored authoritative tribute to men et war and aerial bom- bardment. This is n man's Picture --'There is not even 0 swish of a WAC's skirt NEXT TIIUBS, s'ae. SAT, "DQ1VN TO THE SEA IN SHIPS" with Richard Widnturk - Donn Stock -worn - Lionel Baveylnme A drama or New Bedford and the Whnlers, A Peer of the Bedford whaling tnastee$. Barrymor'e refuses to retire tit 50, or at least until he can mould his grandson DOMING: "SIA & PA KET'T'LE GOES TO TOWN" FOE ONE W.P'EK • giSalItiet int' 4Saa-'ayyrt>,� t;i,�t tY) YI i�i •s:ar,1: TO EIGHT MILLION Canadian men and women have 8,000,000 deposit accounts in the chartered banks—equal to �i . 11' one account for every adult. Banks value each depositor's business highly ... safeguarding your money, paying interest on your savings, standing ready to repay ... striving to retain your confidence and friendship. Your bank manager appreciates his obligation to you. Ask him what is a banker's first concern, He will answer, "Safeguarding the depositors' funds." For he realizes that depositors are the very foundation of the efficient credit process by which banks mobilize deposits to serve the needs of this working, growing, enterprising Canada. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK When you think about it, everybody hag a stake, one way or another, In the tele- phone business. 28,000 Bell employees and their families ... 62,000 Bell shareholders and their families... Thousands of suppliers of materials for tele- phone elephone construction and expansion... 1,250,000 telephone customers in Ontario and Quebec, in homes, offices, hospitals, shops. Keeping pato with growing needs for more and better telephone service takes lots of work and lots of money. Only a financially) healthy company can carry on this big lob. Telephone users, employees, shareholders, — everyone has a vital interest in a service that moans so much to As welfare of no many people. THE DELI TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Owned and operated by Canadians for Canadians o•••• e• a 0 0 e• e• o e e• o o• 0 0•• e o o 0 0 0 0 0• a Housework is \ IL - • v :• e wi tai ..:. �a�`s, _.• • • • DUU Pump • • to • O • o • o o 8.0 ** • • e • • • • • Convenient fresh running water in your kitchen . . . bathroom and laundry makes to lighten housework. Yours with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. Hun- dreds of satisfied DURO equipped farms are enjoying this modern farm convenience. Running seater at the turn of a tap with a DURO PUMP, de- signed especially to meet every farm requirement. $117.50 F.O.B. Install the BEST ... Install a DIM You can get a shallow or deep well system to meet ALL your farm needs ... house ... barns truck garden and it gives you fire protection as well. Enjoy the comforts of modern living . , protect the health of your family. EMCO Fixtures and Fittings You can easily remodel your kitchen . bathroom and laundry with Emco Fixtures and Fittings economically, SEE US TODAY FOR' COMPLETE INFORMATION FOR SALE BY Geo. A. Sills & Sons EMPIRE BRASS MFG, CO, LIMITED London - Hamilton - Toronto - Sudbury ., Winnipeg : Vancouver and METALS LIMITED Calgary - Edmonton - Vancouver EC -53 • • • • 0 • • • As recommended by the agrlcul- the Goderdeh Public School Board, of tural committee, spraying of private Central school property, Goderteh, property will be discontinued, provided it be used for a museum er Eche council accepted the offer of other county purpose,